package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" "" internal2 "" ierror "" "" "" "" "" input "" ) type templateSVCsFn func() (pkger.SVC, influxdb.OrganizationService, error) func cmdApply(f *globalFlags, opts genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command { return newCmdPkgerBuilder(newPkgerSVC, f, opts).cmdApply() } func cmdExport(f *globalFlags, opts genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command { return newCmdPkgerBuilder(newPkgerSVC, f, opts).cmdExport() } func cmdStack(f *globalFlags, opts genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command { return newCmdPkgerBuilder(newPkgerSVC, f, opts).cmdStacks() } func cmdTemplate(f *globalFlags, opts genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command { return newCmdPkgerBuilder(newPkgerSVC, f, opts).cmdTemplate() } type cmdTemplateBuilder struct { genericCLIOpts *globalFlags svcFn templateSVCsFn encoding string file string files []string filters []string description string disableColor bool disableTableBorders bool hideHeaders bool json bool force bool name string names []string org organization quiet bool recurse bool stackID string stackIDs []string urls []string applyOpts struct { envRefs []string force string secrets []string } exportOpts struct { resourceType string buckets string checks string dashboards string endpoints string labels string rules string tasks string telegrafs string variables string bucketNames string checkNames string dashboardNames string endpointNames string labelNames string ruleNames string taskNames string telegrafNames string variableNames string } updateStackOpts struct { addResources []string } } func newCmdPkgerBuilder(svcFn templateSVCsFn, f *globalFlags, opts genericCLIOpts) *cmdTemplateBuilder { return &cmdTemplateBuilder{ genericCLIOpts: opts, globalFlags: f, svcFn: svcFn, } } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdApply() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("apply", b.applyRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Apply a template to manage resources" cmd.Long = ` The apply command applies InfluxDB template(s). Use the command to create new resources via a declarative template. The apply command can consume templates via file(s), url(s), stdin, or any combination of the 3. Each run of the apply command ensures that all templates applied are applied in unison as a transaction. If any unexpected errors are discovered then all side effects are rolled back. Examples: # Apply a template via a file influx apply -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE/template.json # Apply a stack that has associated templates. In this example the stack has a remote # template associated with it. influx apply --stack-id $STACK_ID # Apply a template associated with a stack. Stacks make template application idempotent. influx apply -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE/template.json --stack-id $STACK_ID # Apply multiple template files together (mix of yaml and json) influx apply \ -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE/template_1.json \ -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE/template_2.yml # Apply a template from a url influx apply -f # Apply a template from STDIN cat $TEMPLATE.json | influx apply --encoding json # Applying a directory of templates, takes everything from provided directory influx apply -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE_DIR # Applying a directory of templates, recursively descending into child directories influx apply -R -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE_DIR # Applying directories from many sources, file and URL influx apply -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE/template.yml -f $URL_TO_TEMPLATE # Applying a template with actions to skip resources applied. The # following example skips all buckets and the dashboard whose # field matches the provided $DASHBOARD_TMPL_NAME. # format for filters: # --filter=kind=Bucket # --filter=resource=Label:$Label_TMPL_NAME influx apply \ -f $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE/template.yml \ --filter kind=Bucket \ --filter resource=Dashboard:$DASHBOARD_TMPL_NAME For information about finding and using InfluxDB templates, see For more templates created by the community, see `, cmd, false) b.registerTemplateFileFlags(cmd) b.registerTemplatePrintOpts(cmd) cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&b.quiet, "quiet", "q", false, "Disable output printing") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.applyOpts.force, "force", "", `TTY input, if template will have destructive changes, proceed if set "true"`) cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.stackID, "stack-id", "", "Stack ID to associate template application") b.applyOpts.secrets = []string{} cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&b.applyOpts.secrets, "secret", nil, "Secrets to provide alongside the template; format should --secret=SECRET_KEY=SECRET_VALUE --secret=SECRET_KEY_2=SECRET_VALUE_2") cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&b.applyOpts.envRefs, "env-ref", nil, "Environment references to provide alongside the template; format should --env-ref=REF_KEY=REF_VALUE --env-ref=REF_KEY_2=REF_VALUE_2") cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&b.filters, "filter", nil, "Resources to skip when applying the template. Filter out by ‘kind’ or by ‘resource’") return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) applyRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if err :=; err != nil { return err } color.NoColor = b.disableColor svc, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } influxOrgID, err := if err != nil { return err } template, isTTY, err := b.readTemplate() if err != nil { return err } providedEnvRefs := mapKeys(template.Summary().MissingEnvs, b.applyOpts.envRefs) if !isTTY { for _, envRef := range missingValKeys(providedEnvRefs) { prompt := "Please provide environment reference value for key " + envRef providedEnvRefs[envRef] = b.getInput(prompt, "") } } var stackID influxdb.ID if b.stackID != "" { if err := stackID.DecodeFromString(b.stackID); err != nil { return err } } opts := []pkger.ApplyOptFn{ pkger.ApplyWithTemplate(template), pkger.ApplyWithEnvRefs(toMapInterface(providedEnvRefs)), pkger.ApplyWithStackID(stackID), } actionOpts, err := parseTemplateActions(b.filters) if err != nil { return err } opts = append(opts, actionOpts...) dryRunImpact, err := svc.DryRun(context.Background(), influxOrgID, 0, opts...) if err != nil { return err } providedSecrets := mapKeys(dryRunImpact.Summary.MissingSecrets, b.applyOpts.secrets) if !isTTY { const skipDefault = "$$skip-this-key$$" for _, secretKey := range missingValKeys(providedSecrets) { prompt := "Please provide secret value for key " + secretKey + " (optional, press enter to skip)" secretVal := b.getInput(prompt, skipDefault) if secretVal != "" && secretVal != skipDefault { providedSecrets[secretKey] = secretVal } } } if err := b.printTemplateDiff(dryRunImpact.Diff); err != nil { return err } isForced, _ := strconv.ParseBool(b.applyOpts.force) if !isTTY && !isForced && b.applyOpts.force != "conflict" { confirm := b.getInput("Confirm application of the above resources (y/n)", "n") if strings.ToLower(confirm) != "y" { fmt.Fprintln(b.w, "aborted application of template") return