# This file defines feature flags.
# It is used for code generation in the ./kit/feature package.
# If you change this file, run `make flags` to regenerate.
# Format details:
# - name:         Human-readable name
#   description:  Human-readable description
#   key:          Programmatic name
#   default:      Used when unable to reach server and to infer flag type
#   contact:      Contact for information or issues regarding the flag
#   lifetime:     Expected lifetime of the flag; temporary or permanent, default temporary
#   expose:       Boolean indicating whether the flag should be exposed to callers; default false

- name: App Metrics
  description: Send UI Telementry to Tools cluster - should always be false in OSS
  key: appMetrics
  default: false
  expose: true
  contact: Bucky, Monitoring Team
  lifetime: permanent

- name: Backend Example
  description: A permanent backend example boolean flag
  key: backendExample
  default: false
  contact: Gavin Cabbage
  lifetime: permanent

- name: Community Templates
  description: Replace current template uploading functionality with community driven templates
  key: communityTemplates
  default: false
  expose: true
  contact: Bucky, Johnny Steenbergen (Berg)
  lifetime: permanent

- name: Frontend Example
  description: A temporary frontend example integer flag
  key: frontendExample
  default: 42
  contact: Gavin Cabbage
  expose: true

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate Count
  description: Enable Count variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateCount
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate Sum
  description: Enable Sum variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateSum
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate Min
  description: Enable Min variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateMin
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate Max
  description: Enable Max variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateMax
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate Mean
  description: Enable Mean variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateMean
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate First
  description: Enable First variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateFirst
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Window Aggregate Last
  description: Enable Last variant of PushDownWindowAggregateRule and PushDownBareAggregateRule
  key: pushDownWindowAggregateLast
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Group Window Aggregate Transpose
  description: Enables the GroupWindowAggregateTransposeRule for all enabled window aggregates
  key: groupWindowAggregateTranspose
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: New Auth Package
  description: Enables the refactored authorization api
  key: newAuth
  default: false
  contact: Alirie Gray
  lifetime: temporary

- name: Push Down Group Aggregate Count
  description: Enable the count variant of PushDownGroupAggregate planner rule
  key: pushDownGroupAggregateCount
  default: false
  contact: Query Team

- name: Push Down Group Aggregate Sum
  description: Enable the sum variant of PushDownGroupAggregate planner rule
  key: pushDownGroupAggregateSum
  default: false
  contact: Query Team
  lifetime: temporary

- name: Push Down Group Aggregate First
  description: Enable the first variant of PushDownGroupAggregate planner rule
  key: pushDownGroupAggregateFirst
  default: false
  contact: Query Team
  lifetime: temporary

- name: Push Down Group Aggregate Last
  description: Enable the last variant of PushDownGroupAggregate planner rule
  key: pushDownGroupAggregateLast
  default: false
  contact: Query Team
  lifetime: temporary

- name: New Label Package
  description: Enables the refactored labels api
  key: newLabels
  default: false
  contact: Alirie Gray
  lifetime: temporary

- name: New Hydrate Vars Functionality
  description: Enables a minimalistic variable hydration
  key: hydratevars
  default: false
  contact: Ariel Salem / Monitoring Team
  lifetime: temporary
  expose: true

- name: Memory Optimized Fill
  description: Enable the memory optimized fill()
  key: memoryOptimizedFill
  default: false
  contact: Query Team
  lifetime: temporary

- name: Urm Free Tasks
  description: allow task system to operate without creating additional urms
  key: urmFreeTasks
  default: false
  contact: Lyon Hill
  lifetime: temporary

- name: Simple Task Options Extraction
  description: Simplified task options extraction to avoid undefined functions when saving tasks
  key: simpleTaskOptionsExtraction
  default: false
  contact: Brett Buddin
  lifetime: temporary