package pkger import ( "context" "errors" "fmt" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "" ierrors "" "" "" icheck "" "" "" "" "" "" ) var idGenerator = snowflake.NewDefaultIDGenerator() // NameGenerator generates a random name. Includes an optional fuzz option to // further randomize the name. type NameGenerator func() string // ResourceToClone is a resource that will be cloned. type ResourceToClone struct { Kind Kind `json:"kind"` ID platform.ID `json:"id,omitempty"` Name string `json:"name"` // note(jsteenb2): For time being we'll allow this internally, but not externally. A lot of // issues to account for when exposing this to the outside world. Not something I'm keen // to accommodate at this time. MetaName string `json:"-"` } // OK validates a resource clone is viable. func (r ResourceToClone) OK() error { if err := r.Kind.OK(); err != nil { return err } if r.ID == platform.ID(0) && len(r.Name) == 0 { return errors.New("must provide an ID or name") } return nil } var kindPriorities = map[Kind]int{ KindLabel: 1, KindBucket: 2, KindCheck: 3, KindCheckDeadman: 4, KindCheckThreshold: 5, KindNotificationEndpoint: 6, KindNotificationEndpointHTTP: 7, KindNotificationEndpointPagerDuty: 8, KindNotificationEndpointSlack: 9, KindNotificationRule: 10, KindTask: 11, KindVariable: 12, KindDashboard: 13, KindTelegraf: 14, } type exportKey struct { orgID platform.ID id platform.ID name string kind Kind } func newExportKey(orgID, id platform.ID, k Kind, name string) exportKey { return exportKey{ orgID: orgID, id: id, name: name, kind: k, } } type resourceExporter struct { nameGen NameGenerator bucketSVC influxdb.BucketService checkSVC influxdb.CheckService dashSVC influxdb.DashboardService labelSVC influxdb.LabelService endpointSVC influxdb.NotificationEndpointService ruleSVC influxdb.NotificationRuleStore taskSVC taskmodel.TaskService teleSVC influxdb.TelegrafConfigStore varSVC influxdb.VariableService mObjects map[exportKey]Object mPkgNames map[string]bool mStackResources map[exportKey]StackResource } func newResourceExporter(svc *Service) *resourceExporter { return &resourceExporter{ nameGen: wordplay.GetRandomName, bucketSVC: svc.bucketSVC, checkSVC: svc.checkSVC, dashSVC: svc.dashSVC, labelSVC: svc.labelSVC, endpointSVC: svc.endpointSVC, ruleSVC: svc.ruleSVC, taskSVC: svc.taskSVC, teleSVC: svc.teleSVC, varSVC: svc.varSVC, mObjects: make(map[exportKey]Object), mPkgNames: make(map[string]bool), mStackResources: make(map[exportKey]StackResource), } } func (ex *resourceExporter) Export(ctx context.Context, resourcesToClone []ResourceToClone, labelNames ...string) error { mLabelIDsToMetaName := make(map[platform.ID]string) for _, r := range resourcesToClone { if ! || r.MetaName == "" { continue } mLabelIDsToMetaName[r.ID] = r.MetaName } cloneAssFn, err := ex.resourceCloneAssociationsGen(ctx, mLabelIDsToMetaName, labelNames...) if err != nil { return err } resourcesToClone = uniqResourcesToClone(resourcesToClone) // sorting this in priority order guarantees that the dependencies/associations // for a resource are handled prior to the resource being processed. // i.e. if a bucket depends on a label, then labels need to be run first // to guarantee they are available before a bucket is exported. sort.Slice(resourcesToClone, func(i, j int) bool { iName, jName := resourcesToClone[i].Name, resourcesToClone[j].Name iKind, jKind := resourcesToClone[i].Kind, resourcesToClone[j].Kind if { return iName < jName } return kindPriorities[iKind] < kindPriorities[jKind] }) for _, r := range resourcesToClone { err := ex.resourceCloneToKind(ctx, r, cloneAssFn) if err != nil { return internalErr(fmt.Errorf("failed to clone resource: resource_id=%s resource_kind=%s err=%q", r.ID, r.Kind, err)) } } return nil } func (ex *resourceExporter) Objects() []Object { objects := make([]Object, 0, len(ex.mObjects)) for _, obj := range ex.mObjects { objects = append(objects, obj) } return sortObjects(objects) } func (ex *resourceExporter) StackResources() []StackResource { resources := make([]StackResource, 0, len(ex.mStackResources)) for _, res := range ex.mStackResources { resources = append(resources, res) } return resources } // we only need an id when we have resources that are not unique by name via the // metastore. resoureces that are unique by name will be provided a default stamp // making looksup unique since each resource will be unique by name. const uniqByNameResID = platform.ID(0) type cloneAssociationsFn func(context.Context, ResourceToClone) (associations []ObjectAssociation, skipResource bool, err error) func (ex *resourceExporter) resourceCloneToKind(ctx context.Context, r ResourceToClone, cFn cloneAssociationsFn) (e error) { defer func() { if e != nil { e = ierrors.Wrap(e, "cloning resource") } }() ass, skipResource, err := cFn(ctx, r) if err != nil { return err } if skipResource { return nil } mapResource := func(orgID, uniqResID platform.ID, k Kind, object