#!/usr/bin/python -u import sys import os import subprocess from datetime import datetime import shutil import tempfile import hashlib import re import logging import argparse import json ################ #### Chronograf Variables ################ # Packaging variables PACKAGE_NAME = "chronograf" INSTALL_ROOT_DIR = "/usr/bin" LOG_DIR = "/var/log/chronograf" DATA_DIR = "/var/lib/chronograf" SCRIPT_DIR = "/usr/lib/chronograf/scripts" LOGROTATE_DIR = "/etc/logrotate.d" CANNED_DIR = "/usr/share/chronograf/canned" INIT_SCRIPT = "etc/scripts/init.sh" SYSTEMD_SCRIPT = "etc/scripts/chronograf.service" POSTINST_SCRIPT = "etc/scripts/post-install.sh" POSTUNINST_SCRIPT = "etc/scripts/post-uninstall.sh" LOGROTATE_SCRIPT = "etc/scripts/logrotate" CANNED_SCRIPTS = "canned/*json" # Default AWS S3 bucket for uploads DEFAULT_BUCKET = "dl.influxdata.com/chronograf/artifacts" CONFIGURATION_FILES = [ LOGROTATE_DIR + '/chronograf', ] PACKAGE_LICENSE = "AGPLv3" PACKAGE_URL = "https://github.com/influxdata/chronograf" MAINTAINER = "contact@influxdb.com" VENDOR = "InfluxData" DESCRIPTION = "Open source monitoring and visualization UI for the entire TICK stack." prereqs = [ 'git', 'go', 'npm','yarn' ] go_vet_command = "go tool vet ./" optional_prereqs = [ 'fpm', 'rpmbuild', 'gpg' ] fpm_common_args = "-f -s dir --log error \ --vendor {} \ --url {} \ --after-install {} \ --after-remove {} \ --license {} \ --maintainer {} \ --directories {} \ --directories {} \ --description \"{}\"".format( VENDOR, PACKAGE_URL, POSTINST_SCRIPT, POSTUNINST_SCRIPT, PACKAGE_LICENSE, MAINTAINER, LOG_DIR, DATA_DIR, DESCRIPTION) for f in CONFIGURATION_FILES: fpm_common_args += " --config-files {}".format(f) targets = { 'chronograf' : './cmd/chronograf', } supported_builds = { 'darwin': [ "amd64" ], 'windows': [ "amd64" ], 'linux': [ "amd64", "i386", "armhf", "arm64", "armel", "static_i386", "static_amd64" ] } supported_packages = { "darwin": [ "tar" ], "linux": [ "deb", "rpm", "tar" ], "windows": [ "zip" ], "freebsd": [ "tar" ] } ################ #### Chronograf Functions ################ def print_banner(): logging.info(""" ___ _ __ / __| |_ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ __ _ _ _ __ _ / _| | (__| ' \| '_/ _ \ ' \/ _ \/ _` | '_/ _` | _| \___|_||_|_| \___/_||_\___/\__, |_| \__,_|_| |___/ Build Script """) def create_package_fs(build_root): """Create a filesystem structure to mimic the package filesystem. """ logging.debug("Creating package filesystem at location: {}".format(build_root)) # Using [1:] for the path names due to them being absolute # (will overwrite previous paths, per 'os.path.join' documentation) dirs = [ INSTALL_ROOT_DIR[1:], LOG_DIR[1:], DATA_DIR[1:], SCRIPT_DIR[1:], LOGROTATE_DIR[1:], CANNED_DIR[1:] ] for d in dirs: os.makedirs(os.path.join(build_root, d)) os.chmod(os.path.join(build_root, d), 0o755) def package_scripts(build_root, config_only=False, windows=False): """Copy the necessary scripts to the package filesystem. """ if config_only: pass else: logging.debug("Copying scripts to build directory.") files = [ (INIT_SCRIPT, SCRIPT_DIR, "init.sh"), (SYSTEMD_SCRIPT, SCRIPT_DIR, "chronograf.service"), (LOGROTATE_SCRIPT, LOGROTATE_DIR, "chronograf") ] for script, dir, name in files: dest = os.path.join(build_root, dir[1:], name) logging.debug("Moving {} to {}".format(script, dest)) shutil.copyfile(script, dest) os.chmod(dest, 0o644) run("cp {} {} && chmod 644 {}".format(CANNED_SCRIPTS, os.path.join(build_root, CANNED_DIR[1:]), os.path.join(build_root, CANNED_DIR[1:], "*json")), shell=True, print_output=True) def run_generate(): """Generate static assets. """ start_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Generating static assets...") run("make assets", shell=True, print_output=True) end_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Time taken: {}s".format((end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) return True def make_clean(): """Generate static assets. """ start_time = datetime.utcnow() run("make clean", shell=True, print_output=True) end_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Time taken: {}s".format((end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) return True def go_get(branch, update=False, no_uncommitted=False): """Retrieve build dependencies or restore pinned dependencies. """ start_time = datetime.utcnow() if local_changes() and no_uncommitted: logging.error("There are uncommitted changes in the current directory.") return