
812 lines
22 KiB

package backend
import (
platform ""
var (
// ErrRunCanceled is returned from the RunResult when a Run is Canceled. It is used mostly internally.
ErrRunCanceled = errors.New("run canceled")
// ErrTaskNotClaimed is returned when attempting to operate against a task that must be claimed but is not.
ErrTaskNotClaimed = errors.New("task not claimed")
// ErrTaskAlreadyClaimed is returned when attempting to operate against a task that must not be claimed but is.
ErrTaskAlreadyClaimed = errors.New("task already claimed")
// Executor handles execution of a run.
type Executor interface {
// Execute attempts to begin execution of a run.
// If there is an error invoking execution, that error is returned and RunPromise is nil.
// TODO(mr): this assumes you can execute a run just from a taskID and a now time.
// We may need to include the script content in this method signature.
Execute(ctx context.Context, run QueuedRun) (RunPromise, error)
// Wait blocks until all RunPromises created through Execute have finished.
// Once Wait has been called, it is an error to call Execute before Wait has returned.
// After Wait returns, it is safe to call Execute again.
// QueuedRun is a task run that has been assigned an ID,
// but whose execution has not necessarily started.
type QueuedRun struct {
TaskID, RunID platform.ID
// The Unix timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC) that will be set when a run a manually requested
RequestedAt int64
// The Unix timestamp representing when this run was due to run.
DueAt int64
// The Unix timestamp (seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC) that will be set
// as the "now" option when executing the task.
Now int64
// RunPromise represents an in-progress run whose result is not yet known.
type RunPromise interface {
// Run returns the details about the queued run.
Run() QueuedRun
// Wait blocks until the run completes.
// Wait may be called concurrently.
// Subsequent calls to Wait will return identical values.
Wait() (RunResult, error)
// Cancel interrupts the RunFuture.
// Calls to Wait() will immediately unblock and return nil, ErrRunCanceled.
// Cancel is safe to call concurrently.
// If Wait() has already returned, Cancel is a no-op.
type RunResult interface {
// If the run did not succeed, Err returns the error associated with the run.
Err() error
// IsRetryable returns true if the error was non-terminal and the run is eligible for retry.
IsRetryable() bool
// TODO(mr): add more detail here like number of points written, execution time, etc.
Statistics() flux.Statistics
// Scheduler accepts tasks and handles their scheduling.
// TODO(mr): right now the methods on Scheduler are synchronous.
// We'll probably want to make them asynchronous in the near future,
// which likely means we will change the method signatures to something where
// we can wait for the result to complete and possibly inspect any relevant output.
type Scheduler interface {
// Start allows the scheduler to Tick. A scheduler without start will do nothing
Start(ctx context.Context)
// Stop a scheduler from ticking.
Now() time.Time
// ClaimTask begins control of task execution in this scheduler.
ClaimTask(authCtx context.Context, task *platform.Task) error
// UpdateTask will update the concurrency and the runners for a task
UpdateTask(authCtx context.Context, task *platform.Task) error
// ReleaseTask immediately cancels any in-progress runs for the given task ID,
// and releases any resources related to management of that task.
ReleaseTask(taskID platform.ID) error
// Cancel stops an executing run.
CancelRun(ctx context.Context, taskID, runID platform.ID) error
// TickSchedulerOption is a option you can use to modify the schedulers behavior.
type TickSchedulerOption func(*TickScheduler)
// WithTicker sets a time.Ticker with period d,
// and calls TickScheduler.Tick when the ticker rolls over to a new second.
// With a sub-second d, TickScheduler.Tick should be called roughly no later than d after a second:
// this can help ensure tasks happen early with a second window.
func WithTicker(ctx context.Context, d time.Duration) TickSchedulerOption {
return func(s *TickScheduler) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(d)
go func() {
prev := time.Now().Unix() - 1
for {
select {
case t := <-ticker.C:
u := t.Unix()
if u > prev {
prev = u
go s.Tick(u)
case <-ctx.Done():
// WithLogger sets the logger for the scheduler.
