
495 lines
15 KiB

package main
import (
crand "crypto/rand"
type benchmarkConfig struct {
OutputAfterCount int `toml:"output_after_count"`
LogFile string `toml:"log_file"`
StatsServer statsServer `toml:"stats_server"`
Servers []server `toml:"servers"`
ClusterCredentials clusterCredentials `toml:"cluster_credentials"`
LoadSettings loadSettings `toml:"load_settings"`
LoadDefinitions []loadDefinition `toml:"load_definitions"`
Log *os.File
type duration struct {
func (d *duration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) (err error) {
d.Duration, err = time.ParseDuration(string(text))
return err
type statsServer struct {
ConnectionString string `toml:"connection_string"`
User string `toml:"user"`
Password string `toml:"password"`
Database string `toml:"database"`
IsSecure bool `toml:"is_secure"`
SkipVerify bool `toml:"skip_verify"`
Timeout duration `toml:"timeout"`
type clusterCredentials struct {
Database string `toml:"database"`
User string `toml:"user"`
Password string `toml:"password"`
IsSecure bool `toml:"is_secure"`
SkipVerify bool `toml:"skip_verify"`
Timeout duration `toml:"timeout"`
type server struct {
ConnectionString string `toml:"connection_string"`
type loadSettings struct {
ConcurrentConnections int `toml:"concurrent_connections"`
RunPerLoadDefinition int `toml:"runs_per_load_definition"`
type loadDefinition struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
ReportSamplingInterval int `toml:"report_sampling_interval"`
Percentiles []float64 `toml:"percentiles"`
PercentileTimeInterval string `toml:"percentile_time_interval"`
BaseSeriesName string `toml:"base_series_name"`
SeriesCount int `toml:"series_count"`
WriteSettings writeSettings `toml:"write_settings"`
IntColumns []intColumn `toml:"int_columns"`
StringColumns []stringColumn `toml:"string_columns"`
FloatColumns []floatColumn `toml:"float_columns"`
BoolColumns []boolColumn `toml:"bool_columns"`
Queries []query `toml:"queries"`
ReportSampling int `toml:"report_sampling"`
type writeSettings struct {
BatchSeriesSize int `toml:"batch_series_size"`
BatchPointsSize int `toml:"batch_points_size"`
DelayBetweenPosts string `toml:"delay_between_posts"`
type query struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
FullQuery string `toml:"full_query"`
QueryStart string `toml:"query_start"`
QueryEnd string `toml:"query_end"`
PerformEvery string `toml:"perform_every"`
type intColumn struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
MinValue int `toml:"min_value"`
MaxValue int `toml:"max_value"`
type floatColumn struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
MinValue float64 `toml:"min_value"`
MaxValue float64 `toml:"max_value"`
type boolColumn struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
type stringColumn struct {
Name string `toml:"name"`
Values []string `toml:"values"`
RandomLength int `toml:"random_length"`
func main() {
configFile := flag.String("config", "benchmark_config.sample.toml", "Config file")
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(*configFile)
if err != nil {
var conf benchmarkConfig
if _, err := toml.Decode(string(data), &conf); err != nil {
logFile, err := os.OpenFile(conf.LogFile, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, 0660)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error opening log file \"%s\": %s", conf.LogFile, err))
conf.Log = logFile
defer logFile.Close()
fmt.Println("Logging benchmark results to ", conf.LogFile)
logFile.WriteString("Starting benchmark run...\n")
harness := NewBenchmarkHarness(&conf)
startTime := time.Now()
elapsed := time.Now().Sub(startTime)
message := fmt.Sprintf("Finished in %.3f seconds\n", elapsed.Seconds())
type BenchmarkHarness struct {
Config *benchmarkConfig
writes chan *LoadWrite
success chan *successResult
failure chan *failureResult
type successResult struct {
write *LoadWrite
microseconds int64
type failureResult struct {
write *LoadWrite
err error
microseconds int64
func (fr failureResult) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s - %d", fr.err.Error(), fr.microseconds)
type LoadWrite struct {
LoadDefinition *loadDefinition
Series []*client.Series
func NewHttpClient(timeout time.Duration, skipVerify bool) *http.Client {
return &http.Client{
Transport: &http.Transport{TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify: skipVerify},
ResponseHeaderTimeout: timeout,
Dial: func(network, address string) (net.Conn, error) {
return net.DialTimeout(network, address, timeout)
func NewBenchmarkHarness(conf *benchmarkConfig) *BenchmarkHarness {
harness := &BenchmarkHarness{
Config: conf,
