130 lines
4.4 KiB
130 lines
4.4 KiB
use std::io::Read;
use criterion::{BenchmarkId, Criterion};
use datafusion::logical_plan::{col, lit};
// This is a struct that tells Criterion.rs to use the "futures" crate's
// current-thread executor
use flate2::read::GzDecoder;
use tokio::runtime::Runtime;
use query::predicate::PredicateBuilder;
use query::{exec::Executor, predicate::Predicate};
use query::{frontend::influxrpc::InfluxRpcPlanner, group_by::Aggregate};
use query_tests::scenarios::DbScenario;
use server::db::Db;
// Uses the `query_tests` module to generate some chunk scenarios, specifically
// the scenarios where there are:
// - a single open mutable buffer chunk;
// - a closed mutable buffer chunk and another open one;
// - an open mutable buffer chunk and a closed read buffer chunk;
// - two closed read buffer chunks.
// The chunks are all fed the *same* line protocol, so these benchmarks are
// useful for assessing the differences in performance between querying the
// chunks held in different execution engines.
// These benchmarks use a synthetically generated set of line protocol using
// `inch`. Each point is a new series containing 5 tag keys, which results in
// five tag columns in IOx. There is a single field column and a timestamp column.
// - tag0, cardinality 2.
// - tag1, cardinality 10.
// - tag2, cardinality 10.
// - tag3, cardinality 50.
// - tag4, cardinality 1.
// In total there are 10K rows. The timespan of the points in the line
// protocol is around 1m of wall-clock time.
async fn setup_scenarios() -> Vec<DbScenario> {
let raw = include_bytes!("../../tests/fixtures/lineproto/read_filter.lp.gz");
let mut gz = GzDecoder::new(&raw[..]);
let mut lp = String::new();
gz.read_to_string(&mut lp).unwrap();
let db = query_tests::scenarios::make_two_chunk_scenarios("2021-04-26T13", &lp, &lp).await;
// Run all benchmarks for `read_group`.
pub fn benchmark_read_group(c: &mut Criterion) {
let scenarios = Runtime::new().unwrap().block_on(setup_scenarios());
execute_benchmark_group(c, scenarios.as_slice());
// Runs an async criterion benchmark against the provided scenarios and
// predicate.
fn execute_benchmark_group(c: &mut Criterion, scenarios: &[DbScenario]) {
let planner = InfluxRpcPlanner::new();
let predicates = vec![
(PredicateBuilder::default().build(), "no_pred"),
for scenario in scenarios {
let DbScenario { scenario_name, db } = scenario;
let mut group = c.benchmark_group(format!("read_group/{}", scenario_name));
for (predicate, pred_name) in &predicates {
// The number of expected frames, based on the expected number of
// individual series keys, which for grouping is the same no matter
// how many chunks we query over.
let exp_data_frames = if predicate.is_empty() {
10000 + 10 // 10 groups when grouping on `tag2`
} else {
200 + 10 // 10 groups when grouping on `tag2`
|b, predicate| {
let executor = db.executor();
b.to_async(Runtime::new().unwrap()).iter(|| {
// Plans and runs a tag_values query.
async fn build_and_execute_plan(
planner: &InfluxRpcPlanner,
executor: &Executor,
db: &Db,
predicate: Predicate,
agg: Aggregate,
group: &[&str],
exp_frames: usize,
) {
let plan = planner
.read_group(db, predicate, agg, group)
.expect("built plan successfully");
let results = executor
.expect("Running series set plan");
assert_eq!(results.len(), exp_frames);