// If not set, the scheduler will use a no-op logger.
func WithLogger(logger *zap.Logger) TickSchedulerOption {
return func(s *TickScheduler) {
s.logger = logger.With(zap.String("svc", "taskd/scheduler"))
// NewScheduler returns a new scheduler with the given desired state and the given now UTC timestamp.
func NewScheduler(taskControlService TaskControlService, executor Executor, now int64, opts ...TickSchedulerOption) *TickScheduler {
o := &TickScheduler{
taskControlService: taskControlService,
executor: executor,
now: now,
taskSchedulers: make(map[platform.ID]*taskScheduler),
logger: zap.NewNop(),
wg: &sync.WaitGroup{},
metrics: newSchedulerMetrics(),
for _, opt := range opts {
return o
type TickScheduler struct {
taskControlService TaskControlService
executor Executor
now int64
logger *zap.Logger
metrics *schedulerMetrics
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
wg *sync.WaitGroup
schedulerMu sync.Mutex // Protects access and modification of taskSchedulers map.
taskSchedulers map[platform.ID]*taskScheduler // task ID -> task scheduler.
// CancelRun cancels a run, it has the unused Context argument so that it can implement a task.RunController
func (s *TickScheduler) CancelRun(_ context.Context, taskID, runID platform.ID) error {
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
ts, ok := s.taskSchedulers[taskID]
if !ok {
return ErrTaskNotFound
c, ok := ts.running[runID]
if !ok {
return ErrRunNotFound
if c.CancelFunc != nil {
return nil
// Tick updates the time of the scheduler.
// Any owned tasks who are due to execute and who have a free concurrency slot,
// will begin a new execution.
func (s *TickScheduler) Tick(now int64) {
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
if s.ctx == nil {
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
// do nothing and allow ticks
atomic.StoreInt64(&, now)
affected := 0
for _, ts := range s.taskSchedulers {
if nextDue, hasQueue := ts.NextDue(); now >= nextDue || hasQueue {
// TODO(mr): find a way to emit a more useful / less annoying tick message, maybe aggregated over the past 10s or 30s?
s.logger.Debug("Ticked", zap.Int64("now", now), zap.Int("tasks_affected", affected))
func (s *TickScheduler) Start(ctx context.Context) {
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
s.ctx, s.cancel = context.WithCancel(ctx)
func (s *TickScheduler) Stop() {
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
// if I was never started I cant stop
if s.cancel == nil {
// release tasks
for id := range s.taskSchedulers {
delete(s.taskSchedulers, id)
// Wait for schedulers to clean up.
// Wait for outstanding executions to finish.
func (s *TickScheduler) Now() time.Time {
now := atomic.LoadInt64(&
return time.Unix(now, 0)
func (s *TickScheduler) ClaimTask(authCtx context.Context, task *platform.Task) (err error) {
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
if s.ctx == nil {
return errors.New("can not claim tasks when i've not been started")
select {
case <-s.ctx.Done():
return errors.New("can not claim a task if not started")
// do nothing and allow ticks
defer s.metrics.ClaimTask(err == nil)
ts, err := newTaskScheduler(s.ctx, authCtx, s.wg, s, task, s.metrics)
if err != nil {
return err
_, ok := s.taskSchedulers[task.ID]
if ok {
return ErrTaskAlreadyClaimed
s.taskSchedulers[task.ID] = ts
// pickup any runs that are still "running from a previous failure"
runs, err := s.taskControlService.CurrentlyRunning(authCtx, task.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(runs) > 0 {
if err := ts.WorkCurrentlyRunning(runs); err != nil {
return err
next, hasQueue := ts.NextDue()
if now := atomic.LoadInt64(&; now >= next || hasQueue {
return nil
func (s *TickScheduler) UpdateTask(authCtx context.Context, task *platform.Task) error {
opt, err := options.FromScript(task.Flux)
if err != nil {
return err
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
ts, ok := s.taskSchedulers[task.ID]
if !ok {
return ErrTaskNotClaimed
ts.task = task
next, err := s.taskControlService.NextDueRun(authCtx, task.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
runs, err := s.taskControlService.ManualRuns(authCtx, task.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
hasQueue := len(runs) > 0
// update the queued information
ts.hasQueue = hasQueue
ts.nextDue = next
ts.authCtx = authCtx
// check the concurrency
// todo(lh): In the near future we may not be using the scheduler to manage concurrency.