Object) { // overwrite the default field with export generated one here metaName := r.MetaName if r.MetaName == "" { metaName = ex.uniqName() } stackResource := StackResource{ APIVersion: APIVersion, ID: r.ID, MetaName: metaName, Kind: r.Kind, } for _, a := range ass { stackResource.Associations = append(stackResource.Associations, StackResourceAssociation(a)) } object.SetMetadataName(metaName) object.AddAssociations(ass...) key := newExportKey(orgID, uniqResID, k, object.Spec.stringShort(fieldName)) ex.mObjects[key] = object ex.mStackResources[key] = stackResource } switch { case filter := influxdb.BucketFilter{} if r.ID != platform.ID(0) { filter.ID = &r.ID } if len(r.Name) > 0 { filter.Name = &r.Name } bkts, n, err := ex.bucketSVC.FindBuckets(ctx, filter) if err != nil { return err } if n < 1 { return errors.New("no buckets found") } for _, bkt := range bkts { mapResource(bkt.OrgID, bkt.ID, KindBucket, BucketToObject(r.Name, *bkt)) } case,, filter := influxdb.CheckFilter{} if r.ID != platform.ID(0) { filter.ID = &r.ID } if len(r.Name) > 0 { filter.Name = &r.Name } chs, n, err := ex.checkSVC.FindChecks(ctx, filter) if err != nil { return err } if n < 1 { return errors.New("no checks found") } for _, ch := range chs { mapResource(ch.GetOrgID(), ch.GetID(), KindCheck, CheckToObject(r.Name, ch)) } case var ( hasID bool filter = influxdb.DashboardFilter{} ) if r.ID != platform.ID(0) { hasID = true filter.IDs = []*platform.ID{&r.ID} } dashes, _, err := ex.dashSVC.FindDashboards(ctx, filter, influxdb.DefaultDashboardFindOptions) if err != nil { return err } var mapped bool for _, dash := range dashes { if (!hasID && len(r.Name) > 0 && dash.Name != r.Name) || (hasID && dash.ID != r.ID) { continue } for _, cell := range dash.Cells { v, err := ex.dashSVC.GetDashboardCellView(ctx, dash.ID, cell.ID) if err != nil { continue } cell.View = v } mapResource(dash.OrganizationID, dash.ID, KindDashboard, DashboardToObject(r.Name, *dash)) mapped = true } if !mapped { return errors.New("no dashboards found") } case switch { case r.ID != platform.ID(0): l, err := ex.labelSVC.FindLabelByID(ctx, r.ID) if err != nil { return err } mapResource(l.OrgID, uniqByNameResID, KindLabel, LabelToObject(r.Name, *l)) case len(r.Name) > 0: labels, err := ex.labelSVC.FindLabels(ctx, influxdb.LabelFilter{Name: r.Name}) if err != nil { return err } for _, l := range labels { mapResource(l.OrgID, uniqByNameResID, KindLabel, LabelToObject(r.Name, *l)) } } case,,, var endpoints []influxdb.NotificationEndpoint switch { case r.ID != platform.ID(0): notifEndpoint, err := ex.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpointByID(ctx, r.ID) if err != nil { return err } endpoints = append(endpoints, notifEndpoint) case len(r.Name) != 0: allEndpoints, _, err := ex.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpoints(ctx, influxdb.NotificationEndpointFilter{}) if err != nil { return err } for _, notifEndpoint := range allEndpoints { if notifEndpoint.GetName() != r.Name || notifEndpoint == nil { continue } endpoints = append(endpoints, notifEndpoint) } } if len(endpoints) == 0 { return errors.New("no notification endpoints found") } for _, e := range endpoints { mapResource(e.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindNotificationEndpoint, NotificationEndpointToObject(r.Name, e)) } case var rules []influxdb.NotificationRule switch { case r.ID != platform.ID(0): r, err := ex.ruleSVC.FindNotificationRuleByID(ctx, r.ID) if err != nil { return err } rules = append(rules, r) case len(r.Name) != 0: allRules, _, err := ex.ruleSVC.FindNotificationRules(ctx, influxdb.NotificationRuleFilter{}) if err != nil { return err } for _, rule := range allRules { if rule.GetName() != r.Name { continue } rules = append(rules, rule) } } if len(rules) == 0 { return errors.New("no notification rules found") } for _, rule := range rules { ruleEndpoint, err := ex.endpointSVC.FindNotificationEndpointByID(ctx, rule.GetEndpointID()) if err != nil { return err } endpointKey := newExportKey(ruleEndpoint.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindNotificationEndpoint, ruleEndpoint.GetName()) object, ok := ex.mObjects[endpointKey] if !ok { mapResource(ruleEndpoint.GetOrgID(), uniqByNameResID, KindNotificationEndpoint, NotificationEndpointToObject("", ruleEndpoint)) object = ex.mObjects[endpointKey] } endpointObjectName := object.Name() mapResource(rule.GetOrgID(), rule.GetID(), KindNotificationRule, NotificationRuleToObject(r.Name, endpointObjectName, rule)) } case switch { case r.ID != platform.ID(0): t, err := ex.taskSVC.FindTaskByID(ctx, r.ID) if err != nil { return err } mapResource(t.OrganizationID, t.ID, KindTask, TaskToObject(r.Name, *t)) case len(r.Name) > 0: tasks, n, err := ex.taskSVC.FindTasks(ctx, taskmodel.TaskFilter{Name: &r.Name}) if err != nil { return err } if n < 1 { return errors.New("no tasks found") } for _, t := range tasks { mapResource(t.OrganizationID, t.ID, KindTask, TaskToObject(r.Name, *t)) } } case