nil } } if b.applyOpts.force != "conflict" && isTTY && dryRunImpact.Diff.HasConflicts() { return errors.New("template has conflicts with existing resources and cannot safely apply") } opts = append(opts, pkger.ApplyWithSecrets(providedSecrets)) impact, err := svc.Apply(context.Background(), influxOrgID, 0, opts...) if err != nil { return err } b.printTemplateSummary(impact.StackID, impact.Summary) return nil } func parseTemplateActions(args []string) ([]pkger.ApplyOptFn, error) { var opts []pkger.ApplyOptFn for _, rawAct := range args { pair := strings.SplitN(rawAct, "=", 2) if len(pair) < 2 { continue } key, val := pair[0], pair[1] switch strings.ToLower(key) { case "kind": opts = append(opts, pkger.ApplyWithKindSkip(pkger.ActionSkipKind{ Kind: pkger.Kind(val), })) case "resource": pp := strings.SplitN(val, ":", 2) if len(pair) != 2 { return nil, fmt.Errorf(`invalid skipResource action provided: %q; Expected format --action=skipResource=Label:$LABEL_ID`, rawAct) } kind, metaName := pp[0], pp[1] opts = append(opts, pkger.ApplyWithResourceSkip(pkger.ActionSkipResource{ Kind: pkger.Kind(kind), MetaName: metaName, })) default: return nil, fmt.Errorf(`invalid action provided: %q; Expected format --action=skipResource=Label:$LABEL_ID or Expected format --action=skipKind=Bucket`, rawAct) } } return opts, nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdExport() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("export", b.exportRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Export existing resources as a template" cmd.Long = ` The export command provides a mechanism to export existing resources to a template. Each template resource kind is supported via flags. Examples: # export buckets by ID influx export --buckets=$ID1,$ID2,$ID3 # export buckets, labels, and dashboards by ID influx export \ --buckets=$BID1,$BID2,$BID3 \ --labels=$LID1,$LID2,$LID3 \ --dashboards=$DID1,$DID2,$DID3 # export all resources for a stack influx export --stack-id $STACK_ID # export a stack with resources not associated with the stack influx export --stack-id $STACK_ID --buckets $BUCKET_ID All of the resources are supported via the examples provided above. Provide the resource flag and then provide the IDs. For information about exporting InfluxDB templates, see ` cmd.AddCommand( b.cmdExportAll(), b.cmdExportStack(), ) cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.file, "file", "f", "", "Output file for created template; defaults to std out if no file provided; the extension of provided file (.yml/.json) will dictate encoding") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.stackID, "stack-id", "", "ID for stack to include in export") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.resourceType, "resource-type", "", "Resource type provided will be associated with all IDs via stdin.") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.buckets, "buckets", "", "List of bucket ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.checks, "checks", "", "List of check ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.dashboards, "dashboards", "", "List of dashboard ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.endpoints, "endpoints", "", "List of notification endpoint ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.labels, "labels", "", "List of label ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.rules, "rules", "", "List of notification rule ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.tasks, "tasks", "", "List of task ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.telegrafs, "telegraf-configs", "", "List of telegraf config ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.variables, "variables", "", "List of variable ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.bucketNames, "bucket-names", "", "List of bucket names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.checkNames, "check-names", "", "List of check names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.dashboardNames, "dashboard-names", "", "List of dashboard names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.endpointNames, "endpoint-names", "", "List of notification endpoint names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.labelNames, "label-names", "", "List of label names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.ruleNames, "rule-names", "", "List of notification rule names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.taskNames, "task-names", "", "List of task names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.telegrafNames, "telegraf-config-names", "", "List of telegraf config names comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.variableNames, "variable-names", "", "List of variable names comma separated") return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) exportRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, _, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } resTypes := []struct { kind pkger.Kind idStrs []string names []string }{ {kind: pkger.KindBucket, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.buckets, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.bucketNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindCheck, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.checks, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.checkNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindDashboard, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.dashboards, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.dashboardNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindLabel, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.labels, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.labelNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindNotificationEndpoint, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.endpoints, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.endpointNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindNotificationRule, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.rules, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.ruleNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindTask, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.tasks, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.taskNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindTelegraf, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.telegrafs, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.telegrafNames, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindVariable, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.variables, ","), names: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.variableNames, ",")}, } var opts []pkger.ExportOptFn for _, rt := range resTypes { newOpt, err := newResourcesToClone(rt.kind, rt.idStrs, rt.names) if err != nil { return ierror.Wrap(err, rt.kind.String()) } opts = append(opts, newOpt) } if b.stackID != "" { stackID, err := influxdb.IDFromString(b.stackID) if err != nil { return ierror.Wrap(err, "invalid stack ID provided") } opts = append(opts, pkger.ExportWithStackID(*stackID)) } if b.exportOpts.resourceType == "" { return b.exportTemplate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), templateSVC, b.file, opts...) } resKind := templateKindFold(b.exportOpts.resourceType) if err := resKind.OK(); err != nil { return errors.New("resource type is invalid; got: " + b.exportOpts.resourceType) } if stdin, err := inStdIn(; err == nil { stdinInpt, _ := b.readLines(stdin) if len(stdinInpt) > 0 { args = stdinInpt } } resTypeOpt, err := newResourcesToClone(resKind, args, []string{}) if err != nil { return err } opts = append(opts, resTypeOpt) return b.exportTemplate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), templateSVC, b.file, opts...) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdExportAll() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("all", b.exportAllRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Export all existing resources for an organization as a template" cmd.Long = ` The export all command will export all resources for an organization. The command also provides a mechanism to filter by label name or resource kind. Examples: # Export all resources for an organization influx export all --org $ORG_NAME # Export all bucket resources influx export all --org $ORG_NAME --filter=kind=Bucket # Export all resources associated with label Foo influx export all --org $ORG_NAME --filter=labelName=Foo # Export all bucket resources and filter by label Foo influx export all --org $ORG_NAME \ --filter=kind=Bucket \ --filter=labelName=Foo # Export all bucket or dashboard resources and filter by label Foo. # note: like filters are unioned and filter types are intersections. # This example will export a resource if it is a dashboard or # bucket and has an associated label of Foo. influx export all --org $ORG_NAME \ --filter=kind=Bucket \ --filter=kind=Dashboard \ --filter=labelName=Foo For information about exporting InfluxDB templates, see and ` cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.file, "file", "f", "", "output file for created template; defaults to std out if no file provided; the extension of provided file (.yml/.json) will dictate encoding") cmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&b.filters, "filter", nil, "Filter exported resources by labelName or resourceKind (format: --filter=labelName=example)"), cmd, false) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) exportAllRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } orgID, err := if err != nil { return err } var ( labelNames []string resourceKinds []pkger.Kind ) for _, filter := range b.filters { pair := strings.SplitN(filter, "=", 2) if len(pair) < 2 { continue } switch key, val := pair[0], pair[1]; key { case "labelName": labelNames = append(labelNames, val) case "kind", "resourceKind": k := pkger.Kind(val) if err := k.OK(); err != nil { return err } resourceKinds = append(resourceKinds, k) default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid filter provided %q; filter must be 1 in [labelName, resourceKind]", filter) } } orgOpt := pkger.ExportWithAllOrgResources(pkger.ExportByOrgIDOpt{ OrgID: orgID, LabelNames: labelNames, ResourceKinds: resourceKinds, }) return b.exportTemplate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), templateSVC, b.file, orgOpt) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdExportStack() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("stack $STACK_ID", b.exportStackRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Export all existing resources for associated with a stack as a template" cmd.Long = ` The export stack command exports the resources associated with a stack as they currently exist in the platform. All the same fields will be reused. Example: # Export by a stack influx export stack $STACK_ID For information about exporting InfluxDB templates, see and ` cmd.Args = cobra.ExactValidArgs(1) cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.file, "file", "f", "", "output file for created template; defaults to std out if no file provided; the extension of provided file (.yml/.json) will dictate encoding"), cmd, false) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) exportStackRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, _, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } stackID, err := influxdb.IDFromString(args[0]) if err != nil { return err } template, err := templateSVC.Export(context.Background(), pkger.ExportWithStackID(*stackID)) if err != nil { return err } return b.writeTemplate(b.w, b.file, template) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdTemplate() *cobra.Command { runE := func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { template, _, err := b.readTemplate() if err != nil { return err } return b.printTemplateSummary(0, template.Summary()) } cmd := b.genericCLIOpts.newCmd("template", runE, false) b.registerTemplateFileFlags(cmd) b.registerTemplatePrintOpts(cmd) cmd.Short = "Summarize the provided template" cmd.AddCommand(b.cmdTemplateValidate()) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdTemplateValidate() *cobra.Command { runE := func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { template, _, err := b.readTemplate() if err != nil { return err } return template.Validate() } cmd := b.genericCLIOpts.newCmd("validate", runE, false) cmd.Short = "Validate the provided template" b.registerTemplateFileFlags(cmd) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdStacks() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("stacks [flags]", b.stackListRunEFn) cmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&b.stackIDs, "stack-id", nil, "Stack ID to filter by") cmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&b.names, "stack-name", nil, "Stack name to filter by") registerPrintOptions(b.viper, cmd, &b.hideHeaders, &b.json), cmd, false) cmd.Short = "List stack(s) and associated templates. Subcommands manage stacks." cmd.Long = ` List stack(s) and associated templates. Subcommands manage stacks. Examples: # list all known stacks influx stacks # list stacks filtered by stack name # output here are stacks that have match at least 1 name provided influx stacks --stack-name=$STACK_NAME_1 --stack-name=$STACK_NAME_2 # list stacks filtered by stack id # output here are stacks that have match at least 1 ids provided influx stacks --stack-id=$STACK_ID_1 --stack-id=$STACK_ID_2 # list stacks filtered by stack id or stack name # output here are stacks that have match the id provided or # matches of the name provided influx stacks --stack-id=$STACK_ID --stack-name=$STACK_NAME For information about Stacks and how they integrate with InfluxDB templates, see ` cmd.AddCommand( b.cmdStackInit(), b.cmdStackRemove(), b.cmdStackUpdate(), ) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdStackInit() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("init", b.stackInitRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Initialize a stack" cmd.Long = ` The stack init command creates a new stack to associated templates with. A stack is used to make applying templates idempotent. When you apply a template and associate it with a stack, the stack can manage the created/updated resources from the template back to the platform. This enables a multitude of useful features. Any associated template urls will be applied when applying templates via a stack. Examples: # Initialize a stack with a name and description influx stacks init -n $STACK_NAME -d $STACK_DESCRIPTION # Initialize a stack with a name and urls to associate with stack. influx stacks init -n $STACK_NAME -u $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE For information about how stacks work with InfluxDB templates, see and ` cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&, "stack-name", "n", "", "Name given to created stack") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.description, "stack-description", "d", "", "Description given to created stack") cmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&b.urls, "template-url", "u", nil, "Template urls to associate with new stack") registerPrintOptions(b.viper, cmd, &b.hideHeaders, &b.json), cmd, false) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) stackInitRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } orgID, err := if err != nil { return err } const fakeUserID = 0 // is 0 because user is pulled from token... stack, err := templateSVC.InitStack(context.Background(), fakeUserID, pkger.StackCreate{ OrgID: orgID, Name:, Description: b.description, TemplateURLs: b.urls, }) if err != nil { return err } return b.writeStack(stack) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) stackListRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } orgID, err := if err != nil { return err } var stackIDs []influxdb.ID for _, rawID := range b.stackIDs { id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(rawID) if err != nil { return err } stackIDs = append(stackIDs, *id) } stacks, err := templateSVC.ListStacks(context.Background(), orgID, pkger.ListFilter{ StackIDs: stackIDs, Names: b.names, }) if err != nil { return err } if b.json { return b.writeJSON(stacks) } tabW := b.newTabWriter() defer tabW.Flush() tabW.HideHeaders(b.hideHeaders) writeStackRows(tabW, stacks...) return nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdStackRemove() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("rm [--stack-id=ID1 --stack-id=ID2]", b.stackRemoveRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Remove a stack(s) and all associated resources" cmd.Aliases = []string{"remove", "uninstall"} cmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&b.stackIDs, "stack-id", nil, "Stack IDs to be removed") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&b.force, "force", false, "Remove stack without confirmation prompt") cmd.MarkFlagRequired("stack-id") registerPrintOptions(b.viper, cmd, &b.hideHeaders, &b.json), cmd, false) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) stackRemoveRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } orgID, err := if err != nil { return err } var stackIDs []influxdb.ID for _, rawID := range b.stackIDs { id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(rawID) if err != nil { return err } stackIDs = append(stackIDs, *id) } stacks, err := templateSVC.ListStacks(context.Background(), orgID, pkger.ListFilter{ StackIDs: stackIDs, }) if err != nil { return err } printStack := func(stack pkger.Stack) error { if b.json { return b.writeJSON(stack) } tabW := b.newTabWriter() defer func() { tabW.Flush() // add a breather line between confirm and printout fmt.Fprintln(b.w) }() tabW.HideHeaders(b.hideHeaders) writeStackRows(tabW, stack) return nil } for _, stack := range stacks { if err := printStack(stack); err != nil { return err } if !b.force { msg := fmt.Sprintf("Confirm removal of the stack[%s] and all associated resources (y/n)", stack.ID) confirm := b.getInput(msg, "n") if confirm != "y" { continue } } err := templateSVC.DeleteStack(context.Background(), struct{ OrgID, UserID, StackID influxdb.ID }{ OrgID: orgID, UserID: 0, StackID: stack.ID, }) if err != nil { return err } } return nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) cmdStackUpdate() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("update", b.stackUpdateRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Update a stack" cmd.Long = ` The stack update command updates a stack. Examples: # Update a stack with a name and description influx stacks update -i $STACK_ID -n $STACK_NAME -d $STACK_DESCRIPTION # Update a stack with a name and urls to associate with stack. influx stacks update --stack-id $STACK_ID --stack-name $STACK_NAME --template-url $PATH_TO_TEMPLATE # Update stack with new resources to manage influx stacks update \ --stack-id $STACK_ID \ --addResource=Bucket=$BUCKET_ID \ --addResource=Dashboard=$DASH_ID # Update stack with new resources to manage and export stack # as a template influx stacks update \ --stack-id $STACK_ID \ --addResource=Bucket=$BUCKET_ID \ --export-file /path/to/file.yml For information about how stacks work with InfluxDB templates, see and ` cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.stackID, "stack-id", "i", "", "ID of stack") cmd.MarkFlagRequired("stack-id") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&, "stack-name", "n", "", "Name for stack") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.description, "stack-description", "d", "", "Description for stack") cmd.Flags().StringArrayVarP(&b.urls, "template-url", "u", nil, "Template urls to associate with stack") cmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&b.updateStackOpts.addResources, "addResource", nil, "Additional resources to associate with stack") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.file, "export-file", "f", "", "Destination for exported template") registerPrintOptions(b.viper, cmd, &b.hideHeaders, &b.json) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) stackUpdateRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { templateSVC, _, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } stackID, err := influxdb.IDFromString(b.stackID) if err != nil { return ierror.Wrap(err, "required stack id is invalid") } update := pkger.StackUpdate{ ID: *stackID, Name: &, Description: &b.description, TemplateURLs: b.urls, } failedString := []string{} for _, res := range b.updateStackOpts.addResources { parts := strings.SplitN(res, "=", 2) if len(parts) < 2 { failedString = append(failedString, res) continue } kind, idRaw := templateKindFold(parts[0]), parts[1] if err := kind.OK(); err != nil { return errors.New("resource type is invalid; got: " + b.exportOpts.resourceType) } id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(idRaw) if err != nil { return ierror.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("%s resource id %q is invalid", kind, idRaw)) } update.AdditionalResources = append(update.AdditionalResources, pkger.StackAdditionalResource{ APIVersion: pkger.APIVersion, ID: *id, Kind: kind, }) } if len(failedString) > 0 { return errors.New("invalid 'resourceType=resourceID' key value pair[s]: " + strings.Join(failedString, ";")) } stack, err := templateSVC.UpdateStack(context.Background(), update) if err != nil { return err } if err := b.writeStack(stack); err != nil { return err } if len(update.AdditionalResources) == 0 { return nil } if b.file == "" { const msg = ` Your stack now differs from your template. Applying an outdated template will revert these updates. Export a new template with these updates to prevent accidental changes? (y/n)` for range make([]struct{}, 3) { if in := b.getInput(msg, "n"); in == "y" { break } else if in == "n" { return nil } } } return b.exportTemplate(cmd.OutOrStdout(), templateSVC, b.file, pkger.ExportWithStackID(*stackID)) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) writeStack(stack pkger.Stack) error { if b.json { return b.writeJSON(stack) } tabW := b.newTabWriter() defer