maxC := len(ts.runners)
if opt.Concurrency != nil {
maxC = int(*opt.Concurrency)
if maxC != len(ts.runners) {
if maxC < len(ts.runners) {
ts.runners = ts.runners[:maxC]
if maxC > len(ts.runners) {
delta := maxC - len(ts.runners)
for i := 0; i < delta; i++ {
ts.runners = append(ts.runners, newRunner(s.ctx, ts.wg, s.logger, task, s.taskControlService, s.executor, ts))
if now := atomic.LoadInt64(&; now >= next || hasQueue {
return nil
func (s *TickScheduler) ReleaseTask(taskID platform.ID) error {
defer s.schedulerMu.Unlock()
t, ok := s.taskSchedulers[taskID]
if !ok {
return ErrTaskNotClaimed
delete(s.taskSchedulers, taskID)
return nil
func (s *TickScheduler) PrometheusCollectors() []prometheus.Collector {
return s.metrics.PrometheusCollectors()
type runCtx struct {
Context context.Context
CancelFunc context.CancelFunc
// taskScheduler is a lightweight wrapper around a collection of runners.
type taskScheduler struct {
// Reference to Must be accessed atomically.
now *int64
// Task we are scheduling for.
task *platform.Task
// Authorization context for using the TaskControlService
authCtx context.Context
// CancelFunc for context passed to runners, to enable Cancel method.
cancel context.CancelFunc
wg *sync.WaitGroup
// Fixed-length slice of runners.
runners []*runner
running map[platform.ID]runCtx
runningMu sync.Mutex
logger *zap.Logger
metrics *schedulerMetrics
nextDueMu sync.RWMutex // Protects following fields.
nextDue int64 // Unix timestamp of next due.
nextDueSource int64 // Run time that produced nextDue.
hasQueue bool // Whether there is a queue of manual runs.
func newTaskScheduler(
ctx context.Context,
authCtx context.Context,
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
s *TickScheduler,
task *platform.Task,
metrics *schedulerMetrics,
) (*taskScheduler, error) {
firstDue, err := s.taskControlService.NextDueRun(authCtx, task.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
opt, err := options.FromScript(task.Flux)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
maxC := 1
if opt.Concurrency != nil {
maxC = int(*opt.Concurrency)
runs, err := s.taskControlService.ManualRuns(authCtx, task.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
ts := &taskScheduler{
now: &,
task: task,
authCtx: authCtx,
cancel: cancel,
wg: wg,
runners: make([]*runner, maxC),
running: make(map[platform.ID]runCtx, maxC),
logger: s.logger.With(zap.String("task_id", task.ID.String())),
metrics: s.metrics,
nextDue: firstDue,
nextDueSource: math.MinInt64,
hasQueue: len(runs) > 0,
for i := range ts.runners {
logger := ts.logger.With(zap.Int("run_slot", i))
ts.runners[i] = newRunner(ctx, wg, logger, task, s.taskControlService, s.executor, ts)
return ts, nil
// Work begins a work cycle on the taskScheduler.
// As many runners are started as possible.
func (ts *taskScheduler) Work() {
// if the task is inactive we wont do any work.
if ts.task.Status == "inactive" {
for _, r := range ts.runners {
if r.IsIdle() {
// Ran out of jobs to start.
func (ts *taskScheduler) WorkCurrentlyRunning(runs []*platform.Run) error {
for _, cr := range runs {
foundWorker := false
for _, r := range ts.runners {
t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339, cr.ScheduledFor)
if err != nil {
return err
qr := QueuedRun{TaskID: ts.task.ID, RunID: platform.ID(cr.ID), DueAt: time.Now().UTC().Unix(), Now: t.Unix()}
if r.RestartRun(qr) {
foundWorker = true
if !foundWorker {
return errors.New("worker not found to resume work")
return nil
// Cancel interrupts this taskScheduler and its runners.
func (ts *taskScheduler) Cancel() {
// NextDue returns the next due timestamp, and whether there is a queue.
