package raft_test import ( "encoding/binary" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "log" "math/rand" "net/url" "os" "sync" "testing" "time" "" ) // Ensure that opening an already open log returns an error. func TestLog_Open_ErrOpen(t *testing.T) { l := NewInitializedLog(&url.URL{Host: "log0"}) defer l.Close() if err := l.Open(tempfile()); err != raft.ErrOpen { t.Fatal("expected error") } } // Ensure that a log can be checked for being open. func TestLog_Opened(t *testing.T) { l := NewInitializedLog(&url.URL{Host: "log0"}) if l.Opened() != true { t.Fatalf("expected open") } l.Close() if l.Opened() != false { t.Fatalf("expected closed") } } // Ensure that reopening an existing log will restore its ID. func TestLog_Reopen(t *testing.T) { l := NewInitializedLog(&url.URL{Host: "log0"}) if l.ID() != 1 { t.Fatalf("expected id == 1") } path := l.Path() // Close log and make sure id is cleared. l.Log.Close() if l.ID() != 0 { t.Fatalf("expected id == 0") } // Re-open and ensure id is restored. if err := l.Open(path); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } if id := l.ID(); id != 1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected id: %d", id) } l.Close() } // Ensure that a single node-cluster can apply a log entry. func TestLog_Apply(t *testing.T) { l := NewInitializedLog(&url.URL{Host: "log0"}) defer l.Close() // Apply a command. index, err := l.Apply([]byte("foo")) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } else if index != 2 { t.Fatalf("unexpected index: %d", index) } // Force apply cycle and then signal wait. go func() { l.Clock.apply() }() // Single node clusters should apply to FSM immediately. l.Wait(index) if n := len(l.FSM.(*FSM).Commands); n != 1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected command count: %d", n) } } // Ensure that a node has no configuration after it's closed. func TestLog_Config_Closed(t *testing.T) { l := NewInitializedLog(&url.URL{Host: "log0"}) defer l.Close() l.Log.Close() if l.Config() != nil { t.Fatal("expected nil config") } } // Ensure that log ids in a cluster are set sequentially. func TestCluster_ID_Sequential(t *testing.T) { c := NewCluster(fsmFunc) defer c.Close() for i, l := range c.Logs { if l.ID() != uint64(i+1) { t.Fatalf("expected id: %d, got: %d", i+1, l.ID()) } } } // Ensure that cluster starts with one leader and multiple followers. func TestCluster_State(t *testing.T) { c := NewCluster(fsmFunc) defer c.Close() if state := c.Logs[0].State(); state != raft.Leader { t.Fatalf("unexpected state(0): %s", state) } if state := c.Logs[1].State(); state != raft.Follower { t.Fatalf("unexpected state(1): %s", state) } if state := c.Logs[2].State(); state != raft.Follower { t.Fatalf("unexpected state(2): %s", state) } } // Ensure that each node's configuration matches in the cluster. func TestCluster_Config(t *testing.T) { c := NewCluster(fsmFunc) defer c.Close() config := jsonify(c.Logs[0].Config()) for _, l := range c.Logs[1:] { if b := jsonify(l.Config()); config != b { t.Fatalf("config mismatch(%d):\n\nexp=%s\n\ngot:%s\n\n", l.ID(), config, b) } } } // Ensure that a command can be applied to a cluster and distributed appropriately. func TestCluster_Apply(t *testing.T) { c := NewCluster(fsmFunc) defer c.Close() // Apply a command. leader := c.Logs[0] index, err := leader.Apply([]byte("foo")) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %s", err) } else if index != 4 { t.Fatalf("unexpected index: %d", index) } c.Logs[1].MustWaitUncommitted(4) c.Logs[2].MustWaitUncommitted(4) // Should not apply immediately. if n := len(leader.FSM.(*FSM).Commands); n != 0 { t.Fatalf("unexpected pre-heartbeat command count: %d", n) } // Run the heartbeat on the leader and have all logs apply. // Only the leader should have the changes applied. c.Logs[0].HeartbeatUntil(4) c.Logs[0].Clock.apply() c.Logs[1].Clock.apply() c.Logs[2].Clock.apply() if n := len(c.Logs[0].FSM.(*FSM).Commands); n != 1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected command count(0): %d", n) } if n := len(c.Logs[1].FSM.