success: make(chan *successResult, MAX_SUCCESS_REPORTS_TO_QUEUE),
failure: make(chan *failureResult, 1000)}
go harness.reportResults()
return harness
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) Run() {
for _, loadDef := range self.Config.LoadDefinitions {
def := loadDef
go func() {
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) startPostWorkers() {
self.writes = make(chan *LoadWrite)
for i := 0; i < self.Config.LoadSettings.ConcurrentConnections; i++ {
for _, s := range self.Config.Servers {
self.writeMessage("Connecting to " + s.ConnectionString)
go self.handleWrites(&s)
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) reportClient() *client.Client {
clientConfig := &client.ClientConfig{
Host: self.Config.StatsServer.ConnectionString,
Database: self.Config.StatsServer.Database,
Username: self.Config.StatsServer.User,
Password: self.Config.StatsServer.Password,
IsSecure: self.Config.StatsServer.IsSecure,
HttpClient: NewHttpClient(self.Config.StatsServer.Timeout.Duration, self.Config.StatsServer.SkipVerify),
c, _ := client.New(clientConfig)
return c
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) reportResults() {
c := self.reportClient()
successColumns := []string{"response_time", "point_count", "series_count"}
failureColumns := []string{"response_time", "message"}
startTime := time.Now()
lastReport := time.Now()
totalPointCount := 0
lastReportPointCount := 0
for {
select {
case res := <-self.success:
pointCount := 0
seriesCount := len(res.write.Series)
for _, s := range res.write.Series {
pointCount += len(s.Points)
totalPointCount += pointCount
postedSinceLastReport := totalPointCount - lastReportPointCount
if postedSinceLastReport > self.Config.OutputAfterCount {
now := time.Now()
totalPerSecond := float64(totalPointCount) / now.Sub(startTime).Seconds()
runPerSecond := float64(postedSinceLastReport) / now.Sub(lastReport).Seconds()
self.writeMessage(fmt.Sprintf("This Interval: %d points. %.0f per second. Run Total: %d points. %.0f per second.",
lastReport = now
lastReportPointCount = totalPointCount
s := &client.Series{
Name: res.write.LoadDefinition.Name + ".ok",
Columns: successColumns,
Points: [][]interface{}{{res.microseconds / 1000, pointCount, seriesCount}}}
case res := <-self.failure:
s := &client.Series{
Name: res.write.LoadDefinition.Name + ".ok",
Columns: failureColumns,
Points: [][]interface{}{{res.microseconds / 1000, res.err}}}
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) runLoadDefinition(loadDef *loadDefinition) {
seriesNames := make([]string, loadDef.SeriesCount, loadDef.SeriesCount)
for i := 0; i < loadDef.SeriesCount; i++ {
seriesNames[i] = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", loadDef.BaseSeriesName, i)
columnCount := len(loadDef.IntColumns) + len(loadDef.BoolColumns) + len(loadDef.FloatColumns) + len(loadDef.StringColumns)
columns := make([]string, 0, columnCount)
for _, col := range loadDef.IntColumns {
columns = append(columns, col.Name)
for _, col := range loadDef.BoolColumns {
columns = append(columns, col.Name)
for _, col := range loadDef.FloatColumns {
columns = append(columns, col.Name)
for _, col := range loadDef.StringColumns {
columns = append(columns, col.Name)
for _, q := range loadDef.Queries {
query := q
go self.runQuery(loadDef, seriesNames, &query)
requestCount := self.Config.LoadSettings.RunPerLoadDefinition
if requestCount != 0 {
for i := 0; i < requestCount; i++ {
self.runLoad(seriesNames, columns, loadDef)
} else {
// run forever
for {
self.runLoad(seriesNames, columns, loadDef)
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) runLoad(seriesNames []string, columns []string, loadDef *loadDefinition) {
columnCount := len(columns)
sleepTime, shouldSleep := time.ParseDuration(loadDef.WriteSettings.DelayBetweenPosts)
pointsPosted := 0
for j := 0; j < len(seriesNames); j += loadDef.WriteSettings.BatchSeriesSize {
names := seriesNames[j : j+loadDef.WriteSettings.BatchSeriesSize]
seriesToPost := make([]*client.Series, len(names), len(names))
for ind, name := range names {
s := &client.Series{Name: name, Columns: columns, Points: make([][]interface{}, loadDef.WriteSettings.BatchPointsSize, loadDef.WriteSettings.BatchPointsSize)}
for pointCount := 0; pointCount < loadDef.WriteSettings.BatchPointsSize; pointCount++ {
point := make([]interface{}, 0, columnCount)
for _, col := range loadDef.IntColumns {
point = append(point, rand.Intn(col.MaxValue))
for n := 0; n < len(loadDef.BoolColumns); n++ {
point = append(point, rand.Intn(2) == 0)
for n := 0; n < len(loadDef.FloatColumns); n++ {
point = append(point, rand.Float64())
