package storage

import ""

// namespace is the leading part of all published metrics for the Storage service.
const namespace = "storage"

const retentionSubsystem = "retention" // sub-system associated with metrics for writing points.

// retentionMetrics is a set of metrics concerned with tracking data about retention policies.
type retentionMetrics struct {
	Checks        *prometheus.CounterVec
	CheckDuration *prometheus.HistogramVec
	Unprocessable *prometheus.CounterVec
	Series        *prometheus.CounterVec

func newRetentionMetrics(labels prometheus.Labels) *retentionMetrics {
	var names []string
	for k := range labels {
		names = append(names, k)

	return &retentionMetrics{
		Checks: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: retentionSubsystem,
			Name:      "checks_total",
			Help:      "Number of retention check operations performed.",
		}, names),

		CheckDuration: prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: retentionSubsystem,
			Name:      "check_duration_seconds",
			Help:      "Time taken to perform a successful retention check.",
			// 25 buckets spaced exponentially between 10s and ~2h
			Buckets: prometheus.ExponentialBuckets(10, 1.32, 25),
		}, names),

		Unprocessable: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: retentionSubsystem,
			Name:      "unprocessable_buckets_total",
			Help:      "Number of buckets that could not be operated on.",
		}, names),

		Series: prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: retentionSubsystem,
			Name:      "series_total",
			Help:      "Number of series that a delete was applied to.",
		}, names),

// PrometheusCollectors satisfies the prom.PrometheusCollector interface.
func (rm *retentionMetrics) PrometheusCollectors() []prometheus.Collector {
	return []prometheus.Collector{