Serving React with light-weight Go Lessons learned while building Chronograf 19:00 15 Mar 2017 Tags: react, go, chronograf Chris Goller Architect, InfluxData @goller * Demo - Source: [[]] - [[http://localhost:8888]] * Chronograf Goals - Single Page Application - Install to Productivity in 2 mins - Familiar dev environment for Javascript _and_ Go * Agenda - Walking through the middleware stack - Satisfying both Go and Javascript developers * Simplest File Server .code simple/router_go - However, React routing needs "wildcard" route to return same HTML page. - Client-Side Routing! * React routing - simple routing in react applications use fragments - but if the server supports wildcarding then we can get nice looking routes * Wildcard routing to default asset .code net/http/fs_go /func FileServer/,/^}/ Implement `FileSystem` with a default file .code simple/dir_go /type/,/OMIT END/ * Minimal React Host Server .code simple/react_go * Problems with SPA - Slow loads - Typically, not scrapable * Caching - Cache-Control: [[]] - ETag: [[]] .code caching/dist_go /w\./,/^}/ - Strong ETag validation * Compression - gzip middleware by `` .code gzip/mux_go * Authentication and Authorization - If authenticated able to see assets else redirected to /login - If authorized able to read parts of REST API .code auth/auth_go /func AuthorizedToken/,/^}/ * Bonus middleware :) * HSTS .code hsts/hsts_go /HSTS/,/^}/ - informs the client to cache that HTTPS should be used for a length of time. - if client receives HTTP instead reject as a possible man-in-the-middle. - HSTS doesn't redirect HTTP to HTTPS but rather is only used on HTTPS responses. * Version .code version/version_go /func Version/,/^}/ - Not necessarily directly useful for React - Nice for debugging * Asset Rewriting - index.html generally comes from / - Operationally, nice to serve from different routes - Better way? Help! .code prefixer/url_prefixer_go /\*URLPrefixer/,/^}/ * Development Environment - One repository - "Native" tooling for all developers - Demo - One build system to rule them all... make! * Makefile - Get all vendoring depedencies and build everything! make - Test Go and Javascript make test - Run Go server make run - Continuous builds of the Go server make continuous