
1368 lines
47 KiB

package integration
import (
influxdb ""
. ""
. ""
type ServerSuite struct {
serverProcesses []*Server
var _ = Suite(&ServerSuite{})
func (self *ServerSuite) SetUpSuite(c *C) {
err := os.RemoveAll("/tmp/influxdb/test")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
self.serverProcesses = []*Server{
NewServer("integration/test_config1.toml", c),
NewServer("integration/test_config2.toml", c),
NewServer("integration/test_config3.toml", c),
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("", c)
dbs := []string{"full_rep", "test_rep", "single_rep", "graphite_db", "udp_db", "test_cq", "test_cq_null", "drop_db"}
for _, db := range dbs {
c.Assert(client.CreateDatabase(db), IsNil)
for _, db := range dbs {
c.Assert(client.CreateDatabaseUser(db, "paul", "pass"), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.AlterDatabasePrivilege(db, "paul", true), IsNil)
c.Assert(client.CreateDatabaseUser(db, "weakpaul", "pass"), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
func (self *ServerSuite) TearDownSuite(c *C) {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
func (self *ServerSuite) TestLargeRequestSize(c *C) {
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("db1", c)
c.Assert(client.CreateDatabase("db1"), IsNil)
numberOfPoints := 2 * 1024 * 1024
data := CreatePoints("test_large_requests", 1, numberOfPoints)
self.serverProcesses[0].WriteData(data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
data = s.RunQueryAsRoot("select count(column0) from test_large_requests", "m", c)
c.Assert(data, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(data[0].Points, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(data[0].Points[0][1], Equals, float64(numberOfPoints))
// issue #820
func (self *ServerSuite) TestRemoteQueryTimeConditions(c *C) {
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("db1", c)
// this might error if we created this db in another test
data := CreatePoints("test_remote_time_range", 1, 1)
self.serverProcesses[0].WriteData(data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
data = s.RunQueryAsRoot("select * from test_remote_time_range where time > now() - 1s", "m", c)
// we shouldn't get any data back, the bug mentioned in issue #820
// will cause the query string to get sent without the time
// conditions, which will select all points and return some data.
c.Assert(data, HasLen, 0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestChangingRootPassword(c *C) {
rootClient := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("", c)
c.Assert(rootClient.CreateClusterAdmin("newroot", "root"), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
client := s.GetClient("", c)
c.Assert(client.AuthenticateClusterAdmin("newroot", "root"), IsNil)
c.Assert(rootClient.ChangeClusterAdminPassword("newroot", "root2"), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
client := s.GetClient("", c)
c.Assert(client.AuthenticateClusterAdmin("newroot", "root2"), IsNil)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestGraphiteInterface(c *C) {
conn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "localhost:60513")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
now := time.Now().UTC().Truncate(time.Minute)
data := fmt.Sprintf("some_metric 100 %d\nsome_metric\t200.5\t%d\n", now.Add(-time.Minute).Unix(), now.Unix())
_, err = conn.Write([]byte(data))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// there's no easy way to check whether the server started
// processing this request, unlike http requests which must return a
// status code
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryWithUsername("graphite_db", "select * from some_metric", false, c, "root", "root")
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series := collection.GetSeries("some_metric", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 2)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "value", c), Equals, 200.5)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "value", c), Equals, 100.0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestGraphiteUdpInterface(c *C) {
conn, err := net.Dial("udp", "localhost:60513")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
now := time.Now().UTC().Truncate(time.Minute)
data := fmt.Sprintf("some_udp_metric 100 %d\nsome_udp_metric\t200.5\t%d\n", now.Add(-time.Minute).Unix(), now.Unix())
_, err = conn.Write([]byte(data))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// there's no easy way to check whether the server started
// processing this request, unlike http requests which must return a
// status code
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryWithUsername("graphite_db", "select * from some_udp_metric", false, c, "root", "root")
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series := collection.GetSeries("some_udp_metric", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 2)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "value", c), Equals, 200.5)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "value", c), Equals, 100.0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestShardExpiration(c *C) {
// makes sure when a shard expires due to retention policy the data
// is deleted as well as the metadata
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("", c)
space := &influxdb.ShardSpace{Name: "short", RetentionPolicy: "5s", Database: "db1", Regex: "/^test_shard_expiration/"}
err := client.CreateShardSpace("db1", space)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
"name": "test_shard_expiration",
"columns": ["time", "val"],
"points":[[1307997668000, 1]]
]`, c)
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
// Make sure the shard is gone
shards, err := client.GetShards()
