252 lines
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252 lines
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package functions
import (
const CovarianceKind = "covariance"
type CovarianceOpSpec struct {
PearsonCorrelation bool `json:"pearsonr"`
ValueDst string `json:"value_dst"`
var covarianceSignature = query.DefaultFunctionSignature()
func init() {
covarianceSignature.Params["pearsonr"] = semantic.Bool
covarianceSignature.Params["columns"] = semantic.Array
query.RegisterBuiltIn("covariance", covarianceBuiltIn)
query.RegisterFunction(CovarianceKind, createCovarianceOpSpec, covarianceSignature)
query.RegisterOpSpec(CovarianceKind, newCovarianceOp)
plan.RegisterProcedureSpec(CovarianceKind, newCovarianceProcedure, CovarianceKind)
execute.RegisterTransformation(CovarianceKind, createCovarianceTransformation)
// covarianceBuiltIn defines a `cov` function with an automatic join.
var covarianceBuiltIn = `
cov = (x,y,on,pearsonr=false) =>
tables:{x:x, y:y},
fn: (t) => ({x:t.x._value, y:t.y._value}),
|> covariance(pearsonr:pearsonr, columns:["x","y"])
pearsonr = (x,y,on) => cov(x:x, y:y, on:on, pearsonr:true)
func createCovarianceOpSpec(args query.Arguments, a *query.Administration) (query.OperationSpec, error) {
if err := a.AddParentFromArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
spec := new(CovarianceOpSpec)
pearsonr, ok, err := args.GetBool("pearsonr")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.PearsonCorrelation = pearsonr
label, ok, err := args.GetString("valueDst")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else if ok {
spec.ValueDst = label
} else {
spec.ValueDst = execute.DefaultValueColLabel
if err := spec.AggregateConfig.ReadArgs(args); err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(spec.Columns) != 2 {
return nil, errors.New("must provide exactly two columns")
return spec, nil
func newCovarianceOp() query.OperationSpec {
return new(CovarianceOpSpec)
func (s *CovarianceOpSpec) Kind() query.OperationKind {
return CovarianceKind
type CovarianceProcedureSpec struct {
PearsonCorrelation bool
ValueLabel string
func newCovarianceProcedure(qs query.OperationSpec, pa plan.Administration) (plan.ProcedureSpec, error) {
spec, ok := qs.(*CovarianceOpSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", qs)
return &CovarianceProcedureSpec{
PearsonCorrelation: spec.PearsonCorrelation,
ValueLabel: spec.ValueDst,
AggregateConfig: spec.AggregateConfig,
}, nil
func (s *CovarianceProcedureSpec) Kind() plan.ProcedureKind {
return CovarianceKind
func (s *CovarianceProcedureSpec) Copy() plan.ProcedureSpec {
ns := new(CovarianceProcedureSpec)
*ns = *s
ns.AggregateConfig = s.AggregateConfig.Copy()
return ns
type CovarianceTransformation struct {
d execute.Dataset
cache execute.TableBuilderCache
bounds execute.Bounds
spec CovarianceProcedureSpec
yIdx int
xym2 float64
func createCovarianceTransformation(id execute.DatasetID, mode execute.AccumulationMode, spec plan.ProcedureSpec, a execute.Administration) (execute.Transformation, execute.Dataset, error) {
s, ok := spec.(*CovarianceProcedureSpec)
if !ok {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid spec type %T", spec)
cache := execute.NewTableBuilderCache(a.Allocator())
d := execute.NewDataset(id, mode, cache)
t := NewCovarianceTransformation(d, cache, s)
return t, d, nil
func NewCovarianceTransformation(d execute.Dataset, cache execute.TableBuilderCache, spec *CovarianceProcedureSpec) *CovarianceTransformation {
return &CovarianceTransformation{
d: d,
cache: cache,
spec: *spec,
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) RetractTable(id execute.DatasetID, key query.GroupKey) error {
return t.d.RetractTable(key)
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) Process(id execute.DatasetID, tbl query.Table) error {
cols := tbl.Cols()
builder, created := t.cache.TableBuilder(tbl.Key())
if !created {
return fmt.Errorf("covariance found duplicate table with key: %v", tbl.Key())
execute.AddTableKeyCols(tbl.Key(), builder)
Label: t.spec.TimeDst,
Type: query.TTime,
valueIdx := builder.AddCol(query.ColMeta{
Label: t.spec.ValueLabel,
Type: query.TFloat,
xIdx := execute.ColIdx(t.spec.Columns[0], cols)
yIdx := execute.ColIdx(t.spec.Columns[1], cols)
if cols[xIdx].Type != cols[yIdx].Type {
return errors.New("cannot compute the covariance between different types")
if err := execute.AppendAggregateTime(t.spec.TimeSrc, t.spec.TimeDst, tbl.Key(), builder); err != nil {
return err
tbl.Do(func(cr query.ColReader) error {
switch typ := cols[xIdx].Type; typ {
case query.TFloat:
t.DoFloat(cr.Floats(xIdx), cr.Floats(yIdx))
return fmt.Errorf("covariance does not support %v", typ)
return nil
execute.AppendKeyValues(tbl.Key(), builder)
builder.AppendFloat(valueIdx, t.value())
return nil
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) reset() {
t.n = 0
t.xm1 = 0
t.ym1 = 0
t.xm2 = 0
t.ym2 = 0
t.xym2 = 0
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) DoFloat(xs, ys []float64) {
var xdelta, ydelta, xdelta2, ydelta2 float64
for i, x := range xs {
y := ys[i]
// Update means
xdelta = x - t.xm1
ydelta = y - t.ym1
t.xm1 += xdelta / t.n
t.ym1 += ydelta / t.n
// Update variance sums
xdelta2 = x - t.xm1
ydelta2 = y - t.ym1
t.xm2 += xdelta * xdelta2
t.ym2 += ydelta * ydelta2
// Update covariance sum
// Covariance is symetric so we do not need to compute the yxm2 value.
t.xym2 += xdelta * ydelta2
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) value() float64 {
if t.n < 2 {
return math.NaN()
if t.spec.PearsonCorrelation {
return (t.xym2) / math.Sqrt(t.xm2*t.ym2)
return t.xym2 / (t.n - 1)
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) UpdateWatermark(id execute.DatasetID, mark execute.Time) error {
return t.d.UpdateWatermark(mark)
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) UpdateProcessingTime(id execute.DatasetID, pt execute.Time) error {
return t.d.UpdateProcessingTime(pt)
func (t *CovarianceTransformation) Finish(id execute.DatasetID, err error) {