445 lines
13 KiB
445 lines
13 KiB
package tsm1
import (
// MeasurementNames returns an iterator which enumerates the measurements for the given
// bucket and limited to the time range [start, end].
// MeasurementNames will always return a StringIterator if there is no error.
// If the context is canceled before MeasurementNames has finished processing, a non-nil
// error will be returned along with statistics for the already scanned data.
func (e *Engine) MeasurementNames(ctx context.Context, orgID, bucketID influxdb.ID, start, end int64) (cursors.StringIterator, error) {
orgBucket := tsdb.EncodeName(orgID, bucketID)
// TODO(edd): we need to clean up how we're encoding the prefix so that we
// don't have to remember to get it right everywhere we need to touch TSM data.
prefix := models.EscapeMeasurement(orgBucket[:])
var (
tsmValues = make(map[string]struct{})
stats cursors.CursorStats
canceled bool
e.FileStore.ForEachFile(func(f TSMFile) bool {
// Check the context before accessing each tsm file
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
canceled = true
return false
if f.OverlapsTimeRange(start, end) && f.OverlapsKeyPrefixRange(prefix, prefix) {
iter := f.TimeRangeIterator(prefix, start, end)
for i := 0; iter.Next(); i++ {
sfkey := iter.Key()
if !bytes.HasPrefix(sfkey, prefix) {
// end of org+bucket
key, _ := SeriesAndFieldFromCompositeKey(sfkey)
name, err := models.ParseMeasurement(key)
if err != nil {
e.logger.Error("Invalid series key in TSM index", zap.Error(err), zap.Binary("key", key))
if _, ok := tsmValues[string(name)]; ok {
if iter.HasData() {
tsmValues[string(name)] = struct{}{}
return true
if canceled {
return cursors.NewStringSliceIteratorWithStats(nil, stats), ctx.Err()
var ts cursors.TimestampArray
// With performance in mind, we explicitly do not check the context
// while scanning the entries in the cache.
prefixStr := string(prefix)
_ = e.Cache.ApplyEntryFn(func(sfkey string, entry *entry) error {
if !strings.HasPrefix(sfkey, prefixStr) {
return nil
// TODO(edd): consider the []byte() conversion here.
key, _ := SeriesAndFieldFromCompositeKey([]byte(sfkey))
name, err := models.ParseMeasurement(key)
if err != nil {
e.logger.Error("Invalid series key in cache", zap.Error(err), zap.Binary("key", key))
return nil
if _, ok := tsmValues[string(name)]; ok {
return nil
ts.Timestamps = entry.AppendTimestamps(ts.Timestamps[:0])
if ts.Len() == 0 {
return nil
stats.ScannedValues += ts.Len()
stats.ScannedBytes += ts.Len() * 8 // sizeof timestamp
if ts.Contains(start, end) {
tsmValues[string(name)] = struct{}{}
return nil
vals := make([]string, 0, len(tsmValues))
for val := range tsmValues {
vals = append(vals, val)
return cursors.NewStringSliceIteratorWithStats(vals, stats), nil
// MeasurementTagValues returns an iterator which enumerates the tag values for the given
// bucket, measurement and tag key, filtered using the optional the predicate and limited to the
// time range [start, end].
// MeasurementTagValues will always return a StringIterator if there is no error.
// If the context is canceled before TagValues has finished processing, a non-nil
// error will be returned along with statistics for the already scanned data.
func (e *Engine) MeasurementTagValues(ctx context.Context, orgID, bucketID influxdb.ID, measurement, tagKey string, start, end int64, predicate influxql.Expr) (cursors.StringIterator, error) {
if predicate == nil {
return e.tagValuesNoPredicate(ctx, orgID, bucketID, []byte(measurement), []byte(tagKey), start, end)
predicate = AddMeasurementToExpr(measurement, predicate)
return e.tagValuesPredicate(ctx, orgID, bucketID, []byte(measurement), []byte(tagKey), start, end, predicate)
// MeasurementTagKeys returns an iterator which enumerates the tag keys for the given
// bucket and measurement, filtered using the optional the predicate and limited to the
//// time range [start, end].
// MeasurementTagKeys will always return a StringIterator if there is no error.
