509 lines
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509 lines
14 KiB
package storage
import (
errors2 "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/kit/platform/errors"
_ "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/tsdb/engine"
_ "github.com/influxdata/influxdb/v2/tsdb/index/tsi1"
var (
// ErrEngineClosed is returned when a caller attempts to use the engine while
// it's closed.
ErrEngineClosed = errors.New("engine is closed")
// ErrNotImplemented is returned for APIs that are temporarily not implemented.
ErrNotImplemented = errors.New("not implemented")
type Engine struct {
config Config
path string
mu sync.RWMutex
closing chan struct{} // closing returns the zero value when the engine is shutting down.
tsdbStore *tsdb.Store
metaClient MetaClient
pointsWriter interface {
WritePoints(ctx context.Context, database, retentionPolicy string, consistencyLevel models.ConsistencyLevel, user meta.User, points []models.Point) error
Close() error
retentionService *retention.Service
precreatorService *precreator.Service
defaultMetricLabels prometheus.Labels
writePointsValidationEnabled bool
logger *zap.Logger
// Option provides a set
type Option func(*Engine)
func WithMetaClient(c MetaClient) Option {
return func(e *Engine) {
e.metaClient = c
type MetaClient interface {
CreateDatabaseWithRetentionPolicy(name string, spec *meta.RetentionPolicySpec) (*meta.DatabaseInfo, error)
CreateShardGroup(database, policy string, timestamp time.Time) (*meta.ShardGroupInfo, error)
Database(name string) (di *meta.DatabaseInfo)
Databases() []meta.DatabaseInfo
DeleteShardGroup(database, policy string, id uint64) error
PrecreateShardGroups(now, cutoff time.Time) error
PruneShardGroups() error
RetentionPolicy(database, policy string) (*meta.RetentionPolicyInfo, error)
ShardGroupsByTimeRange(database, policy string, min, max time.Time) (a []meta.ShardGroupInfo, err error)
UpdateRetentionPolicy(database, name string, rpu *meta.RetentionPolicyUpdate, makeDefault bool) error
Backup(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error
Restore(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) error
Data() meta.Data
SetData(data *meta.Data) error
type TSDBStore interface {
DeleteMeasurement(ctx context.Context, database, name string) error
DeleteSeries(ctx context.Context, database string, sources []influxql.Source, condition influxql.Expr) error
MeasurementNames(ctx context.Context, auth query.Authorizer, database string, cond influxql.Expr) ([][]byte, error)
ShardGroup(ids []uint64) tsdb.ShardGroup
Shards(ids []uint64) []*tsdb.Shard
TagKeys(ctx context.Context, auth query.Authorizer, shardIDs []uint64, cond influxql.Expr) ([]tsdb.TagKeys, error)
TagValues(ctx context.Context, auth query.Authorizer, shardIDs []uint64, cond influxql.Expr) ([]tsdb.TagValues, error)
SeriesCardinality(ctx context.Context, database string) (int64, error)
SeriesCardinalityFromShards(ctx context.Context, shards []*tsdb.Shard) (*tsdb.SeriesIDSet, error)
SeriesFile(database string) *tsdb.SeriesFile
// NewEngine initialises a new storage engine, including a series file, index and
// TSM engine.
func NewEngine(path string, c Config, options ...Option) *Engine {
c.Data.Dir = filepath.Join(path, "data")
c.Data.WALDir = filepath.Join(path, "wal")
e := &Engine{
config: c,
path: path,
defaultMetricLabels: prometheus.Labels{},
tsdbStore: tsdb.NewStore(c.Data.Dir),
logger: zap.NewNop(),
writePointsValidationEnabled: true,
for _, opt := range options {
e.tsdbStore.EngineOptions.Config = c.Data
// Copy TSDB configuration.
e.tsdbStore.EngineOptions.EngineVersion = c.Data.Engine
e.tsdbStore.EngineOptions.IndexVersion = c.Data.Index
pw := coordinator.NewPointsWriter(c.WriteTimeout, path)
pw.TSDBStore = e.tsdbStore
pw.MetaClient = e.metaClient
e.pointsWriter = pw
e.retentionService = retention.NewService(c.RetentionService)
e.retentionService.TSDBStore = e.tsdbStore
e.retentionService.MetaClient = e.metaClient
e.precreatorService = precreator.NewService(c.PrecreatorConfig)
e.precreatorService.MetaClient = e.metaClient
return e
// WithLogger sets the logger on the Store. It must be called before Open.
