#!/usr/bin/env bash ########################################################################### # Packaging script which creates debian and RPM packages. It optionally # tags the repo with the given version. # # Requirements: GOPATH must be set. 'fpm' must be on the path, and the AWS # CLI tools must also be installed. # # https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm # http://aws.amazon.com/cli/ # # Packaging process: to package a build, simple execute: # # package.sh <version> # # where <version> is the desired version. If generation of a debian and RPM # package is successful, the script will offer to tag the repo using the # supplied version string. # # AWS upload: the script will also offer to upload the packages to S3. If # this option is selected, the credentials should be present in the file # ~/aws.conf. The contents should be of the form: # # [default] # aws_access_key_id=<access ID> # aws_secret_access_key=<secret key> # region = us-east-1 # # Trim the leading spaces when creating the file. The script will exit if # S3 upload is requested, but this file does not exist. AWS_FILE=~/aws.conf INSTALL_ROOT_DIR=/opt/influxdb INFLUXDB_RUN_DIR=/var/opt/influxdb INFLUXDB_LOG_DIR=/var/log/influxdb CONFIG_ROOT_DIR=/etc/opt/influxdb SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION=etc/config.sample.toml INITD_SCRIPT=scripts/init.sh TMP_WORK_DIR=`mktemp -d` POST_INSTALL_PATH=`mktemp` ARCH=`uname -i` LICENSE=MIT URL=influxdb.com MAINTAINER=support@influxdb.com VENDOR=Influxdb DESCRIPTION="Distributed time-series database" BINS=( influxd influx ) ########################################################################### # Helper functions. # usage prints simple usage information. usage() { echo -e "$0 [<version>] [-h]\n" cleanup_exit $1 } # cleanup_exit removes all resources created during the process and exits with # the supplied returned code. cleanup_exit() { rm -r $TMP_WORK_DIR rm $POST_INSTALL_PATH exit $1 } # check_gopath sanity checks the value of the GOPATH env variable. check_gopath() { [ -z "$GOPATH" ] && echo "GOPATH is not set." && cleanup_exit 1 [ ! -d "$GOPATH" ] && echo "GOPATH is not a directory." && cleanup_exit 1 echo "GOPATH ($GOPATH) looks sane." } # check_clean_tree ensures that no source file is locally modified. check_clean_tree() { modified=$(git ls-files --modified | wc -l) if [ $modified -ne 0 ]; then echo "The source tree is not clean -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "Git tree is clean." } # update_tree ensures the tree is in-sync with the repo. update_tree() { git pull origin master if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to pull latest code -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi git fetch --tags if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to fetch tags -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "Git tree updated successfully." } # check_tag_exists checks if the existing release already exists in the tags. check_tag_exists () { version=$1 git tag | grep -q "^v$version$" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "Proposed version $version already exists as a tag -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi } # make_dir_tree creates the directory structure within the packages. make_dir_tree() { work_dir=$1 version=$2 mkdir -p $work_dir/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/scripts if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create installation directory -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi mkdir -p $work_dir/$CONFIG_ROOT_DIR if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create configuration directory -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi } # do_build builds the code. The version and commit must be passed in. do_build() { version=$1 commit=`git rev-parse HEAD` if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Unable to retrieve current commit -- aborting" cleanup_exit 1 fi for b in ${BINS[*]}; do rm -f $GOPATH/bin/$b done go get -u -f ./... if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "WARNING: failed to 'go get' packages." fi go install -a -ldflags="-X main.version $version -X main.commit $commit" ./... if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Build failed, unable to create package -- aborting" cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "Build completed successfully." } # generate_postinstall_script creates the post-install script for the # package. It must be passed the version. generate_postinstall_script() { version=$1 cat <<EOF >$POST_INSTALL_PATH rm -f $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influxd rm -f $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influx rm -f $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/init.sh ln -s $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/influxd $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influxd ln -s $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/influx $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/influx ln -s $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$version/scripts/init.sh $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/init.sh rm -f /etc/init.d/influxdb ln -sfn $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/init.sh /etc/init.d/influxdb chmod +x /etc/init.d/influxdb