304 lines
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304 lines
8.1 KiB
package testing_test
import (
platform "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2"
influxdbcontext "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/context"
_ "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/query/stdlib"
itesting "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/query/stdlib/testing" // Import the stdlib
// Flagger for end-to-end test cases. This flagger contains a pointer to a
// single struct instance that all the test cases will consult. It will return flags
// based on the contents of FluxEndToEndFeatureFlags and the currently active
// test case. This works only because tests are serialized. We can set the
// current test case in the common flagger state, then run the test. If we were
// to run tests in parallel we would need to create multiple users and assign
// them different flags combinations, then run the tests under different users.
type Flagger struct {
flaggerState *FlaggerState
type FlaggerState struct {
Path string
Name string
FeatureFlags itesting.PerTestFeatureFlagMap
DefaultFlagger feature.Flagger
func newFlagger(featureFlagMap itesting.PerTestFeatureFlagMap) Flagger {
flaggerState := &FlaggerState{}
flaggerState.FeatureFlags = featureFlagMap
flaggerState.DefaultFlagger = feature.DefaultFlagger()
return Flagger{flaggerState}
func (f Flagger) SetActiveTestCase(path string, name string) {
f.flaggerState.Path = path
f.flaggerState.Name = name
func (f Flagger) Flags(ctx context.Context, _f ...feature.Flag) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
// If an override is set for the test case, construct an override flagger
// and use it's computed flags.
overrides := f.flaggerState.FeatureFlags[f.flaggerState.Path][f.flaggerState.Name]
if overrides != nil {
f, err := override.Make(overrides, nil)
if err != nil {
panic("failed to construct override flagger, probably an invalid flag in FluxEndToEndFeatureFlags")
return f.Flags(ctx)
// Otherwise use flags from a default flagger.
return f.flaggerState.DefaultFlagger.Flags(ctx)
// Default context.
var ctx = influxdbcontext.SetAuthorizer(context.Background(), mock.NewMockAuthorizer(true, nil))
func init() {
func TestFluxEndToEnd(t *testing.T) {
runEndToEnd(t, stdlib.FluxTestPackages)
func BenchmarkFluxEndToEnd(b *testing.B) {
benchEndToEnd(b, stdlib.FluxTestPackages)
func runEndToEnd(t *testing.T, pkgs []*ast.Package) {
l := launcher.NewTestLauncher()
flagger := newFlagger(itesting.FluxEndToEndFeatureFlags)
l.RunOrFail(t, ctx)
defer l.ShutdownOrFail(t, ctx)
for _, pkg := range pkgs {
test := func(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T)) {
t.Run(pkg.Path, f)
if pkg.Path == "universe" {
test = func(t *testing.T, f func(t *testing.T)) {
test(t, func(t *testing.T) {
for _, file := range pkg.Files {
name := strings.TrimSuffix(file.Name, "_test.flux")
t.Run(name, func(t *testing.T) {
if reason, ok := itesting.FluxEndToEndSkipList[pkg.Path][name]; ok {
flagger.SetActiveTestCase(pkg.Path, name)
testFlux(t, l, file)
func benchEndToEnd(b *testing.B, pkgs []*ast.Package) {
// TODO(jsternberg): These benchmarks don't run properly
// and need to be fixed. Commenting out the code for now.
// l := launcher.RunTestLauncherOrFail(b, ctx)
// l.SetupOrFail(b)
// defer l.ShutdownOrFail(b, ctx)
// for _, pkg := range pkgs {
// pkg := pkg.Copy().(*ast.Package)
// name := pkg.Files[0].Name
// b.Run(name, func(b *testing.B) {
// if reason, ok := itesting.FluxEndToEndSkipList[strings.TrimSuffix(name, ".flux")]; ok {
// b.Skip(reason)
// }
// b.ResetTimer()
// b.ReportAllocs()
// for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
// testFlux(b, l, pkg)
// }
// })
// }
func makeTestPackage(file *ast.File) *ast.Package {
file = file.Copy().(*ast.File)
file.Package.Name.Name = "main"
pkg := &ast.Package{
Package: "main",
Files: []*ast.File{file},
return pkg
// This options definition puts to() in the path of the CSV input. The tests
// get run in this case and they would normally pass, if we checked the
// results, but don't look at them.
