474 lines
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474 lines
11 KiB
package tsm1
import (
// FloatArrayEncodeAll encodes src into b, returning b and any error encountered.
// The returned slice may be of a different length and capactity to b.
// Currently only the float compression scheme used in Facebook's Gorilla is
// supported, so this method implements a batch oriented version of that.
func FloatArrayEncodeAll(src []float64, b []byte) ([]byte, error) {
if cap(b) < 9 {
b = make([]byte, 0, 9) // Enough room for the header and one value.
b = b[:1]
b[0] = floatCompressedGorilla << 4
var first float64
var finished bool
if len(src) > 0 && math.IsNaN(src[0]) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: NaN")
} else if len(src) == 0 {
first = math.NaN() // Write sentinal value to terminate batch.
finished = true
} else {
first = src[0]
src = src[1:]
b = b[:9]
n := uint64(8 + 64) // Number of bits written.
prev := math.Float64bits(first)
// Write first value.
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b[1:], prev)
prevLeading, prevTrailing := ^uint64(0), uint64(0)
var leading, trailing uint64
var mask uint64
var sum float64
// Encode remaining values.
for i := 0; !finished; i++ {
var x float64
if i < len(src) {
x = src[i]
sum += x
} else {
// Encode sentinal value to terminate batch
x = math.NaN()
finished = true
cur := math.Float64bits(x)
vDelta := cur ^ prev
if vDelta == 0 {
n++ // Write a zero bit. Nothing else to do.
prev = cur
// First the current bit of the current byte is set to indicate we're
// writing a delta value to the stream.
for n>>3 >= uint64(len(b)) { // Keep growing b until we can fit all bits in.
b = append(b, byte(0))
// n&7 - current bit in current byte.
// n>>3 - the current byte.
b[n>>3] |= 128 >> (n & 7) // Sets the current bit of the current byte.
// Write the delta to b.
// Determine the leading and trailing zeros.
leading = uint64(bits.LeadingZeros64(vDelta))
trailing = uint64(bits.TrailingZeros64(vDelta))
// Clamp number of leading zeros to avoid overflow when encoding
leading &= 0x1F
if leading >= 32 {
leading = 31
// At least 2 further bits will be required.
if (n+2)>>3 >= uint64(len(b)) {
b = append(b, byte(0))
if prevLeading != ^uint64(0) && leading >= prevLeading && trailing >= prevTrailing {
n++ // Write a zero bit.
// Write the l least significant bits of vDelta to b, most significant
// bit first.
l := uint64(64 - prevLeading - prevTrailing)
for (n+l)>>3 >= uint64(len(b)) { // Keep growing b until we can fit all bits in.
b = append(b, byte(0))
// Full value to write.
v := (vDelta >> prevTrailing) << (64 - l) // l least signifciant bits of v.
var m = n & 7 // Current bit in current byte.
var written uint64
if m > 0 { // In this case the current byte is not full.
written = 8 - m
if l < written {
written = l
mask = v >> 56 // Move 8 MSB to 8 LSB
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m)
n += written
if l-written == 0 {
prev = cur
vv := v << written // Move written bits out of the way.
// TODO(edd): Optimise this. It's unlikely we actually have 8 bytes to write.
if (n>>3)+8 >= uint64(len(b)) {
b = append(b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b[n>>3:], vv)
n += (l - written)
} else {
prevLeading, prevTrailing = leading, trailing
// Set a single bit to indicate a value will follow.
b[n>>3] |= 128 >> (n & 7) // Set current bit on current byte
// Write 5 bits of leading.
if (n+5)>>3 >= uint64(len(b)) {
b = append(b, byte(0))
// Enough room to write the 5 bits in the current byte?
var m = n & 7
l := uint64(5)
v := leading << 59 // 5 LSB of leading.
mask = v >> 56 // Move 5 MSB to 8 LSB
if m <= 3 { // 5 bits fit into current byte.
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m)
n += l
} else { // In this case there are fewer than 5 bits available in current byte.
// First step is to fill current byte
written := 8 - m
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m) // Some of mask will get lost.
n += written
// Second step is to write the lost part of mask into the next byte.
mask = v << written // Move written bits in previous byte out of way.
mask >>= 56
m = n & 7 // Recompute current bit.
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m)
n += (l - written)
// Note that if leading == trailing == 0, then sigbits == 64. But that
// value doesn't actually fit into the 6 bits we have.
// Luckily, we never need to encode 0 significant bits, since that would
// put us in the other case (vdelta == 0). So instead we write out a 0 and
// adjust it back to 64 on unpacking.
sigbits := 64 - leading - trailing
if (n+6)>>3 >= uint64(len(b)) {
b = append(b, byte(0))
m = n & 7
l = uint64(6)
v = sigbits << 58 // Move 6 LSB of sigbits to MSB
mask = v >> 56 // Move 6 MSB to 8 LSB
if m <= 2 {
// The 6 bits fit into the current byte.
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m)
n += l
} else { // In this case there are fewer than 6 bits available in current byte.
// First step is to fill the current byte.
written := 8 - m
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m) // Write to the current bit.
n += written
// Second step is to write the lost part of mask into the next byte.
// Write l remaining bits into current byte.
mask = v << written // Remove bits written in previous byte out of way.
mask >>= 56
m = n & 7 // Recompute current bit.
