# Keep editor-specific, non-project specific ignore rules in global .gitignore: # https://help.github.com/articles/ignoring-files/#create-a-global-gitignore vendor .netrc .vscode .vs .tern-project .DS_Store .idea .cgo_ldflags # binary databases influxd.bolt *.db # Project distribution /dist # Project binaries. /influx /influxd /fluxd /transpilerd /bin # Project tools that you might install with go build. /editorconfig-checker /staticcheck ui/node_modules ui/coverage ui/npm-error.log ui/build ui/.cache ui/package-lock.json ui/junit.xml # e2e test artifacts ui/cypress/screenshots ui/cypress/videos ui/src/api/.gitignore ui/src/api/.openapi-generator-ignore ui/src/api/.openapi-generator/VERSION ui/src/api/git_push.sh # UI generated typescript types ui/src/client/generatedRoutes.ts http/swagger_gen.go # The below files are generated with make generate # These are used with the assests go build tag. chronograf/canned/bin_gen.go chronograf/dist/dist_gen.go chronograf/server/swagger_gen.go http/swagger_gen.go # The rest of the file is the .gitignore from the original influxdb repository, # copied here to prevent mistakenly checking in any binary files # that may be present but previously ignored if you cloned/developed before v2. *~ config.json /bin/ /query/a.out* # ignore generated files. cmd/influxd/version.go # executables *.test **/influx_tsm !**/influx_tsm/ **/influx_stress !**/influx_stress/ **/influxd !**/influxd/ **/influx !**/influx/ **/influxdb !**/influxdb/ **/influx_inspect !**/influx_inspect/ /benchmark-tool /main /benchmark-storage godef gosym gocode inspect-raft # dependencies out_rpm/ packages/ # autconf autom4te.cache/ config.log config.status # log file influxdb.log benchmark.log # config file config.toml # test data files integration/migration_data/ test-logs/ # man outputs man/*.xml man/*.1 man/*.1.gz # test outputs /test-results.xml junit-results cypress/screenshots cypress/videos # profile data /prof # vendored files /vendor # DShell Ignores .ash_history .bash_history .cache/ .cargo/ .dockerignore .influxdbv2/ .profile .rustup/ .yarnrc go/ goreleaser-install