(*FSM).Commands); n != 1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected command count(1): %d", n) } if n := len(c.Logs[2].FSM.(*FSM).Commands); n != 1 { t.Fatalf("unexpected command count(2): %d", n) } } // Ensure that a new leader can be elected. func TestLog_Elect(t *testing.T) { c := NewCluster(fsmFunc) defer c.Close() // Stop leader. path := c.Logs[0].Path() c.Logs[0].Log.Close() // Signal election on node 1. Then heartbeat to establish leadership. c.Logs[1] = c.Logs[1] c.Logs[1].Clock.election() c.Logs[1].Clock.heartbeat() // Ensure node 1 is elected in the next term. if state := c.Logs[1].State(); state != raft.Leader { t.Fatalf("expected node 1 to move to leader: %s", state) } else if term := c.Logs[1].Term(); term != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected term 2: got %d", term) } // Restart leader and make sure it rejoins as a follower. if err := c.Logs[0].Open(path); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected open error: %s", err) } // Wait for a heartbeat and verify the node 1 is still the leader. c.Logs[1].Clock.heartbeat() if state := c.Logs[1].State(); state != raft.Leader { t.Fatalf("node 1 unexpectedly deposed: %s", state) } else if term := c.Logs[1].Term(); term != 2 { t.Fatalf("expected node 0 to go to term 2: got term %d", term) } // Apply a command and ensure it's replicated. index, err := c.Logs[1].Log.Apply([]byte("abc")) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected apply error: %s", err) } c.MustWaitUncommitted(index) c.Logs[1].HeartbeatUntil(index) c.Logs[1].Clock.heartbeat() c.Logs[0].Clock.apply() c.Logs[1].Clock.apply() c.Logs[2].Clock.apply() if err := c.Logs[0].Wait(index); err != nil { t.Fatalf("unexpected wait error: %s", err) } } // Ensure that state can be stringified. func TestState_String(t *testing.T) { var tests = []struct { state raft.State s string }{ {raft.Stopped, "stopped"}, {raft.Follower, "follower"}, {raft.Candidate, "candidate"}, {raft.Leader, "leader"}, {raft.State(50), "unknown"}, } for i, tt := range tests { if tt.state.String() != tt.s { t.Errorf("%d. mismatch: %s != %s", i, tt.state.String(), tt.s) } } } // Ensure a cluster of nodes can successfully re-elect while applying commands. func TestCluster_Elect_RealTime(t *testing.T) { if testing.Short() { t.Skip("skip: short mode") } // Create a cluster with a real-time clock. c := NewRealTimeCluster(3, indexFSMFunc) minIndex := c.Logs[0].AppliedIndex() commandN := uint64(1000) - minIndex // Run a loop to continually apply commands. var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() for i := uint64(0); i < commandN; i++ { index, err := c.Apply(make([]byte, 50)) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("apply: index=%d, err=%s", index, err) } time.Sleep(time.Duration(rand.Intn(10)) * time.Millisecond) } }() // Run a loop to periodically kill off nodes. wg.Add(1) go func() { defer wg.Done() // Wait for nodes to get going. time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond) // Choose random log. // i := rand.Intn(len(c.Logs)) i := 0 l := c.Logs[i] // Restart the log. path := l.Path() l.Log.Close() if err := l.Log.Open(path); err != nil { t.Fatalf("reopen(%d): %s", i, err) } }() // Wait for all logs to catch up. wg.Wait() for i, l := range c.Logs { if err := l.Wait(commandN + minIndex); err != nil { t.Errorf("wait(%d): %s", i, err) } } // Verify FSM indicies match. for i, l := range c.Logs { fsmIndex, _ := l.FSM.(*raft.IndexFSM).Index() if exp := commandN + minIndex; exp != fsmIndex { t.Errorf("fsm index mismatch(%d): exp=%d, got=%d", i, exp, fsmIndex) } } } func BenchmarkClusterApply1(b *testing.B) { benchmarkClusterApply(b, 1) } func BenchmarkClusterApply2(b *testing.B) { benchmarkClusterApply(b, 2) } func BenchmarkClusterApply3(b *testing.B) { benchmarkClusterApply(b, 3) } // Benchmarks an n-node cluster connected through an in-memory transport. func benchmarkClusterApply(b *testing.B, logN int) { warnf("== BenchmarkClusterApply (%d) ====================================", b.N) c := NewRealTimeCluster(logN, indexFSMFunc) defer c.Close() b.ResetTimer() // Apply commands to leader. var index uint64 var err error for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ { index, err = c.Apply(make([]byte, 50)) if err != nil { b.Fatalf("apply: %s", err) } } // Wait for all logs to catch up. for _, l := range c.Logs { l.MustWait(index) } b.StopTimer() // Verify FSM indicies match. for i, l := range c.Logs { fsmIndex, _ := l.FSM.