#!/bin/bash go install golang.org/x/tools/cmd/goimports HAS_FMT_ERR=0 # For every Go file in the project, excluding vendor... for file in $(go list -f '{{$dir := .Dir}}{{range .GoFiles}}{{printf "%s/%s\n" $dir .}}{{end}}{{range .TestGoFiles}}{{printf "%s/%s\n" $dir .}}{{end}}{{range .IgnoredGoFiles}}{{printf "%s/%s\n" $dir .}}{{end}}{{range .CgoFiles}}{{printf "%s/%s\n" $dir .}}{{end}}' ./... ); do # ... if file does not contain standard generated code comment (https://golang.org/s/generatedcode)... if ! grep -Exq '^// Code generated .* DO NOT EDIT\.$' $file; then FMT_OUT="$(goimports -l -d $file)" # ... and if goimports had any output... if [[ -n "$FMT_OUT" ]]; then if [ "$HAS_FMT_ERR" -eq "0" ]; then # Only print this once. HAS_FMT_ERR=1 echo 'Commit includes files that are not gofmt-ed' && \ echo 'run "make fmt"' && \ echo '' fi echo "$FMT_OUT" # Print output and continue, so developers don't fix one file at a t fi fi done ## print at the end too... sometimes it is nice to see what to do at the end. if [ "$HAS_FMT_ERR" -eq "1" ]; then echo 'Commit includes files that are not gofmt-ed' && \ echo 'run "make fmt"' && \ echo '' fi exit "$HAS_FMT_ERR"