tabW.Flush() tabW.HideHeaders(b.hideHeaders) writeStackRows(tabW, stack) return nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) newCmd(use string, runE func(*cobra.Command, []string) error) *cobra.Command { cmd := b.genericCLIOpts.newCmd(use, runE, true) b.globalFlags.registerFlags(b.viper, cmd) return cmd } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) registerTemplatePrintOpts(cmd *cobra.Command) { cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&b.disableColor, "disable-color", false, "Disable color in output") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&b.disableTableBorders, "disable-table-borders", false, "Disable table borders") registerPrintOptions(b.viper, cmd, nil, &b.json) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) registerTemplateFileFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) { cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&b.files, "file", "f", nil, "Path to template file; Supports HTTP(S) URLs or file paths.") cmd.MarkFlagFilename("file", "yaml", "yml", "json", "jsonnet") cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&b.recurse, "recurse", "R", false, "Process the directory used in -f, --file recursively. Useful when you want to manage related templates organized within the same directory.") cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&b.urls, "template-url", "u", nil, "URL to template file") cmd.Flags().MarkDeprecated("template-url", "use the --file flag; example: influx apply --file $URL_TO_TEMPLATE") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.encoding, "encoding", "e", "", "Encoding for the input stream. If a file is provided will gather encoding type from file extension. If extension provided will override.") cmd.MarkFlagFilename("encoding", "yaml", "yml", "json", "jsonnet") } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) exportTemplate(w io.Writer, templateSVC pkger.SVC, outPath string, opts ...pkger.ExportOptFn) error { template, err := templateSVC.Export(context.Background(), opts...) if err != nil { return err } return b.writeTemplate(w, outPath, template) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) writeTemplate(w io.Writer, outPath string, template *pkger.Template) error { buf, err := createTemplateBuf(template, outPath) if err != nil { return err } if outPath == "" { _, err := io.Copy(w, buf) return err } return ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, buf.Bytes(), os.ModePerm) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) readRawTemplatesFromFiles(filePaths []string, recurse bool) ([]*pkger.Template, error) { mFiles := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, f := range filePaths { files, err := readFilesFromPath(f, recurse) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, ff := range files { mFiles[ff] = struct{}{} } } var rawTemplates []*pkger.Template for f := range mFiles { template, err := pkger.Parse(b.convertFileEncoding(f), pkger.FromFile(f), pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawTemplates = append(rawTemplates, template) } return rawTemplates, nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) readRawTemplatesFromURLs(urls []string) ([]*pkger.Template, error) { mURLs := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, f := range urls { mURLs[f] = struct{}{} } var rawTemplates []*pkger.Template for u := range mURLs { template, err := pkger.Parse(b.convertURLEncoding(u), pkger.FromHTTPRequest(u), pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawTemplates = append(rawTemplates, template) } return rawTemplates, nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) readTemplate() (*pkger.Template, bool, error) { var remotes, files []string for _, rawURL := range append(b.files, b.urls...) { u, err := url.Parse(rawURL) if err != nil { return nil, false, ierror.Wrap(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to parse url[%s]", rawURL)) } if strings.HasPrefix(u.Scheme, "http") { remotes = append(remotes, u.String()) } else { files = append(files, u.String()) } } templates, err := b.readRawTemplatesFromFiles(files, b.recurse) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } urlTemplates, err := b.readRawTemplatesFromURLs(remotes) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } templates = append(templates, urlTemplates...) // the pkger.ValidSkipParseError option allows our server to be the one to validate the // the template is accurate. If a user has an older version of the CLI and cloud gets updated // with new validation rules,they'll get immediate access to that change without having to // rol their CLI build. if _, err := inStdIn(; err != nil { template, err := pkger.Combine(templates, pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) return template, false, err } stdinTemplate, err := pkger.Parse(b.convertEncoding(), pkger.FromReader(, pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) if err != nil { return nil, true, err } template, err := pkger.Combine(append(templates, stdinTemplate), pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) return template, true, err } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) readLines(r io.Reader) ([]string, error) { bb, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return nil, err } var stdinInput []string for _, bs := range bytes.Split(bb, []byte("\n")) { trimmed := bytes.TrimSpace(bs) if len(trimmed) == 0 { continue } stdinInput = append(stdinInput, string(trimmed)) } return stdinInput, nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) getInput(msg, defaultVal string) string { ui := &input.UI{ Writer: b.w, Reader:, } return internal2.GetInput(ui, msg, defaultVal) } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) convertURLEncoding(url string) pkger.Encoding { urlBase := path.Ext(url) switch { case strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".jsonnet"): return pkger.EncodingJsonnet case strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".json"): return pkger.EncodingJSON case strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".yml") || strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".yaml"): return pkger.EncodingYAML } return b.convertEncoding() } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) convertFileEncoding(file string) pkger.Encoding { ext := filepath.Ext(file) switch { case strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".jsonnet"): return pkger.EncodingJsonnet case strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".json"): return pkger.EncodingJSON case strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".yml") || strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".yaml"): return pkger.EncodingYAML } return b.convertEncoding() } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) convertEncoding() pkger.Encoding { switch { case b.encoding == "json": return pkger.EncodingJSON case b.encoding == "yml" || b.encoding == "yaml": return pkger.EncodingYAML case b.encoding == "jsonnet": return pkger.EncodingJsonnet default: return pkger.EncodingSource } } func newResourcesToClone(kind pkger.Kind, idStrs, names []string) (pkger.ExportOptFn, error) { ids, err := toInfluxIDs(idStrs) if err != nil { return nil, err } var resources []pkger.ResourceToClone for _, id := range ids { resources = append(resources, pkger.ResourceToClone{ Kind: kind, ID: id, }) } for _, name := range names { if len(name) == 0 { continue } resources = append(resources, pkger.ResourceToClone{ Kind: kind, Name: name, }) } return pkger.ExportWithExistingResources(resources...), nil } func toInfluxIDs(args []string) ([]influxdb.ID, error) { var ( ids []influxdb.ID errs []string ) for _, arg := range args { normedArg := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(arg)) if len(normedArg) == 0 { continue } id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(normedArg) if err != nil { errs = append(errs, "arg must provide a valid 16 length ID; got: "+arg) continue } ids = append(ids, *id) } if len(errs) > 0 { return nil, errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n\t")) } return ids, nil } func createTemplateBuf(template *pkger.Template, outPath string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) { var encoding pkger.Encoding switch ext := filepath.Ext(outPath); ext { case ".json": encoding = pkger.EncodingJSON default: encoding = pkger.EncodingYAML } b, err := template.Encode(encoding) if err != nil { return nil, err } return bytes.NewBuffer(b), nil } func newPkgerSVC() (pkger.SVC, influxdb.OrganizationService, error) { httpClient, err := newHTTPClient() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } orgSvc := &tenant.OrgClientService{ Client: httpClient, } return &pkger.HTTPRemoteService{Client: httpClient}, orgSvc, nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) printTemplateDiff(diff pkger.Diff) error { if b.quiet { return nil } if b.json { return b.writeJSON(diff) } diffPrinterGen := func(title string, headers []string) *diffPrinter { commonHeaders := []string{"Metadata Name", "ID", "Resource Name"} printer := newDiffPrinter(b.w, !b.disableColor, !b.disableTableBorders) printer. Title(title). SetHeaders(append(commonHeaders, headers...)...) return printer } if labels := diff.Labels; len(labels) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Labels", []string{"Color", "Description"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffLabelValues) []string { return []string{metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.Color, v.Description} } for _, l := range labels { var oldRow []string if l.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(l.ID, l.MetaName, *l.Old) } newRow := appendValues(l.ID, l.MetaName, l.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(l.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(l.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if bkts := diff.Buckets; len(bkts) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Buckets", []string{"Retention Period", "Description"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffBucketValues) []string { return []string{metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.RetentionRules.RP().String(), v.Description} } for _, b := range bkts { var oldRow []string if b.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(b.ID, b.MetaName, *b.Old) } newRow := appendValues(b.ID, b.MetaName, b.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(b.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(b.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if checks := diff.Checks; len(checks) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Checks", []string{"Description"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffCheckValues) []string { out := []string{metaName, id.String()} if v.Check == nil { return append(out, "", "") } return append(out, v.Check.GetName(), v.Check.GetDescription()) } for _, c := range checks { var oldRow []string if c.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(c.ID, c.MetaName, *c.Old) } newRow := appendValues(c.ID, c.MetaName, c.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(c.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(c.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if dashes := diff.Dashboards; len(dashes) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Dashboards", []string{"Description", "Num Charts"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffDashboardValues) []string { return []string{metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.Desc, strconv.Itoa(len(v.Charts))} } for _, d := range dashes { var oldRow []string if d.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(d.ID, d.MetaName, *d.Old) } newRow := appendValues(d.ID, d.MetaName, d.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(d.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(d.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if endpoints := diff.NotificationEndpoints; len(endpoints) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Notification Endpoints", nil) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffNotificationEndpointValues) []string { out := []string{metaName, id.String()} if v.NotificationEndpoint == nil { return append(out, "") } return append(out, v.NotificationEndpoint.GetName()) } for _, e := range endpoints { var oldRow []string if e.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, *e.Old) } newRow := appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, e.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if rules := diff.NotificationRules; len(rules) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Notification Rules", []string{ "Description", "Every", "Offset", "Endpoint Name", "Endpoint ID", "Endpoint Type", }) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffNotificationRuleValues) []string { return []string{ metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.Every, v.Offset, v.EndpointName, v.EndpointID.String(), v.EndpointType, } } for _, e := range rules { var oldRow []string if e.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, *e.Old) } newRow := appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, e.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if teles := diff.Telegrafs; len(teles) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Telegraf Configurations", []string{"Description"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v influxdb.TelegrafConfig) []string { return []string{metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.Description} } for _, e := range teles { var oldRow []string if e.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, *e.Old) } newRow := appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, e.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if tasks := diff.Tasks; len(tasks) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Tasks", []string{"Description", "Cycle"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffTaskValues) []string { timing := v.Cron if v.Cron == "" { if v.Offset == "" { v.Offset = time.Duration(0).String() } timing = fmt.Sprintf("every: %s offset: %s", v.Every, v.Offset) } return []string{metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.Description, timing} } for _, e := range tasks { var oldRow []string if e.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, *e.Old) } newRow := appendValues(e.ID, e.MetaName, e.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(e.