
195 lines
4.9 KiB

package engine
import (
func getExpressionValue(values []*parser.Value, fields []string, point *protocol.Point) ([]*protocol.FieldValue, error) {
fieldValues := []*protocol.FieldValue{}
for _, value := range values {
switch value.Type {
case parser.ValueFunctionCall:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot process function call %s in expression", value.Name)
case parser.ValueInt:
value, err := strconv.ParseInt(value.Name, 10, 64)
if err == nil {
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, &protocol.FieldValue{Int64Value: &value})
// an error will happen only if the integer is out of range
case parser.ValueFloat:
value, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(value.Name, 64)
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, &protocol.FieldValue{DoubleValue: &value})
case parser.ValueBool:
value, _ := strconv.ParseBool(value.Name)
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, &protocol.FieldValue{BoolValue: &value})
case parser.ValueString:
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, &protocol.FieldValue{StringValue: &value.Name})
case parser.ValueRegex:
regex, _ := value.GetCompiledRegex()
regexStr := regex.String()
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, &protocol.FieldValue{StringValue: &regexStr})
case parser.ValueTableName, parser.ValueSimpleName:
// TODO: optimize this so we don't have to lookup the column everytime
fieldIdx := -1
for idx, field := range fields {
if field == value.Name {
fieldIdx = idx
if fieldIdx == -1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot find column %s", value.Name)
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, point.Values[fieldIdx])
case parser.ValueExpression:
v, err := GetValue(value, fields, point)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fieldValues = append(fieldValues, v)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot evaluate expression")
return fieldValues, nil
func matchesExpression(expr *parser.Value, fields []string, point *protocol.Point) (bool, error) {
leftValue, err := getExpressionValue(expr.Elems[:1], fields, point)
if err != nil {
return false, err
rightValue, err := getExpressionValue(expr.Elems[1:], fields, point)
if err != nil {
return false, err
operator := registeredOperators[expr.Name]
if operator == nil {
return false, fmt.Errorf("Invalid boolean operator %s", expr.Name)
ok, err := operator(leftValue[0], rightValue)
return ok == MATCH, err
func matches(condition *parser.WhereCondition, fields []string, point *protocol.Point) (bool, error) {
if expr, ok := condition.GetBoolExpression(); ok {
return matchesExpression(expr, fields, point)
left, _ := condition.GetLeftWhereCondition()
leftResult, err := matches(left, fields, point)
if err != nil {
return false, err
// short circuit
if !leftResult && condition.Operation == "AND" ||
leftResult && condition.Operation == "OR" {
return leftResult, nil
return matches(condition.Right, fields, point)
func getColumns(values []*parser.Value, columns map[string]bool) {
for _, v := range values {
switch v.Type {
case parser.ValueSimpleName:
columns[v.Name] = true
case parser.ValueWildcard:
columns["*"] = true
case parser.ValueFunctionCall:
getColumns(v.Elems, columns)
func filterColumns(columns map[string]struct{}, fields []string, point *protocol.Point) {
if _, ok := columns["*"]; ok {
newValues := []*protocol.FieldValue{}
newFields := []string{}
for idx, f := range fields {
if _, ok := columns[f]; !ok {
newValues = append(newValues, point.Values[idx])
newFields = append(newFields, f)
point.Values = newValues
func Filter(query *parser.SelectQuery, series *protocol.Series) (*protocol.Series, error) {
if query.GetWhereCondition() == nil {
return series, nil
columns := map[string]struct{}{}
if query.GetFromClause().Type == parser.FromClauseInnerJoin {
for t, cs := range query.GetResultColumns() {
for _, c := range cs {
// if this is a wildcard select, then drop all columns and
// just use '*'
if c == "*" {
columns = make(map[string]struct{}, 1)
columns[c] = struct{}{}
break outer
columns[t.Name+"."+c] = struct{}{}
} else {
for _, cs := range query.GetResultColumns() {
for _, c := range cs {
columns[c] = struct{}{}
points := series.Points
series.Points = nil
for _, point := range points {
ok, err := matches(query.GetWhereCondition(), series.Fields, point)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if ok {
filterColumns(columns, series.Fields, point)
series.Points = append(series.Points, point)
if _, ok := columns["*"]; !ok {
newFields := []string{}
for _, f := range series.Fields {
if _, ok := columns[f]; !ok {
newFields = append(newFields, f)
series.Fields = newFields
return series, nil