438 lines
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438 lines
11 KiB
package plan
import (
uuid "github.com/satori/go.uuid"
// DefaultYieldName is the yield name to use in cases where no explicit yield name was specified.
const DefaultYieldName = "_result"
var (
MinTime = values.ConvertTime(query.MinTime.Absolute)
MaxTime = values.ConvertTime(query.MaxTime.Absolute)
type PlanSpec struct {
// Now represents the relative current time of the plan.
Now time.Time
// Procedures is a set of all operations
Procedures map[ProcedureID]*Procedure
Order []ProcedureID
// Results is a list of datasets that are the result of the plan
Results map[string]YieldSpec
Resources query.ResourceManagement
// YieldSpec defines how data should be yielded.
type YieldSpec struct {
ID ProcedureID
func (p *PlanSpec) Do(f func(pr *Procedure)) {
for _, id := range p.Order {
func (p *PlanSpec) lookup(id ProcedureID) *Procedure {
return p.Procedures[id]
type Planner interface {
// Plan create a plan from the logical plan and available storage.
Plan(p *LogicalPlanSpec, s Storage) (*PlanSpec, error)
type PlanRewriter interface {
IsolatePath(parent, child *Procedure) (*Procedure, error)
RemoveBranch(pr *Procedure) error
AddChild(parent *Procedure, childSpec ProcedureSpec)
type planner struct {
plan *PlanSpec
modified bool
func NewPlanner() Planner {
return new(planner)
func resolveTime(qt query.Time, now time.Time) values.Time {
return values.ConvertTime(qt.Time(now))
func ToBoundsSpec(bounds query.Bounds, now time.Time) (*BoundsSpec, error) {
if bounds.HasZero() {
return nil, errors.New("bounds contain zero time")
return &BoundsSpec{
Start: resolveTime(bounds.Start, now),
Stop: resolveTime(bounds.Stop, now),
}, nil
// TODO: remove branches with empty bounds
func (p *planner) Plan(lp *LogicalPlanSpec, s Storage) (*PlanSpec, error) {
now := lp.Now
p.plan = &PlanSpec{
Now: now,
Procedures: make(map[ProcedureID]*Procedure, len(lp.Procedures)),
Order: make([]ProcedureID, 0, len(lp.Order)),
Resources: lp.Resources,
Results: make(map[string]YieldSpec),
lp.Do(func(pr *Procedure) {
pr.plan = p.plan
p.plan.Procedures[pr.ID] = pr
p.plan.Order = append(p.plan.Order, pr.ID)
// Find Limit+Where+Range+Select to push down time bounds and predicate
var order []ProcedureID
p.modified = true
for p.modified {
p.modified = false
if cap(order) < len(p.plan.Order) {
order = make([]ProcedureID, len(p.plan.Order))
} else {
order = order[:len(p.plan.Order)]
copy(order, p.plan.Order)
for _, id := range order {
pr := p.plan.Procedures[id]
if pr == nil {
// Procedure was removed
if pd, ok := pr.Spec.(PushDownProcedureSpec); ok {
rules := pd.PushDownRules()
for _, rule := range rules {
if remove, err := p.pushDownAndSearch(pr, rule, pd.PushDown); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if remove {
if err := p.removeProcedure(pr); err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to remove procedure")
// Apply all rewrite rules
p.modified = true
for p.modified {
p.modified = false
for _, rule := range rewriteRules {
kind := rule.Root()
p.plan.Do(func(pr *Procedure) {
if pr == nil {
// Procedure was removed
if pr.Spec.Kind() == kind {
rule.Rewrite(pr, p)
// Now that plan is complete find results and time bounds
var leaves []ProcedureID
var yields []*Procedure
for _, id := range p.plan.Order {
pr := p.plan.Procedures[id]
// The bounds of the current procedure are always the union
// of the bounds of any parent procedure
pr.DoParents(func(parent *Procedure) {
if parent.Bounds == nil {
if pr.Bounds != nil {
pr.Bounds = pr.Bounds.Union(parent.Bounds)
} else {
pr.Bounds = parent.Bounds
// If the procedure is bounded and provides its own additional bounds,
// the procedure's new bounds are the intersection of any bounds it inherited
// from its parents, and its own bounds.