// If the context is canceled before MeasurementTagKeys has finished processing, a non-nil
// error will be returned along with statistics for the already scanned data.
func (e *Engine) MeasurementTagKeys(ctx context.Context, orgID, bucketID influxdb.ID, measurement string, start, end int64, predicate influxql.Expr) (cursors.StringIterator, error) {
if predicate == nil {
return e.tagKeysNoPredicate(ctx, orgID, bucketID, []byte(measurement), start, end)
predicate = AddMeasurementToExpr(measurement, predicate)
return e.tagKeysPredicate(ctx, orgID, bucketID, []byte(measurement), start, end, predicate)
// MeasurementFields returns an iterator which enumerates the field schema for the given
// bucket and measurement, filtered using the optional the predicate and limited to the
//// time range [start, end].
// MeasurementFields will always return a MeasurementFieldsIterator if there is no error.
// If the context is canceled before MeasurementFields has finished processing, a non-nil
// error will be returned along with statistics for the already scanned data.
func (e *Engine) MeasurementFields(ctx context.Context, orgID, bucketID influxdb.ID, measurement string, start, end int64, predicate influxql.Expr) (cursors.MeasurementFieldsIterator, error) {
if predicate == nil {
return e.fieldsNoPredicate(ctx, orgID, bucketID, []byte(measurement), start, end)
predicate = AddMeasurementToExpr(measurement, predicate)
return e.fieldsPredicate(ctx, orgID, bucketID, []byte(measurement), start, end, predicate)
type fieldTypeTime struct {
typ cursors.FieldType
max int64
func (e *Engine) fieldsPredicate(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, bucketID influxdb.ID, measurement []byte, start int64, end int64, predicate influxql.Expr) (cursors.MeasurementFieldsIterator, error) {
if err := ValidateTagPredicate(predicate); err != nil {
return nil, err
orgBucket := tsdb.EncodeName(orgID, bucketID)
keys, err := e.findCandidateKeys(ctx, orgBucket[:], predicate)
if err != nil {
return cursors.EmptyMeasurementFieldsIterator, err
if len(keys) == 0 {
return cursors.EmptyMeasurementFieldsIterator, nil
var files []TSMFile
defer func() {
for _, f := range files {
var iters []*TimeRangeMaxTimeIterator
// TODO(edd): we need to clean up how we're encoding the prefix so that we
// don't have to remember to get it right everywhere we need to touch TSM data.
orgBucketEsc := models.EscapeMeasurement(orgBucket[:])
mt := models.Tags{models.NewTag(models.MeasurementTagKeyBytes, measurement)}
tsmKeyPrefix := mt.AppendHashKey(orgBucketEsc)
var canceled bool
e.FileStore.ForEachFile(func(f TSMFile) bool {
// Check the context before accessing each tsm file
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
canceled = true
return false
if f.OverlapsTimeRange(start, end) && f.OverlapsKeyPrefixRange(tsmKeyPrefix, tsmKeyPrefix) {
files = append(files, f)
iters = append(iters, f.TimeRangeMaxTimeIterator(tsmKeyPrefix, start, end))
return true
var stats cursors.CursorStats
if canceled {
stats = statsFromTimeRangeMaxTimeIters(stats, iters)
return cursors.NewMeasurementFieldsSliceIteratorWithStats(nil, stats), ctx.Err()
tsmValues := make(map[string]fieldTypeTime)
// reusable buffers
var (
tags models.Tags
keybuf []byte
sfkey []byte
ts cursors.TimestampArray
for i := range keys {
// to keep cache scans fast, check context every 'cancelCheckInterval' iteratons
if i%cancelCheckInterval == 0 {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
stats = statsFromTimeRangeMaxTimeIters(stats, iters)
return cursors.NewMeasurementFieldsSliceIteratorWithStats(nil, stats), ctx.Err()
_, tags = seriesfile.ParseSeriesKeyInto(keys[i], tags[:0])
fieldKey := tags.Get(models.FieldKeyTagKeyBytes)
keybuf = models.AppendMakeKey(keybuf[:0], orgBucketEsc, tags)
sfkey = AppendSeriesFieldKeyBytes(sfkey[:0], keybuf, fieldKey)
cur := fieldTypeTime{max: InvalidMinNanoTime}
ts.Timestamps = e.Cache.AppendTimestamps(sfkey, ts.Timestamps[:0])
if ts.Len() > 0 {
stats.ScannedValues += ts.Len()
stats.ScannedBytes += ts.Len() * 8 // sizeof timestamp
if ts.Contains(start, end) {
max := ts.MaxTime()
if max > cur.max {
cur.max = max
cur.typ = BlockTypeToFieldType(e.Cache.BlockType(sfkey))
for _, iter := range iters {
if exact, _ := iter.Seek(sfkey); !exact {
max := iter.MaxTime()
if max > cur.max {
cur.max = max
cur.typ = BlockTypeToFieldType(iter.Type())
if cur.max != InvalidMinNanoTime {
tsmValues[string(fieldKey)] = cur
vals := make([]cursors.MeasurementField, 0, len(tsmValues))
for key, val := range tsmValues {
vals = append(vals, cursors.MeasurementField{Key: key, Type: val.typ, Timestamp: val.max})
return cursors.NewMeasurementFieldsSliceIteratorWithStats([]cursors.MeasurementFields{{Fields: vals}}, stats), nil
func (e *Engine) fieldsNoPredicate(ctx context.Context, orgID influxdb.ID, bucketID influxdb.ID, measurement []byte, start int64, end int64) (cursors.MeasurementFieldsIterator, error) {
tsmValues := make(map[string]fieldTypeTime)
orgBucket := tsdb.EncodeName(orgID, bucketID)
// TODO(edd): we need to clean up how we're encoding the prefix so that we
// don't have to remember to get it right everywhere we need to touch TSM data.
