431 lines
11 KiB
431 lines
11 KiB
package http
import (
transpiler "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/query/influxql"
// QueryRequest is a flux query request.
type QueryRequest struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Query string `json:"query"`
// Flux fields
Extern json.RawMessage `json:"extern,omitempty"`
AST json.RawMessage `json:"ast,omitempty"`
Dialect QueryDialect `json:"dialect"`
// InfluxQL fields
Bucket string `json:"bucket,omitempty"`
Org *influxdb.Organization `json:"-"`
// PreferNoContent specifies if the Response to this request should
// contain any result. This is done for avoiding unnecessary
// bandwidth consumption in certain cases. For example, when the
// query produces side effects and the results do not matter. E.g.:
// from(...) |> ... |> to()
// For example, tasks do not use the results of queries, but only
// care about their side effects.
// To obtain a QueryRequest with no result, add the header
// `Prefer: return-no-content` to the HTTP request.
PreferNoContent bool
// PreferNoContentWithError is the same as above, but it forces the
// Response to contain an error if that is a Flux runtime error encoded
// in the response body.
// To obtain a QueryRequest with no result but runtime errors,
// add the header `Prefer: return-no-content-with-error` to the HTTP request.
PreferNoContentWithError bool
// QueryDialect is the formatting options for the query response.
type QueryDialect struct {
Header *bool `json:"header"`
Delimiter string `json:"delimiter"`
CommentPrefix string `json:"commentPrefix"`
DateTimeFormat string `json:"dateTimeFormat"`
Annotations []string `json:"annotations"`
// WithDefaults adds default values to the request.
func (r QueryRequest) WithDefaults() QueryRequest {
if r.Type == "" {
r.Type = "flux"
if r.Dialect.Delimiter == "" {
r.Dialect.Delimiter = ","
if r.Dialect.DateTimeFormat == "" {
r.Dialect.DateTimeFormat = "RFC3339"
if r.Dialect.Header == nil {
header := true
r.Dialect.Header = &header
return r
// Validate checks the query request and returns an error if the request is invalid.
func (r QueryRequest) Validate() error {
if r.Query == "" && r.AST == nil {
return errors.New(`request body requires either query or AST`)
if r.Type != "flux" && r.Type != "influxql" {
return fmt.Errorf(`unknown query type: %s`, r.Type)
if r.Type == "influxql" && r.Bucket == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("bucket parameter is required for influxql queries")
if len(r.Dialect.CommentPrefix) > 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid dialect comment prefix: must be length 0 or 1")
if len(r.Dialect.Delimiter) != 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid dialect delimeter: must be length 1")
rune, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(r.Dialect.Delimiter)
if rune == utf8.RuneError && size == 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid dialect delimeter character")
for _, a := range r.Dialect.Annotations {
switch a {
case "group", "datatype", "default":
return fmt.Errorf(`unknown dialect annotation type: %s`, a)
switch r.Dialect.DateTimeFormat {
case "RFC3339", "RFC3339Nano":
return fmt.Errorf(`unknown dialect date time format: %s`, r.Dialect.DateTimeFormat)
return nil
// QueryAnalysis is a structured response of errors.
type QueryAnalysis struct {
Errors []queryParseError `json:"errors"`
type queryParseError struct {
Line int `json:"line"`
Column int `json:"column"`
Character int `json:"character"`
Message string `json:"message"`
// Analyze attempts to parse the query request and returns any errors
// encountered in a structured way.
func (r QueryRequest) Analyze(l influxdb.FluxLanguageService) (*QueryAnalysis, error) {
switch r.Type {
case "flux":
return r.analyzeFluxQuery(l)
case "influxql":
return r.analyzeInfluxQLQuery()
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown query request type %s", r.Type)
func (r QueryRequest) analyzeFluxQuery(l influxdb.FluxLanguageService) (*QueryAnalysis, error) {
a := &QueryAnalysis{}
pkg, err := query.Parse(l, r.Query)
if pkg == nil {
return nil, err
errCount := ast.Check(pkg)
if errCount == 0 {
a.Errors = []queryParseError{}
return a, nil
a.Errors = make([]queryParseError, 0, errCount)
ast.Walk(ast.CreateVisitor(func(node ast.Node) {
loc := node.Location()
for _, err := range node.Errs() {
a.Errors = append(a.Errors, queryParseError{
Line: loc.Start.Line,
Column: loc.Start.Column,
Message: err.Msg,
}), pkg)
return a, nil
func (r QueryRequest) analyzeInfluxQLQuery() (*QueryAnalysis, error) {
a := &QueryAnalysis{}
_, err := influxql.ParseQuery(r.Query)
if err == nil {
a.Errors = []queryParseError{}
return a, nil
ms := influxqlParseErrorRE.FindAllStringSubmatch(err.Error(), -1)
a.Errors = make([]queryParseError, 0, len(ms))
for _, m := range ms {
if len(m) != 4 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("influxql query error is not formatted as expected: got %d matches expected 4", len(m))
msg := m[1]
lineStr := m[2]
line, err := strconv.Atoi(lineStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse line number from error mesage: %s -> %v", lineStr, err)
charStr := m[3]
char, err := strconv.Atoi(charStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse character number from error mesage: %s -> %v", charStr, err)
a.Errors = append(a.Errors, queryParseError{
Line: line,
Column: columnFromCharacter(r.Query, char),
Character: char,
Message: msg,
return a, nil
func columnFromCharacter(q string, char int) int {
col := 0
for i, c := range q {
if c == '\n' {
col = 0
if i == char {
return col
var influxqlParseErrorRE = regexp.MustCompile(`^(.+) at line (\d+), char (\d+)$`)
// ProxyRequest returns a request to proxy from the flux.
