456 lines
12 KiB
456 lines
12 KiB
package main
import (
input "github.com/tcnksm/go-input"
var setupFlags struct {
bucket string
force bool
hideHeaders bool
json bool
name string
org string
password string
retention time.Duration
token string
username string
func cmdSetup(f *globalFlags, opt genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command {
cmd := opt.newCmd("setup", nil, true)
cmd.RunE = setupF
cmd.Short = "Setup instance with initial user, org, bucket"
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.username, "username", "u", "", "primary username")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.password, "password", "p", "", "password for username")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.token, "token", "t", "", "token for username, else auto-generated")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.org, "org", "o", "", "primary organization name")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.bucket, "bucket", "b", "", "primary bucket name")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.name, "name", "n", "", "config name, only required if you already have existing configs")
cmd.Flags().DurationVarP(&setupFlags.retention, "retention", "r", -1, "Duration bucket will retain data. 0 is infinite. Default is 0.")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&setupFlags.force, "force", "f", false, "skip confirmation prompt")
registerPrintOptions(cmd, &setupFlags.hideHeaders, &setupFlags.json)
return cmd
func cmdSetupUser(opt genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command {
cmd := opt.newCmd("user", nil, true)
cmd.RunE = setupUserF
cmd.Short = "Setup instance with user, org, bucket"
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.username, "username", "u", "", "primary username")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.password, "password", "p", "", "password for username")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.token, "token", "t", "", "token for username, else auto-generated")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.org, "org", "o", "", "primary organization name")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.bucket, "bucket", "b", "", "primary bucket name")
cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&setupFlags.name, "name", "n", "", "config name, only required if you already have existing configs")
cmd.Flags().DurationVarP(&setupFlags.retention, "retention", "r", -1, "Duration bucket will retain data. 0 is infinite. Default is 0.")
cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&setupFlags.force, "force", "f", false, "skip confirmation prompt")
registerPrintOptions(cmd, &setupFlags.hideHeaders, &setupFlags.json)
return cmd
func setupUserF(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if flags.local {
return fmt.Errorf("local flag not supported for setup command")
// check if setup is allowed
client, err := newHTTPClient()
if err != nil {
return err
s := tenant.OnboardClientService{
Client: client,
req, err := onboardingRequest()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve data to setup instance: %v", err)
result, err := s.OnboardUser(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup instance: %v", err)
w := cmd.OutOrStdout()
if setupFlags.json {
return writeJSON(w, map[string]interface{}{
"user": result.User.Name,
"organization": result.Org.Name,
"bucket": result.Bucket.Name,
tabW := internal.NewTabWriter(w)
defer tabW.Flush()
tabW.WriteHeaders("User", "Organization", "Bucket")
"User": result.User.Name,
"Organization": result.Org.Name,
"Bucket": result.Bucket.Name,
return nil
func setupF(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
if flags.local {
return fmt.Errorf("local flag not supported for setup command")
// check if setup is allowed
client, err := newHTTPClient()
if err != nil {
return err
s := tenant.OnboardClientService{
Client: client,
allowed, err := s.IsOnboarding(context.Background())
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to determine if instance has been configured: %v", err)
if !allowed {
return fmt.Errorf("instance at %q has already been setup", flags.Host)
dPath, dir, err := defaultConfigPath()
if err != nil {
return err
localSVC := config.NewLocalConfigSVC(dPath, dir)
existingConfigs := make(config.Configs)
if _, err := os.Stat(dPath); err == nil {
existingConfigs, _ = localSVC.ListConfigs()
// ignore the error if found nothing
if setupFlags.name == "" {
return errors.New("flag name is required if you already have existing configs")
if _, ok := existingConfigs[setupFlags.name]; ok {
return &influxdb.Error{
Code: influxdb.EConflict,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("config name %q already existed", setupFlags.name),
req, err := onboardingRequest()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to retrieve data to setup instance: %v", err)
result, err := s.OnboardInitialUser(context.Background(), req)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to setup instance: %v", err)
p := config.DefaultConfig
p.Token = result.Auth.Token
p.Org = result.Org.Name
if len(existingConfigs) > 0 {
p.Name = setupFlags.name
if flags.Host != "" {
p.Host = flags.Host
if _, err = localSVC.CreateConfig(p); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write config to path %q: %v", dPath, err)
fmt.Println(string(promptWithColor(fmt.Sprintf("Config %s has been stored in %s.", p.Name, dPath), colorCyan)))