if bounded, ok := pr.Spec.(BoundedProcedureSpec); ok {
convertedBounds, err := ToBoundsSpec(bounded.TimeBounds(), pr.plan.Now)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "invalid time bounds from procedure %s", pr.Spec.Kind())
if pr.Bounds != nil {
pr.Bounds = pr.Bounds.Intersect(convertedBounds)
} else {
pr.Bounds = convertedBounds
if yield, ok := pr.Spec.(YieldProcedureSpec); ok {
if len(pr.Parents) != 1 {
return nil, errors.New("yield procedures must have exactly one parent")
parent := pr.Parents[0]
name := yield.YieldName()
_, ok := p.plan.Results[name]
if ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("found duplicate yield name %q", name)
p.plan.Results[name] = YieldSpec{ID: parent}
yields = append(yields, pr)
} else if len(pr.Children) == 0 {
// Capture non yield leaves
leaves = append(leaves, pr.ID)
for _, pr := range yields {
// remove yield procedure
if len(p.plan.Results) == 0 {
if len(leaves) == 1 {
p.plan.Results[DefaultYieldName] = YieldSpec{ID: leaves[0]}
} else {
return nil, errors.New("query must specify explicit yields when there is more than one result.")
// Check to see if any results are unbounded.
// Since bounds are inherited,
// results will be unbounded only if no bounds were provided
// by any parent procedure node.
for name, yield := range p.plan.Results {
if pr, ok := p.plan.Procedures[yield.ID]; ok {
if pr.Bounds == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf(`result '%s' is unbounded. Add a 'range' call to bound the query.`, name)
// Update concurrency quota
if p.plan.Resources.ConcurrencyQuota == 0 {
p.plan.Resources.ConcurrencyQuota = len(p.plan.Procedures)
// Update memory quota
if p.plan.Resources.MemoryBytesQuota == 0 {
p.plan.Resources.MemoryBytesQuota = math.MaxInt64
return p.plan, nil
func hasKind(kind ProcedureKind, kinds []ProcedureKind) bool {
for _, k := range kinds {
if k == kind {
return true
return false
func (p *planner) pushDownAndSearch(pr *Procedure, rule PushDownRule, do func(parent *Procedure, dup func() *Procedure)) (bool, error) {
matched := false
for _, parent := range pr.Parents {
pp := p.plan.Procedures[parent]
pk := pp.Spec.Kind()
if pk == rule.Root {
if rule.Match == nil || rule.Match(pp.Spec) {
isolatedParent, err := p.IsolatePath(pp, pr)
if err != nil {
return false, err
if pp != isolatedParent {
// Wait to call push down function when the duplicate is found
return false, nil
do(pp, func() *Procedure { return p.duplicate(pp, false) })
matched = true
} else if hasKind(pk, rule.Through) {
if _, err := p.pushDownAndSearch(pp, rule, do); err != nil {
return false, err
return matched, nil
// IsolatePath ensures that the child is an only child of the parent.
// The return value is the parent procedure who has an only child.
func (p *planner) IsolatePath(parent, child *Procedure) (*Procedure, error) {
if len(parent.Children) == 1 {
return parent, nil
// Duplicate just this child branch
dup := p.duplicateChildBranch(parent, child.ID)
// Remove this entire branch since it has been duplicated.