if which update-rc.d > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then update-rc.d -f influxdb remove update-rc.d influxdb defaults else chkconfig --add influxdb fi if ! id influxdb >/dev/null 2>&1; then useradd --system -U -M influxdb fi chown -R -L influxdb:influxdb $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR chmod -R a+rX $INSTALL_ROOT_DIR mkdir -p $INFLUXDB_RUN_DIR chown -R -L influxdb:influxdb $INFLUXDB_RUN_DIR mkdir -p $INFLUXDB_LOG_DIR chown -R -L influxdb:influxdb $INFLUXDB_LOG_DIR EOF echo "Post-install script created successfully at $POST_INSTALL_PATH" } ########################################################################### # Start the packaging process. if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then usage 1 elif [ $1 == "-h" ]; then usage 0 else VERSION=$1 fi echo -e "\nStarting package process...\n" check_gopath check_clean_tree update_tree check_tag_exists $VERSION do_build $VERSION make_dir_tree $TMP_WORK_DIR $VERSION ########################################################################### # Copy the assets to the installation directories. for b in ${BINS[*]}; do cp $GOPATH/bin/$b $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to copy binaries to packaging directory -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi done echo "${BINS[*]} copied to $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION" cp $INITD_SCRIPT $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION/scripts if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to copy init.d script to packaging directory -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "$INITD_SCRIPT copied to $TMP_WORK_DIR/$INSTALL_ROOT_DIR/versions/$VERSION/scripts" cp $SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION $TMP_WORK_DIR/$CONFIG_ROOT_DIR/influxdb.conf if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to copy $SAMPLE_CONFIGURATION to packaging directory -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi generate_postinstall_script $VERSION ########################################################################### # Create the actual packages. echo -n "Commence creation of $ARCH packages, version $VERSION? [Y/n] " read response response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` if [ "x$response" == "xn" ]; then echo "Packaging aborted." cleanup_exit 1 fi if [ $ARCH == "i386" ]; then rpm_package=influxdb-$VERSION-1.i686.rpm debian_package=influxdb_${VERSION}_i686.deb deb_args="-a i686" rpm_args="setarch i686" elif [ $ARCH == "arm" ]; then rpm_package=influxdb-$VERSION-1.armel.rpm debian_package=influxdb_${VERSION}_armel.deb else rpm_package=influxdb-$VERSION-1.x86_64.rpm debian_package=influxdb_${VERSION}_amd64.deb fi COMMON_FPM_ARGS="-C $TMP_WORK_DIR --vendor $VENDOR --url $URL --license $LICENSE --maintainer $MAINTAINER --after-install $POST_INSTALL_PATH --name influxdb --version $VERSION --config-files $CONFIG_ROOT_DIR ." $rpm_args fpm -s dir -t rpm --description "$DESCRIPTION" $COMMON_FPM_ARGS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create RPM package -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "RPM package created successfully." fpm -s dir -t deb $deb_args --description "$DESCRIPTION" $COMMON_FPM_ARGS if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create Debian package -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "Debian package created successfully." ########################################################################### # Offer to tag the repo. echo -n "Tag source tree with v$VERSION and push to repo? [y/N] " read response response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` if [ "x$response" == "xy" ]; then echo "Creating tag v$VERSION and pushing to repo" git tag v$VERSION if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to create tag v$VERSION -- aborting" cleanup_exit 1 fi git push origin v$VERSION if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to push tag v$VERSION to repo -- aborting" cleanup_exit 1 fi else echo "Not creating tag v$VERSION." fi ########################################################################### # Offer to publish the packages. echo -n "Publish packages to S3? [y/N] " read response response=`echo $response | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'` if [ "x$response" == "xy" ]; then echo "Publishing packages to S3." if [ ! -e "$AWS_FILE" ]; then echo "$AWS_FILE does not exist -- aborting." cleanup_exit 1 fi for filepath in `ls *.{deb,rpm}`; do echo "Uploading $filepath to S3" filename=`basename $filepath` bucket=influxdb echo "Uploading $filename to s3://influxdb/$filename" AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$AWS_FILE aws s3 cp $filepath s3://influxdb/$filename --acl public-read --region us-east-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Upload failed -- aborting". cleanup_exit 1 fi echo "Uploading $filename to s3://get.influxdb.org/$filename" AWS_CONFIG_FILE=$AWS_FILE aws s3 cp $filepath s3://get.influxdb.org/$filename --acl public-read --region us-east-1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Upload failed -- aborting". cleanup_exit 1 fi done else echo "Not publishing packages to S3." fi ########################################################################### # All done. echo -e "\nPackaging process complete." cleanup_exit 0