w := cmd.OutOrStdout()
if setupFlags.json {
return writeJSON(w, map[string]interface{}{
"user": result.User.Name,
"organization": result.Org.Name,
"bucket": result.Bucket.Name,
tabW := internal.NewTabWriter(w)
defer tabW.Flush()
tabW.WriteHeaders("User", "Organization", "Bucket")
"User": result.User.Name,
"Organization": result.Org.Name,
"Bucket": result.Bucket.Name,
return nil
func isInteractive() bool {
return !setupFlags.force ||
setupFlags.username == "" ||
setupFlags.password == "" ||
setupFlags.org == "" ||
setupFlags.bucket == ""
func onboardingRequest() (*influxdb.OnboardingRequest, error) {
if isInteractive() {
return interactive()
return nonInteractive()
func nonInteractive() (*influxdb.OnboardingRequest, error) {
req := &influxdb.OnboardingRequest{
User: setupFlags.username,
Password: setupFlags.password,
Token: setupFlags.token,
Org: setupFlags.org,
Bucket: setupFlags.bucket,
// TODO: this manipulation is required by the API, something that
// we should fixup to be a duration instead
RetentionPeriod: uint(setupFlags.retention / time.Hour),
if setupFlags.retention < 0 {
req.RetentionPeriod = influxdb.InfiniteRetention
return req, nil
func interactive() (req *influxdb.OnboardingRequest, err error) {
ui := &input.UI{
Writer: os.Stdout,
Reader: os.Stdin,
req = new(influxdb.OnboardingRequest)
fmt.Println(string(promptWithColor(`Welcome to InfluxDB 2.0!`, colorYellow)))
if setupFlags.username != "" {
req.User = setupFlags.username
} else {
req.User = getInput(ui, "Please type your primary username", "")
if setupFlags.password != "" {
req.Password = setupFlags.password
} else {
req.Password = getPassword(ui, false)
if setupFlags.token != "" {
req.Token = setupFlags.token
// else auto-generated by service
if setupFlags.org != "" {
req.Org = setupFlags.org
} else {
req.Org = getInput(ui, "Please type your primary organization name", "")
if setupFlags.bucket != "" {
req.Bucket = setupFlags.bucket
} else {
req.Bucket = getInput(ui, "Please type your primary bucket name", "")
if setupFlags.retention >= 0 {
req.RetentionPeriod = uint(setupFlags.retention)
} else {
for {
rpStr := getInput(ui, "Please type your retention period in hours.\r\nOr press ENTER for infinite.", strconv.Itoa(influxdb.InfiniteRetention))
rp, err := strconv.Atoi(rpStr)
if rp >= 0 && err == nil {
req.RetentionPeriod = uint(rp)
if !setupFlags.force {
if confirmed := getConfirm(ui, req); !confirmed {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("setup was canceled")
return req, nil
// vt100EscapeCodes
var (
keyEscape = byte(27)
colorRed = []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '1', 'm'}
colorYellow = []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '3', 'm'}
colorCyan = []byte{keyEscape, '[', '3', '6', 'm'}
keyReset = []byte{keyEscape, '[', '0', 'm'}
func promptWithColor(s string, color []byte) []byte {
bb := append(color, []byte(s)...)
return append(bb, keyReset...)
func getConfirm(ui *input.UI, or *influxdb.OnboardingRequest) bool {
prompt := promptWithColor("Confirm? (y/n)", colorRed)
for {
rp := "infinite"
if or.RetentionPeriod > 0 {
rp = fmt.Sprintf("%d hrs", or.RetentionPeriod)
You have entered:
Username: %s
Organization: %s
Bucket: %s
Retention Period: %s
`, or.User, or.Org, or.Bucket, rp), colorCyan))
result, err := ui.Ask(string(prompt), &input.Options{
HideOrder: true,
if err != nil {
return false
switch result {
case "y":
return true
case "n":
return false
var errPasswordNotMatch = fmt.Errorf("passwords do not match")
var errPasswordIsTooShort error = fmt.Errorf("password is too short")
func getSecret(ui *input.UI) (secret string) {
var err error
query := string(promptWithColor("Please type your secret", colorCyan))
for {
secret, err = ui.Ask(query, &input.Options{
Required: true,
HideOrder: true,
Hide: true,
Mask: false,
switch err {
case input.ErrInterrupted:
if secret = strings.TrimSpace(secret); secret == "" {
return secret
func getPassword(ui *input.UI, showNew bool) (password string) {
newStr := ""
if showNew {
newStr = " new"
var err error
query := string(promptWithColor("Please type your"+newStr+" password", colorCyan))
for {
password, err = ui.Ask(query, &input.Options{
Required: true,
HideOrder: true,
Hide: true,
Mask: false,
ValidateFunc: func(s string) error {
if len(s) < 8 {
return errPasswordIsTooShort
return nil
switch err {
case input.ErrInterrupted:
case errPasswordIsTooShort:
ui.Writer.Write(promptWithColor("Password too short - minimum length is 8 characters!\n\r", colorRed))
if password = strings.TrimSpace(password); password == "" {
query = string(promptWithColor("Please type your"+newStr+" password again", colorCyan))
for {
_, err = ui.Ask(query, &input.Options{
Required: true,
HideOrder: true,
Hide: true,
ValidateFunc: func(s string) error {
if s != password {
return errPasswordNotMatch
return nil
switch err {
case input.ErrInterrupted:
case nil:
// Nothing.
ui.Writer.Write(promptWithColor("Passwords do not match!\n", colorRed))
goto enterPassword
return password
func getInput(ui *input.UI, prompt, defaultValue string) string {
option := &input.Options{
Required: true,
HideOrder: true,
if defaultValue != "" {
option.Default = defaultValue
option.HideDefault = true
prompt = string(promptWithColor(prompt, colorCyan))
for {
line, err := ui.Ask(prompt, option)
switch err {
case input.ErrInterrupted:
if line = strings.TrimSpace(line); line == "" {
return line