func (e *Engine) WithLogger(log *zap.Logger) {
e.logger = log.With(zap.String("service", "storage-engine"))
if pw, ok := e.pointsWriter.(*coordinator.PointsWriter); ok {
if e.retentionService != nil {
if e.precreatorService != nil {
// PrometheusCollectors returns all the prometheus collectors associated with
// the engine and its components.
func (e *Engine) PrometheusCollectors() []prometheus.Collector {
var metrics []prometheus.Collector
metrics = append(metrics, tsm1.PrometheusCollectors()...)
metrics = append(metrics, coordinator.PrometheusCollectors()...)
return metrics
// Open opens the store and all underlying resources. It returns an error if
// any of the underlying systems fail to open.
func (e *Engine) Open(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
defer e.mu.Unlock()
if e.closing != nil {
return nil // Already open
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
if err := e.tsdbStore.Open(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := e.retentionService.Open(ctx); err != nil {
return err
if err := e.precreatorService.Open(ctx); err != nil {
return err
e.closing = make(chan struct{})
return nil
// EnableCompactions allows the series file, index, & underlying engine to compact.
func (e *Engine) EnableCompactions() {
// DisableCompactions disables compactions in the series file, index, & engine.
func (e *Engine) DisableCompactions() {
// Close closes the store and all underlying resources. It returns an error if
// any of the underlying systems fail to close.
func (e *Engine) Close() error {
if e.closing == nil {
// Unusual if an engine is closed more than once, so note it.
e.logger.Info("Close() called on already-closed engine")
return nil // Already closed
defer e.mu.Unlock()
e.closing = nil
var retErr error
if err := e.precreatorService.Close(); err != nil {
retErr = multierr.Append(retErr, fmt.Errorf("error closing shard precreator service: %w", err))
if err := e.retentionService.Close(); err != nil {
retErr = multierr.Append(retErr, fmt.Errorf("error closing retention service: %w", err))
if err := e.tsdbStore.Close(); err != nil {
retErr = multierr.Append(retErr, fmt.Errorf("error closing TSDB store: %w", err))
if err := e.pointsWriter.Close(); err != nil {
retErr = multierr.Append(retErr, fmt.Errorf("error closing points writer: %w", err))
return retErr
// WritePoints writes the provided points to the engine.
// The Engine expects all points to have been correctly validated by the caller.
// However, WritePoints will determine if any tag key-pairs are missing, or if
// there are any field type conflicts.
// Rosalie was here lockdown 2020
// Appropriate errors are returned in those cases.
func (e *Engine) WritePoints(ctx context.Context, orgID platform.ID, bucketID platform.ID, points []models.Point) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
//TODO - remember to add back unicode validation...
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return ErrEngineClosed
return e.pointsWriter.WritePoints(ctx, bucketID.String(), meta.DefaultRetentionPolicyName, models.ConsistencyLevelAll, &meta.UserInfo{}, points)
func (e *Engine) CreateBucket(ctx context.Context, b *influxdb.Bucket) (err error) {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
spec := meta.RetentionPolicySpec{
Name: meta.DefaultRetentionPolicyName,
Duration: &b.RetentionPeriod,
ShardGroupDuration: b.ShardGroupDuration,
if _, err = e.metaClient.CreateDatabaseWithRetentionPolicy(b.ID.String(), &spec); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (e *Engine) UpdateBucketRetentionPolicy(ctx context.Context, bucketID platform.ID, upd *influxdb.BucketUpdate) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
rpu := meta.RetentionPolicyUpdate{
Duration: upd.RetentionPeriod,
ShardGroupDuration: upd.ShardGroupDuration,
err := e.metaClient.UpdateRetentionPolicy(bucketID.String(), meta.DefaultRetentionPolicyName, &rpu, true)
if err == meta.ErrIncompatibleDurations {
err = &errors2.Error{
Code: errors2.EUnprocessableEntity,
Msg: "shard-group duration must also be updated to be smaller than new retention duration",
return err
// DeleteBucket deletes an entire bucket from the storage engine.