shardsInSpace := filterShardsInSpace("short", shards.All)
c.Assert(shardsInSpace, HasLen, 0)
func filterShardsInSpace(spaceName string, shards []*influxdb.Shard) (filteredShards []*influxdb.Shard) {
for _, s := range shards {
if s.SpaceName == spaceName {
filteredShards = append(filteredShards, s)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestRestartAfterCompaction(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [[1]],
"name": "test_restart_after_compaction",
"columns": ["val"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select * from test_restart_after_compaction", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_restart_after_compaction", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/raft/force_compaction?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select * from test_restart_after_compaction", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series = collection.GetSeries("test_restart_after_compaction", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestEntireClusterReStartAfterCompaction(c *C) {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
resp := self.serverProcesses[i].Post("/raft/force_compaction?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// For issue #140
func (self *ServerSuite) TestRestartServers(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [[1]],
"name": "test_restart",
"columns": ["val"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select * from test_restart", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_restart", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
c.Assert(s.Start(), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select * from test_restart", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series = collection.GetSeries("test_restart", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestSslSupport(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [
["val1", 2]
"name": "test_sll",
"columns": ["val_1", "val_2"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
encodedQuery := url.QueryEscape("select * from test_sll")
fullUrl := fmt.Sprintf("https://localhost:60503/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass&q=%s", encodedQuery)
transport := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: true},
client := http.Client{
Transport: transport,
resp, err := client.Get(fullUrl)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
defer resp.Body.Close()
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
var js []*common.SerializedSeries
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &js)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
collection := ResultsToSeriesCollection(js)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_sll", c)
c.Assert(len(series.Points) > 0, Equals, true)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestInvalidUserNameAndDbName(c *C) {
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/dummy_db/users?u=root&p=3rrpl4n3!", "{\"name\":\"foo%bar\", \"password\":\"root\"}", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Not(Equals), http.StatusOK)
resp = self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/dummy%db/users?u=root&p=3rrpl4n3!", "{\"name\":\"foobar\", \"password\":\"root\"}", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Not(Equals), http.StatusOK)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestUdpInterface(c *C) {
udp, err := net.Dial("udp", "localhost:60514")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
data := `
"points": [
"name": "test_udp",
"columns": ["value"]
_, err = udp.Write([]byte(data))
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// make sure the udp packet is sent
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("udp_db", c)
s, err := client.Query("select value from test_udp")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(s, HasLen, 1)
maps := ToMap(s[0])
c.Assert(maps, HasLen, 1)
// make sure the continuous query inserted two points
c.Assert(maps[0]["value"], Equals, 1.0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestShouldNotResetRootsPassword(c *C) {
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db?u=root&p=root", "{\"name\":\"dummy_db\"}", c)
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/dummy_db/users?u=root&p=root", "{\"name\":\"root\", \"password\":\"pass\"}", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
resp = self.serverProcesses[0].Request("GET", "/db/dummy_db/authenticate?u=root&p=pass", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
resp = self.serverProcesses[0].Request("GET", "/cluster_admins/authenticate?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestDeleteFullReplication(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [
["val1", 2]
"name": "test_delete_full_replication",
"columns": ["val_1", "val_2"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/full_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].Query("full_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_full_replication", true, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_delete_full_replication", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "count", c), Equals, 1.0)
self.serverProcesses[0].Query("full_rep", "delete from test_delete_full_replication", false, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection = s.Query("full_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_full_replication", true, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestDeleteReplication(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [
["val1", 2]
"name": "test_delete_replication",