switch { case r.ID != platform.ID(0): t, err := ex.teleSVC.FindTelegrafConfigByID(ctx, r.ID) if err != nil { return err } mapResource(t.OrgID, t.ID, KindTelegraf, TelegrafToObject(r.Name, *t)) case len(r.Name) > 0: telegrafs, _, err := ex.teleSVC.FindTelegrafConfigs(ctx, influxdb.TelegrafConfigFilter{}) if err != nil { return err } var mapped bool for _, t := range telegrafs { if t.Name != r.Name { continue } mapResource(t.OrgID, t.ID, KindTelegraf, TelegrafToObject(r.Name, *t)) mapped = true } if !mapped { return errors.New("no telegraf configs found") } } case switch { case r.ID != platform.ID(0): v, err := ex.varSVC.FindVariableByID(ctx, r.ID) if err != nil { return err } mapResource(v.OrganizationID, uniqByNameResID, KindVariable, VariableToObject(r.Name, *v)) case len(r.Name) > 0: variables, err := ex.varSVC.FindVariables(ctx, influxdb.VariableFilter{}) if err != nil { return err } var mapped bool for _, v := range variables { if v.Name != r.Name { continue } mapResource(v.OrganizationID, uniqByNameResID, KindVariable, VariableToObject(r.Name, *v)) mapped = true } if !mapped { return errors.New("no variables found") } } default: return errors.New("unsupported kind provided: " + string(r.Kind)) } return nil } func (ex *resourceExporter) resourceCloneAssociationsGen(ctx context.Context, labelIDsToMetaName map[platform.ID]string, labelNames ...string) (cloneAssociationsFn, error) { mLabelNames := make(map[string]bool) for _, labelName := range labelNames { mLabelNames[labelName] = true } mLabelIDs, err := getLabelIDMap(ctx, ex.labelSVC, labelNames) if err != nil { return nil, err } cloneFn := func(ctx context.Context, r ResourceToClone) ([]ObjectAssociation, bool, error) { if { return nil, true, nil } if { // check here verifies the label maps to an id of a valid label name shouldSkip := len(mLabelIDs) > 0 && !mLabelIDs[r.ID] return nil, shouldSkip, nil } if len(r.Name) > 0 && r.ID == platform.ID(0) { return nil, false, nil } labels, err := ex.labelSVC.FindResourceLabels(ctx, influxdb.LabelMappingFilter{ ResourceID: r.ID, ResourceType: r.Kind.ResourceType(), }) if err != nil { return nil, false, ierrors.Wrap(err, "finding resource labels") } if len(mLabelNames) > 0 { shouldSkip := true for _, l := range labels { if _, ok := mLabelNames[l.Name]; ok { shouldSkip = false break } } if shouldSkip { return nil, true, nil } } var associations []ObjectAssociation for _, l := range labels { if len(mLabelNames) > 0 { if _, ok := mLabelNames[l.Name]; !ok { continue } } labelObject := LabelToObject("", *l) metaName := labelIDsToMetaName[l.ID] if metaName == "" { metaName = ex.uniqName() } labelObject.Metadata[fieldName] = metaName k := newExportKey(l.OrgID, uniqByNameResID, KindLabel, l.Name) existing, ok := ex.mObjects[k] if ok { associations = append(associations, ObjectAssociation{ Kind: KindLabel, MetaName: existing.Name(), }) continue } associations = append(associations, ObjectAssociation{ Kind: KindLabel, MetaName: labelObject.Name(), }) ex.mObjects[k] = labelObject } sort.Slice(associations, func(i, j int) bool { return associations[i].MetaName < associations[j].MetaName }) return associations, false, nil } return cloneFn, nil } func (ex *resourceExporter) uniqName() string { return uniqMetaName(ex.nameGen, idGenerator, ex.mPkgNames) } func uniqMetaName(nameGen NameGenerator, idGen platform.IDGenerator, existingNames map[string]bool) string { uuid := strings.ToLower(idGen.ID().String()) name := uuid for i := 1; i < 250; i++ { name = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", nameGen(), uuid[10:]) if !existingNames[name] { break } } return name } func uniqResourcesToClone(resources []ResourceToClone) []ResourceToClone { type key struct { kind Kind id platform.ID } m := make(map[key]ResourceToClone) for i := range resources { r := resources[i] rKey := key{kind: r.Kind, id: r.ID} kr, ok := m[rKey] switch { case ok && kr.Name == r.Name && kr.MetaName == r.MetaName: case ok && kr.MetaName != "" && r.MetaName == "": case ok && kr.MetaName == "" && kr.Name != "" && r.Name == "": default: m[rKey] = r } } out := make([]ResourceToClone, 0, len(resources)) for _, r := range m { out = append(out, r) } return out } // BucketToObject converts a influxdb.Bucket into an Object. func BucketToObject(name string, bkt influxdb.Bucket) Object { if name == "" { name = bkt.Name } o := newObject(KindBucket, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{fieldDescription: bkt.Description}) if bkt.RetentionPeriod != 0 { o.Spec[fieldBucketRetentionRules] = retentionRules{newRetentionRule(bkt.RetentionPeriod)} } return o } func CheckToObject(name string, ch influxdb.Check) Object { if name == "" { name = ch.GetName() } o := newObject(KindCheck, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldDescription: ch.GetDescription(), fieldStatus: taskmodel.TaskStatusActive, }) assignBase := func(base icheck.Base) { o.Spec[fieldQuery] = strings.TrimSpace(base.Query.Text) o.Spec[fieldCheckStatusMessageTemplate] = base.StatusMessageTemplate assignNonZeroFluxDurs(o.Spec, map[string]*notification.Duration{ fieldEvery: base.Every, fieldOffset: base.Offset, }) var tags []Resource for _, t := range base.Tags { if t.Valid() != nil { continue } tags = append(tags, Resource{ fieldKey: t.Key, fieldValue: t.Value, }) } if len(tags) > 0 { o.Spec[fieldCheckTags] = tags } } switch cT := ch.