336 lines
7.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
336 lines
7.6 KiB
Protocol Buffer
package internal;
// Metadata
message Data {
required uint64 Term = 1;
required uint64 Index = 2;
required uint64 ClusterID = 3;
repeated NodeInfo Nodes = 4;
repeated DatabaseInfo Databases = 5;
repeated UserInfo Users = 6;
required uint64 MaxNodeID = 7;
required uint64 MaxShardGroupID = 8;
required uint64 MaxShardID = 9;
message NodeInfo {
required uint64 ID = 1;
required string Host = 2;
message DatabaseInfo {
required string Name = 1;
required string DefaultRetentionPolicy = 2;
repeated RetentionPolicyInfo RetentionPolicies = 3;
repeated ContinuousQueryInfo ContinuousQueries = 4;
message RetentionPolicyInfo {
required string Name = 1;
required int64 Duration = 2;
required int64 ShardGroupDuration = 3;
required uint32 ReplicaN = 4;
repeated ShardGroupInfo ShardGroups = 5;
message ShardGroupInfo {
required uint64 ID = 1;
required int64 StartTime = 2;
required int64 EndTime = 3;
required int64 DeletedAt = 4;
repeated ShardInfo Shards = 5;
message ShardInfo {
required uint64 ID = 1;
repeated uint64 OwnerIDs = 2 [deprecated=true];
repeated ShardOwner Owners = 3;
message ShardOwner {
required uint64 NodeID = 1;
message ContinuousQueryInfo {
required string Name = 1;
required string Query = 2;
message UserInfo {
required string Name = 1;
required string Hash = 2;
required bool Admin = 3;
repeated UserPrivilege Privileges = 4;
message UserPrivilege {
required string Database = 1;
required int32 Privilege = 2;
message Command {
extensions 100 to max;
enum Type {
CreateNodeCommand = 1;
DeleteNodeCommand = 2;
CreateDatabaseCommand = 3;
DropDatabaseCommand = 4;
CreateRetentionPolicyCommand = 5;
DropRetentionPolicyCommand = 6;
SetDefaultRetentionPolicyCommand = 7;
UpdateRetentionPolicyCommand = 8;
CreateShardGroupCommand = 9;
DeleteShardGroupCommand = 10;
CreateContinuousQueryCommand = 11;
DropContinuousQueryCommand = 12;
CreateUserCommand = 13;
DropUserCommand = 14;
UpdateUserCommand = 15;
SetPrivilegeCommand = 16;
SetDataCommand = 17;
SetAdminPrivilegeCommand = 18;
UpdateNodeCommand = 19;
RenameDatabaseCommand = 20;
required Type type = 1;
message CreateNodeCommand {
extend Command {
optional CreateNodeCommand command = 101;
required string Host = 1;
required uint64 Rand = 2;
message DeleteNodeCommand {
extend Command {
optional DeleteNodeCommand command = 102;
required uint64 ID = 1;
required bool Force = 2;
message CreateDatabaseCommand {
extend Command {
optional CreateDatabaseCommand command = 103;
required string Name = 1;
message DropDatabaseCommand {
extend Command {
optional DropDatabaseCommand command = 104;
required string Name = 1;
message CreateRetentionPolicyCommand {
extend Command {
optional CreateRetentionPolicyCommand command = 105;
required string Database = 1;
required RetentionPolicyInfo RetentionPolicy = 2;
message DropRetentionPolicyCommand {
extend Command {
optional DropRetentionPolicyCommand command = 106;
required string Database = 1;
required string Name = 2;
message SetDefaultRetentionPolicyCommand {
extend Command {
optional SetDefaultRetentionPolicyCommand command = 107;
required string Database = 1;
required string Name = 2;
message UpdateRetentionPolicyCommand {
extend Command {
optional UpdateRetentionPolicyCommand command = 108;
required string Database = 1;
required string Name = 2;
optional string NewName = 3;
optional int64 Duration = 4;
optional uint32 ReplicaN = 5;
message CreateShardGroupCommand {
extend Command {
optional CreateShardGroupCommand command = 109;
required string Database = 1;
required string Policy = 2;
required int64 Timestamp = 3;
message DeleteShardGroupCommand {
extend Command {
optional DeleteShardGroupCommand command = 110;
required string Database = 1;
required string Policy = 2;
required uint64 ShardGroupID = 3;
message CreateContinuousQueryCommand {
extend Command {
optional CreateContinuousQueryCommand command = 111;
required string Database = 1;
required string Name = 2;
required string Query = 3;
message DropContinuousQueryCommand {
extend Command {
optional DropContinuousQueryCommand command = 112;
required string Database = 1;
required string Name = 2;
message CreateUserCommand {
extend Command {
optional CreateUserCommand command = 113;
required string Name = 1;
required string Hash = 2;
required bool Admin = 3;
message DropUserCommand {
extend Command {
optional DropUserCommand command = 114;
required string Name = 1;
message UpdateUserCommand {
extend Command {
optional UpdateUserCommand command = 115;
required string Name = 1;
required string Hash = 2;
message SetPrivilegeCommand {
extend Command {
optional SetPrivilegeCommand command = 116;
required string Username = 1;
required string Database = 2;
required int32 Privilege = 3;
message SetDataCommand {
extend Command {
optional SetDataCommand command = 117;
required Data Data = 1;
message SetAdminPrivilegeCommand {
extend Command {
optional SetAdminPrivilegeCommand command = 118;
required string Username = 1;
required bool Admin = 2;
message UpdateNodeCommand {
extend Command {
optional UpdateNodeCommand command = 119;
required uint64 ID = 1;
required string Host = 2;
message RenameDatabaseCommand {
extend Command {
optional RenameDatabaseCommand command = 120;
required string oldName = 1;
required string newName = 2;
message Response {
required bool OK = 1;
optional string Error = 2;
optional uint64 Index = 3;
// RPC - higher-level cluster communication operations
enum RPCType {
Error = 1;
FetchData = 2;
Join = 3;
message ResponseHeader {
required bool OK = 1;
optional string Error = 2;
message ErrorResponse {
required ResponseHeader Header = 1;
message FetchDataRequest {
required uint64 Index = 1;
required uint64 Term = 2;
optional bool Blocking = 3 [default = false];
message FetchDataResponse {
required ResponseHeader Header = 1;
required uint64 Index = 2;
required uint64 Term = 3;
optional bytes Data = 4;
message JoinRequest {
required string Addr = 1;
message JoinResponse {
required ResponseHeader Header = 1;
// Indicates that this node should take part in the raft cluster.
optional bool EnableRaft = 2;
// The addresses of raft peers to use if joining as a raft member. If not joining
// as a raft member, these are the nodes running raft.
repeated string RaftNodes = 3;
// The node ID assigned to the requesting node.
optional uint64 NodeID = 4;