package raft import ( "sync" "time" ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Typedefs // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // A peer is a reference to another server involved in the consensus protocol. type Peer struct { server *server Name string `json:"name"` ConnectionString string `json:"connectionString"` prevLogIndex uint64 stopChan chan bool heartbeatInterval time.Duration lastActivity time.Time sync.RWMutex } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Constructor // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Creates a new peer. func newPeer(server *server, name string, connectionString string, heartbeatInterval time.Duration) *Peer { return &Peer{ server: server, Name: name, ConnectionString: connectionString, heartbeatInterval: heartbeatInterval, } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Accessors // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Sets the heartbeat timeout. func (p *Peer) setHeartbeatInterval(duration time.Duration) { p.heartbeatInterval = duration } //-------------------------------------- // Prev log index //-------------------------------------- // Retrieves the previous log index. func (p *Peer) getPrevLogIndex() uint64 { p.RLock() defer p.RUnlock() return p.prevLogIndex } // Sets the previous log index. func (p *Peer) setPrevLogIndex(value uint64) { p.Lock() defer p.Unlock() p.prevLogIndex = value } func (p *Peer) setLastActivity(now time.Time) { p.Lock() defer p.Unlock() p.lastActivity = now } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // // Methods // //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //-------------------------------------- // Heartbeat //-------------------------------------- // Starts the peer heartbeat. func (p *Peer) startHeartbeat() { p.stopChan = make(chan bool) c := make(chan bool) p.setLastActivity(time.Now()) p.server.routineGroup.Add(1) go func() { defer p.server.routineGroup.Done() p.heartbeat(c) }() <-c } // Stops the peer heartbeat. func (p *Peer) stopHeartbeat(flush bool) { p.setLastActivity(time.Time{}) p.stopChan <- flush } // LastActivity returns the last time any response was received from the peer. func (p *Peer) LastActivity() time.Time { p.RLock() defer p.RUnlock() return p.lastActivity } //-------------------------------------- // Copying //-------------------------------------- // Clones the state of the peer. The clone is not attached to a server and // the heartbeat timer will not exist. func (p *Peer) clone() *Peer { p.Lock() defer p.Unlock() return &Peer{ Name: p.Name, ConnectionString: p.ConnectionString, prevLogIndex: p.prevLogIndex, lastActivity: p.lastActivity, } } //-------------------------------------- // Heartbeat //-------------------------------------- // Listens to the heartbeat timeout and flushes an AppendEntries RPC. func (p *Peer) heartbeat(c chan bool) { stopChan := p.stopChan c <- true ticker := time.Tick(p.heartbeatInterval) debugln("peer.heartbeat: ", p.Name, p.heartbeatInterval) for { select { case flush := <-stopChan: if flush { // before we can safely remove a node // we must flush the remove command to the node first p.flush() debugln("peer.heartbeat.stop.with.flush: ", p.Name) return } else { debugln("peer.heartbeat.stop: ", p.Name) return } case <-ticker: start := time.Now() p.flush() duration := time.Now().Sub(start) p.server.DispatchEvent(newEvent(HeartbeatEventType, duration, nil)) } } } func (p *Peer) flush() { debugln("peer.heartbeat.flush: ", p.Name) prevLogIndex := p.getPrevLogIndex() term := p.server.currentTerm entries, prevLogTerm := p.server.log.getEntriesAfter(prevLogIndex, p.server.maxLogEntriesPerRequest) if entries != nil { p.sendAppendEntriesRequest(newAppendEntriesRequest(term, prevLogIndex, prevLogTerm, p.server.log.CommitIndex(),, entries)) } else { p.sendSnapshotRequest(newSnapshotRequest(, p.server.snapshot)) } } //-------------------------------------- // Append Entries //-------------------------------------- // Sends an AppendEntries request to the peer through