"columns": ["val_1", "val_2"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_replication", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_delete_replication", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "count", c), Equals, 1.0)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
s.Query("test_rep", "delete from test_delete_replication", false, c)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_replication", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 0)
// Reported by Alex in the following thread
func (self *ServerSuite) TestDbAdminPermissionToDeleteData(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [
["val1", 2]
"name": "test_delete_admin_permission",
"columns": ["val_1", "val_2"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_admin_permission", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_delete_admin_permission", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "count", c), Equals, 1.0)
self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "delete from test_delete_admin_permission", false, c)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_admin_permission", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestClusterAdminPermissionToDeleteData(c *C) {
data := `
"points": [
["val1", 2]
"name": "test_delete_admin_permission",
"columns": ["val_1", "val_2"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_admin_permission", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_delete_admin_permission", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "count", c), Equals, 1.0)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_rep", "delete from test_delete_admin_permission", false, c)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_rep", "select count(val_1) from test_delete_admin_permission", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestDropDatabase(c *C) {
data := `[{
"name": "cluster_query",
"columns": ["val1"],
"points": [[1]]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/drop_db/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Delete("/db/drop_db?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db?u=root&p=root", `{"name": "drop_db", "replicationFactor": 3}`, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/drop_db/users?u=root&p=root", `{"name": "paul", "password": "pass"}`, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
fmt.Printf("Running query against: %d\n", s.ApiPort())
error, _ := s.GetErrorBody("drop_db", "select * from cluster_query", "paul", "pass", true, c)
c.Assert(error, Matches, ".*Couldn't look up.*")
func (self *ServerSuite) TestDropSeries(c *C) {
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db?u=root&p=root", `{"name": "drop_series", "replicationFactor": 3}`, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/drop_series/users?u=root&p=root", `{"name": "paul", "password": "pass"}`, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
data := `[{
"name": "cluster_query.1",
"columns": ["val1"],
"points": [[1]]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/drop_series/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
fmt.Printf("Running query against: %d\n", s.ApiPort())
collection := s.Query("drop_series", "select * from cluster_query.1", true, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
series := collection.GetSeries("cluster_query.1", c)
c.Assert(series.SerializedSeries.Points, HasLen, 1)
switch i {
case 0:
fmt.Printf("Using the http api\n")
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Delete("/db/drop_series/series/cluster_query.1?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
case 1:
fmt.Printf("Using the drop series\n")
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("drop_series", "drop series cluster_query.1", false, c)
case 2:
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Delete("/db/drop_series?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusNoContent)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db?u=root&p=root", `{"name": "drop_series"}`, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/drop_series/users?u=root&p=root", `{"name": "paul", "password": "pass"}`, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
fmt.Printf("Running query against: %d\n", s.ApiPort())
error, _ := s.GetErrorBody("drop_series", "select * from cluster_query.1", "paul", "pass", true, c)
c.Assert(error, Matches, ".*Couldn't look up.*")
func (self *ServerSuite) TestRelogging(c *C) {
// write data and confirm that it went to all three servers
data := `
"points": [
"name": "test_relogging",
"columns": ["val"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/full_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].Query("full_rep", "delete from test_relogging", false, c)
for _, server := range self.serverProcesses[1:] {
err := server.DoesWalExist()
c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), Equals, true)
for _, server := range self.serverProcesses[1:] {
err := server.DoesWalExist()
c.Assert(os.IsNotExist(err), Equals, true)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestFailureAndReplicationReplays(c *C) {
// write data and confirm that it went to all three servers
data := `
"points": [
"name": "test_failure_replays",
"columns": ["val"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/full_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection := s.Query("full_rep", "select sum(val) from test_failure_replays;", true, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_failure_replays", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
// wait for the server to be marked down
data = `
"points": [[2]],
"name": "test_failure_replays",
"columns": ["val"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/full_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
// wait for the server to Startup and the WAL to be synced
