package kv

import (

var (
	// ErrKeyNotFound is the error returned when the key requested is not found.
	ErrKeyNotFound = errors.New("key not found")
	// ErrBucketNotFound is the error returned when the bucket cannot be found.
	ErrBucketNotFound = errors.New("bucket not found")
	// ErrTxNotWritable is the error returned when an mutable operation is called during
	// a non-writable transaction.
	ErrTxNotWritable = errors.New("transaction is not writable")
	// ErrSeekMissingPrefix is returned when seek bytes is missing the prefix defined via
	// WithCursorPrefix
	ErrSeekMissingPrefix = errors.New("seek missing prefix bytes")

// IsNotFound returns a boolean indicating whether the error is known to report that a key or was not found.
func IsNotFound(err error) bool {
	return err == ErrKeyNotFound

// SchemaStore is a superset of Store along with store schema change
// functionality like bucket creation and deletion.
// This type is made available via the `kv/migration` package.
// It should be consumed via this package to create and delete buckets using a migration.
// Checkout the internal tool `cmd/internal/kvmigrate` for building a new migration Go file into
// the correct location (in kv/migration/all.go).
// Configuring your bucket here will ensure it is created properly on initialization of InfluxDB.
type SchemaStore interface {

	// CreateBucket creates a bucket on the underlying store if it does not exist
	CreateBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket []byte) error
	// DeleteBucket deletes a bucket on the underlying store if it exists
	DeleteBucket(ctx context.Context, bucket []byte) error

// Store is an interface for a generic key value store. It is modeled after
// the boltdb database struct.
type Store interface {
	// View opens up a transaction that will not write to any data. Implementing interfaces
	// should take care to ensure that all view transactions do not mutate any data.
	View(context.Context, func(Tx) error) error
	// Update opens up a transaction that will mutate data.
	Update(context.Context, func(Tx) error) error
	// Backup copies all K:Vs to a writer, file format determined by implementation.
	Backup(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error
	// Restore replaces the underlying data file with the data from r.
	Restore(ctx context.Context, r io.Reader) error
	// RLock takes a read lock on the underlying KV store.
	// RUnlock releases a previously-taken read lock

// Tx is a transaction in the store.
type Tx interface {
	// Bucket possibly creates and returns bucket, b.
	Bucket(b []byte) (Bucket, error)
	// Context returns the context associated with this Tx.
	Context() context.Context
	// WithContext associates a context with this Tx.
	WithContext(ctx context.Context)

type CursorPredicateFunc func(key, value []byte) bool

type CursorHints struct {
	KeyPrefix   *string
	KeyStart    *string
	PredicateFn CursorPredicateFunc

// CursorHint configures CursorHints
type CursorHint func(*CursorHints)

// WithCursorHintPrefix is a hint to the store
// that the caller is only interested keys with the
// specified prefix.
func WithCursorHintPrefix(prefix string) CursorHint {
	return func(o *CursorHints) {
		o.KeyPrefix = &prefix

// WithCursorHintKeyStart is a hint to the store
// that the caller is interested in reading keys from
// start.
func WithCursorHintKeyStart(start string) CursorHint {
	return func(o *CursorHints) {
		o.KeyStart = &start

// WithCursorHintPredicate is a hint to the store
// to return only key / values which return true for the
// f.
// The primary concern of the predicate is to improve performance.
// Therefore, it should perform tests on the data at minimal cost.
// If the predicate has no meaningful impact on reducing memory or
// CPU usage, there is no benefit to using it.
func WithCursorHintPredicate(f CursorPredicateFunc) CursorHint {
	return func(o *CursorHints) {
		o.PredicateFn = f

// Bucket is the abstraction used to perform get/put/delete/get-many operations
// in a key value store.
type Bucket interface {
	// TODO context?
	// Get returns a key within this bucket. Errors if key does not exist.
	Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
	// GetBatch returns a corresponding set of values for the provided
	// set of keys. If a value cannot be found for any provided key its
	// value will be nil at the same index for the provided key.
	GetBatch(keys ...[]byte) ([][]byte, error)
	// Cursor returns a cursor at the beginning of this bucket optionally
	// using the provided hints to improve performance.
	Cursor(hints ...CursorHint) (Cursor, error)
	// Put should error if the transaction it was called in is not writable.
	Put(key, value []byte) error
	// Delete should error if the transaction it was called in is not writable.
	Delete(key []byte) error
	// ForwardCursor returns a forward cursor from the seek position provided.
	// Other options can be supplied to provide direction and hints.
	ForwardCursor(seek []byte, opts ...CursorOption) (ForwardCursor, error)

