107 lines
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107 lines
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package tracing
import (
// LogError adds a span log for an error.
// Returns unchanged error, so useful to wrap as in:
// return 0, tracing.LogError(err)
func LogError(span opentracing.Span, err error) error {
return err
// InjectToHTTPRequest adds tracing headers to an HTTP request.
// Easier than adding this boilerplate everywhere.
func InjectToHTTPRequest(span opentracing.Span, req *http.Request) {
err := opentracing.GlobalTracer().Inject(span.Context(), opentracing.HTTPHeaders, opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(req.Header))
if err != nil {
span.LogFields(log.String("trace-inject-error", err.Error()))
// ExtractFromHTTPRequest gets a child span of the parent referenced in HTTP request headers.
// Easier than adding this boilerplate everywhere.
func ExtractFromHTTPRequest(req *http.Request, handlerName string) (opentracing.Span, *http.Request) {
spanContext, err := opentracing.GlobalTracer().Extract(opentracing.HTTPHeaders, opentracing.HTTPHeadersCarrier(req.Header))
if err != nil {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(req.Context(), handlerName+":"+req.URL.Path)
span.LogFields(log.String("trace-extract-error", err.Error()))
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
return span, req
span := opentracing.StartSpan(handlerName+":"+req.URL.Path, opentracing.ChildOf(spanContext))
req = req.WithContext(opentracing.ContextWithSpan(req.Context(), span))
return span, req
// StartSpanFromContext is an improved opentracing.StartSpanFromContext.
// Uses the calling function as the operation name, and logs the filename and line number.
// Passing nil context triggers new context and root span construction.
// Context without parent span reference triggers root span construction.
// This function never returns nil values.
// Performance
// This function incurs a small performance penalty, roughly 1000 ns/op, 376 B/op, 6 allocs/op.
// Jaeger timestamp and duration precision is only µs, so this is pretty negligible.
// Alternatives
// If this performance penalty is too much, try these, which are also demonstrated in benchmark tests:
// // Create a root span
// span := opentracing.StartSpan("operation name")
// ctx := opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span)
// // Create a child span
// span := opentracing.StartSpan("operation name", opentracing.ChildOf(sc))
// ctx := opentracing.ContextWithSpan(context.Background(), span)
// // Sugar to create a child span
// span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "operation name")
func StartSpanFromContext(ctx context.Context) (opentracing.Span, context.Context) {
if ctx == nil {
panic("StartSpanFromContext called with nil context")
// Get caller frame.
var pcs [1]uintptr
n := runtime.Callers(2, pcs[:])
if n < 1 {
span, ctx := opentracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx, "unknown")
span.LogFields(log.Error(errors.New("runtime.Callers failed")))
return span, ctx
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pcs[0])
name := fn.Name()
if lastPeriod := strings.LastIndexByte(name, '/'); lastPeriod > 0 {
name = name[lastPeriod+1:]
var span opentracing.Span
if parentSpan := opentracing.SpanFromContext(ctx); parentSpan != nil {
// Create a child span.
span = opentracing.StartSpan(name, opentracing.ChildOf(parentSpan.Context()))
} else {
// Create a root span.
span = opentracing.StartSpan(name)
// New context references this span, not the parent (if there was one).
ctx = opentracing.ContextWithSpan(ctx, span)
file, line := fn.FileLine(pcs[0])
span.LogFields(log.String("filename", file), log.Int("line", line))
return span, ctx