collection := self.serverProcesses[1].Query("full_rep", "select sum(val) from test_failure_replays;", true, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("test_failure_replays", c)
if series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "sum", c).(float64) == 3 {
c.Error("write didn't replay properly")
func generateHttpApiSeries(name string, n int) *common.SerializedSeries {
points := [][]interface{}{}
for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
points = append(points, []interface{}{i})
return &common.SerializedSeries{
Name: name,
Columns: []string{"value"},
Points: points,
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryManagement(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 0)
response := self.serverProcesses[0].VerifyForbiddenQuery("test_cq", "select * from foo into bar", false, c, "weakpaul", "pass")
c.Assert(response, Equals, "Insufficient permissions to create continuous query")
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from foo into bar", false, c)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "id", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "query", c), Equals, `select * from "foo" into bar`)
// wait for the continuous query to run
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from quu into qux", false, c)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 2)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "id", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "query", c), Equals, `select * from "foo" into bar`)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "id", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "query", c), Equals, `select * from "quu" into qux`)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 1;", false, c)
// wait for the continuous query to be dropped
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "id", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "query", c), Equals, `select * from "quu" into qux`)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 2;", false, c)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryFanoutOperations(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from s1 into d1;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from s2 into d2;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from s1 into d3.[c1];", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from /s\\d/ into d3;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from silly_name into;", false, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 5)
data := `[
{"name": "s1", "columns": ["c1", "c2"], "points": [[1, "a"], [2, "b"]]},
{"name": "s2", "columns": ["c3"], "points": [[3]]},
{"name": "silly_name", "columns": ["c4", "c5"], "points": [[4,5]]}
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
// for the continuous queries to run
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from s1;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("s1", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c1", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c2", c), Equals, "b")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c1", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c2", c), Equals, "a")
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from s2;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("s2", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c3", c), Equals, 3.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from d1;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("d1", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c1", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c2", c), Equals, "b")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c1", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c2", c), Equals, "a")
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from d2;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("d2", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c3", c), Equals, 3.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from d3;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("d3", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c3", c), Equals, 3.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c1", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c2", c), Equals, "b")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(2, "c1", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(2, "c2", c), Equals, "a")
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c4", c), Equals, 4.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c5", c), Equals, 5.0)
for i, v := range map[int]string{1: "a", 2: "b"} {
query := fmt.Sprintf("select * from d3.%d", i)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", query, false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries(fmt.Sprintf("d3.%d", i), c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
// time, sequence number and c2
c.Assert(collection.Members[0].Columns, HasLen, 3)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c2", c), Equals, v)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryGroupByOperations(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
currentTime := time.Now()
previousTime := currentTime.Truncate(10 * time.Second)
oldTime := time.Unix(previousTime.Unix()-5, 0).Unix()
oldOldTime := time.Unix(previousTime.Unix()-10, 0).Unix()
data := fmt.Sprintf(`[
{"name": "s3", "columns": ["c1", "c2", "time"], "points": [
[1, "a", %d],
[2, "b", %d],
[3, "c", %d],
[7, "x", %d],
[8, "y", %d],
[9, "z", %d]
]`, oldTime, oldTime, oldTime, oldOldTime, oldOldTime, oldOldTime)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass&time_precision=s", data, c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select mean(c1) from s3 group by time(5s) into d3.mean;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select count(c2) from s3 group by time(5s) into d3.count;", false, c)
