402 lines
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402 lines
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// Package executor contains implementations of backend.Executor
// that depend on the query service.
package executor
import (
icontext "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/context"
// queryServiceExecutor is an implementation of backend.Executor that depends on a QueryService.
type queryServiceExecutor struct {
qs query.QueryService
as influxdb.AuthorizationService
ts influxdb.TaskService
logger *zap.Logger
wg sync.WaitGroup
var _ backend.Executor = (*queryServiceExecutor)(nil)
// NewQueryServiceExecutor returns a new executor based on the given QueryService.
// In general, you should prefer NewAsyncQueryServiceExecutor, as that code is smaller and simpler,
// because asynchronous queries are more in line with the Executor interface.
func NewQueryServiceExecutor(logger *zap.Logger, qs query.QueryService, as influxdb.AuthorizationService, ts influxdb.TaskService) *queryServiceExecutor {
return &queryServiceExecutor{logger: logger, qs: qs, as: as, ts: ts}
// AddTaskService is a temporary solution to a chicken and egg problem. It takes a executor and sets the task service.
// This is required because the platform adaptor requires a executor but the executor requires a task service.
// TODO(lh): Remove this function once we are no longer using the PlatformAdaptor
func AddTaskService(e backend.Executor, ts influxdb.TaskService) {
qe, ok := e.(*queryServiceExecutor)
if ok {
qe.ts = ts
ae, ok := e.(*asyncQueryServiceExecutor)
if ok {
ae.ts = ts
func (e *queryServiceExecutor) Execute(ctx context.Context, run backend.QueuedRun) (backend.RunPromise, error) {
t, err := e.ts.FindTaskByID(ctx, run.TaskID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
auth, err := e.as.FindAuthorizationByID(ctx, influxdb.ID(t.AuthorizationID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// TODO(goller): remove need for context authorization.
return newSyncRunPromise(icontext.SetAuthorizer(ctx, auth), auth, run, e, t), nil
func (e *queryServiceExecutor) Wait() {
// syncRunPromise implements backend.RunPromise for a synchronous QueryService.
type syncRunPromise struct {
qr backend.QueuedRun
auth *influxdb.Authorization
qs query.QueryService
t *influxdb.Task
ctx context.Context
cancel context.CancelFunc
logger *zap.Logger
logEnd func() // Called to log the end of the run operation.
finishOnce sync.Once // Ensure we set the values only once.
ready chan struct{} // Closed inside finish. Indicates Wait will no longer block.
res *runResult
err error
var _ backend.RunPromise = (*syncRunPromise)(nil)
func newSyncRunPromise(ctx context.Context, auth *influxdb.Authorization, qr backend.QueuedRun, e *queryServiceExecutor, t *influxdb.Task) *syncRunPromise {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
opLogger := e.logger.With(zap.Stringer("task_id", qr.TaskID), zap.Stringer("run_id", qr.RunID))
log, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(ctx, opLogger, "Executing task", "execute")
rp := &syncRunPromise{
qr: qr,
auth: auth,
qs: e.qs,
t: t,
logger: log,
logEnd: logEnd,
ctx: ctx,
cancel: cancel,
ready: make(chan struct{}),
go rp.doQuery(&e.wg)
go rp.cancelOnContextDone(&e.wg)
return rp
func (p *syncRunPromise) Run() backend.QueuedRun {
return p.qr
func (p *syncRunPromise) Wait() (backend.RunResult, error) {
// Need an explicit return nil to avoid the non-nil interface value issue.
if p.err != nil {
return nil, p.err
return p.res, nil
func (p *syncRunPromise) Cancel() {
p.finish(nil, backend.ErrRunCanceled)
func (p *syncRunPromise) finish(res *runResult, err error) {
p.finishOnce.Do(func() {
defer p.logEnd()
// Always cancel p's context.
// If finish is called before p.qs.Query completes, the query will be interrupted.
// If afterwards, then p.cancel is just a resource cleanup.
defer p.cancel()
p.res, p.err = res, err
if err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Execution failed to get result", zap.Error(err))
} else if res.err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Got result with error", zap.Error(res.err))
} else {
p.logger.Info("Completed successfully")
func (p *syncRunPromise) doQuery(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
pkg, err := flux.Parse(p.t.Flux)
if err != nil {
p.finish(nil, err)
req := &query.Request{
Authorization: p.auth,
OrganizationID: p.t.OrganizationID,
Compiler: lang.ASTCompiler{
AST: pkg,
Now: time.Unix(p.qr.Now, 0),
it, err := p.qs.Query(p.ctx, req)
if err != nil {
// Assume the error should not be part of the runResult.
p.finish(nil, err)
defer it.Release()
// Drain the result iterator.
for it.More() {
// Consume the full iterator so that we don't leak outstanding iterators.
res := it.Next()
if err := exhaustResultIterators(res); err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Error exhausting result iterator", zap.Error(err), zap.String("name", res.Name()))
// Must call Release to ensure Statistics are ready.
// It's safe for Release to be called multiple times.
// Is it okay to assume it.Err will be set if the query context is canceled?
p.finish(&runResult{err: it.Err(), statistics: it.Statistics()}, nil)
func (p *syncRunPromise) cancelOnContextDone(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
select {
case <-p.ready:
// Nothing to do.
case <-p.ctx.Done():
// Maybe the parent context was canceled,
// or maybe finish was called already.