the transport. func (p *Peer) sendAppendEntriesRequest(req *AppendEntriesRequest) { tracef("peer.append.send: %s->%s [prevLog:%v length: %v]\n", p.server.Name(), p.Name, req.PrevLogIndex, len(req.Entries)) resp := p.server.Transporter().SendAppendEntriesRequest(p.server, p, req) if resp == nil { p.server.DispatchEvent(newEvent(HeartbeatIntervalEventType, p, nil)) debugln("peer.append.timeout: ", p.server.Name(), "->", p.Name) return } traceln("peer.append.resp: ", p.server.Name(), "<-", p.Name) p.setLastActivity(time.Now()) // If successful then update the previous log index. p.Lock() if resp.Success() { if len(req.Entries) > 0 { p.prevLogIndex = req.Entries[len(req.Entries)-1].GetIndex() // if peer append a log entry from the current term // we set append to true if req.Entries[len(req.Entries)-1].GetTerm() == p.server.currentTerm { resp.append = true } } traceln("peer.append.resp.success: ", p.Name, "; idx =", p.prevLogIndex) // If it was unsuccessful then decrement the previous log index and // we'll try again next time. } else { if resp.Term() > p.server.Term() { // this happens when there is a new leader comes up that this *leader* has not // known yet. // this server can know until the new leader send a ae with higher term // or this server finish processing this response. debugln("peer.append.resp.not.update: new.leader.found") } else if resp.Term() == req.Term && resp.CommitIndex() >= p.prevLogIndex { // we may miss a response from peer // so maybe the peer has committed the logs we just sent // but we did not receive the successful reply and did not increase // the prevLogIndex // peer failed to truncate the log and sent a fail reply at this time // we just need to update peer's prevLog index to commitIndex p.prevLogIndex = resp.CommitIndex() debugln("peer.append.resp.update: ", p.Name, "; idx =", p.prevLogIndex) } else if p.prevLogIndex > 0 { // Decrement the previous log index down until we find a match. Don't // let it go below where the peer's commit index is though. That's a // problem. p.prevLogIndex-- // if it not enough, we directly decrease to the index of the if p.prevLogIndex > resp.Index() { p.prevLogIndex = resp.Index() } debugln("peer.append.resp.decrement: ", p.Name, "; idx =", p.prevLogIndex) } } p.Unlock() // Attach the peer to resp, thus server can know where it comes from resp.peer = p.Name // Send response to server for processing. p.server.sendAsync(resp) } // Sends an Snapshot request to the peer through the transport. func (p *Peer) sendSnapshotRequest(req *SnapshotRequest) { debugln("peer.snap.send: ", p.Name) resp := p.server.Transporter().SendSnapshotRequest(p.server, p, req) if resp == nil { debugln("peer.snap.timeout: ", p.Name) return } debugln("peer.snap.recv: ", p.Name) // If successful, the peer should have been to snapshot state // Send it the snapshot! p.setLastActivity(time.Now()) if resp.Success { p.sendSnapshotRecoveryRequest() } else { debugln("peer.snap.failed: ", p.Name) return } } // Sends an Snapshot Recovery request to the peer through the transport. func (p *Peer) sendSnapshotRecoveryRequest() { req := newSnapshotRecoveryRequest(, p.server.snapshot) debugln("peer.snap.recovery.send: ", p.Name) resp := p.server.Transporter().SendSnapshotRecoveryRequest(p.server, p, req) if resp == nil { debugln("peer.snap.recovery.timeout: ", p.Name) return } p.setLastActivity(time.Now()) if resp.Success { p.prevLogIndex = req.LastIndex } else { debugln("peer.snap.recovery.failed: ", p.Name) return } p.server.sendAsync(resp) } //-------------------------------------- // Vote Requests //-------------------------------------- // send VoteRequest Request func (p *Peer) sendVoteRequest(req *RequestVoteRequest, c chan *RequestVoteResponse) { debugln(" ", p.server.Name(), "->", p.Name) req.peer = p if resp := p.server.Transporter().SendVoteRequest(p.server, p, req); resp != nil { debugln(" ", p.server.Name(), "<-", p.Name) p.setLastActivity(time.Now()) resp.peer = p c <- resp } else { debugln(" ", p.server.Name(), "<-", p.Name) } }