// wait for replication
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
// wait for the query to run
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 2)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from s3;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("s3", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 6)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from d3.mean;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("d3.mean", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "mean", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "mean", c), Equals, 8.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from d3.count;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("d3.count", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "count", c), Equals, 3.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "count", c), Equals, 3.0)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 1;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 2;", false, c)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryGroupByOperationsWithNullColumns(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq_null", c)
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("test_cq_null", c)
for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
columns := []string{"a"}
values := []interface{}{1}
if i == 1 {
columns = append(columns, "b")
values = append(values, 2)
series := []*influxdb.Series{
Name: "test_null_columns",
Columns: columns,
Points: [][]interface{}{
c.Assert(client.WriteSeries(series), IsNil)
_, err := client.Query("select count(a), b from test_null_columns group by time(1s), b into test_null_columns.1s")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
// wait for the query to run
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
s, err := client.Query("select count(count) from test_null_columns.1s")
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
c.Assert(s, HasLen, 1)
maps := ToMap(s[0])
c.Assert(maps, HasLen, 1)
// make sure the continuous query inserted two points
c.Assert(maps[0]["count"], Equals, 2.0)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryInterpolation(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from s1 into;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from s2 into[c3];", false, c)
/* self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select average(c4), count(c5) from s3 group by time(1h) into [average].[count];", false, c) */
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from s4 into[c6].[c7];", false, c)
data := `[
{"name": "s1", "columns": ["c1", "c2"], "points": [[1, "a"], [2, "b"]]},
{"name": "s2", "columns": ["c3", "c4"], "points": [[3, 4]]},
{"name": "s3", "columns": ["c4", "c5"], "points": [[4,5], [5,6], [6,7]]},
{"name": "s4", "columns": ["c6", "c7", "c8"], "points": [[1, "a", 10], [2, "b", 11]]}
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
// wait for replication
// wait for the query to run
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 3)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from s1;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("s1", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c1", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c2", c), Equals, "b")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c1", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c2", c), Equals, "a")
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from s2;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("s2", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c3", c), Equals, 3.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c1", c), Equals, 2.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c2", c), Equals, "b")
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c1", c), Equals, 1.0)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(1, "c2", c), Equals, "a")
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c4", c), Equals, 4.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c8", c), Equals, 10.0)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from;", false, c)
series = collection.GetSeries("", c)
c.Assert(series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "c8", c), Equals, 11.0)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 1;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 2;", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 3;", false, c)
/* self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 4;", false, c) */
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQuerySequenceNumberAssignmentWithInterpolation(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
currentTime := time.Now()
t0 := currentTime.Truncate(10 * time.Second)
t1 := time.Unix(t0.Unix()-5, 0).Unix()
t2 := time.Unix(t0.Unix()-10, 0).Unix()
data := fmt.Sprintf(`[
{ "name": "points",
"columns": ["c1", "c2", "time"],
"points": [
[1, "a", %d],
[2, "a", %d],
[3, "a", %d],
[7, "b", %d],
[8, "b", %d],
[9, "b", %d]
]`, t1, t1, t1, t2, t2, t2)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select count(c1) from points group by time(5s), c2 into :series_name.count.[c2];", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].AssertContinuousQueryCount("test_cq", 1, c)
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 1;", false, c)
data = fmt.Sprintf(`[
{ "name": "points",
"columns": ["c1", "c2", "time"],
"points": [
[1, "aa", %d],
[2, "aa", %d],
[3, "aa", %d],
[7, "bb", %d],
[8, "bb", %d],
[9, "bb", %d]
]`, t1, t1, t1, t2, t2, t2)
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select count(c1) from points group by time(5s), c2 into :series_name.count.[c2];", false, c)