func (ts *taskScheduler) NextDue() (int64, bool) {
defer ts.nextDueMu.RUnlock()
return ts.nextDue, ts.hasQueue
// SetNextDue sets the next due timestamp and whether the task has a queue,
// and records the source (the now value of the run who reported nextDue).
func (ts *taskScheduler) SetNextDue(nextDue int64, hasQueue bool, source int64) {
// TODO(mr): we may need some logic around source to handle if SetNextDue is called out of order.
defer ts.nextDueMu.Unlock()
ts.nextDue = nextDue
ts.nextDueSource = source
ts.hasQueue = hasQueue
// A runner is one eligible "concurrency slot" for a given task.
type runner struct {
state *uint32
// Cancelable context from parent taskScheduler.
ctx context.Context
wg *sync.WaitGroup
task *platform.Task
taskControlService TaskControlService
executor Executor
// Parent taskScheduler.
ts *taskScheduler
logger *zap.Logger
func newRunner(
ctx context.Context,
wg *sync.WaitGroup,
logger *zap.Logger,
task *platform.Task,
taskControlService TaskControlService,
executor Executor,
ts *taskScheduler,
) *runner {
return &runner{
ctx: ctx,
wg: wg,
state: new(uint32),
task: task,
taskControlService: taskControlService,
executor: executor,
ts: ts,
logger: logger,
// Valid runner states.
const (
// Available to pick up a new run.
runnerIdle uint32 = iota
// Busy, cannot pick up a new run.
// TODO(mr): use more granular runner states, so we can inspect the overall state of a taskScheduler.
// IsIdle returns true if the runner is idle.
// This uses an atomic load, so it is possible that the runner is no longer idle immediately after this returns true.
func (r *runner) IsIdle() bool {
return atomic.LoadUint32(r.state) == runnerIdle
// Start checks if a new run is ready to be scheduled, and if so,
// creates a run on this goroutine and begins executing it on a separate goroutine.
func (r *runner) Start() {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(r.state, runnerIdle, runnerWorking) {
// Already working. Cannot start.
// RestartRun attempts to restart a queued run if the runner is available to do the work.
// If the runner was already busy we return false.
func (r *runner) RestartRun(qr QueuedRun) bool {
if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(r.state, runnerIdle, runnerWorking) {
// already working
return false
// create a QueuedRun because we cant stm.CreateNextRun
runLogger := r.logger.With(zap.String("run_id", qr.RunID.String()), zap.Int64("now", qr.Now))
rCtx, ok := r.ts.running[qr.RunID]
if !ok {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.TODO())
rCtx = runCtx{Context: ctx, CancelFunc: cancel}
r.ts.running[qr.RunID] = rCtx
go r.executeAndWait(rCtx.Context, qr, runLogger)
return true
// startFromWorking attempts to create a run if one is due, and then begins execution on a separate goroutine.
// r.state must be runnerWorking when this is called.
func (r *runner) startFromWorking(now int64) {
if nextDue, hasQueue := r.ts.NextDue(); now < nextDue && !hasQueue {
// Not ready for a new run. Go idle again.
atomic.StoreUint32(r.state, runnerIdle)
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(r.ctx)
defer span.Finish()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
rc, err := r.taskControlService.CreateNextRun(ctx, r.task.ID, now)
if err != nil {
r.logger.Info("Failed to create run", zap.Error(err))
atomic.StoreUint32(r.state, runnerIdle)
cancel() // cancel to prevent context leak
qr := rc.Created
r.ts.running[qr.RunID] = runCtx{Context: ctx, CancelFunc: cancel}
r.ts.SetNextDue(rc.NextDue, rc.HasQueue, qr.Now)
// Create a new child logger for the individual run.
