141 lines
4.8 KiB
141 lines
4.8 KiB
use std::sync::Arc;
use criterion::{criterion_group, criterion_main, BenchmarkId, Criterion, Throughput};
use data_types::{PartitionKey, SequenceNumber};
use dml::{DmlMeta, DmlWrite};
use futures::{stream::FuturesUnordered, StreamExt};
use generated_types::influxdata::{
iox::ingester::v1::write_service_server::WriteService, pbdata::v1::DatabaseBatch,
use influxdb_iox_client::ingester::generated_types::WriteRequest;
use ingester::IngesterRpcInterface;
use ingester_test_ctx::{TestContext, TestContextBuilder};
use iox_time::TimeProvider;
use mutable_batch_lp::lines_to_batches;
use mutable_batch_pb::encode::encode_write;
const TEST_NAMESPACE: &str = "bananas";
const PARTITION_KEY: &str = "platanos";
/// Return an initialised and pre-warmed ingester instance backed by a catalog
/// correctly populated to accept writes of `lp`.
async fn init(lp: impl AsRef<str>) -> (TestContext<impl IngesterRpcInterface>, DatabaseBatch) {
let lp = lp.as_ref();
let mut ctx = TestContextBuilder::default()
// Don't stop ingest during benchmarks
// Ensure the namespace exists in the catalog.
let ns = ctx.ensure_namespace(TEST_NAMESPACE, None).await;
// Perform a write to drive table / schema population in the catalog.
ctx.write_lp(TEST_NAMESPACE, lp, PartitionKey::from(PARTITION_KEY), 42)
// Construct the write request once, and reuse it for each iteration.
let batches = lines_to_batches(lp, 0).unwrap();
// Build the TableId -> Batch map, resolving the tables IDs from the catalog
// in the process.
let batches_by_ids = batches
.map(|(table_name, batch)| {
let catalog = Arc::clone(&ctx.catalog());
async move {
let id = catalog
.create_or_get(table_name.as_str(), ns.id)
.expect("table should create OK")
(id, batch)
.collect::<hashbrown::HashMap<_, _>>()
let op = DmlWrite::new(
(ctx, encode_write(ns.id.get(), &op))
/// Benchmark writes containing varying volumes of line protocol.
/// This is definitely a more "macro" benchmark than micro, as it covers the
/// entire ingester write process (RPC request handler, RPC message
/// deserialisation, WAL commit, buffering write, RPC response, etc) but does
/// not include transport overhead (measuring only the processing time, not
/// including the network read time).
/// Note that this benchmark covers the single threaded / uncontended case - as
/// the number of parallel writes increases, so does the lock contention on the
/// underlying buffer tree.
fn bench_write(c: &mut Criterion) {
let runtime = tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread()
.expect("failed to initialise tokio runtime for benchmark");
let (ctx, op) = runtime.block_on(init("bananas greatness=\"unbounded\" 42"));
let rpc = ctx.rpc();
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("single row");
group.bench_function("write", |b| {
b.to_async(&runtime).iter(|| {
let op = op.clone();
async move {
.write(tonic::Request::new(WriteRequest { payload: Some(op) }))
let lp = std::fs::read_to_string("../test_fixtures/lineproto/metrics.lp").unwrap();
let line_count = lp.lines().count() as u64;
let (ctx, op) = runtime.block_on(init(lp));
let rpc = ctx.rpc();
let mut group = c.benchmark_group("batched");
group.bench_function(BenchmarkId::new("write", line_count), |b| {
b.to_async(&runtime).iter(|| {
let op = op.clone();
async move {
.write(tonic::Request::new(WriteRequest { payload: Some(op) }))
criterion_group!(benches, bench_write);