use std::{ sync::Arc, task::{Poll, Waker}, }; use futures::Future; use parking_lot::{RwLock, RwLockUpgradableReadGuard}; use pin_project::pin_project; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum PoisonPill {} #[derive(Debug)] struct PoisonCabinetInner { pills: Vec, wait_list: Vec, } impl PoisonCabinetInner { /// Register a waker to be notified when a new pill is added fn register_waker(&mut self, waker: &Waker) { for wait_waker in &self.wait_list { if wait_waker.will_wake(waker) { return; } } self.wait_list.push(waker.clone()) } } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct PoisonCabinet { #[allow(dead_code)] inner: Arc>, } impl PoisonCabinet { pub fn new() -> Self { Self { inner: Arc::new(RwLock::new(PoisonCabinetInner { pills: Vec::with_capacity(0), wait_list: Vec::with_capacity(0), })), } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn add(&self, pill: PoisonPill) { let mut inner = self.inner.write(); inner.pills.push(pill); for waker in inner.wait_list.drain(..) { waker.wake() } } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn contains(&self, pill: &PoisonPill) -> bool { let inner =; inner.pills.contains(pill) } #[allow(dead_code)] pub fn wait_for(&self, pill: PoisonPill) -> PoisonWait { PoisonWait { pill, inner: Arc::clone(&self.inner), } } } #[pin_project] pub struct PoisonWait { pill: PoisonPill, inner: Arc>, } impl Future for PoisonWait { type Output = (); fn poll(self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>) -> Poll { let this = self.project(); let inner = this.inner.upgradable_read(); if inner.pills.contains(this.pill) { return Poll::Ready(()); } let mut inner = RwLockUpgradableReadGuard::upgrade(inner); inner.register_waker(cx.waker()); Poll::Pending } }