(type) { case *icheck.Deadman: o.Kind = KindCheckDeadman assignBase(cT.Base) assignNonZeroFluxDurs(o.Spec, map[string]*notification.Duration{ fieldCheckTimeSince: cT.TimeSince, fieldCheckStaleTime: cT.StaleTime, }) o.Spec[fieldLevel] = cT.Level.String() assignNonZeroBools(o.Spec, map[string]bool{fieldCheckReportZero: cT.ReportZero}) case *icheck.Threshold: o.Kind = KindCheckThreshold assignBase(cT.Base) var thresholds []Resource for _, th := range cT.Thresholds { thresholds = append(thresholds, convertThreshold(th)) } o.Spec[fieldCheckThresholds] = thresholds } return o } func convertThreshold(th icheck.ThresholdConfig) Resource { r := Resource{fieldLevel: th.GetLevel().String()} assignLesser := func(threshType thresholdType, allValues bool, val float64) { r[fieldType] = string(threshType) assignNonZeroBools(r, map[string]bool{fieldCheckAllValues: allValues}) r[fieldValue] = val } switch realType := th.(type) { case icheck.Lesser: assignLesser(thresholdTypeLesser, realType.AllValues, realType.Value) case *icheck.Lesser: assignLesser(thresholdTypeLesser, realType.AllValues, realType.Value) case icheck.Greater: assignLesser(thresholdTypeGreater, realType.AllValues, realType.Value) case *icheck.Greater: assignLesser(thresholdTypeGreater, realType.AllValues, realType.Value) case icheck.Range: assignRangeThreshold(r, realType) case *icheck.Range: assignRangeThreshold(r, *realType) } return r } func assignRangeThreshold(r Resource, rangeThreshold icheck.Range) { thType := thresholdTypeOutsideRange if rangeThreshold.Within { thType = thresholdTypeInsideRange } r[fieldType] = string(thType) assignNonZeroBools(r, map[string]bool{fieldCheckAllValues: rangeThreshold.AllValues}) r[fieldMax] = rangeThreshold.Max r[fieldMin] = rangeThreshold.Min } func convertCellView(cell influxdb.Cell) chart { var name string if cell.View != nil { name = cell.View.Name } ch := chart{ Name: name, Height: int(cell.H), Width: int(cell.W), XPos: int(cell.X), YPos: int(cell.Y), } setCommon := func(k chartKind, iColors []influxdb.ViewColor, dec influxdb.DecimalPlaces, iQueries []influxdb.DashboardQuery) { ch.Kind = k ch.Colors = convertColors(iColors) ch.DecimalPlaces = int(dec.Digits) ch.EnforceDecimals = dec.IsEnforced ch.Queries = convertQueries(iQueries) } setNoteFixes := func(note string, noteOnEmpty bool, prefix, suffix string) { ch.Note = note ch.NoteOnEmpty = noteOnEmpty ch.Prefix = prefix ch.Suffix = suffix } setStaticLegend := func(sl influxdb.StaticLegend) { ch.StaticLegend.ColorizeRows = sl.ColorizeRows ch.StaticLegend.HeightRatio = sl.HeightRatio ch.StaticLegend.Show = sl.Show ch.StaticLegend.Opacity = sl.Opacity ch.StaticLegend.OrientationThreshold = sl.OrientationThreshold ch.StaticLegend.ValueAxis = sl.ValueAxis ch.StaticLegend.WidthRatio = sl.WidthRatio } props := cell.View.Properties switch p := props.(type) { case influxdb.GaugeViewProperties: setCommon(chartKindGauge, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries) setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, p.Prefix, p.Suffix) ch.TickPrefix = p.TickPrefix ch.TickSuffix = p.TickSuffix case influxdb.GeoViewProperties: ch.Kind = chartKindGeo ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries) ch.Zoom = p.Zoom ch.Center = center{Lat: p.Center.Lat, Lon: p.Center.Lon} ch.MapStyle = p.MapStyle ch.AllowPanAndZoom = p.AllowPanAndZoom ch.DetectCoordinateFields = p.DetectCoordinateFields ch.Colors = convertColors(p.ViewColor) ch.GeoLayers = convertGeoLayers(p.GeoLayers) ch.Note = p.Note ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty case influxdb.HeatmapViewProperties: ch.Kind = chartKindHeatMap ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries) ch.Colors = stringsToColors(p.ViewColors) ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.GenerateXAxisTicks = p.GenerateXAxisTicks ch.XTotalTicks = p.XTotalTicks ch.XTickStart = p.XTickStart ch.XTickStep = p.XTickStep ch.YCol = p.YColumn ch.GenerateYAxisTicks = p.GenerateYAxisTicks ch.YTotalTicks = p.YTotalTicks ch.YTickStart = p.YTickStart ch.YTickStep = p.YTickStep ch.Axes = []axis{ {Label: p.XAxisLabel, Prefix: p.XPrefix, Suffix: p.XSuffix, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain}, {Label: p.YAxisLabel, Prefix: p.YPrefix, Suffix: p.YSuffix, Name: "y", Domain: p.YDomain}, } ch.Note = p.Note ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty ch.BinSize = int(p.BinSize) ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) case influxdb.HistogramViewProperties: ch.Kind = chartKindHistogram ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries) ch.Colors = convertColors(p.ViewColors) ch.FillColumns = p.FillColumns ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.Axes = []axis{{Label: p.XAxisLabel, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain}} ch.Note = p.Note ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty ch.BinCount = p.BinCount ch.Position = p.Position ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) case influxdb.MarkdownViewProperties: ch.Kind = chartKindMarkdown ch.Note = p.Note case influxdb.LinePlusSingleStatProperties: setCommon(chartKindSingleStatPlusLine, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries) setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, p.Prefix, p.Suffix) ch.StaticLegend = StaticLegend{} setStaticLegend(p.StaticLegend) ch.Axes = convertAxes(p.Axes) ch.Shade = p.ShadeBelow ch.HoverDimension = p.HoverDimension ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.GenerateXAxisTicks = p.GenerateXAxisTicks ch.XTotalTicks = p.XTotalTicks ch.XTickStart = p.XTickStart ch.XTickStep = p.XTickStep ch.YCol = p.YColumn ch.GenerateYAxisTicks = p.GenerateYAxisTicks ch.YTotalTicks = p.YTotalTicks ch.YTickStart = p.YTickStart ch.YTickStep = p.YTickStep ch.Position = p.Position ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) case influxdb.SingleStatViewProperties: setCommon(chartKindSingleStat, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries) setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, p.Prefix, p.Suffix) ch.TickPrefix = p.TickPrefix ch.TickSuffix = p.TickSuffix case influxdb.MosaicViewProperties: ch.Kind = chartKindMosaic ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries) ch.Colors = stringsToColors(p.ViewColors) ch.HoverDimension = p.HoverDimension ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.GenerateXAxisTicks = p.GenerateXAxisTicks ch.XTotalTicks = p.XTotalTicks ch.XTickStart = p.XTickStart ch.XTickStep = p.XTickStep ch.YLabelColumnSeparator = p.YLabelColumnSeparator ch.YLabelColumns = p.YLabelColumns ch.YSeriesColumns = p.YSeriesColumns ch.Axes = []axis{ {Label: p.XAxisLabel, Prefix: p.XPrefix, Suffix: p.XSuffix, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain}, {Label: p.YAxisLabel, Prefix: p.YPrefix, Suffix: p.YSuffix, Name: "y", Domain: p.YDomain}, } ch.Note = p.Note ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) case influxdb.ScatterViewProperties: ch.Kind = chartKindScatter ch.Queries = convertQueries(p.Queries) ch.Colors = stringsToColors(p.ViewColors) ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.GenerateXAxisTicks = p.GenerateXAxisTicks ch.XTotalTicks = p.XTotalTicks ch.XTickStart = p.XTickStart ch.XTickStep = p.XTickStep ch.YCol = p.YColumn ch.GenerateYAxisTicks = p.GenerateYAxisTicks ch.YTotalTicks = p.YTotalTicks ch.YTickStart = p.YTickStart ch.YTickStep = p.YTickStep ch.Axes = []axis{ {Label: p.XAxisLabel, Prefix: p.XPrefix, Suffix: p.XSuffix, Name: "x", Domain: p.XDomain}, {Label: p.YAxisLabel, Prefix: p.YPrefix, Suffix: p.YSuffix, Name: "y", Domain: p.YDomain}, } ch.Note = p.Note ch.NoteOnEmpty = p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) case influxdb.TableViewProperties: setCommon(chartKindTable, p.ViewColors, p.DecimalPlaces, p.Queries) setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, "", "") ch.TimeFormat = p.TimeFormat ch.TableOptions = tableOptions{ VerticalTimeAxis: p.TableOptions.VerticalTimeAxis, SortByField: p.TableOptions.SortBy.InternalName, Wrapping: p.TableOptions.Wrapping, FixFirstColumn: p.TableOptions.FixFirstColumn, } for _, fieldOpt := range p.FieldOptions { ch.FieldOptions = append(ch.FieldOptions, fieldOption{ FieldName: fieldOpt.InternalName, DisplayName: fieldOpt.DisplayName, Visible: fieldOpt.Visible, }) } case influxdb.BandViewProperties: setCommon(chartKindBand, p.ViewColors, influxdb.DecimalPlaces{}, p.Queries) setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, "", "") ch.StaticLegend = StaticLegend{} setStaticLegend(p.StaticLegend) ch.Axes = convertAxes(p.Axes) ch.Geom = p.Geom ch.HoverDimension = p.HoverDimension ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.GenerateXAxisTicks = p.GenerateXAxisTicks ch.XTotalTicks = p.XTotalTicks ch.XTickStart = p.XTickStart ch.XTickStep = p.XTickStep ch.YCol = p.YColumn ch.GenerateYAxisTicks = p.GenerateYAxisTicks ch.YTotalTicks = p.YTotalTicks ch.YTickStart = p.YTickStart ch.YTickStep = p.YTickStep ch.UpperColumn = p.UpperColumn ch.MainColumn = p.MainColumn ch.LowerColumn = p.LowerColumn ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) case influxdb.XYViewProperties: setCommon(chartKindXY, p.ViewColors, influxdb.DecimalPlaces{}, p.Queries) setNoteFixes(p.Note, p.ShowNoteWhenEmpty, "", "") ch.StaticLegend = StaticLegend{} setStaticLegend(p.StaticLegend) ch.Axes = convertAxes(p.Axes) ch.Geom = p.Geom ch.Shade = p.ShadeBelow ch.HoverDimension = p.HoverDimension ch.XCol = p.XColumn