// We can't do r.logger = r.logger.With(zap.String("run_id", qr.RunID.String()) because zap doesn't deduplicate fields,
// and we'll quickly end up with many run_ids associated with the log.
runLogger := r.logger.With(zap.String("run_id", qr.RunID.String()), zap.Int64("now", qr.Now))
runLogger.Info("Created run; beginning execution")
go r.executeAndWait(ctx, qr, runLogger)
func (r *runner) clearRunning(id platform.ID) {
r.ts.running[id].CancelFunc() // cleanup
delete(r.ts.running, id)
// fail sets r's state to failed, and marks this runner as idle.
func (r *runner) fail(qr QueuedRun, runLogger *zap.Logger, stage string, reason error) {
if err := r.taskControlService.AddRunLog(r.ts.authCtx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), stage+": "+reason.Error()); err != nil {
runLogger.Info("Failed to update run log", zap.Error(err))
r.updateRunState(qr, RunFail, runLogger)
atomic.StoreUint32(r.state, runnerIdle)
func (r *runner) executeAndWait(ctx context.Context, qr QueuedRun, runLogger *zap.Logger) {
r.updateRunState(qr, RunStarted, runLogger)
defer r.wg.Done()
errMsg := "Failed to finish run"
defer func() {
if _, err := r.taskControlService.FinishRun(r.ctx, qr.TaskID, qr.RunID); err != nil {
// TODO(mr): Need to figure out how to reconcile this error, on the next run, if it happens.
runLogger.Error(errMsg, zap.Error(err))
atomic.StoreUint32(r.state, runnerIdle)
sp, spCtx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer sp.Finish()
rp, err := r.executor.Execute(spCtx, qr)
if err != nil {
runLogger.Info("Failed to begin run execution", zap.Error(err))
errMsg = "Beginning run execution failed, " + errMsg
// TODO(mr): retry?, runLogger, "Run failed to begin execution", err)
ready := make(chan struct{})
go func() {
// If the runner's context is canceled, cancel the RunPromise.
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
// Canceled context.
case <-r.ctx.Done():
// Wait finished.
case <-ready:
// TODO(mr): handle rr.IsRetryable().
rr, err := rp.Wait()
if err != nil {
if err == ErrRunCanceled {
r.updateRunState(qr, RunCanceled, runLogger)
errMsg = "Waiting for execution result failed, " + errMsg
// Move on to the next execution, for a canceled run.
runLogger.Info("Failed to wait for execution result", zap.Error(err))
// TODO(mr): retry?, runLogger, "Waiting for execution result", err)
if err := rr.Err(); err != nil {
runLogger.Info("Run failed to execute", zap.Error(err))
errMsg = "Run failed to execute, " + errMsg
// TODO(mr): retry?, runLogger, "Run failed to execute", err)
stats := rr.Statistics()
b, err := json.Marshal(stats)
if err == nil {
// authctx can be updated mid process
authCtx := r.ts.authCtx
r.taskControlService.AddRunLog(authCtx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), string(b))
r.updateRunState(qr, RunSuccess, runLogger)
runLogger.Info("Execution succeeded")
// Check again if there is a new run available, without returning to idle state.
func (r *runner) updateRunState(qr QueuedRun, s RunStatus, runLogger *zap.Logger) {
switch s {
case RunStarted:
dueAt := time.Unix(qr.DueAt, 0)
r.ts.metrics.StartRun(r.task.ID.String(), time.Since(dueAt))
r.taskControlService.AddRunLog(r.ts.authCtx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), fmt.Sprintf("Started task from script: %q", r.task.Flux))
case RunSuccess:
r.ts.metrics.FinishRun(r.task.ID.String(), true)
r.taskControlService.AddRunLog(r.ts.authCtx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), "Completed successfully")
case RunFail:
r.ts.metrics.FinishRun(r.task.ID.String(), false)
r.taskControlService.AddRunLog(r.ts.authCtx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), "Failed")
case RunCanceled:
r.ts.metrics.FinishRun(r.task.ID.String(), false)
r.taskControlService.AddRunLog(r.ts.authCtx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), "Canceled")
default: // We are deliberately not handling RunQueued yet.
// There is not really a notion of being queued in this runner architecture.
runLogger.Warn("Unhandled run state", zap.Stringer("state", s))
if err := r.taskControlService.UpdateRunState(r.ctx, r.task.ID, qr.RunID, time.Now(), s); err != nil {
runLogger.Info("Error updating run state", zap.Stringer("state", s), zap.Error(err))