@feature-loadData @loadData-buckets Feature: Load Data - Buckets As a user I want to Read Create Update and Delete Buckets So that I can manage the stores used with Influxdbv2 @tested Scenario: List Initial Buckets Given I reset the environment Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT" When open the signin page When UI sign in user "DEFAULT" When click nav menu item "LoadData" When click load data tab "Buckets" Then the buckets tab is loaded Then the buckets are sorted as "_monitoring,_tasks,DEFAULT" @tested Scenario: Exercise Create Bucket Dialog When click the Create Bucket button Then the Create Bucket Popup is loaded Then the Create button of Create Bucket Popup is disabled Then the Retention Policy radio button "never" is active Then the Retention Policy intervals controls are not present When click the Retention Policy "intervals" button Then the Retention Policy radio button "intervals" is active Then the Retention Policy radio button "never" is inactive Then the Retention Policy intervals controls are present # N.B. controls replaced with dropdown selector 2019-09-11 #Then the Retention Policy warning message contains "Retention period must be at least an hour" #When enter "61" into the Retention Policy "Seconds" control #Then the Retention Policy "Seconds" control contains the value "1" #Then the Retention Policy "Minutes" control contains the value "1" #Then the Retention Policy warning message contains "Retention period must be at least an hour" #When clear all Retention Policy interval controls #When enter "123" into the Retention Policy "Minutes" control #Then the Retention Policy "Minutes" control contains the value "3" #Then the Retention Policy "Hours" control contains the value "2" #Then the Retention Policy warning message has disappeared #When clear all Retention Policy interval controls #When enter "80" into the Retention Policy "Hours" control #Then the Retention Policy "Hours" control contains the value "8" #Then the Retention Policy "Days" control contains the value "3" #When clear all Retention Policy interval controls #When enter "7" into the Retention Policy "Days" control #Then the Retention Policy "Days" control contains the value "7" #When clear all Retention Policy interval controls #When enter "ABCD" into the Retention Policy "Seconds" control #Then the Retention Policy "Seconds" control contains the value "0" #When enter "ABCD" into the Retention Policy "Minutes" control #Then the Retention Policy "Minutes" control contains the value "0" #When enter "ABCD" into the Retention Policy "Hours" control #Then the Retention Policy "Hours" control contains the value "0" #When enter "ABCD" into the Retention Policy "Days" control #Then the Retention Policy "Days" control contains the value "0" When input the name of the bucket as "ABCD" #Then the Retention Policy warning message contains "Retention period must be at least an hour" When click the Retention Policy "never" button #Then the Retention Policy warning message has disappeared Then the Create button of Create Bucket Popup is enabled When dismiss the Create Bucket Popup Then the Create Bucket Popup is not present When click the Create Bucket button Then the Create Bucket Popup is loaded Then the Create button of Create Bucket Popup is disabled When cancel the Create Bucket Popup Then the Create Bucket Popup is not present @tested Scenario Outline: Create Buckets with Retention Policies When click the Create Bucket button When input the name of the bucket as "" When set the retention policy of the bucket as "" When click the Create Bucket popup Create button Then the bucket named "" is in the list Then the bucket named "" has a Retention Policy of "" Examples: |NAME| RETENTION | | Trvalá | Never | | Měsíční | 30d | | Týdenní | 7d | | Denní | 24h | | Půldenní | 12h | | Hodinová | 1h | | Oprava | 24h | @tested Scenario: Modify Retention Policy When click on settings for bucket named "Oprava" Then the Edit Bucket popup is loaded Then the name edit textbox of the Edit Bucket popup is disabled Then the form help text contains "To rename bucket use the RENAME button below" When dismiss the Edit Bucket Popup Then the Edit Bucket Popup is not present When click on settings for bucket named "Oprava" Then the Edit Bucket popup is loaded When cancel the Edit Bucket Popup Then the Edit Bucket Popup is not present When click on settings for bucket named "Oprava" When set the retention policy of the bucket as "48h" When click Edit Bucket Popup Save Changes # N.B. fix following once issue 14905 is resolved Then the bucket named "Oprava" has a Retention Policy of "48h" @tested Scenario: Filter Buckets When enter "denn" in the Buckets filter field Then the buckets are sorted as "Denní,Půldenní,Týdenní" Then the bucket "Oprava" is not in the list @error-collateral Scenario: Clear Filter When clear the Buckets filter field Then the bucket named "Oprava" is in the list Then the bucket named "_monitoring" is in the list Then the bucket named "_tasks" is in the list Then the bucket named "Týdenní" is in the list @tested Scenario: Sort Buckets by Name When click the sort type dropdown When click sort by item "Name Desc" #Given ensure buckets name sort order "desc" Then the buckets are sorted as "_monitoring,_tasks,Denní,Hodinová,Měsíční,Oprava,Půldenní,DEFAULT,Trvalá,Týdenní" When click the sort type dropdown When click sort by item "Name Asc" # Given ensure buckets name sort order "asc" Then the buckets are sorted as "Týdenní,Trvalá,DEFAULT,Půldenní,Oprava,Měsíční,Hodinová,Denní,_tasks,_monitoring" When click the sort type dropdown When click sort by item "Name Desc" #Given ensure buckets name sort order "desc" @error-collateral Scenario: Sort Buckets by Retention Policy When click the sort type dropdown When click sort by item "retentionRules[0].everySeconds-asc" #When click buckets sort by retention policy Then the buckets are sorted as "Hodinová,Půldenní,Denní,Oprava,_tasks,Týdenní,_monitoring,Měsíční,Trvalá,DEFAULT" When click the sort type dropdown When click sort by item "retentionRules[0].everySeconds-desc" #When click buckets sort by retention policy Then the buckets are sorted as "DEFAULT,Trvalá,Měsíční,Týdenní,_monitoring,_tasks,Oprava,Denní,Půldenní,Hodinová" @tested Scenario Outline: Delete Buckets # following check leads to troublesome false positives - todo fix it # Then the delete button of the card named "" is not present When hover over bucket card named "" When click the delete button of the card named "" When click the confirm delete button of the card named "" Then the bucket card named "" is not in the list Examples: | Name | | Trvalá | | Měsíční | | Týdenní | | Denní | | Půldenní | | Hodinová | | Oprava | @tested Scenario: Add Manual Line Protocol Data to Default Then the add data popover is not present When click add data button for bucket "DEFAULT" Then the add data popover for the bucket "DEFAULT" is visible When click bucket card popover item "Line Protocol" Then the first page of the Line Protocol Wizard is loaded When click radio button "Enter Manually" Then the data point text area is visible When click the Line Protocol wizard precision dropdown When click the line Protocol wizard precision "ms" When enter "12" datapoints with value named "foo" starting at "-2h" with "fibonacci" data of type "int" and prec "ms" When click the Line Protocol wizard write button Then the line Protocol wizard second step opens Then the Line Protocol wizard step status message is "Data Written Successfully" When click the Line Protocol wizard close button Then the line Protocol wizard is not present When API sign in user "DEFAULT" Then the bucket "DEFAULT" for user "DEFAULT" contains: """ { "points": 12, "field": "foo", "measurement": "fibonacci", "start": "-3h", "vals": [1,233], "rows": ["0","-1"] } """ @error-collateral Scenario: Add Manual Line Protocol Bad Data to Default Then the add data popover is not present When click add data button for bucket "DEFAULT" Then the add data popover for the bucket "DEFAULT" is visible When click bucket card popover item "Line Protocol" Then the first page of the Line Protocol Wizard is loaded When click radio button "Enter Manually" Then the data point text area is visible When enter "bad data" into the line protocol text area When click the Line Protocol wizard write button Then the line Protocol wizard second step opens Then the Line Protocol wizard step status message contains "Unable to Write Data" When click the Line Protocol wizard cancel button Then the data point text area is visible When click the Line Protocol wizard close icon Then the line Protocol wizard is not present @tested Scenario: Add Line Protocol Data from File to Default When generate a line protocol testdata file "etc/test-data/line-protocol-hydro.txt" based on: """ { "points": 20, "measurement":"level", "start": "-60h", "algo": "hydro", "prec": "sec", "name": "hydro"} """ When click add data button for bucket "DEFAULT" Then the add data popover for the bucket "DEFAULT" is visible When click bucket card popover item "Line Protocol" Then the first page of the Line Protocol Wizard is loaded When click radio button "Upload File" When add the file "etc/test-data/line-protocol-bogus.txt" to the Line Protocol Wizard file upload Then the popup wizard import file header contains "line-protocol-bogus.txt" When click the Line Protocol wizard write button #When click the Line Protocol wizard continue button Then the popup wizard step state text contains "Unable to Write Data" # appears error class no longer being used 13.8.20 #Then the popup wizard step is in state "error" When click the Line Protocol wizard cancel button #When click the bucket data wizard previous button When click the Line Protocol wizard precision dropdown When click the line Protocol wizard precision "ms" When add the file "etc/test-data/line-protocol-hydro.txt" to the Line Protocol Wizard file upload Then the popup wizard import file header contains "line-protocol-hydro.txt" When click the Line Protocol wizard write button #When click the Line Protocol wizard continue button Then the popup wizard step state text contains "Data Written Successfully" # Success class no longer used 13.8.20 #Then the popup wizard step is in state "success" When click the Line Protocol wizard close button Then the line Protocol wizard is not present #Then the bucket "DEFAULT" for user "DEFAULT" contains "20" datapoints of "hydro" data with value named "level" starting at "-60h" Then the bucket "DEFAULT" for user "DEFAULT" contains: """ { "points": 20, "field": "level", "measurement": "hydro", "start": "-72h", "vals": "skip", "rows": ["0","-1"], "name": "hydro" } """ @tested Scenario: Add Scraper to Default When click add data button for bucket "DEFAULT" Then the add data popover for the bucket "DEFAULT" is visible When click bucket card popover item "Scrape Metrics" When enter the name "Courbet" into the Create Scraper popup name input When click the create scraper create button Then the success notification contains "Scraper was created successfully" When click load data tab "Scrapers" Then there is a scraper card for "Courbet" Scenario: Add Telegraf to Default When click nav menu item "LoadData" When click load data tab "Buckets" When click add data button for bucket "DEFAULT" Then the add data popover for the bucket "DEFAULT" is visible When click bucket card popover item "Configure Telegraf Agent" Then the Create Telegraf Config Wizard is loaded When click the buckets dropdown button When select the buckets dropdown item "DEFAULT" When select the telegraf plugin tile "System" When click the Popup Wizard continue button When enter the telegraf name "Daumier" When click the Popup Wizard continue button Then the success notification contains "telegraf plugin: system." Then the success notification contains "configurations have been saved" When close all notifications When click the Popup Wizard continue button When click load data tab "Telegrafs" Then there is a telegraf card for "Daumier" #TODO - new functionality - click bucket name opens data explorerer