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if vars := diff.Variables; len(vars) > 0 { printer := diffPrinterGen("Variables", []string{"Description", "Arg Type", "Arg Values"}) appendValues := func(id pkger.SafeID, metaName string, v pkger.DiffVariableValues) []string { var argType string if v.Args != nil { argType = v.Args.Type } return []string{metaName, id.String(), v.Name, v.Description, argType, printVarArgs(v.Args)} } for _, v := range vars { var oldRow []string if v.Old != nil { oldRow = appendValues(v.ID, v.MetaName, *v.Old) } newRow := appendValues(v.ID, v.MetaName, v.New) switch { case pkger.IsNew(v.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(v.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(oldRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } if len(diff.LabelMappings) > 0 { printer := newDiffPrinter(b.w, !b.disableColor, !b.disableTableBorders) printer. Title("Label Associations"). SetHeaders( "Resource Type", "Resource Meta Name", "Resource Name", "Resource ID", "Label Package Name", "Label Name", "Label ID", ) for _, m := range diff.LabelMappings { newRow := []string{ string(m.ResType), m.ResMetaName, m.ResName, m.ResID.String(), m.LabelMetaName, m.LabelName, m.LabelID.String(), } switch { case pkger.IsNew(m.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(nil, newRow) case pkger.IsRemoval(m.StateStatus): printer.AppendDiff(newRow, nil) default: printer.AppendDiff(newRow, newRow) } } printer.Render() } return nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) printTemplateSummary(stackID influxdb.ID, sum pkger.Summary) error { if b.quiet { return nil } if b.json { return b.writeJSON(struct { StackID string `json:"stackID"` Summary pkger.Summary }{ StackID: stackID.String(), Summary: sum, }) } commonHeaders := []string{"Package Name", "ID", "Resource Name"} tablePrintFn := b.tablePrinterGen() if labels := sum.Labels; len(labels) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description", "Color") tablePrintFn("LABELS", headers, len(labels), func(i int) []string { l := labels[i] return []string{ l.MetaName, l.ID.String(), l.Name, l.Properties.Description, l.Properties.Color, } }) } if buckets := sum.Buckets; len(buckets) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Retention", "Description") tablePrintFn("BUCKETS", headers, len(buckets), func(i int) []string { bucket := buckets[i] return []string{ bucket.MetaName, bucket.ID.String(), bucket.Name, formatDuration(bucket.RetentionPeriod), bucket.Description, } }) } if checks := sum.Checks; len(checks) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description") tablePrintFn("CHECKS", headers, len(checks), func(i int) []string { c := checks[i].Check return []string{ checks[i].MetaName, c.GetID().String(), c.GetName(), c.GetDescription(), } }) } if dashes := sum.Dashboards; len(dashes) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description") tablePrintFn("DASHBOARDS", headers, len(dashes), func(i int) []string { d := dashes[i] return []string{d.MetaName, d.ID.String(), d.Name, d.Description} }) } if endpoints := sum.NotificationEndpoints; len(endpoints) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description", "Status") tablePrintFn("NOTIFICATION ENDPOINTS", headers, len(endpoints), func(i int) []string { v := endpoints[i] return []string{ v.MetaName, v.NotificationEndpoint.GetID().String(), v.NotificationEndpoint.GetName(), v.NotificationEndpoint.GetDescription(), string(v.NotificationEndpoint.GetStatus()), } }) } if rules := sum.NotificationRules; len(rules) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description", "Every", "Offset", "Endpoint Name", "Endpoint ID", "Endpoint Type") tablePrintFn("NOTIFICATION RULES", headers, len(rules), func(i int) []string { v := rules[i] return []string{ v.MetaName, v.ID.String(), v.Name, v.Description, v.Every, v.Offset, v.EndpointMetaName, v.EndpointID.String(), v.EndpointType, } }) } if tasks := sum.Tasks; len(tasks) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description", "Cycle") tablePrintFn("TASKS", headers, len(tasks), func(i int) []string { t := tasks[i] timing := fmt.Sprintf("every: %s offset: %s", t.Every, t.Offset) if t.Cron != "" { timing = t.Cron } return []string{ t.MetaName, t.ID.String(), t.Name, t.Description, timing, } }) } if teles := sum.TelegrafConfigs; len(teles) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description") tablePrintFn("TELEGRAF CONFIGS", headers, len(teles), func(i int) []string { t := teles[i] return []string{ t.MetaName, t.TelegrafConfig.ID.String(), t.TelegrafConfig.Name, t.TelegrafConfig.Description, } }) } if vars := sum.Variables; len(vars) > 0 { headers := append(commonHeaders, "Description", "Arg Type", "Arg Values") tablePrintFn("VARIABLES", headers, len(vars), func(i int) []string { v := vars[i] args := v.Arguments return []string{ v.MetaName, v.ID.String(), v.Name, v.Description, args.Type, printVarArgs(args), } }) } if mappings := sum.LabelMappings; len(mappings) > 0 { headers := []string{"Resource Type", "Resource Name", "Resource ID", "Label Name", "Label ID"} tablePrintFn("LABEL ASSOCIATIONS", headers, len(mappings), func(i int) []string { m := mappings[i] return []string{ string(m.ResourceType), m.ResourceName, m.ResourceID.String(), m.LabelName, m.LabelID.String(), } }) } if secrets := sum.MissingSecrets; len(secrets) > 0 { headers := []string{"Secret Key"} tablePrintFn("MISSING SECRETS", headers, len(secrets), func(i int) []string { return []string{secrets[i]} }) } if stackID != 0 { fmt.Fprintln(b.w, "Stack ID: "+stackID.String()) } return nil } func (b *cmdTemplateBuilder) tablePrinterGen() func(table string, headers []string, count int, rowFn func(i int) []string) { return func(table string, headers []string, count int, rowFn func(i int) []string) { tablePrinter(b.w, table, headers, count, !b.disableColor, !b.disableTableBorders, rowFn) } } func writeStackRows(tabW *internal.TabWriter, stacks ...pkger.Stack) { tabW.WriteHeaders("ID", "OrgID", "Active", "Name", "Description", "Num Resources", "Sources", "URLs", "Created At", "Updated At") for _, stack := range stacks { latest := stack.LatestEvent() tabW.Write(map[string]interface{}{ "ID": stack.ID, "OrgID": stack.OrgID, "Active": latest.EventType != pkger.StackEventUninstalled, "Name": latest.Name, "Description": latest.Description, "Num Resources": len(latest.Resources), "Sources": latest.Sources, "URLs": latest.TemplateURLs, "Created At": stack.CreatedAt, "Updated At": latest.UpdatedAt, }) } } type diffPrinter struct { w io.Writer writer *tablewriter.Table colorAdd tablewriter.Colors colorFooter tablewriter.Colors colorHeaders tablewriter.Colors colorRemove tablewriter.Colors title string appendCalls int headerLen int } func newDiffPrinter(w io.Writer, hasColor, hasBorder bool) *diffPrinter { wr := tablewriter.NewWriter(w) wr.SetBorder(hasBorder) wr.SetRowLine(hasBorder) var ( colorAdd = tablewriter.Colors{} colorFooter = tablewriter.Colors{} colorHeader = tablewriter.Colors{} colorRemove = tablewriter.Colors{} ) if hasColor { colorAdd = tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgHiGreenColor, tablewriter.Bold} colorFooter = tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiBlueColor, tablewriter.Bold) colorHeader = tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgCyanColor, tablewriter.Bold} colorRemove = tablewriter.Colors{tablewriter.FgRedColor, tablewriter.Bold} } return &diffPrinter{ w: w, writer: wr, colorAdd: colorAdd, colorFooter: colorFooter, colorHeaders: colorHeader, colorRemove: colorRemove, } } func (d *diffPrinter) Render() { if d.appendCalls == 0 { return } // set the title and the add/remove legend title := color.New(color.FgYellow, color.Bold).Sprint(strings.ToUpper(d.title)) add := color.New(color.FgHiGreen, color.Bold).Sprint("+add") remove := color.New(color.FgRed, color.Bold).Sprint("-remove") fmt.Fprintf(d.w, "%s %s | %s | unchanged\n", title, add, remove) d.setFooter() d.writer.Render() fmt.Fprintln(d.w) } func (d *diffPrinter) Title(title string) *diffPrinter { d.title = title return d } func (d *diffPrinter) SetHeaders(headers ...string) *diffPrinter { headers = d.prepend(headers, "+/-") d.headerLen = len(headers) d.writer.SetHeader(headers) headerColors := make([]tablewriter.Colors, d.headerLen) for i := range headerColors { headerColors[i] = d.colorHeaders } d.writer.SetHeaderColor(headerColors...) return d } func (d *diffPrinter) setFooter() *diffPrinter { footers := make([]string, d.headerLen) if d.headerLen > 1 { footers[len(footers)-2] = "TOTAL" footers[len(footers)-1] = strconv.Itoa(d.appendCalls) } else { footers[0] = "TOTAL: " + strconv.Itoa(d.appendCalls) } d.writer.SetFooter(footers) colors := make([]tablewriter.Colors, d.headerLen) if d.headerLen > 1 { colors[len(colors)-2] = d.colorFooter colors[len(colors)-1] = d.colorFooter } else { colors[0] = d.colorFooter } d.writer.SetFooterColor(colors...) return d } func (d *diffPrinter) Append(slc []string) { d.writer.Append(d.prepend(slc, "")) } func (d *diffPrinter) AppendDiff(remove, add []string) { defer func() { d.appendCalls++ }() if d.appendCalls > 0 { d.appendBufferLine() } lenAdd, lenRemove := len(add), len(remove) preppedAdd, preppedRemove := d.prepend(add, "+"), d.prepend(remove, "-") if lenRemove > 0 && lenAdd == 0 { d.writer.Rich(preppedRemove, d.redRow(len(preppedRemove))) return } if lenAdd > 0 && lenRemove == 0 { d.writer.Rich(preppedAdd, d.greenRow(len(preppedAdd))) return } var ( addColors = make([]tablewriter.Colors, len(preppedAdd)) removeColors = make([]tablewriter.Colors, len(preppedRemove)) hasDiff bool ) for i := 0; i < lenRemove; i++ { if add[i] != remove[i] { hasDiff = true // offset to skip prepended +/- column addColors[i+1], removeColors[i+1] = d.colorAdd, d.colorRemove } } if !hasDiff { d.writer.Append(d.prepend(add, "")) return } addColors[0], removeColors[0] = d.colorAdd, d.colorRemove d.writer.Rich(d.prepend(remove, "-"), removeColors) d.writer.Rich(d.prepend(add, "+"), addColors) } func (d *diffPrinter) appendBufferLine() { d.writer.Append([]string{}) } func (d *diffPrinter) redRow(i int) []tablewriter.Colors { return colorRow(d.colorRemove, i) } func (d *diffPrinter) greenRow(i int) []tablewriter.Colors { return colorRow(d.colorAdd, i) } func (d *diffPrinter) prepend(slc []string, val string) []string { return append([]string{val}, slc...) } func colorRow(color tablewriter.Colors, i int) []tablewriter.Colors { colors := make([]tablewriter.Colors, i) for i := range colors { colors[i] = color } return colors } func tablePrinter(wr io.Writer, table string, headers []string, count int, hasColor, hasTableBorders bool, rowFn func(i int) []string) { color.New(color.FgYellow, color.Bold).Fprintln(wr, strings.ToUpper(table)) w := tablewriter.NewWriter(wr) w.SetBorder(hasTableBorders) w.SetRowLine(hasTableBorders) var alignments []int for range headers { alignments = append(alignments, tablewriter.ALIGN_CENTER) } descrCol := find("description", headers) if descrCol != -1 { w.SetColMinWidth(descrCol, 30) alignments[descrCol] = tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT } w.SetHeader(headers) w.SetColumnAlignment(alignments) for i := range make([]struct{}, count) { w.Append(rowFn(i)) } footers := make([]string, len(headers)) if len(headers) > 1 { footers[len(footers)-2] = "TOTAL" footers[len(footers)-1] = strconv.Itoa(count) } else { footers[0] = "TOTAL: " + strconv.Itoa(count) } w.SetFooter(footers) if hasColor { headerColor := tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiCyanColor, tablewriter.Bold) footerColor := tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiBlueColor, tablewriter.Bold) var colors []tablewriter.Colors for i := 0; i < len(headers); i++ { colors = append(colors, headerColor) } w.SetHeaderColor(colors...) if len(headers) > 1 { colors[len(colors)-2] = footerColor colors[len(colors)-1] = footerColor } else { colors[0] = footerColor } w.SetFooterColor(colors...) } w.Render() fmt.Fprintln(wr) } func printVarArgs(a *influxdb.VariableArguments) string { if a == nil { return "" } if a.Type == "map" { b, err := json.Marshal(a.Values) if err != nil { return "{}" } return string(b) } if a.Type == "constant" { vals, ok := a.Values.(influxdb.VariableConstantValues) if !ok { return "[]" } var out []string for _, s := range vals { out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%q", s)) } return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(out, " ")) } if a.Type == "query" { qVal, ok := a.Values.(influxdb.VariableQueryValues) if !ok { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf("language=%q query=%q", qVal.Language, qVal.Query) } return "unknown variable argument" } func formatDuration(d time.Duration) string { if d == 0 { return "inf" } return d.String() } func readFilesFromPath(filePath string, recurse bool) ([]string, error) { info, err := os.Stat(filePath) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !info.IsDir() { return []string{filePath}, nil } dirFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filePath) if err != nil { return nil, err } mFiles := make(map[string]struct{}) assign := func(ss ...string) { for _, s := range ss { mFiles[s] = struct{}{} } } for _, f := range dirFiles { fileP := filepath.Join(filePath, f.Name()) if f.IsDir() { if recurse { rFiles, err := readFilesFromPath(fileP, recurse) if err != nil { return nil, err } assign(rFiles...) } continue } assign(fileP) } var files []string for f := range mFiles { files = append(files, f) } return files, nil } func mapKeys(provided, kvPairs []string) map[string]string { out := make(map[string]string) for _, k := range provided { out[k] = "" } for _, pair := range kvPairs { pieces := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2) if len(pieces) < 2 { continue } k, v := pieces[0], pieces[1] if _, ok := out[k]; !ok { continue } out[k] = v } return out } func toMapInterface(m map[string]string) map[string]interface{} { out := make(map[string]interface{}) for k, v := range m { out[k] = v } return out } func missingValKeys(m map[string]string) []string { out := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k, v := range m { if v != "" { continue } out = append(out, k) } sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool { return out[i] < out[j] }) return out } func templateKindFold(resType string) pkger.Kind { resKind := pkger.KindUnknown for _, k := range pkger.Kinds() { if strings.EqualFold(string(k), resType) { resKind = k break } } return resKind } func find(needle string, haystack []string) int { for i, h := range haystack { if strings.ToLower(h) == needle { return i } } return -1 } func inStdIn(in io.Reader) (*os.File, error) { stdin, _ := in.(*os.File) if stdin != os.Stdin { return nil, errors.New("input not stdIn") } info, err := stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return nil, err } if (info.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) == os.ModeCharDevice { return nil, errors.New("input not stdIn") } return stdin, nil }