if err := p.RemoveBranch(child); err != nil {
return nil, err
return dup, nil
func (p *planner) AddChild(parent *Procedure, childSpec ProcedureSpec) {
child := &Procedure{
plan: p.plan,
ID: ProcedureIDFromParentID(parent.ID),
Spec: childSpec,
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, child.ID)
child.Parents = []ProcedureID{parent.ID}
p.plan.Procedures[child.ID] = child
p.plan.Order = insertAfter(p.plan.Order, parent.ID, child.ID)
func (p *planner) removeProcedure(pr *Procedure) error {
// It only makes sense to remove a procedure that has a single parent.
if len(pr.Parents) > 1 {
return errors.New("cannot remove a procedure that has more than one parent")
p.modified = true
delete(p.plan.Procedures, pr.ID)
p.plan.Order = removeID(p.plan.Order, pr.ID)
for _, id := range pr.Parents {
parent := p.plan.Procedures[id]
parent.Children = removeID(parent.Children, pr.ID)
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, pr.Children...)
for _, id := range pr.Children {
child := p.plan.Procedures[id]
child.Parents = removeID(child.Parents, pr.ID)
child.Parents = append(child.Parents, pr.Parents...)
if len(pr.Parents) == 1 {
if pa, ok := child.Spec.(ParentAwareProcedureSpec); ok {
pa.ParentChanged(pr.ID, pr.Parents[0])
return nil
func (p *planner) RemoveBranch(pr *Procedure) error {
// It only makes sense to remove a procedure that has a single parent.
if len(pr.Parents) > 1 {
return errors.New("cannot remove a branch that has more than one parent")
p.modified = true
delete(p.plan.Procedures, pr.ID)
p.plan.Order = removeID(p.plan.Order, pr.ID)
for _, id := range pr.Parents {
parent := p.plan.Procedures[id]
// Check that parent hasn't already been removed
if parent != nil {
parent.Children = removeID(parent.Children, pr.ID)
for _, id := range pr.Children {
child := p.plan.Procedures[id]
if err := p.RemoveBranch(child); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func ProcedureIDForDuplicate(id ProcedureID) ProcedureID {
return ProcedureID(uuid.NewV5(RootUUID, id.String()))
func (p *planner) duplicateChildBranch(pr *Procedure, child ProcedureID) *Procedure {
return p.duplicate(pr, true, child)
func (p *planner) duplicate(pr *Procedure, skipParents bool, onlyChildren ...ProcedureID) *Procedure {
p.modified = true
np := pr.Copy()
np.ID = ProcedureIDForDuplicate(pr.ID)
p.plan.Procedures[np.ID] = np
p.plan.Order = insertAfter(p.plan.Order, pr.ID, np.ID)
if !skipParents {
for _, id := range np.Parents {
parent := p.plan.Procedures[id]
parent.Children = append(parent.Children, np.ID)
newChildren := make([]ProcedureID, 0, len(np.Children))
for _, id := range np.Children {
if len(onlyChildren) > 0 && !hasID(onlyChildren, id) {
child := p.plan.Procedures[id]
newChild := p.duplicate(child, true)
newChild.Parents = removeID(newChild.Parents, pr.ID)
newChild.Parents = append(newChild.Parents, np.ID)
newChildren = append(newChildren, newChild.ID)
if pa, ok := newChild.Spec.(ParentAwareProcedureSpec); ok {
pa.ParentChanged(pr.ID, np.ID)
np.Children = newChildren
return np
func hasID(ids []ProcedureID, id ProcedureID) bool {
for _, i := range ids {
if i == id {
return true
return false
func removeID(ids []ProcedureID, remove ProcedureID) []ProcedureID {
filtered := ids[0:0]
for i, id := range ids {
if id == remove {
filtered = append(filtered, ids[0:i]...)
filtered = append(filtered, ids[i+1:]...)
return filtered
func insertAfter(ids []ProcedureID, after, new ProcedureID) []ProcedureID {
var newIds []ProcedureID
for i, id := range ids {
if id == after {
newIds = append(newIds, ids[:i+1]...)
newIds = append(newIds, new)
if i+1 < len(ids) {
newIds = append(newIds, ids[i+1:]...)
return newIds