False run("make dep", shell=True, print_output=True) end_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Time taken: {}s".format((end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) return True def run_tests(race, parallel, timeout, no_vet): """Run the Go and NPM test suite on binary output. """ start_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Running tests...") run("make test", shell=True, print_output=True) end_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Time taken: {}s".format((end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) return True ################ #### All Chronograf-specific content above this line ################ def run(command, allow_failure=False, shell=False, print_output=False): """Run shell command (convenience wrapper around subprocess). """ out = None logging.debug("{}".format(command)) try: cmd = command if not shell: cmd = command.split() stdout = subprocess.PIPE stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if print_output: stdout = None p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=shell, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) out, _ = p.communicate() if out is not None: out = out.decode('utf-8').strip() if p.returncode != 0: if allow_failure: logging.warn(u"Command '{}' failed with error: {}".format(command, out)) return None else: logging.error(u"Command '{}' failed with error: {}".format(command, out)) sys.exit(1) except OSError as e: if allow_failure: logging.warn("Command '{}' failed with error: {}".format(command, e)) return out else: logging.error("Command '{}' failed with error: {}".format(command, e)) sys.exit(1) else: return out def create_temp_dir(prefix = None): """ Create temporary directory with optional prefix. """ if prefix is None: return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="{}-build.".format(PACKAGE_NAME)) else: return tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix=prefix) def increment_minor_version(version): """Return the version with the minor version incremented and patch version set to zero. """ ver_list = version.split('.') if len(ver_list) != 3: logging.warn("Could not determine how to increment version '{}', will just use provided version.".format(version)) return version ver_list[1] = str(int(ver_list[1]) + 1) ver_list[2] = str(0) inc_version = '.'.join(ver_list) logging.debug("Incremented version from '{}' to '{}'.".format(version, inc_version)) return inc_version def get_current_version_tag(): """Retrieve the raw git version tag. """ version = run("git describe --always --tags --abbrev=0") return version def get_current_version(): """Parse version information from git tag output. """ version_tag = get_current_version_tag() # Remove leading 'v' if version_tag[0] == 'v': version_tag = version_tag[1:] # Replace any '-'/'_' with '~' if '-' in version_tag: version_tag = version_tag.replace("-","~") if '_' in version_tag: version_tag = version_tag.replace("_","~") return version_tag def get_current_commit(short=False): """Retrieve the current git commit. """ command = None if short: command = "git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1" else: command = "git rev-parse HEAD" out = run(command) return out.strip('\'\n\r ') def get_current_branch(): """Retrieve the current git branch. """ command = "git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD" out = run(command) return out.strip() def local_changes(): """Return True if there are local un-committed changes. """ output = run("git diff-files --ignore-submodules --").strip() if len(output) > 0: return True return False def get_system_arch(): """Retrieve current system architecture. """ arch = os.uname()[4] if arch == "x86_64": arch = "amd64" elif arch == "386": arch = "i386" elif 'arm' in arch: # Prevent uname from reporting full ARM arch (eg 'armv7l') arch = "arm" return arch def get_system_platform(): """Retrieve current system platform. """ if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): return "linux" else: return sys.platform def get_go_version(): """Retrieve version information for Go. """ out = run("go version") matches = re.search('go version go(\S+)', out) if matches is not None: return matches.groups()[0].strip() return None def check_path_for(b): """Check the the user's path for the provided binary. """ def is_exe(fpath): return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK) for path in os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep): path = path.strip('"') full_path = os.path.join(path, b) if os.path.isfile(full_path) and os.access(full_path, os.X_OK): return full_path def check_environ(build_dir = None): """Check environment for common Go variables. """ logging.info("Checking environment...") for v in [ "GOPATH", "GOBIN", "GOROOT" ]: logging.debug("Using '{}' for {}".format(os.environ.get(v), v)) cwd = os.getcwd() if build_dir is None and os.environ.get("GOPATH") and os.environ.get("GOPATH") not in cwd: logging.warn("Your current directory is not under your GOPATH. This may lead to build failures.") return True def check_prereqs(): """Check user path for required dependencies. """ logging.info("Checking for dependencies...") for req in prereqs: if not check_path_for(req): logging.error("Could not find dependency: {}".format(req)) return False return True def upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=None, overwrite=False): """Upload provided package output to AWS S3. """ logging.debug("Uploading files to bucket '{}': {}".format(bucket_name, packages)) try: import boto from boto.s3.key import Key from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat logging.getLogger("boto").setLevel(logging.WARNING) except ImportError: logging.warn("Cannot upload packages without 'boto' Python library!") return False logging.info("Connecting to AWS S3...") # Up the number of attempts to 10 from default of 1 boto.config.add_section("Boto") boto.config.set("Boto", "metadata_service_num_attempts", "10") c = boto.connect_s3(calling_format=OrdinaryCallingFormat()) if bucket_name is None: bucket_name = DEFAULT_BUCKET bucket = c.get_bucket(bucket_name.split('/')[0]) for p in packages: if '/' in bucket_name: # Allow for nested paths within the bucket name (ex: # bucket/folder). Assuming forward-slashes as path # delimiter. name = os.path.join('/'.join(bucket_name.split('/')[1:]), os.path.basename(p)) else: name = os.path.basename(p) logging.debug("Using key: {}".format(name)) if bucket.get_key(name) is None or overwrite: logging.info("Uploading file {}".format(name)) k = Key(bucket) k.key = name if overwrite: n = k.set_contents_from_filename(p, replace=True) else: n = k.set_contents_from_filename(p, replace=False) k.make_public() else: logging.warn("Not uploading file {}, as it already exists in the target bucket.".format(name)) return True def go_list(vendor=False, relative=False): """ Return a list of packages If vendor is False vendor package are not included If relative is True the package prefix defined by PACKAGE_URL is stripped """ p = subprocess.Popen(["go", "list", "./..."], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) out, err = p.communicate() packages = out.split('\n') if packages[-1] == '': packages = packages[:-1] if not vendor: non_vendor = [] for p in packages: if '/vendor/' not in p: non_vendor.append(p) packages = non_vendor if relative: relative_pkgs = [] for p in packages: r = p.replace(PACKAGE_URL, '.') if r != '.': relative_pkgs.append(r) packages = relative_pkgs return packages def build(version=None, platform=None, arch=None, nightly=False, race=False, clean=False, outdir=".", tags=[], static=False): """Build each target for the specified architecture and platform. """ logging.info("Starting build for {}/{}...".format(platform, arch)) logging.info("Using Go version: {}".format(get_go_version())) logging.info("Using git branch: {}".format(get_current_branch())) logging.info("Using git commit: {}".format(get_current_commit())) if static: logging.info("Using statically-compiled output.") if race: logging.info("Race is enabled.") if len(tags) > 0: logging.info("Using build tags: {}".format(','.join(tags))) logging.info("Sending build output to: {}".format(outdir)) if not os.path.exists(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir) elif clean and outdir != '/' and outdir != ".": logging.info("Cleaning build directory '{}' before building.".format(outdir)) shutil.rmtree(outdir) os.makedirs(outdir) logging.info("Using version '{}' for build.".format(version)) for target, path in targets.items(): logging.info("Building target: {}".format(target)) build_command = "" # Handle static binary output if static is True or "static_" in arch: if "static_" in arch: static = True arch = arch.replace("static_", "") build_command += "CGO_ENABLED=0 " # Handle variations in architecture output if arch == "i386" or arch == "i686": arch = "386" elif "arm" in arch: arch = "arm" build_command += "GOOS={} GOARCH={} ".format(platform, arch) if "arm" in arch: if arch == "armel": build_command += "GOARM=5 " elif arch == "armhf" or arch == "arm": build_command += "GOARM=6 " elif arch == "arm64": # TODO(rossmcdonald) - Verify this is the correct setting for arm64 build_command += "GOARM=7 " else: logging.error("Invalid ARM architecture specified: {}".format(arch)) logging.error("Please specify either 'armel', 'armhf', or 'arm64'.") return False if platform == 'windows': target = target + '.exe' build_command += "go build -o {} ".format(os.path.join(outdir, target)) if race: build_command += "-race " if len(tags) > 0: build_command += "-tags {} ".format(','.join(tags)) if "1.4" in get_go_version(): if static: build_command += "-ldflags=\"-s -X main.version {} -X main.commit {}\" ".format(version, get_current_commit()) else: build_command += "-ldflags=\"-X main.version {} -X main.commit {}\" ".format(version, get_current_commit()) else: # Starting with Go 1.5, the linker flag arguments changed to 'name=value' from 'name value' if static: build_command += "-ldflags=\"-s -X main.version={} -X main.commit={}\" ".format(version, get_current_commit()) else: build_command += "-ldflags=\"-X main.version={} -X main.commit={}\" ".format(version, get_current_commit()) if static: build_command += "-a -installsuffix cgo " build_command += path start_time = datetime.utcnow() run(build_command, shell=True, print_output=True) end_time = datetime.utcnow() logging.info("Time taken: {}s".format((end_time - start_time).total_seconds())) return True def generate_sha256_from_file(path): """Generate SHA256 signature based on the contents of the file at path. """ m = hashlib.sha256() with open(path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): m.update(chunk) return m.hexdigest() def generate_md5_from_file(path): """Generate MD5 signature based on the contents of the file at path. """ m = hashlib.md5() with open(path, 'rb') as f: for chunk in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): m.update(chunk) return m.hexdigest() def generate_sig_from_file(path): """Generate a detached GPG signature from the file at path. """ logging.debug("Generating GPG signature for file: {}".format(path)) gpg_path = check_path_for('gpg') if gpg_path is None: logging.warn("gpg binary not found on path! Skipping signature creation.") return False if os.environ.get("GNUPG_HOME") is not None: run('gpg --homedir {} --armor --yes --detach-sign {}'.format(os.environ.get("GNUPG_HOME"), path)) else: run('gpg --armor --detach-sign --yes {}'.format(path)) return True def package(build_output, pkg_name, version, nightly=False, iteration=1, static=False, release=False): """Package the output of the build process. """ outfiles = [] tmp_build_dir = create_temp_dir() logging.debug("Packaging for build output: {}".format(build_output)) logging.info("Using temporary directory: {}".format(tmp_build_dir)) try: for platform in build_output: # Create top-level folder displaying which platform (linux, etc) os.makedirs(os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, platform)) for arch in build_output[platform]: logging.info("Creating packages for {}/{}".format(platform, arch)) # Create second-level directory displaying the architecture (amd64, etc) current_location = build_output[platform][arch] # Create directory tree to mimic file system of package build_root = os.path.join(tmp_build_dir, platform, arch, '{}-{}-{}'.format(PACKAGE_NAME, version, iteration)) os.makedirs(build_root) # Copy packaging scripts to build directory if platform == "windows": # For windows and static builds, just copy # binaries to root of package (no other scripts or # directories) package_scripts(build_root, config_only=True, windows=True) elif static or "static_" in arch: package_scripts(build_root, config_only=True) else: create_package_fs(build_root) package_scripts(build_root) for binary in targets: # Copy newly-built binaries to packaging directory if platform == 'windows': binary = binary + '.exe' if platform == 'windows' or static or "static_" in arch: # Where the binary should go in the package filesystem to = os.path.join(build_root, binary) # Where the binary currently is located fr = os.path.join(current_location, binary) else: # Where the binary currently is located fr = os.path.join(current_location, binary) # Where the binary should go in the package filesystem to = os.path.join(build_root, INSTALL_ROOT_DIR[1:], binary) shutil.copy(fr, to) for package_type in supported_packages[platform]: # Package the directory structure for each package type for the platform logging.debug("Packaging directory '{}' as '{}'.".format(build_root, package_type)) name = pkg_name # Reset version, iteration, and current location on each run # since they may be modified below. package_version = version package_iteration = iteration if "static_" in arch: # Remove the "static_" from the displayed arch on the package package_arch = arch.replace("static_", "") else: package_arch = arch if not release and not nightly: # For non-release builds, just use the commit hash as the version package_version = "{}~{}".format(version, get_current_commit(short=True)) package_iteration = "0" package_build_root = build_root current_location = build_output[platform][arch] if package_type in ['zip', 'tar']: # For tars and zips, start the packaging one folder above # the build root (to include the package name) package_build_root = os.path.join('/', '/'.join(build_root.split('/')[:-1])) if nightly: if static or "static_" in arch: name = '{}-static-nightly_{}_{}'.format(name, platform, package_arch) else: name = '{}-nightly_{}_{}'.format(name, platform, package_arch) else: if static or "static_" in arch: name = '{}-{}-static_{}_{}'.format(name, package_version, platform, package_arch) else: name = '{}-{}_{}_{}'.format(name, package_version, platform, package_arch) current_location = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), current_location) if package_type == 'tar': tar_command = "cd {} && tar -cvzf {}.tar.gz --owner=root ./*".format(package_build_root, name) run(tar_command, shell=True, print_output=True) run("mv {}.tar.gz {}".format(os.path.join(package_build_root, name), current_location), shell=True) outfile = os.path.join(current_location, name + ".tar.gz") outfiles.append(outfile) elif package_type == 'zip': zip_command = "cd {} && zip -r {}.zip ./*".format(package_build_root, name) run(zip_command, shell=True, print_output=True) run("mv {}.zip {}".format(os.path.join(package_build_root, name), current_location), shell=True) outfile = os.path.join(current_location, name + ".zip") outfiles.append(outfile) elif package_type not in ['zip', 'tar'] and static or "static_" in arch: logging.info("Skipping package type '{}' for static builds.".format(package_type)) else: fpm_command = "fpm {} --name {} -a {} -t {} --version {} --iteration {} -C {} -p {} ".format( fpm_common_args, name, package_arch, package_type, package_version, package_iteration, package_build_root, current_location) if package_type == "rpm": fpm_command += "--depends coreutils" # TODO: Check for changelog # elif package_type == "deb": # fpm_command += "--deb-changelog {} ".format(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "CHANGELOG.md")) out = run(fpm_command, shell=True) matches = re.search(':path=>"(.*)"', out) outfile = None if matches is not None: outfile = matches.groups()[0] if outfile is None: logging.warn("Could not determine output from packaging output!") else: if nightly: # TODO: check if this is correct # if package_type == 'rpm': # # rpm's convert any dashes to underscores # package_version = package_version.replace("-", "_") # logging.debug("Changing package output version from {} to {} for RPM.".format(version, package_version)) # Strip nightly version from package name new_outfile = outfile.replace("{}-{}".format(package_version, package_iteration), "nightly") os.rename(outfile, new_outfile) outfile = new_outfile else: if package_type == 'rpm': # rpm's convert any dashes to underscores package_version = package_version.replace("-", "_") logging.debug("Changing package output version from {} to {} for RPM.".format(version, package_version)) new_outfile = outfile.replace("{}-{}".format(package_version, package_iteration), package_version) os.rename(outfile, new_outfile) outfile = new_outfile outfiles.append(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), outfile)) logging.debug("Produced package files: {}".format(outfiles)) return outfiles finally: pass # Cleanup # shutil.rmtree(tmp_build_dir) def main(args): global PACKAGE_NAME if args.release and args.nightly: logging.error("Cannot be both a nightly and a release.") return 1 if args.nightly: args.version = increment_minor_version(args.version) args.version = "{}~n{}".format(args.version, datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")) args.iteration = 0 # Pre-build checks check_environ() if not check_prereqs(): return 1 if args.build_tags is None: args.build_tags = [] else: args.build_tags = args.build_tags.split(',') orig_commit = get_current_commit(short=True) orig_branch = get_current_branch() if args.platform not in supported_builds and args.platform != 'all': logging.error("Invalid build platform: {}".format(args.platform)) return 1 build_output = {} if args.branch != orig_branch and args.commit != orig_commit: logging.error("Can only specify one branch or commit to build from.") return 1 elif args.branch != orig_branch: logging.info("Moving to git branch: {}".format(args.branch)) run("git checkout {}".format(args.branch), print_output=True) elif args.commit != orig_commit: logging.info("Moving to git commit: {}".format(args.commit)) run("git checkout {}".format(args.commit), print_output=True) if args.clean: if not make_clean(): return 1 if not args.no_get: if not go_get(args.branch, update=args.update, no_uncommitted=args.no_uncommitted): return 1 if args.generate: if not run_generate(): return 1 if args.test: if not run_tests(args.race, args.parallel, args.timeout, args.no_vet): return 1 if args.no_build: return 0 platforms = [] single_build = True if args.platform == 'all': platforms = supported_builds.keys() single_build = False else: platforms = [args.platform] for platform in platforms: build_output.update( { platform : {} } ) archs = [] if args.arch == "all": single_build = False archs = supported_builds.get(platform) else: archs = [args.arch] for arch in archs: od = args.outdir if not single_build: od = os.path.join(args.outdir, platform, arch) if not build(version=args.version, platform=platform, arch=arch, nightly=args.nightly, race=args.race, clean=args.clean, outdir=od, tags=args.build_tags, static=args.static): return 1 build_output.get(platform).update( { arch : od } ) # Build packages if args.package: if not check_path_for("fpm"): logging.error("FPM ruby gem required for packaging. Stopping.") return 1 packages = package(build_output, args.name, args.version, nightly=args.nightly, iteration=args.iteration, static=args.static, release=args.release) if args.sign: logging.debug("Generating GPG signatures for packages: {}".format(packages)) sigs = [] # retain signatures so they can be uploaded with packages for p in packages: if generate_sig_from_file(p): sigs.append(p + '.asc') else: logging.error("Creation of signature for package [{}] failed!".format(p)) return 1 packages += sigs if args.upload: logging.debug("Files staged for upload: {}".format(packages)) if args.nightly: args.upload_overwrite = True if not upload_packages(packages, bucket_name=args.bucket, overwrite=args.upload_overwrite): return 1 package_output = {} for p in packages: p_name = p.split('/')[-1:][0] if ".asc" in p_name: # Skip public keys continue arch = None type = None regex = None nice_name = None if ".deb" in p_name: type = "ubuntu" nice_name = "Ubuntu" regex = r"^.+_(.+)\.deb$" elif ".rpm" in p_name: type = "centos" nice_name = "CentOS" regex = r"^.+\.(.+)\.rpm$" elif ".tar.gz" in p_name: if "linux" in p_name: if "static" in p_name: type = "linux_static" nice_name = "Linux Static" else: type = "linux" nice_name = "Linux" elif "darwin" in p_name: type = "darwin" nice_name = "Mac OS X" regex = r"^.+_(.+)\.tar.gz$" elif ".zip" in p_name: if "windows" in p_name: type = "windows" nice_name = "Windows" regex = r"^.+_(.+)\.zip$" if regex is None or type is None: logging.error("Could not determine package type for: {}".format(p)) return 1 match = re.search(regex, p_name) arch = match.groups()[0] if arch is None: logging.error("Could not determine arch for: {}".format(p)) return 1 if arch == "x86_64": arch = "amd64" elif arch == "x86_32": arch = "i386" package_name = str(arch) + "_" + str(type) package_output[package_name] = { "sha256": generate_sha256_from_file(p), "md5": generate_md5_from_file(p), "filename": p_name, "name": nice_name, "link": "https://dl.influxdata.com/chronograf/releases/" + p_name.rsplit('/', 1)[-1], } # Print the downloads in Markdown format for the release if args.release: lines = [] for package_name, v in package_output.items(): line = v['name'] + " | [" + v['filename'] +"](" + v['link'] + ") | `" + v['sha256'] + "`" lines.append(line) lines.sort() print ("## Docker") print("docker pull quay.io/influxdb/chronograf:"+get_current_version_tag()) print("") print("## Packages") print("") print("Arch | Package | SHA256") print("--- | --- | ---") for line in lines: print(line) package_output["version"] = args.version logging.info(json.dumps(package_output, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) if orig_branch != get_current_branch(): logging.info("Moving back to original git branch: {}".format(orig_branch)) run("git checkout {}".format(orig_branch), print_output=True) return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': LOG_LEVEL = logging.INFO if '--debug' in sys.argv[1:]: LOG_LEVEL = logging.DEBUG log_format = '[%(levelname)s] %(funcName)s: %(message)s' logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=LOG_LEVEL, format=log_format) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='InfluxDB build and packaging script.') parser.add_argument('--verbose','-v','--debug', action='store_true', help='Use debug output') parser.add_argument('--outdir', '-o', metavar='', default='./build/', type=os.path.abspath, help='Output directory') parser.add_argument('--name', '-n', metavar='', default=PACKAGE_NAME, type=str, help='Name to use for package name (when package is specified)') parser.add_argument('--arch', metavar='', type=str, default=get_system_arch(), help='Target architecture for build output') parser.add_argument('--platform', metavar='', type=str, default=get_system_platform(), help='Target platform for build output') parser.add_argument('--branch', metavar='', type=str, default=get_current_branch(), help='Build from a specific branch') parser.add_argument('--commit', metavar='', type=str, default=get_current_commit(short=True), help='Build from a specific commit') parser.add_argument('--version', metavar='', type=str, default=get_current_version(), help='Version information to apply to build output (ex: 0.12.0)') parser.add_argument('--iteration', metavar='', type=str, default="1", help='Package iteration to apply to build output (defaults to 1)') parser.add_argument('--stats', action='store_true', help='Emit build metrics (requires InfluxDB Python client)') parser.add_argument('--stats-server', metavar='', type=str, help='Send build stats to InfluxDB using provided hostname and port') parser.add_argument('--stats-db', metavar='', type=str, help='Send build stats to InfluxDB using provided database name') parser.add_argument('--nightly', action='store_true', help='Mark build output as nightly build (will incremement the minor version)') parser.add_argument('--update', action='store_true', help='Update build dependencies prior to building') parser.add_argument('--package', action='store_true', help='Package binary output') parser.add_argument('--release', action='store_true', help='Mark build output as release') parser.add_argument('--clean', action='store_true', help='Clean output directory before building') parser.add_argument('--no-get', action='store_true', help='Do not retrieve pinned dependencies when building') parser.add_argument('--no-uncommitted', action='store_true', help='Fail if uncommitted changes exist in the working directory') parser.add_argument('--upload', action='store_true', help='Upload output packages to AWS S3') parser.add_argument('--upload-overwrite','-w', action='store_true', help='Upload output packages to AWS S3') parser.add_argument('--bucket', metavar='', type=str, default=DEFAULT_BUCKET, help='Destination bucket for uploads') parser.add_argument('--generate', action='store_true', default=True, help='Run "go generate" before building') parser.add_argument('--build-tags', metavar='', help='Optional build tags to use for compilation') parser.add_argument('--static', action='store_true', help='Create statically-compiled binary output') parser.add_argument('--sign', action='store_true', help='Create GPG detached signatures for packages (when package is specified)') parser.add_argument('--test', action='store_true', help='Run tests (does not produce build output)') parser.add_argument('--no-vet', action='store_true', help='Do not run "go vet" when running tests') parser.add_argument('--race', action='store_true', help='Enable race flag for build output') parser.add_argument('--parallel', metavar='', type=int, help='Number of tests to run simultaneously') parser.add_argument('--timeout', metavar='', type=str, help='Timeout for tests before failing') parser.add_argument('--no-build', action='store_true', help='Dont build anything.') args = parser.parse_args() print_banner() sys.exit(main(args))