func (r QueryRequest) ProxyRequest() (*query.ProxyRequest, error) {
return r.proxyRequest(time.Now)
func (r QueryRequest) proxyRequest(now func() time.Time) (*query.ProxyRequest, error) {
if err := r.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Query is preferred over AST
var compiler flux.Compiler
if r.Query != "" {
switch r.Type {
case "influxql":
n := now()
compiler = &transpiler.Compiler{
Now: &n,
Query: r.Query,
Bucket: r.Bucket,
case "flux":
compiler = lang.FluxCompiler{
Now: now(),
Extern: r.Extern,
Query: r.Query,
} else if len(r.AST) > 0 {
c := lang.ASTCompiler{
Extern: r.Extern,
Now: now(),
compiler = c
delimiter, _ := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(r.Dialect.Delimiter)
noHeader := false
if r.Dialect.Header != nil {
noHeader = !*r.Dialect.Header
var dialect flux.Dialect
if r.PreferNoContent {
dialect = &query.NoContentDialect{}
} else {
if r.Type == "influxql" {
// Use default transpiler dialect
dialect = &transpiler.Dialect{}
} else {
// TODO(nathanielc): Use commentPrefix and dateTimeFormat
// once they are supported.
encConfig := csv.ResultEncoderConfig{
NoHeader: noHeader,
Delimiter: delimiter,
Annotations: r.Dialect.Annotations,
if r.PreferNoContentWithError {
dialect = &query.NoContentWithErrorDialect{
ResultEncoderConfig: encConfig,
} else {
dialect = &csv.Dialect{
ResultEncoderConfig: encConfig,
return &query.ProxyRequest{
Request: query.Request{
OrganizationID: r.Org.ID,
Compiler: compiler,
Dialect: dialect,
}, nil
// QueryRequestFromProxyRequest converts a query.ProxyRequest into a QueryRequest.
// The ProxyRequest must contain supported compilers and dialects otherwise an error occurs.
func QueryRequestFromProxyRequest(req *query.ProxyRequest) (*QueryRequest, error) {
qr := new(QueryRequest)
switch c := req.Request.Compiler.(type) {
case lang.FluxCompiler:
qr.Type = "flux"
qr.Query = c.Query
qr.Extern = c.Extern
case lang.ASTCompiler:
qr.Type = "flux"
qr.AST = c.AST
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported compiler %T", c)
switch d := req.Dialect.(type) {
case *csv.Dialect:
var header = !d.ResultEncoderConfig.NoHeader
qr.Dialect.Header = &header
qr.Dialect.Delimiter = string(d.ResultEncoderConfig.Delimiter)
qr.Dialect.CommentPrefix = "#"
qr.Dialect.DateTimeFormat = "RFC3339"
qr.Dialect.Annotations = d.ResultEncoderConfig.Annotations
case *query.NoContentDialect:
qr.PreferNoContent = true
case *query.NoContentWithErrorDialect:
qr.PreferNoContentWithError = true
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported dialect %T", d)
return qr, nil
func decodeQueryRequest(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, svc influxdb.OrganizationService) (*QueryRequest, int, error) {
var req QueryRequest
body := &countReader{Reader: r.Body}
var contentType = "application/json"
if ct := r.Header.Get("Content-Type"); ct != "" {
contentType = ct
mt, _, err := mime.ParseMediaType(contentType)
if err != nil {
return nil, body.bytesRead, err
switch mt {
case "application/vnd.flux":
octets, err := ioutil.ReadAll(body)
if err != nil {
return nil, body.bytesRead, err
req.Query = string(octets)
case "application/json":
if err := json.NewDecoder(body).Decode(&req); err != nil {
return nil, body.bytesRead, err
switch hv := r.Header.Get(query.PreferHeaderKey); hv {
case query.PreferNoContentHeaderValue:
req.PreferNoContent = true
case query.PreferNoContentWErrHeaderValue:
req.PreferNoContentWithError = true
req = req.WithDefaults()
if err := req.Validate(); err != nil {
return nil, body.bytesRead, err
req.Org, err = queryOrganization(ctx, r, svc)
return &req, body.bytesRead, err
type countReader struct {
bytesRead int
func (r *countReader) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = r.Reader.Read(p)
r.bytesRead += n
return n, err
func decodeProxyQueryRequest(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, auth influxdb.Authorizer, svc influxdb.OrganizationService) (*query.ProxyRequest, int, error) {
req, n, err := decodeQueryRequest(ctx, r, svc)
if err != nil {
return nil, n, err
pr, err := req.ProxyRequest()
if err != nil {
return nil, n, err
var token *influxdb.Authorization
switch a := auth.(type) {
case *influxdb.Authorization:
token = a
case *influxdb.Session:
token = a.EphemeralAuth(req.Org.ID)
case *jsonweb.Token:
token = a.EphemeralAuth(req.Org.ID)
return pr, n, influxdb.ErrAuthorizerNotSupported
pr.Request.Authorization = token
return pr, n, nil