func (e *Engine) DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, orgID, bucketID platform.ID) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
return e.tsdbStore.DeleteDatabase(bucketID.String())
// DeleteBucketRangePredicate deletes data within a bucket from the storage engine. Any data
// deleted must be in [min, max], and the key must match the predicate if provided.
func (e *Engine) DeleteBucketRangePredicate(ctx context.Context, orgID, bucketID platform.ID, min, max int64, pred influxdb.Predicate) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return ErrEngineClosed
return e.tsdbStore.DeleteSeriesWithPredicate(ctx, bucketID.String(), min, max, pred)
// RLockKVStore locks the KV store as well as the engine in preparation for doing a backup.
func (e *Engine) RLockKVStore() {
// RUnlockKVStore unlocks the KV store & engine, intended to be used after a backup is complete.
func (e *Engine) RUnlockKVStore() {
func (e *Engine) BackupKVStore(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
if e.closing == nil {
return ErrEngineClosed
return e.metaClient.Backup(ctx, w)
func (e *Engine) BackupShard(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer, shardID uint64, since time.Time) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return ErrEngineClosed
return e.tsdbStore.BackupShard(shardID, since, w)
func (e *Engine) RestoreKVStore(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return ErrEngineClosed
// Replace KV store data and remove all existing shard data.
if err := e.metaClient.Restore(ctx, r); err != nil {
return err
} else if err := e.tsdbStore.DeleteShards(); err != nil {
return err
// Create new shards based on the restored KV data.
data := e.metaClient.Data()
for _, dbi := range data.Databases {
for _, rpi := range dbi.RetentionPolicies {
for _, sgi := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if sgi.Deleted() {
for _, sh := range sgi.Shards {
if err := e.tsdbStore.CreateShard(ctx, dbi.Name, rpi.Name, sh.ID, true); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (e *Engine) RestoreBucket(ctx context.Context, id platform.ID, buf []byte) (map[uint64]uint64, error) {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return nil, ErrEngineClosed
var newDBI meta.DatabaseInfo
if err := newDBI.UnmarshalBinary(buf); err != nil {
return nil, err
data := e.metaClient.Data()
dbi := data.Database(id.String())
if dbi == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bucket dbi for %q not found during restore", newDBI.Name)
} else if len(newDBI.RetentionPolicies) != 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("bucket must have 1 retention policy; attempting to restore %d retention policies", len(newDBI.RetentionPolicies))
dbi.RetentionPolicies = newDBI.RetentionPolicies
dbi.ContinuousQueries = newDBI.ContinuousQueries
// Generate shard ID mapping.
shardIDMap := make(map[uint64]uint64)
rpi := newDBI.RetentionPolicies[0]
for j, sgi := range rpi.ShardGroups {
rpi.ShardGroups[j].ID = data.MaxShardGroupID
for k := range sgi.Shards {
shardIDMap[sgi.Shards[k].ID] = data.MaxShardID
sgi.Shards[k].ID = data.MaxShardID
sgi.Shards[k].Owners = []meta.ShardOwner{}
// Update data.
if err := e.metaClient.SetData(&data); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Create shards.
for _, sgi := range rpi.ShardGroups {
if sgi.Deleted() {
for _, sh := range sgi.Shards {
if err := e.tsdbStore.CreateShard(ctx, dbi.Name, rpi.Name, sh.ID, true); err != nil {
return nil, err
return shardIDMap, nil
func (e *Engine) RestoreShard(ctx context.Context, shardID uint64, r io.Reader) error {
span, _ := tracing.StartSpanFromContext(ctx)
defer span.Finish()
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return ErrEngineClosed
return e.tsdbStore.RestoreShard(ctx, shardID, r)
// SeriesCardinality returns the number of series in the engine.
func (e *Engine) SeriesCardinality(ctx context.Context, bucketID platform.ID) int64 {
defer e.mu.RUnlock()
if e.closing == nil {
return 0
n, err := e.tsdbStore.SeriesCardinality(ctx, bucketID.String())
if err != nil {
return 0
return n
// Path returns the path of the engine's base directory.
func (e *Engine) Path() string {
return e.path
func (e *Engine) TSDBStore() TSDBStore {
return e.tsdbStore
func (e *Engine) MetaClient() MetaClient {
return e.metaClient