self.serverProcesses[0].AssertContinuousQueryCount("test_cq", 1, c)
time.Sleep(6 * time.Second)
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from points;", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("points", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 12)
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].Query("test_cq", "select * from /points.count.*/;", false, c)
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 4)
subseries := []string{"a", "aa", "b", "bb"}
for i := range subseries {
series = collection.GetSeries("points.count."+subseries[i], c)
maps := ToMap(series)
c.Assert(maps, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(maps[0]["sequence_number"], Equals, 1.0)
// c2 shouldn't be included as a column
c.Assert(maps[0]["c2"], IsNil)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestGetServers(c *C) {
body := self.serverProcesses[0].Get("/cluster/servers?u=root&p=root", c)
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
for _, js := range res {
server := js.(map[string]interface{})
c.Assert(server["id"], NotNil)
c.Assert(server["protobufConnectString"], NotNil)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestDropShard(c *C) {
// put this far in the future so it doesn't mess up the other tests
secondsOffset := int64(86400 * 720)
startSeconds := time.Now().Unix() + secondsOffset
endSeconds := startSeconds + 3600
client := self.serverProcesses[0].GetClient("", c)
c.Assert(client.CreateDatabase("test_drop_shard"), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
space := &influxdb.ShardSpace{Name: "test_drop", RetentionPolicy: "30d", Database: "test_drop_shard", Regex: "/^dont_drop_me_bro/"}
c.Assert(client.CreateShardSpace("test_drop_shard", space), IsNil)
data := fmt.Sprintf(`{
"database": "test_drop_shard",
"spaceName": "test_drop",
"shards": [{
"serverIds": [%d, %d]
}`, startSeconds, endSeconds, 1, 2)
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/cluster/shards?u=root&p=root", data, c)
defer resp.Body.Close()
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusAccepted)
// now write some data to ensure that the local files get created
t := (time.Now().Unix() + secondsOffset) * 1000
data = fmt.Sprintf(`[{"points": [[2, %d]], "name": "test_drop_shard", "columns": ["value", "time"]}]`, t)
resp = self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_drop_shard/series?u=root&p=root", data, c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
// and find the shard id
body := self.serverProcesses[0].Get("/cluster/shards?u=root&p=root", c)
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
var shardId int
for _, s := range res {
sh := s.(map[string]interface{})
if sh["startTime"].(float64) == float64(startSeconds) && sh["endTime"].(float64) == float64(endSeconds) {
shardId = int(sh["id"].(float64))
// confirm the shard files are there
shardDirServer1 := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/influxdb/test/1/db/shard_db_v2/%.5d", shardId)
shardDirServer2 := fmt.Sprintf("/tmp/influxdb/test/2/db/shard_db_v2/%.5d", shardId)
exists, _ := dirExists(shardDirServer1)
c.Assert(exists, Equals, true)
exists, _ = dirExists(shardDirServer2)
c.Assert(exists, Equals, true)
// now drop and confirm they're gone
data = fmt.Sprintf(`{"serverIds": [%d]}`, 1)
resp = self.serverProcesses[0].Delete(fmt.Sprintf("/cluster/shards/%d?u=root&p=root", shardId), data, c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusAccepted)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
body := s.Get("/cluster/shards?u=root&p=root", c)
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hasShard := false
for _, s := range res {
sh := s.(map[string]interface{})
if int(sh["id"].(float64)) == shardId {
hasShard = true
hasServer := false
for _, serverId := range sh["serverIds"].([]interface{}) {
if serverId.(float64) == 1.0 {
hasServer = true
c.Assert(hasServer, Equals, false)
c.Assert(hasShard, Equals, true)
exists, _ = dirExists(shardDirServer1)
c.Assert(exists, Equals, false)
exists, _ = dirExists(shardDirServer2)
c.Assert(exists, Equals, true)
// now drop the shard from the last server and confirm it's gone
data = fmt.Sprintf(`{"serverIds": [%d]}`, 2)
resp = self.serverProcesses[0].Delete(fmt.Sprintf("/cluster/shards/%d?u=root&p=root", shardId), data, c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusAccepted)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
body := s.Get("/cluster/shards?u=root&p=root", c)
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
hasShard := false
for _, s := range res {
sh := s.(map[string]interface{})
if int(sh["id"].(float64)) == shardId {
hasShard = true
c.Assert(hasShard, Equals, false)
exists, _ = dirExists(shardDirServer1)
c.Assert(exists, Equals, false)
exists, _ = dirExists(shardDirServer2)
c.Assert(exists, Equals, false)
func dirExists(path string) (bool, error) {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
if err == nil {
return true, nil
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return false, nil
return false, err
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryWithMixedGroupByOperations(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
data := fmt.Sprintf(`[
"name": "cqtest",
"columns": ["time", "reqtime", "url"],
"points": [
[0, 8.0, "/login"],
[0, 3.0, "/list"],
[0, 4.0, "/register"],
[5, 9.0, "/login"],
[5, 4.0, "/list"],
[5, 5.0, "/register"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass&time_precision=s", data, c)
// wait for the data to get written
// wait for the query to run
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select mean(reqtime), url from cqtest group by time(10s), url into cqtest.10s", false, c)