// If it's the latter, this call to finish will be a no-op.
p.finish(nil, p.ctx.Err())
// asyncQueryServiceExecutor is an implementation of backend.Executor that depends on an AsyncQueryService.
type asyncQueryServiceExecutor struct {
qs query.AsyncQueryService
as influxdb.AuthorizationService
ts influxdb.TaskService
logger *zap.Logger
wg sync.WaitGroup
var _ backend.Executor = (*asyncQueryServiceExecutor)(nil)
// NewAsyncQueryServiceExecutor returns a new executor based on the given AsyncQueryService.
func NewAsyncQueryServiceExecutor(logger *zap.Logger, qs query.AsyncQueryService, as influxdb.AuthorizationService, ts influxdb.TaskService) backend.Executor {
return &asyncQueryServiceExecutor{logger: logger, qs: qs, as: as, ts: ts}
func (e *asyncQueryServiceExecutor) Execute(ctx context.Context, run backend.QueuedRun) (backend.RunPromise, error) {
t, err := e.ts.FindTaskByID(ctx, run.TaskID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
auth, err := e.as.FindAuthorizationByID(ctx, influxdb.ID(t.AuthorizationID))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pkg, err := flux.Parse(t.Flux)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req := &query.Request{
Authorization: auth,
OrganizationID: t.OrganizationID,
Compiler: lang.ASTCompiler{
AST: pkg,
Now: time.Unix(run.Now, 0),
// Only set the authorizer on the context where we need it here.
q, err := e.qs.Query(icontext.SetAuthorizer(ctx, auth), req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return newAsyncRunPromise(ctx, run, q, e), nil
func (e *asyncQueryServiceExecutor) Wait() {
// asyncRunPromise implements backend.RunPromise for an AsyncQueryService.
type asyncRunPromise struct {
qr backend.QueuedRun
q flux.Query
logger *zap.Logger
logEnd func() // Called to log the end of the run operation.
finishOnce sync.Once // Ensure we set the values only once.
ready chan struct{} // Closed inside finish. Indicates Wait will no longer block.
res *runResult
err error
var _ backend.RunPromise = (*asyncRunPromise)(nil)
func newAsyncRunPromise(ctx context.Context, qr backend.QueuedRun, q flux.Query, e *asyncQueryServiceExecutor) *asyncRunPromise {
span, ctx := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
opLogger := e.logger.With(zap.Stringer("task_id", qr.TaskID), zap.Stringer("run_id", qr.RunID))
log, logEnd := logger.NewOperation(ctx, opLogger, "Executing task", "execute")
p := &asyncRunPromise{
qr: qr,
q: q,
ready: make(chan struct{}),
logger: log,
logEnd: logEnd,
go p.followQuery(&e.wg)
return p
func (p *asyncRunPromise) Run() backend.QueuedRun {
return p.qr
func (p *asyncRunPromise) Wait() (backend.RunResult, error) {
// Need an explicit return nil to avoid the non-nil interface value issue.
if p.err != nil {
return nil, p.err
return p.res, nil
func (p *asyncRunPromise) Cancel() {
p.finish(nil, backend.ErrRunCanceled)
// followQuery waits for the query to become ready and sets p's results.
// If the promise is finished somewhere else first, such as if it is canceled,
// followQuery will return.
func (p *asyncRunPromise) followQuery(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
defer wg.Done()
// Always need to call Done after query is finished.
defer p.q.Done()
var rwg sync.WaitGroup
for {
select {
case <-p.ready:
// The promise was finished somewhere else, so we don't need to call p.finish.
// But we do need to cancel the flux. This could be a no-op.
case r, ok := <-p.q.Results():
if !ok {
break SelectLoop
go func() {
defer rwg.Done()
if err := exhaustResultIterators(r); err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Error exhausting result iterator", zap.Error(err), zap.String("name", r.Name()))
if p.q.Err() != nil {
// Something went wrong with the flux. Set the error in the run result.
rr := &runResult{err: p.q.Err()}
p.finish(rr, nil)
// Otherwise, query was successful.
// Must call query.Done before collecting statistics. It's safe to call multiple times.
p.finish(&runResult{statistics: p.q.Statistics()}, nil)
func (p *asyncRunPromise) finish(res *runResult, err error) {
p.finishOnce.Do(func() {
defer p.logEnd()
p.res, p.err = res, err
if err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Execution failed to get result", zap.Error(err))
} else if res.err != nil {
p.logger.Info("Got result with error", zap.Error(res.err))
} else {
p.logger.Info("Completed successfully")
type runResult struct {
err error
retryable bool
statistics flux.Statistics
var _ backend.RunResult = (*runResult)(nil)
func (rr *runResult) Err() error { return rr.err }
func (rr *runResult) IsRetryable() bool { return rr.retryable }
func (rr *runResult) Statistics() flux.Statistics { return rr.statistics }
// exhaustResultIterators drains all the iterators from a flux query Result.
func exhaustResultIterators(res flux.Result) error {
return res.Tables().Do(func(tbl flux.Table) error {
return tbl.Do(func(flux.ColReader) error {
return nil