for _, col := range loadDef.StringColumns {
if col.RandomLength != 0 {
point = append(point, self.randomString(col.RandomLength))
} else {
point = append(point, col.Values[rand.Intn(len(col.Values))])
s.Points[pointCount] = point
seriesToPost[ind] = s
self.writes <- &LoadWrite{LoadDefinition: loadDef, Series: seriesToPost}
if shouldSleep == nil {
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) randomString(length int) string {
const alphanum = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var bytes = make([]byte, length)
for i, b := range bytes {
bytes[i] = alphanum[b%byte(len(alphanum))]
return string(bytes)
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) runQuery(loadDef *loadDefinition, seriesNames []string, q *query) {
sleepTime, err := time.ParseDuration(q.PerformEvery)
if err != nil {
panic("Queries must have a perform_every value. Couldn't parse " + q.PerformEvery)
for {
if q.FullQuery != "" {
go self.queryAndReport(loadDef, q, q.FullQuery)
} else {
for _, name := range seriesNames {
go self.queryAndReport(loadDef, q, q.QueryStart+" "+name+" "+q.QueryEnd)
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) queryAndReport(loadDef *loadDefinition, q *query, queryString string) {
s := self.Config.Servers[rand.Intn(len(self.Config.Servers))]
clientConfig := &client.ClientConfig{
Host: s.ConnectionString,
Database: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.Database,
Username: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.User,
Password: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.Password,
IsSecure: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.IsSecure,
HttpClient: NewHttpClient(self.Config.ClusterCredentials.Timeout.Duration, self.Config.ClusterCredentials.SkipVerify),
c, err := client.New(clientConfig)
if err != nil {
// report query fail
startTime := time.Now()
results, err := c.Query(queryString)
microsecondsTaken := time.Now().Sub(startTime).Nanoseconds() / 1000
if err != nil {
self.reportQueryFailure(q.Name, queryString, err.Error())
} else {
self.reportQuerySuccess(results, q.Name, microsecondsTaken)
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) reportQueryFailure(name, query, message string) {
c := self.reportClient()
s := &client.Series{
Name: name + ".fail",
Columns: []string{"message"},
Points: [][]interface{}{{message}}}
self.writeMessage(fmt.Sprintf("QUERY: %s failed with: %s", query, message))
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) reportQuerySuccess(results []*client.Series, seriesName string, microseconds int64) {
c := self.reportClient()
seriesCount := len(results)
pointCount := 0
for _, series := range results {
pointCount += len(series.Points)
millisecondsTaken := microseconds / 1000
s := &client.Series{
Name: seriesName + ".ok",
Columns: []string{"response_time", "series_returned", "points_returned"},
Points: [][]interface{}{{millisecondsTaken, seriesCount, pointCount}}}
self.writeMessage(fmt.Sprintf("QUERY: %s completed in %dms", seriesName, millisecondsTaken))
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) handleWrites(s *server) {
clientConfig := &client.ClientConfig{
Host: s.ConnectionString,
Database: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.Database,
Username: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.User,
Password: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.Password,
IsSecure: self.Config.ClusterCredentials.IsSecure,
HttpClient: NewHttpClient(self.Config.ClusterCredentials.Timeout.Duration, self.Config.ClusterCredentials.SkipVerify),
c, err := client.New(clientConfig)
if err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Error connecting to server \"%s\": %s", s.ConnectionString, err))
for {
write := <-self.writes
startTime := time.Now()
err := c.WriteSeries(write.Series)
microsecondsTaken := time.Now().Sub(startTime).Nanoseconds() / 1000
if err != nil {
self.reportFailure(&failureResult{write: write, err: err, microseconds: microsecondsTaken})
} else {
self.reportSuccess(&successResult{write: write, microseconds: microsecondsTaken})
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) writeMessage(message string) {
self.Config.Log.WriteString(message + "\n")
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) reportSuccess(success *successResult) {
if len(self.success) == MAX_SUCCESS_REPORTS_TO_QUEUE {
self.writeMessage("Success reporting queue backed up. Dropping report.")
self.success <- success
func (self *BenchmarkHarness) reportFailure(failure *failureResult) {
self.writeMessage(fmt.Sprint("FAILURE: ", failure))
self.failure <- failure