(*raft.IndexFSM).Index() if index != fsmIndex { b.Errorf("fsm index mismatch(%d): exp=%d, got=%d", i, index, fsmIndex) } } } // Cluster represents a collection of nodes that share the same mock clock. type Cluster struct { Logs []*Log } // NewCluster creates a new 3 log cluster. func NewCluster(fsmFn func() raft.FSM) *Cluster { c := &Cluster{} t := NewTransport() logN := 3 for i := 0; i < logN; i++ { l := NewLog(&url.URL{Host: fmt.Sprintf("log%d", i)}) l.Log.FSM = fsmFn() l.Transport = t c.Logs = append(c.Logs, l) t.register(l.Log) warnf("Log %s: %p", l.URL.String(), l.Log) } warn("") // Initialize leader. c.Logs[0].MustOpen() c.Logs[0].MustInitialize() // Join second node. c.Logs[1].MustOpen() go func() { c.Logs[0].MustWaitUncommitted(2) c.Logs[0].Clock.apply() }() if err := c.Logs[1].Join(c.Logs[0].URL); err != nil { panic("join: " + err.Error()) } c.Logs[0].Clock.heartbeat() c.Logs[1].MustWaitUncommitted(2) c.Logs[1].Clock.apply() c.Logs[0].Clock.heartbeat() // Join third node. c.Logs[2].MustOpen() go func() { c.Logs[0].MustWaitUncommitted(3) c.Logs[1].MustWaitUncommitted(3) c.Logs[0].HeartbeatUntil(3) c.Logs[0].Clock.apply() c.Logs[1].Clock.apply() c.Logs[2].Clock.apply() }() if err := c.Logs[2].Log.Join(c.Logs[0].Log.URL); err != nil { panic("join: " + err.Error()) } // Heartbeart final commit index to all nodes and reapply. c.Logs[0].Clock.heartbeat() c.Logs[1].Clock.apply() c.Logs[2].Clock.apply() return c } // NewRealTimeCluster a new cluster with n logs. // All logs use a real-time clock instead of a test clock. func NewRealTimeCluster(logN int, fsmFn func() raft.FSM) *Cluster { c := &Cluster{} t := NewTransport() for i := 0; i < logN; i++ { l := NewLog(&url.URL{Host: fmt.Sprintf("log%d", i)}) l.Log.FSM = fsmFn() l.Clock = nil l.Log.Clock = raft.NewClock() l.Transport = t c.Logs = append(c.Logs, l) t.register(l.Log) warnf("Log %s: %p", l.URL.String(), l.Log) } warn("") // Initialize leader. c.Logs[0].MustOpen() c.Logs[0].MustInitialize() // Join remaining nodes. for i := 1; i < logN; i++ { c.Logs[i].MustOpen() c.Logs[i].MustJoin(c.Logs[0].URL) } // Ensure nodes are ready. index, _ := c.Logs[0].LastLogIndexTerm() for i := 0; i < logN; i++ { c.Logs[i].MustWait(index) } return c } // Close closes all logs in the cluster. func (c *Cluster) Close() { for _, l := range c.Logs { l.Close() } } // Apply continually tries to apply data to the current leader. // If the leader cannot be found then it will retry until it finds the leader. func (c *Cluster) Apply(data []byte) (uint64, error) { for { for _, l := range c.Logs { index, err := l.Apply(make([]byte, 50)) if err == raft.ErrNotLeader { continue } return index, err } time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) } } // Leader returns the leader log with the highest term. func (c *Cluster) Leader() *Log { var leader *Log for _, l := range c.Logs { if l.State() == raft.Leader && (leader == nil || leader.Log.Term() < l.Term()) { leader = l } } return leader } // WaitCommitted waits until all logs in the cluster have reached a given uncommitted index. func (c *Cluster) MustWaitUncommitted(index uint64) { for _, l := range c.Logs { l.MustWaitUncommitted(index) } } // flush issues messages to cycle all logs. func (c *Cluster) flush() { for _, l := range c.Logs { l.Clock.heartbeat() l.Clock.apply() } } // Log represents a test log. type Log struct { *raft.Log Clock *Clock } // NewLog returns a new instance of Log. func NewLog(u *url.URL) *Log { l := &Log{Log: raft.NewLog(), Clock: NewClock()} l.URL = u l.Log.Clock = l.Clock l.Rand = seq() l.DebugEnabled = true if !testing.Verbose() { l.Logger = log.New(ioutil.Discard, "", 0) } return l } // NewInitializedLog returns a new initialized Node. func NewInitializedLog(u *url.URL) *Log { l := NewLog(u) l.Log.FSM = &FSM{} l.MustOpen() l.MustInitialize() return l } // MustOpen opens the log. Panic on error. func (l *Log) MustOpen() { if err := l.Open(tempfile()); err != nil { panic("open: " + err.Error()) } } // MustInitialize initializes the log. Panic on error. func (l *Log) MustInitialize() { go func() { l.MustWaitUncommitted(1) if l.Clock != nil { l.Clock.apply() } }() if err := l.Initialize(); err != nil { panic("initialize: " + err.Error()) } } // MustJoin joins the log to another log. Panic on error. func (l *Log) MustJoin(u *url.URL) { if err := l.Join(u); err != nil { panic("join: " + err.Error()) } } // Close closes the log and HTTP server. func (l *Log) Close() error { defer os.RemoveAll(l.Log.Path()) _ = l.Log.Close() return nil } // MustWaits waits for at least a given applied index. Panic on error. func (l *Log) MustWait(index uint64) { if err := l.Log.Wait(index); err != nil { panic(l.URL.String() + " wait: " + err.Error()) } } // MustCommitted waits for at least a given committed index. Panic on error. func (l *Log) MustWaitCommitted(index uint64) { if err := l.Log.WaitCommitted(index); err != nil { panic(l.URL.String() + " wait committed: " + err.Error()) } } // MustWaitUncommitted waits for at least a given uncommitted index. Panic on error. func (l *Log) MustWaitUncommitted(index uint64) { if err := l.Log.WaitUncommitted(index); err != nil { panic(l.URL.String() + " wait uncommitted: " + err.Error()) } } // HeartbeatUtil continues to heartbeat until an index is committed. func (l *Log) HeartbeatUntil(index uint64) { for { time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond) l.Clock.heartbeat() if l.CommitIndex() >= index { return } } } // FSM represents a simple state machine that records all commands. type FSM struct { MaxIndex uint64 Commands [][]byte } // MustApply updates the max index and appends the command. func (fsm *FSM) MustApply(entry *raft.LogEntry) { fsm.MaxIndex = entry.Index if entry.Type == raft.LogEntryCommand { fsm.Commands = append(fsm.Commands, entry.Data) } } // Index returns the highest applied index. func (fsm *FSM) Index() (uint64, error) { return fsm.MaxIndex, nil } // Snapshot begins writing the FSM to a writer. func (fsm *FSM) Snapshot(w io.Writer) (uint64, error) { b, _ := json.Marshal(fsm) binary.Write(w, binary.BigEndian, uint64(len(b))) _, err := w.Write(b) return fsm.MaxIndex, err } // Restore reads the snapshot from the reader. func (fsm *FSM) Restore(r io.Reader) error { var sz uint64 if err := binary.Read(r, binary.BigEndian, &sz); err != nil { return err } buf := make([]byte, sz) if _, err := io.ReadFull(r, buf); err != nil { return err } if err := json.Unmarshal(buf, &fsm); err != nil { return err } return nil } func fsmFunc() raft.FSM { return &FSM{} } func indexFSMFunc() raft.FSM { return &raft.IndexFSM{} } // seq implements the raft.Log#Rand interface and returns incrementing ints. func seq() func() int64 { var i int64 var mu sync.Mutex return func() int64 { mu.Lock() defer mu.Unlock() i++ return i } } // tempfile returns the path to a non-existent file in the temp directory. func tempfile() string { f, _ := ioutil.TempFile("", "raft-") path := f.Name() f.Close() os.Remove(path) return path } func jsonify(v interface{}) string { b, _ := json.Marshal(v) return string(b) } func warn(v ...interface{}) { if testing.Verbose() { fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, v...) } } func warnf(msg string, v ...interface{}) { if testing.Verbose() { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, msg+"\n", v...) } } // u64tob converts a uint64 into an 8-byte slice. func u64tob(v uint64) []byte { b := make([]byte, 8) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(b, v) return b } // btou64 converts an 8-byte slice into an uint64. func btou64(b []byte) uint64 { return binary.BigEndian.Uint64(b) }