var writeOptSource = `
import "testing"
import c "csv"
option testing.loadStorage = (csv) => {
return c.from(csv: csv) |> to(bucket: bucket, org: org)
// This options definition is for the second run, the test run. It loads the
// data from previously written bucket. We check the results after running this
// second pass and report on them.
var readOptSource = `
import "testing"
import c "csv"
option testing.loadStorage = (csv) => {
return from(bucket: bucket)
var writeOptAST *ast.File
var readOptAST *ast.File
func prepareOptions(optionsSource string) *ast.File {
pkg := parser.ParseSource(optionsSource)
if ast.Check(pkg) > 0 {
return pkg.Files[0]
func init() {
writeOptAST = prepareOptions(writeOptSource)
readOptAST = prepareOptions(readOptSource)
func testFlux(t testing.TB, l *launcher.TestLauncher, file *ast.File) {
b := &platform.Bucket{
OrgID: l.Org.ID,
Name: t.Name(),
RetentionPeriod: 0,
s := l.BucketService(t)
if err := s.CreateBucket(context.Background(), b); err != nil {
defer func() {
if err := s.DeleteBucket(context.Background(), b.ID); err != nil {
t.Logf("Failed to delete bucket: %s", err)
// Define bucket and org options
bucketOpt := &ast.OptionStatement{
Assignment: &ast.VariableAssignment{
ID: &ast.Identifier{Name: "bucket"},
Init: &ast.StringLiteral{Value: b.Name},
orgOpt := &ast.OptionStatement{
Assignment: &ast.VariableAssignment{
ID: &ast.Identifier{Name: "org"},
Init: &ast.StringLiteral{Value: l.Org.Name},
executeWithOptions(t, l, bucketOpt, orgOpt, writeOptAST, file)
results := executeWithOptions(t, l, bucketOpt, orgOpt, readOptAST, file)
if results != nil {
logFormatted := func(name string, results map[string]*bytes.Buffer) {
if _, ok := results[name]; ok {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(results[name])
for scanner.Scan() {
} else {
t.Log("table ", name, " not present in results")
if _, ok := results["diff"]; ok {
t.Error("diff table was not empty")
logFormatted("diff", results)
logFormatted("want", results)
logFormatted("got", results)
func executeWithOptions(t testing.TB, l *launcher.TestLauncher, bucketOpt *ast.OptionStatement,
orgOpt *ast.OptionStatement, optionsAST *ast.File, file *ast.File) map[string]*bytes.Buffer {
var results map[string]*bytes.Buffer
options := optionsAST.Copy().(*ast.File)
options.Body = append([]ast.Statement{bucketOpt, orgOpt}, options.Body...)
// Add options to pkg
pkg := makeTestPackage(file)
pkg.Files = append(pkg.Files, options)
// Use testing.inspect call to get all of diff, want, and got
inspectCalls := stdlib.TestingInspectCalls(pkg)
if len(inspectCalls.Body) == 0 {
t.Skip("no tests found")
return nil
pkg.Files = append(pkg.Files, inspectCalls)
bs, err := json.Marshal(pkg)
if err != nil {
req := &query.Request{
OrganizationID: l.Org.ID,
Compiler: lang.ASTCompiler{AST: bs},
if r, err := l.FluxQueryService().Query(ctx, req); err != nil {
} else {
results = make(map[string]*bytes.Buffer)
for r.More() {
v := r.Next()
if _, ok := results[v.Name()]; !ok {
results[v.Name()] = &bytes.Buffer{}
err := execute.FormatResult(results[v.Name()], v)
if err != nil {
if err := r.Err(); err != nil {
return results