package tsdb

import (


var (
	// ErrFormatNotFound is returned when no format can be determined from a path.
	ErrFormatNotFound = errors.New("format not found")

	// ErrUnknownEngineFormat is returned when the engine format is
	// unknown. ErrUnknownEngineFormat is currently returned if a format
	// other than tsm1 is encountered.
	ErrUnknownEngineFormat = errors.New("unknown engine format")

// Engine represents a swappable storage engine for the shard.
type Engine interface {
	Open() error
	Close() error

	LoadMetadataIndex(shard *Shard, index *DatabaseIndex, measurementFields map[string]*MeasurementFields) error

	CreateIterator(opt influxql.IteratorOptions) (influxql.Iterator, error)
	SeriesKeys(opt influxql.IteratorOptions) (influxql.SeriesList, error)
	WritePoints(points []models.Point, measurementFieldsToSave map[string]*MeasurementFields, seriesToCreate []*SeriesCreate) error
	DeleteSeries(keys []string) error
	DeleteMeasurement(name string, seriesKeys []string) error
	SeriesCount() (n int, err error)

	// Format will return the format for the engine
	Format() EngineFormat


	Backup(w io.Writer, basePath string, since time.Time) error

// EngineFormat represents the format for an engine.
type EngineFormat int

const (
	// TSM1Format is the format used by the tsm1 engine.
	TSM1Format EngineFormat = 2

// NewEngineFunc creates a new engine.
type NewEngineFunc func(path string, walPath string, options EngineOptions) Engine

// newEngineFuncs is a lookup of engine constructors by name.
var newEngineFuncs = make(map[string]NewEngineFunc)

// RegisterEngine registers a storage engine initializer by name.
func RegisterEngine(name string, fn NewEngineFunc) {
	if _, ok := newEngineFuncs[name]; ok {
		panic("engine already registered: " + name)
	newEngineFuncs[name] = fn

// RegisteredEngines returns the slice of currently registered engines.
func RegisteredEngines() []string {
	a := make([]string, 0, len(newEngineFuncs))
	for k := range newEngineFuncs {
		a = append(a, k)
	return a

// NewEngine returns an instance of an engine based on its format.
// If the path does not exist then the DefaultFormat is used.
func NewEngine(path string, walPath string, options EngineOptions) (Engine, error) {
	// Create a new engine
	if _, err := os.Stat(path); os.IsNotExist(err) {
		return newEngineFuncs[options.EngineVersion](path, walPath, options), nil

	// If it's a dir then it's a tsm1 engine
	format := "tsm1"
	if fi, err := os.Stat(path); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if !fi.Mode().IsDir() {
		return nil, ErrUnknownEngineFormat
	} else {
		format = "tsm1"

	// Lookup engine by format.
	fn := newEngineFuncs[format]
	if fn == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid engine format: %q", format)

	return fn(path, walPath, options), nil

// EngineOptions represents the options used to initialize the engine.
type EngineOptions struct {
	EngineVersion string

	Config Config

// NewEngineOptions returns the default options.
func NewEngineOptions() EngineOptions {
	return EngineOptions{
		EngineVersion: DefaultEngine,
		Config:        NewConfig(),

// DedupeEntries returns slices with unique keys (the first 8 bytes).
func DedupeEntries(a [][]byte) [][]byte {
	// Convert to a map where the last slice is used.
	m := make(map[string][]byte)
	for _, b := range a {
		m[string(b[0:8])] = b

	// Convert map back to a slice of byte slices.
	other := make([][]byte, 0, len(m))
	for _, v := range m {
		other = append(other, v)

	// Sort entries.

	return other

// ByteSlices wraps a list of byte-slices for sorting.
type ByteSlices [][]byte

func (a ByteSlices) Len() int           { return len(a) }
func (a ByteSlices) Swap(i, j int)      { a[i], a[j] = a[j], a[i] }
func (a ByteSlices) Less(i, j int) bool { return bytes.Compare(a[i], a[j]) == -1 }