// Note that this needs to be an integration test because since the tracing // structures are global, once you se a logging subscriber you can't undo // that.... So punting on that for now use logfmt::LogFmtLayer; use once_cell::sync::Lazy; use parking_lot::Mutex; use regex::Regex; use std::{ error::Error, fmt, io::{self, Cursor}, }; use tracing::{debug, error, info, span, trace, warn, Level}; use tracing_subscriber::{fmt::MakeWriter, prelude::*}; /// Compares the captured messages with the expected messages, /// normalizing for time and location #[macro_export] macro_rules! assert_logs { ($CAPTURE: expr, $EXPECTED_LINES: expr) => { let expected_lines: Vec = $EXPECTED_LINES.iter().map(|&s| s.into()).collect(); let actual_lines = $CAPTURE.to_strings(); let normalized_expected = normalize(expected_lines.iter()); let normalized_actual = normalize(actual_lines.iter()); assert_eq!( normalized_expected, normalized_actual, "\n\nexpected:\n\n{:#?}\nactual:\n\n{:#?}\n\nnormalized_expected:\n\n{:#?}\nnormalized_actual:\n\n{:#?}\n\n", expected_lines, actual_lines, normalized_expected, normalized_actual ) }; } #[test] fn level() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); info!("This is an info message"); debug!("This is a debug message"); trace!("This is a trace message"); warn!("This is a warn message"); error!("This is a error message"); let expected = vec![ "level=info msg=\"This is an info message\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:36\" time=1612181556329599000", "level=debug msg=\"This is a debug message\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:37\" time=1612181556329618000", "level=trace msg=\"This is a trace message\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:38\" time=1612181556329634000", "level=warn msg=\"This is a warn message\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:39\" time=1612181556329646000", "level=error msg=\"This is a error message\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:40\" time=1612181556329661000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn event_fields_strings() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); info!( event_name = "foo bar", other_event = "baz", "This is an info message" ); let expected = vec![ "level=info msg=\"This is an info message\" event_name=\"foo bar\" other_event=baz target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:59\" time=1612187170712973000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn test_without_normalization() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); info!( event_name = "foo bar", other_event = "baz", "This is an info message" ); // double assure that normalization isn't messing with things by // checking for presence of strings as well let log_string = normalize(capture.to_strings().iter()).join("\n"); assert!(log_string.contains("This is an info message")); assert!(log_string.contains("event_name")); assert!(log_string.contains("other_event")); assert!(log_string.contains("baz")); assert!(log_string.contains("foo bar")); } #[test] fn event_fields_numeric() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); info!(bar = 1, frr = false, "This is an info message"); let expected = vec![ "level=info msg=\"This is an info message\" bar=1 frr=false target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:72\" time=1612187170712947000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn event_fields_repeated() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); info!(bar = 1, bar = 2, "This is an info message"); let expected = vec![ "level=info msg=\"This is an info message\" bar=1 bar=2 target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:84\" time=1612187170712948000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn event_fields_errors() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); let err: Box = io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, "shaving yak failed!").into(); error!(the_error = err.as_ref(), "This is an error message"); let expected = vec![ "level=error msg=\"This is an error message\" the_error=\"\\\"Custom { kind: Other, error: \\\\\\\"shaving yak failed!\\\\\\\" }\\\"\" the_error.display=\"shaving yak failed!\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:99\" time=1612187170712947000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn event_fields_structs() { let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); let my_struct = TestDebugStruct::new(); info!(s = ?my_struct, "This is an info message"); let expected = vec![ "level=info msg=\"This is an info message\" s=\"TestDebugStruct { b: true, s: \\\"The String\\\" }\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:111\" time=1612187170712937000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn event_spans() { // Demonstrate the inclusion of span_id (as `span`) let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); let span = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span", foo = "bar"); let enter = span.enter(); info!