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m)
n += l - written
// Write final value.
m = n & 7
l = sigbits
v = (vDelta >> trailing) << (64 - l) // Move l LSB into MSB
for (n+l)>>3 >= uint64(len(b)) { // Keep growing b until we can fit all bits in.
b = append(b, byte(0))
var written uint64
if m > 0 { // In this case the current byte is not full.
written = 8 - m
if l < written {
written = l
mask = v >> 56 // Move 8 MSB to 8 LSB
b[n>>3] |= byte(mask >> m)
n += written
if l-written == 0 {
prev = cur
// Shift remaining bits and write out in one go.
vv := v << written // Remove bits written in previous byte.
// TODO(edd): Optimise this.
if (n>>3)+8 >= uint64(len(b)) {
b = append(b, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b[n>>3:], vv)
n += (l - written)
prev = cur
if math.IsNaN(sum) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported value: NaN")
length := n >> 3
if n&7 > 0 {
length++ // Add an extra byte to capture overflowing bits.
return b[:length], nil
func FloatArrayDecodeAll(b []byte, dst []float64) ([]float64, error) {
if len(b) == 0 {
return []float64{}, nil
sz := cap(dst)
if sz == 0 {
sz = 64
dst = make([]float64, sz)
} else {
dst = dst[:sz]
var (
val uint64 // current value
leading uint64
trailing uint64
bit bool
br BatchBitReader
j := 0
// first byte is the compression type.
// we currently just have gorilla compression.
val = br.ReadBits(64)
if val == uvnan {
// special case: there were no values to decode
return dst[:0], nil
dst[j] = math.Float64frombits(val)
// The expected exit condition is for `uvnan` to be decoded.
// Any other error (EOF) indicates a truncated stream.
for br.Err() == nil {
// read compressed value
if br.CanReadBitFast() {
bit = br.ReadBitFast()
} else {
bit = br.ReadBit()
if bit {
if br.CanReadBitFast() {
bit = br.ReadBitFast()
} else {
bit = br.ReadBit()
if bit {
leading = br.ReadBits(5)
mbits := br.ReadBits(6)
if mbits == 0 {
mbits = 64
trailing = 64 - leading - mbits
mbits := uint(64 - leading - trailing)
bits := br.ReadBits(mbits)
val ^= bits << trailing
if val == uvnan { // IsNaN, eof
f := math.Float64frombits(val)
if j < len(dst) {
dst[j] = f
} else {
dst = append(dst, f) // force a resize
dst = dst[:cap(dst)]
return dst[:j], br.Err()
// BatchBitReader reads bits from an io.Reader.
type BatchBitReader struct {
data []byte
buf struct {
v uint64 // bit buffer
n uint // available bits
err error
// NewBatchBitReader returns a new instance of BatchBitReader that reads from data.
func NewBatchBitReader(data []byte) *BatchBitReader {
b := new(BatchBitReader)
return b
// Reset sets the underlying reader on b and reinitializes.
func (r *BatchBitReader) Reset(data []byte) {
r.data = data
r.buf.v, r.buf.n, r.err = 0, 0, nil
func (r *BatchBitReader) Err() error { return r.err }
// CanReadBitFast returns true if calling ReadBitFast() is allowed.
// Fast bit reads are allowed when at least 2 values are in the buffer.
// This is because it is not required to refilled the buffer and the caller
// can inline the calls.
func (r *BatchBitReader) CanReadBitFast() bool { return r.buf.n > 1 }
// ReadBitFast is an optimized bit read.
// IMPORTANT: Only allowed if CanReadFastBit() is true!
func (r *BatchBitReader) ReadBitFast() bool {
v := r.buf.v&(1<<63) != 0
r.buf.v <<= 1
r.buf.n -= 1
return v
// ReadBit returns the next bit from the underlying data.
func (r *BatchBitReader) ReadBit() bool {
return r.ReadBits(1) != 0
// ReadBits reads nbits from the underlying data into a uint64.
// nbits must be from 1 to 64, inclusive.
func (r *BatchBitReader) ReadBits(nbits uint) uint64 {
// Return EOF if there is no more data.
if r.buf.n == 0 {
r.err = io.EOF
return 0
// Return bits from buffer if less than available bits.
if nbits <= r.buf.n {
// Return all bits, if requested.
if nbits == 64 {
v := r.buf.v
r.buf.v, r.buf.n = 0, 0
return v
// Otherwise mask returned bits.
v := r.buf.v >> (64 - nbits)
r.buf.v <<= nbits
r.buf.n -= nbits
if r.buf.n == 0 {
return v
// Otherwise read all available bits in current buffer.
v, n := r.buf.v, r.buf.n
// Read new buffer.
r.buf.v, r.buf.n = 0, 0
// Append new buffer to previous buffer and shift to remove unnecessary bits.
v |= r.buf.v >> n
v >>= 64 - nbits
// Remove used bits from new buffer.
bufN := nbits - n
if bufN > r.buf.n {
bufN = r.buf.n
r.buf.v <<= bufN
r.buf.n -= bufN
if r.buf.n == 0 {
return v
func (r *BatchBitReader) readBuf() {
// Determine number of bytes to read to fill buffer.
byteN := 8 - (r.buf.n / 8)
// Limit to the length of our data.
if n := uint(len(r.data)); byteN > n {
byteN = n
// Optimized 8-byte read.
if byteN == 8 {
r.buf.v = binary.BigEndian.Uint64(r.data)
r.buf.n = 64
r.data = r.data[8:]
i := uint(0)
if byteN > 3 {
r.buf.n += 32
r.buf.v |= uint64(binary.BigEndian.Uint32(r.data)) << (64 - r.buf.n)
i += 4
// Otherwise append bytes to buffer.
for ; i < byteN; i++ {
r.buf.n += 8
r.buf.v |= uint64(r.data[i]) << (64 - r.buf.n)
// Move data forward.
r.data = r.data[byteN:]