ch.GenerateXAxisTicks = p.GenerateXAxisTicks ch.XTotalTicks = p.XTotalTicks ch.XTickStart = p.XTickStart ch.XTickStep = p.XTickStep ch.YCol = p.YColumn ch.GenerateYAxisTicks = p.GenerateYAxisTicks ch.YTotalTicks = p.YTotalTicks ch.YTickStart = p.YTickStart ch.YTickStep = p.YTickStep ch.Position = p.Position ch.LegendColorizeRows = p.LegendColorizeRows ch.LegendHide = p.LegendHide ch.LegendOpacity = float64(p.LegendOpacity) ch.LegendOrientationThreshold = int(p.LegendOrientationThreshold) } sort.Slice(ch.Axes, func(i, j int) bool { return ch.Axes[i].Name < ch.Axes[j].Name }) return ch } func convertChartToResource(ch chart) Resource { r := Resource{ fieldKind: ch.Kind.title(), fieldName: ch.Name, fieldChartHeight: ch.Height, fieldChartWidth: ch.Width, } var qq []Resource for _, q := range ch.Queries { qq = append(qq, Resource{ fieldQuery: q.DashboardQuery(), }) } if len(qq) > 0 { r[fieldChartQueries] = qq } if len(ch.Colors) > 0 { r[fieldChartColors] = ch.Colors } if len(ch.Axes) > 0 { r[fieldChartAxes] = ch.Axes } if len(ch.YLabelColumns) > 0 { r[fieldChartYLabelColumns] = ch.YLabelColumns } if len(ch.YSeriesColumns) > 0 { r[fieldChartYSeriesColumns] = ch.YSeriesColumns } if len(ch.UpperColumn) > 0 { r[fieldChartUpperColumn] = ch.UpperColumn } if len(ch.MainColumn) > 0 { r[fieldChartMainColumn] = ch.MainColumn } if len(ch.LowerColumn) > 0 { r[fieldChartLowerColumn] = ch.LowerColumn } if ch.EnforceDecimals { r[fieldChartDecimalPlaces] = ch.DecimalPlaces } if len(ch.FillColumns) > 0 { r[fieldChartFillColumns] = ch.FillColumns } if len(ch.GenerateXAxisTicks) > 0 { r[fieldChartGenerateXAxisTicks] = ch.GenerateXAxisTicks } if len(ch.GenerateYAxisTicks) > 0 { r[fieldChartGenerateYAxisTicks] = ch.GenerateYAxisTicks } if ch.StaticLegend.HeightRatio >= 0 && ch.StaticLegend.WidthRatio >= 0 { r[fieldChartStaticLegend] = ch.StaticLegend } if len(ch.GeoLayers) > 0 { geoLayers := make([]Resource, 0, len(ch.GeoLayers)) for _, l := range ch.GeoLayers { lRes := make(Resource) geoLayers = append(geoLayers, lRes) assignNonZeroStrings(lRes, map[string]string{ fieldChartGeoLayerType: l.Type, fieldChartGeoLayerRadiusField: l.RadiusField, fieldChartGeoLayerIntensityField: l.IntensityField, fieldChartGeoLayerColorField: l.ColorField, }) assignNonZeroInts(lRes, map[string]int{ fieldChartGeoLayerRadius: int(l.Radius), fieldChartGeoLayerBlur: int(l.Blur), fieldChartGeoLayerSpeed: int(l.Speed), fieldChartGeoLayerTrackWidth: int(l.TrackWidth), }) assignNonZeroBools(lRes, map[string]bool{ fieldChartGeoLayerRandomColors: l.RandomColors, fieldChartGeoLayerIsClustered: l.IsClustered, fieldChartGeoLayerInterpolateColors: l.InterpolateColors, }) if len(l.ViewColors) > 0 { lRes[fieldChartGeoLayerViewColors] = l.ViewColors } if l.RadiusDimension != nil { lRes[fieldChartGeoLayerRadiusDimension] = l.RadiusDimension } if l.ColorDimension != nil { lRes[fieldChartGeoLayerColorDimension] = l.ColorDimension } if l.IntensityDimension != nil { lRes[fieldChartGeoLayerIntensityDimension] = l.IntensityDimension } } r[fieldChartGeoLayers] = geoLayers } if zero := new(tableOptions); ch.TableOptions != *zero { tRes := make(Resource) assignNonZeroBools(tRes, map[string]bool{ fieldChartTableOptionVerticalTimeAxis: ch.TableOptions.VerticalTimeAxis, fieldChartTableOptionFixFirstColumn: ch.TableOptions.FixFirstColumn, }) assignNonZeroStrings(tRes, map[string]string{ fieldChartTableOptionSortBy: ch.TableOptions.SortByField, fieldChartTableOptionWrapping: ch.TableOptions.Wrapping, }) r[fieldChartTableOptions] = tRes } if len(ch.FieldOptions) > 0 { fieldOpts := make([]Resource, 0, len(ch.FieldOptions)) for _, fo := range ch.FieldOptions { fRes := make(Resource) assignNonZeroBools(fRes, map[string]bool{ fieldChartFieldOptionVisible: fo.Visible, }) assignNonZeroStrings(fRes, map[string]string{ fieldChartFieldOptionDisplayName: fo.DisplayName, fieldChartFieldOptionFieldName: fo.FieldName, }) fieldOpts = append(fieldOpts, fRes) } r[fieldChartFieldOptions] = fieldOpts } assignNonZeroBools(r, map[string]bool{ fieldChartNoteOnEmpty: ch.NoteOnEmpty, fieldChartShade: ch.Shade, fieldChartLegendColorizeRows: ch.LegendColorizeRows, fieldChartLegendHide: ch.LegendHide, fieldChartStaticLegendColorizeRows: ch.StaticLegend.ColorizeRows, fieldChartStaticLegendShow: ch.StaticLegend.Show, fieldChartGeoAllowPanAndZoom: ch.AllowPanAndZoom, fieldChartGeoDetectCoordinateFields: ch.DetectCoordinateFields, }) assignNonZeroStrings(r, map[string]string{ fieldChartNote: ch.Note, fieldPrefix: ch.Prefix, fieldSuffix: ch.Suffix, fieldChartGeom: ch.Geom, fieldChartXCol: ch.XCol, fieldChartYCol: ch.YCol, fieldChartPosition: ch.Position, fieldChartTickPrefix: ch.TickPrefix, fieldChartTickSuffix: ch.TickSuffix, fieldChartTimeFormat: ch.TimeFormat, fieldChartHoverDimension: ch.HoverDimension, fieldChartYLabelColumnSeparator: ch.YLabelColumnSeparator, fieldChartStaticLegendValueAxis: ch.StaticLegend.ValueAxis, fieldChartGeoMapStyle: ch.MapStyle, }) assignNonZeroInts(r, map[string]int{ fieldChartXPos: ch.XPos, fieldChartXTotalTicks: ch.XTotalTicks, fieldChartYPos: ch.YPos, fieldChartYTotalTicks: ch.YTotalTicks, fieldChartBinCount: ch.BinCount, fieldChartBinSize: ch.BinSize, fieldChartLegendOrientationThreshold: ch.LegendOrientationThreshold, fieldChartStaticLegendOrientationThreshold: ch.StaticLegend.OrientationThreshold, }) assignNonZeroFloats(r, map[string]float64{ fieldChartLegendOpacity: ch.LegendOpacity, fieldChartStaticLegendOpacity: ch.StaticLegend.Opacity, fieldChartStaticLegendHeightRatio: ch.StaticLegend.HeightRatio, fieldChartStaticLegendWidthRatio: ch.StaticLegend.WidthRatio, fieldChartXTickStart: ch.XTickStart, fieldChartXTickStep: ch.XTickStep, fieldChartYTickStart: ch.YTickStart, fieldChartYTickStep: ch.YTickStep, fieldChartGeoCenterLon: ch.Center.Lon, fieldChartGeoCenterLat: ch.Center.Lat, fieldChartGeoZoom: ch.Zoom, }) return r } func convertAxis(name string, a influxdb.Axis) *axis { return &axis{ Base: a.Base, Label: a.Label, Name: name, Prefix: a.Prefix, Scale: a.Scale, Suffix: a.Suffix, } } func convertAxes(iAxes map[string]influxdb.Axis) axes { out := make(axes, 0, len(iAxes)) for name, a := range iAxes { out = append(out, *convertAxis(name, a)) } return out } func convertColors(iColors []influxdb.ViewColor) colors { out := make(colors, 0, len(iColors)) for _, ic := range iColors { out = append(out, &color{ ID: ic.ID, Name: ic.Name, Type: ic.Type, Hex: ic.Hex, Value: flt64Ptr(ic.Value), }) } return out } func convertQueries(iQueries []influxdb.DashboardQuery) queries { out := make(queries, 0, len(iQueries)) for _, iq := range iQueries { out = append(out, query{Query: strings.TrimSpace(iq.Text)}) } return out } func convertGeoLayers(iLayers []influxdb.GeoLayer) geoLayers { out := make(geoLayers, 0, len(iLayers)) for _, ic := range iLayers { out = append(out, &geoLayer{ Type: ic.Type, RadiusField: ic.RadiusField, ColorField: ic.ColorField, IntensityField: ic.IntensityField, ViewColors: convertColors(ic.ViewColors), Radius: ic.Radius, Blur: ic.Blur, RadiusDimension: convertAxis("radius", ic.RadiusDimension), ColorDimension: convertAxis("color", ic.ColorDimension), IntensityDimension: convertAxis("intensity", ic.IntensityDimension), InterpolateColors: ic.InterpolateColors, TrackWidth: ic.TrackWidth, Speed: ic.Speed, RandomColors: ic.RandomColors, IsClustered: ic.IsClustered, }) } return out } // DashboardToObject converts an influxdb.Dashboard to an Object. func DashboardToObject(name string, dash influxdb.Dashboard) Object { if name == "" { name = dash.Name } sort.Slice(dash.Cells, func(i, j int) bool { ic, jc := dash.Cells[i], dash.Cells[j] if ic.X == jc.X { return ic.Y < jc.Y } return ic.X < jc.X }) charts := make([]Resource, 0, len(dash.Cells)) for _, cell := range dash.Cells { if cell.View == nil { continue } ch := convertCellView(*cell) if !ch.Kind.ok() { continue } charts = append(charts, convertChartToResource(ch)) } o := newObject(KindDashboard, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldDescription: dash.Description, }) o.Spec[fieldDashCharts] = charts return o } // LabelToObject converts an influxdb.Label to an Object. func LabelToObject(name string, l influxdb.Label) Object { if name == "" { name = l.Name } o := newObject(KindLabel, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldDescription: l.Properties["description"], fieldLabelColor: l.Properties["color"], }) return o } // NotificationEndpointToObject converts an notification endpoint into a pkger Object. func NotificationEndpointToObject(name string, e influxdb.NotificationEndpoint) Object { if name == "" { name = e.GetName() } o := newObject(KindNotificationEndpoint, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldDescription: e.GetDescription(), fieldStatus: string(e.GetStatus()), }) switch actual := e.(type) { case *endpoint.HTTP: o.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointHTTP o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointHTTPMethod] = actual.Method o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointURL] = actual.URL o.Spec[fieldType] = actual.AuthMethod assignNonZeroSecrets(o.Spec, map[string]influxdb.SecretField{ fieldNotificationEndpointPassword: actual.Password, fieldNotificationEndpointToken: actual.Token, fieldNotificationEndpointUsername: actual.Username, }) case *endpoint.PagerDuty: o.