// Cursor is an abstraction for iterating/ranging through data. A concrete implementation
// of a cursor can be found in cursor.go.
type Cursor interface {
	// Seek moves the cursor forward until reaching prefix in the key name.
	Seek(prefix []byte) (k []byte, v []byte)
	// First moves the cursor to the first key in the bucket.
	First() (k []byte, v []byte)
	// Last moves the cursor to the last key in the bucket.
	Last() (k []byte, v []byte)
	// Next moves the cursor to the next key in the bucket.
	Next() (k []byte, v []byte)
	// Prev moves the cursor to the prev key in the bucket.
	Prev() (k []byte, v []byte)

// ForwardCursor is an abstraction for interacting/ranging through data in one direction.
type ForwardCursor interface {
	// Next moves the cursor to the next key in the bucket.
	Next() (k, v []byte)
	// Err returns non-nil if an error occurred during cursor iteration.
	// This should always be checked after Next returns a nil key/value.
	Err() error
	// Close is reponsible for freeing any resources created by the cursor.
	Close() error

// CursorDirection is an integer used to define the direction
// a request cursor operates in.
type CursorDirection int

const (
	// CursorAscending directs a cursor to range in ascending order
	CursorAscending CursorDirection = iota
	// CursorAscending directs a cursor to range in descending order

// CursorConfig is a type used to configure a new forward cursor.
// It includes a direction and a set of hints
type CursorConfig struct {
	Direction CursorDirection
	Hints     CursorHints
	Prefix    []byte
	SkipFirst bool
	Limit     *int

// NewCursorConfig constructs and configures a CursorConfig used to configure
// a forward cursor.
func NewCursorConfig(opts ...CursorOption) CursorConfig {
	conf := CursorConfig{}
	for _, opt := range opts {
	return conf

// CursorOption is a functional option for configuring a forward cursor
type CursorOption func(*CursorConfig)

// WithCursorDirection sets the cursor direction on a provided cursor config
func WithCursorDirection(direction CursorDirection) CursorOption {
	return func(c *CursorConfig) {
		c.Direction = direction

// WithCursorHints configs the provided hints on the cursor config
func WithCursorHints(hints ...CursorHint) CursorOption {
	return func(c *CursorConfig) {
		for _, hint := range hints {

// WithCursorPrefix configures the forward cursor to retrieve keys
// with a particular prefix. This implies the cursor will start and end
// at a specific location based on the prefix [prefix, prefix + 1).
// The value of the seek bytes must be prefixed with the provided
// prefix, otherwise an error will be returned.
func WithCursorPrefix(prefix []byte) CursorOption {
	return func(c *CursorConfig) {
		c.Prefix = prefix

// WithCursorSkipFirstItem skips returning the first item found within
// the seek.
func WithCursorSkipFirstItem() CursorOption {
	return func(c *CursorConfig) {
		c.SkipFirst = true

// WithCursorLimit restricts the number of key values return by the cursor
// to the provided limit count.
func WithCursorLimit(limit int) CursorOption {
	return func(c *CursorConfig) {
		c.Limit = &limit

// VisitFunc is called for each k, v byte slice pair from the underlying source bucket
// which are found in the index bucket for a provided foreign key.
type VisitFunc func(k, v []byte) (bool, error)

// WalkCursor consumers the forward cursor call visit for each k/v pair found
func WalkCursor(ctx context.Context, cursor ForwardCursor, visit VisitFunc) (err error) {
	defer func() {
		if cerr := cursor.Close(); cerr != nil && err == nil {
			err = cerr

	for k, v := cursor.Next(); k != nil; k, v = cursor.Next() {
		if cont, err := visit(k, v); !cont || err != nil {
			return err

		if err := ctx.Err(); err != nil {
			return err

	return cursor.Err()