defer self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "drop continuous query 1;", false, c)
// wait for the continuous query to run
// wait for the continuous queries to propagate
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from cqtest.10s", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("cqtest.10s", c)
means := map[string]float64{}
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
mean := series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(i, "mean", c)
url := series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(i, "url", c)
means[url.(string)] = mean.(float64)
c.Assert(means["/login"], Equals, 8.5)
c.Assert(means["/list"], Equals, 3.5)
c.Assert(means["/register"], Equals, 4.5)
func (self *ServerSuite) TestContinuousQueryBackfillOperations(c *C) {
defer self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
data := fmt.Sprintf(`[
"name": "cqbackfilltest",
"columns": ["time", "reqtime", "url"],
"points": [
[0, 8.0, "/login"],
[0, 3.0, "/list"],
[0, 4.0, "/register"],
[5, 9.0, "/login"],
[5, 4.0, "/list"],
[5, 5.0, "/register"]
self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/db/test_cq/series?u=paul&p=pass&time_precision=s", data, c)
// wait for the data to get written
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
cqs := []string{
"select count(reqtime), url from cqbackfilltest group by time(10s), url into cqbackfill_on.10s backfill(true)",
"select count(reqtime), url from cqbackfilltest group by time(10s), url into cqbackfill_off.10s backfill(false)",
"select count(reqtime), url from cqbackfilltest group by time(1s), url into cqbackfill.1s",
for _, cq := range cqs {
self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", cq, false, c)
// wait for the continuous query to run
self.serverProcesses[0].RemoveAllContinuousQueries("test_cq", c)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
// check continuous queries
collection := self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "list continuous queries;", false, c)
series := collection.GetSeries("continuous queries", c)
c.Assert(series.Points, HasLen, 0)
// check backfill_on query results
collection = self.serverProcesses[0].QueryAsRoot("test_cq", "select * from cqbackfill_on.10s", false, c)
c.Assert(len(collection.Members), Equals, 1)
series = collection.GetSeries("cqbackfill_on.10s", c)
counts := map[string]float64{}
for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
count := series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(i, "count", c)
url := series.GetValueForPointAndColumn(i, "url", c)
counts[url.(string)] = count.(float64)
c.Assert(counts["/login"], Equals, float64(2))
c.Assert(counts["/list"], Equals, float64(2))
c.Assert(counts["/register"], Equals, float64(2))
// check backfill_off query results
body, _ := self.serverProcesses[0].GetErrorBody("test_cq", "select * from cqbackfill_off.10s", "root", "root", false, c)
c.Assert(body, Matches, "Couldn't look up columns for series: cqbackfill_off.10s")
func (self *ServerSuite) TestChangingRaftPort(c *C) {
for _, server := range self.serverProcesses {
time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
server1 := NewServer("integration/test_config1.toml", c)
server2 := NewServer("integration/test_config2.toml", c)
defer func() {
server2 = NewServerWithArgs("integration/test_config2.toml", c, "-raft-port", "60509", "-protobuf-port", "60510")
client := server1.GetClient("", c)
// make sure raft works
c.Assert(client.CreateDatabase("change_raft_port"), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses[:2] {
// make sure protobuf works
series := &influxdb.Series{
Name: "test",
Columns: []string{"value"},
Points: [][]interface{}{
client = server1.GetClient("change_raft_port", c)
c.Assert(client.WriteSeries([]*influxdb.Series{series}), IsNil)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses[:2] {
collection := server2.QueryWithUsername("change_raft_port", "select * from test", false, c, "root", "root")
c.Assert(collection.Members, HasLen, 1)
s := collection.GetSeries("test", c)
c.Assert(s.Points, HasLen, 1)
c.Assert(s.GetValueForPointAndColumn(0, "value", c), Equals, 1.0)
// fix for #305:
func (self *ServerSuite) TestShardIdUniquenessAfterReStart(c *C) {
server := self.serverProcesses[0]
t := (time.Now().Unix() + 86400*720) * 1000
data := fmt.Sprintf(`[{"points": [[2, %d]], "name": "test_shard_id_uniqueness", "columns": ["value", "time"]}]`, t)
server.Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
body := server.Get("/cluster/shards?u=root&p=root", c)
res := make([]interface{}, 0)
err := json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
shardIds := make(map[float64]bool)
for _, s := range res {
sh := s.(map[string]interface{})
shardId := sh["id"].(float64)
hasId := shardIds[shardId]
c.Assert(hasId, Equals, false)
shardIds[shardId] = true
c.Assert(len(shardIds) > 0, Equals, true)
resp := self.serverProcesses[0].Post("/raft/force_compaction?u=root&p=root", "", c)
c.Assert(resp.StatusCode, Equals, http.StatusOK)
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
for _, s := range self.serverProcesses {
server = self.serverProcesses[0]
t = (time.Now().Unix() + 86400*720*2) * 1000
data = fmt.Sprintf(`[{"points": [[2, %d]], "name": "test_shard_id_uniqueness", "columns": ["value", "time"]}]`, t)
server.Post("/db/test_rep/series?u=paul&p=pass", data, c)
body = server.Get("/cluster/shards?u=root&p=root", c)
res = make([]interface{}, 0)
err = json.Unmarshal(body, &res)
c.Assert(err, IsNil)
shardIds = make(map[float64]bool)
for _, s := range res {
sh := s.(map[string]interface{})
shardId := sh["id"].(float64)
hasId := shardIds[shardId]
c.Assert(hasId, Equals, false)
shardIds[shardId] = true
c.Assert(len(shardIds) > 0, Equals, true)