orgBucketEsc := models.EscapeMeasurement(orgBucket[:])
mt := models.Tags{models.NewTag(models.MeasurementTagKeyBytes, measurement)}
tsmKeyPrefix := mt.AppendHashKey(orgBucketEsc)
var stats cursors.CursorStats
var canceled bool
e.FileStore.ForEachFile(func(f TSMFile) bool {
// Check the context before touching each tsm file
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
canceled = true
return false
if f.OverlapsTimeRange(start, end) && f.OverlapsKeyPrefixRange(tsmKeyPrefix, tsmKeyPrefix) {
// TODO(sgc): create f.TimeRangeIterator(minKey, maxKey, start, end)
iter := f.TimeRangeMaxTimeIterator(tsmKeyPrefix, start, end)
for i := 0; iter.Next(); i++ {
sfkey := iter.Key()
if !bytes.HasPrefix(sfkey, tsmKeyPrefix) {
// end of prefix
max := iter.MaxTime()
if max == InvalidMinNanoTime {
_, fieldKey := SeriesAndFieldFromCompositeKey(sfkey)
v, ok := tsmValues[string(fieldKey)]
if !ok || v.max < max {
tsmValues[string(fieldKey)] = fieldTypeTime{
typ: BlockTypeToFieldType(iter.Type()),
max: max,
return true
if canceled {
return cursors.NewMeasurementFieldsSliceIteratorWithStats(nil, stats), ctx.Err()
var ts cursors.TimestampArray
// With performance in mind, we explicitly do not check the context
// while scanning the entries in the cache.
tsmKeyPrefixStr := string(tsmKeyPrefix)
_ = e.Cache.ApplyEntryFn(func(sfkey string, entry *entry) error {
if !strings.HasPrefix(sfkey, tsmKeyPrefixStr) {
return nil
ts.Timestamps = entry.AppendTimestamps(ts.Timestamps[:0])
if ts.Len() == 0 {
return nil
stats.ScannedValues += ts.Len()
stats.ScannedBytes += ts.Len() * 8 // sizeof timestamp
if !ts.Contains(start, end) {
return nil
max := ts.MaxTime()
// TODO(edd): consider the []byte() conversion here.
_, fieldKey := SeriesAndFieldFromCompositeKey([]byte(sfkey))
v, ok := tsmValues[string(fieldKey)]
if !ok || v.max < max {
tsmValues[string(fieldKey)] = fieldTypeTime{
typ: BlockTypeToFieldType(entry.BlockType()),
max: max,
return nil
vals := make([]cursors.MeasurementField, 0, len(tsmValues))
for key, val := range tsmValues {
vals = append(vals, cursors.MeasurementField{Key: key, Type: val.typ, Timestamp: val.max})
return cursors.NewMeasurementFieldsSliceIteratorWithStats([]cursors.MeasurementFields{{Fields: vals}}, stats), nil
func AddMeasurementToExpr(measurement string, base influxql.Expr) influxql.Expr {
// \x00 = '<measurement>'
expr := &influxql.BinaryExpr{
LHS: &influxql.VarRef{
Val: models.MeasurementTagKey,
Type: influxql.Tag,
Op: influxql.EQ,
RHS: &influxql.StringLiteral{
Val: measurement,
if base != nil {
// \x00 = '<measurement>' AND (base)
expr = &influxql.BinaryExpr{
LHS: expr,
Op: influxql.AND,
RHS: &influxql.ParenExpr{
Expr: base,
return expr
func statsFromTimeRangeMaxTimeIters(stats cursors.CursorStats, iters []*TimeRangeMaxTimeIterator) cursors.CursorStats {
for _, iter := range iters {
return stats