(shave = "mo yak!", "info message in span"); std::mem::drop(enter); let expected = vec![ "level=info span_name=\"my_span\" foo=bar span=1 time=1612209178717290000", "level=info msg=\"info message in span\" shave=\"mo yak!\" span=1 target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:132\" time=1612209178717329000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } #[test] fn event_multi_span() { // Demonstrate the inclusion of span_id (as `span`) let capture = CapturedWriter::new(); let span1 = span!(Level::INFO, "my_span", foo = "bar"); let _ = span1.enter(); { let span2 = span!(Level::INFO, "my_second_span", foo = "baz"); let _ = span2.enter(); info!(shave = "yak!", "info message in span 2"); } { let span3 = span!(Level::INFO, "my_second_span", foo = "brmp"); let _ = span3.enter(); info!(shave = "mo yak!", "info message in span 3"); } let expected = vec![ "level=info span_name=\"my_span\" foo=bar span=1 time=1612209327939714000", "level=info span_name=\"my_second_span\" foo=baz span=2 time=1612209327939743000", "level=info msg=\"info message in span 2\" shave=yak! target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:154\" time=1612209327939774000", "level=info span_name=\"my_second_span\" foo=brmp span=3 time=1612209327939795000", "level=info msg=\"info message in span 3\" shave=\"mo yak!\" target=\"logging\" location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:160\" time=1612209327939828000", ]; assert_logs!(capture, expected); } // TODO: it might be nice to write some tests for time and location, but for now // just punt /// Test structure that has a debug representation #[derive(Debug)] struct TestDebugStruct { b: bool, s: String, } impl TestDebugStruct { fn new() -> Self { Self { b: true, s: "The String".into(), } } } impl fmt::Display for TestDebugStruct { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { write!( f, "Display for TestDebugStruct b:{} s:\"{}\"", self.b, self.s ) } } /// Normalize lines for easy comparison fn normalize<'a>(lines: impl Iterator) -> Vec { let lines = lines .map(|line| normalize_timestamp(line)) .map(|line| normalize_location(&line)) .collect(); normalize_spans(lines) } /// s/time=1612187170712947000/time=NORMALIZED/g fn normalize_timestamp(v: &str) -> String { let re = Regex::new(r#"time=\d+"#).unwrap(); re.replace_all(v, "time=NORMALIZED").to_string() } /// s/location=\"logfmt/tests/logging.rs:128\"/location=NORMALIZED/g fn normalize_location(v: &str) -> String { let re = Regex::new(r#"location=".*?""#).unwrap(); re.replace_all(v, "location=NORMALIZED").to_string() } /// s/span=1/span=SPAN1/g fn normalize_spans(lines: Vec) -> Vec { // since there can be multiple unique span values, need to normalize them // differently // // Note: we include leading and trailing spaces so that span=2 // doesn't also match span=21423 let re = Regex::new(r#" span=(\d+) "#).unwrap(); let span_ids: Vec = lines .iter() .map(|line| re.find_iter(line)) .flatten() .map(|m| m.as_str().to_string()) .collect(); // map span ids to something uniform span_ids .into_iter() .enumerate() .fold(lines, |lines, (idx, orig_id)| { // replace old span let new_id = format!(" span=SPAN{} ", idx); let re = Regex::new(&orig_id).unwrap(); lines .into_iter() .map(|line| re.replace_all(&line as &str, &new_id as &str).to_string()) .collect() }) } // Each thread has a local collection of lines that is captured to // This is needed because the rust test framework runs the // tests potentially using multiple threads but there is a single // global logger. thread_local! { static LOG_LINES: Mutex>> = Mutex::new(Cursor::new(Vec::new())); } // Since we can only setup logging once, we need to have gloabl to // use it among test cases static GLOBAL_WRITER: Lazy> = Lazy::new(|| { let capture = CapturedWriter::default(); tracing_subscriber::registry() .with(LogFmtLayer::new(capture.clone())) .init(); Mutex::new(capture) }); // This thing captures log lines #[derive(Default, Clone)] struct CapturedWriter { // all state is held in the LOG_LINES thread local variable } impl CapturedWriter { fn new() -> Self { let global_writer = GLOBAL_WRITER.lock(); global_writer.clone().clear() } /// Clear all thread local state fn clear(self) -> Self { LOG_LINES.with(|lines| { let mut cursor = lines.lock(); cursor.get_mut().clear() }); self } fn to_strings(&self) -> Vec { LOG_LINES.with(|lines| { let cursor = lines.lock(); let bytes: Vec = cursor.get_ref().clone(); String::from_utf8(bytes) .expect("valid utf8") .lines() .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect() }) } } impl fmt::Display for CapturedWriter { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result { for s in self.to_strings() { writeln!(f, "{}", s)? } Ok(()) } } impl std::io::Write for CapturedWriter { fn write(&mut self, buf: &[u8]) -> std::io::Result { LOG_LINES.with(|lines| { let mut cursor = lines.lock(); cursor.write(buf) }) } fn flush(&mut self) -> std::io::Result<()> { LOG_LINES.with(|lines| { let mut cursor = lines.lock(); cursor.flush() }) } } impl MakeWriter for CapturedWriter { type Writer = Self; fn make_writer(&self) -> Self::Writer { self.clone() } }