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointPagerDuty o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointURL] = actual.ClientURL assignNonZeroSecrets(o.Spec, map[string]influxdb.SecretField{ fieldNotificationEndpointRoutingKey: actual.RoutingKey, }) case *endpoint.Slack: o.Kind = KindNotificationEndpointSlack o.Spec[fieldNotificationEndpointURL] = actual.URL assignNonZeroSecrets(o.Spec, map[string]influxdb.SecretField{ fieldNotificationEndpointToken: actual.Token, }) } return o } // NotificationRuleToObject converts an notification rule into a pkger Object. func NotificationRuleToObject(name, endpointPkgName string, iRule influxdb.NotificationRule) Object { if name == "" { name = iRule.GetName() } o := newObject(KindNotificationRule, name) o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleEndpointName] = endpointPkgName assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldDescription: iRule.GetDescription(), }) assignBase := func(base rule.Base) { assignNonZeroFluxDurs(o.Spec, map[string]*notification.Duration{ fieldEvery: base.Every, fieldOffset: base.Offset, }) var tagRes []Resource for _, tRule := range base.TagRules { tagRes = append(tagRes, Resource{ fieldKey: tRule.Key, fieldValue: tRule.Value, fieldOperator: tRule.Operator.String(), }) } if len(tagRes) > 0 { o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleTagRules] = tagRes } var statusRuleRes []Resource for _, sRule := range base.StatusRules { sRes := Resource{ fieldNotificationRuleCurrentLevel: sRule.CurrentLevel.String(), } if sRule.PreviousLevel != nil { sRes[fieldNotificationRulePreviousLevel] = sRule.PreviousLevel.String() } statusRuleRes = append(statusRuleRes, sRes) } if len(statusRuleRes) > 0 { o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleStatusRules] = statusRuleRes } } switch t := iRule.(type) { case *rule.HTTP: assignBase(t.Base) case *rule.PagerDuty: assignBase(t.Base) o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleMessageTemplate] = t.MessageTemplate case *rule.Slack: assignBase(t.Base) o.Spec[fieldNotificationRuleMessageTemplate] = t.MessageTemplate assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{fieldNotificationRuleChannel: t.Channel}) } return o } // regex used to rip out the hard coded task option stuffs var taskFluxRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`option task = {(.|\n)*?}`) // TaskToObject converts an influxdb.Task into a pkger.Object. func TaskToObject(name string, t taskmodel.Task) Object { if name == "" { name = t.Name } query := strings.TrimSpace(taskFluxRegex.ReplaceAllString(t.Flux, "")) o := newObject(KindTask, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldTaskCron: t.Cron, fieldDescription: t.Description, fieldEvery: t.Every, fieldOffset: durToStr(t.Offset), fieldQuery: strings.TrimSpace(query), }) return o } // TelegrafToObject converts an influxdb.TelegrafConfig into a pkger.Object. func TelegrafToObject(name string, t influxdb.TelegrafConfig) Object { if name == "" { name = t.Name } o := newObject(KindTelegraf, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{ fieldTelegrafConfig: t.Config, fieldDescription: t.Description, }) return o } // VariableToObject converts an influxdb.Variable to a pkger.Object. func VariableToObject(name string, v influxdb.Variable) Object { if name == "" { name = v.Name } o := newObject(KindVariable, name) assignNonZeroStrings(o.Spec, map[string]string{fieldDescription: v.Description}) if len(v.Selected) > 0 { o.Spec[fieldVariableSelected] = v.Selected } args := v.Arguments if args == nil { return o } o.Spec[fieldType] = args.Type switch args.Type { case fieldArgTypeConstant: vals, ok := args.Values.(influxdb.VariableConstantValues) if ok { o.Spec[fieldValues] = []string(vals) } case fieldArgTypeMap: vals, ok := args.Values.(influxdb.VariableMapValues) if ok { o.Spec[fieldValues] = map[string]string(vals) } case fieldArgTypeQuery: vals, ok := args.Values.(influxdb.VariableQueryValues) if ok { o.Spec[fieldLanguage] = vals.Language o.Spec[fieldQuery] = strings.TrimSpace(vals.Query) } } return o } func newObject(kind Kind, name string) Object { return Object{ APIVersion: APIVersion, Kind: kind, Metadata: Resource{ // this timestamp is added to make the resource unique. Should also indicate // to the end user that this is machine readable and the field is // the one they want to edit when a name change is desired. fieldName: strings.ToLower(idGenerator.ID().String()), }, Spec: Resource{ fieldName: name, }, } } func assignNonZeroFluxDurs(r Resource, m map[string]*notification.Duration) { for field, dur := range m { if dur == nil { continue } if dur.TimeDuration() == 0 { continue } r[field] = dur.TimeDuration().String() } } func assignNonZeroBools(r Resource, m map[string]bool) { for k, v := range m { if v { r[k] = v } } } func assignNonZeroInts(r Resource, m map[string]int) { for k, v := range m { if v != 0 { r[k] = v } } } func assignNonZeroFloats(r Resource, m map[string]float64) { for k, v := range m { if v != 0 { r[k] = v } } } func assignNonZeroStrings(r Resource, m map[string]string) { for k, v := range m { if v != "" { r[k] = v } } } func assignNonZeroSecrets(r Resource, m map[string]influxdb.SecretField) { for field, secret := range m { if secret.Key == "" { continue } r[field] = Resource{ fieldReferencesSecret: Resource{ fieldKey: secret.Key, }, } } } func stringsToColors(clrs []string) colors { newColors := make(colors, 0) for _, x := range clrs { newColors = append(newColors, &color{Hex: x}) } return newColors }