#!/bin/bash -e # Calculate start time as unix timestamp. PLATFORM=`uname` _date_to_unix_timestamp () { if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Darwin" ] ; then date -j -f "%b %d %T %Z %Y" "$1" "+%s" elif [ "$PLATFORM" = "Linux" ] ; then date -d "$1" "+%s" else echo "I don't know if your date can read a format and a time, failing" exit 99 fi } _timestamp_to_time_string () { if [ "$PLATFORM" = "Darwin" ] ; then date -j -f "%s" "$1" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" elif [ "$PLATFORM" = "Linux" ] ; then date -d "@$1" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" fi } # Starting the test at "Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2000" TIME=`_date_to_unix_timestamp "Jan 01 00:00:00 GMT 2000"` # Set defaults. INTERVAL=10 # 1s NUMCLIENTS=10 NUMSERIES=1 # Parse arguments while getopts "s:c:i:h" opt; do case $opt in i) INTERVAL=$OPTARG ;; c) NUMCLIENTS=$OPTARG ;; s) NUMSERIES=$OPTARG ;; h) echo "urlgen is a utility for generating URL files for siege." echo "" echo "Usage:" echo " urlgen.sh [OPTIONS]" echo "" echo "The following arguments can be specified:" echo "" echo " -i seconds" echo " Interval between requests." echo " Defaults to 10 seconds." echo "" echo " -s num" echo " Number of unique series to generate." echo " Defaults to 1 series." echo "" echo " -c num" echo " Number of clients to simulate." echo " One request per client." echo " Defaults to 10 clients." echo "" exit 1 ;; esac done # Generate a new request every interval per client. for i in `seq 1 $NUMCLIENTS`; do # Move forward the current time. TIME=$((TIME+INTERVAL)) TIMESTAMP=`_timestamp_to_time_string $TIME` # Generate a URL for each series. for series in `seq 1 $NUMSERIES`; do # Generate a URL for each second in the interval. POINTS="" for j in `seq 0 $INTERVAL`; do # Format the timestamp to ISO 8601. let CURRTIME=TIME+j TIMESTAMP=`_timestamp_to_time_string $CURRTIME` # Add comma separator. if [ "$j" -ne "0" ] then POINTS=$POINTS, fi # Append the point. POINTS=$POINTS'{"name": "cpu", "tags": {"host": "server'$series'"}, "timestamp": "'$TIMESTAMP'","fields": {"value": 100}}' done # Write out point. echo 'http://localhost:8086/write POST {"database" : "db", "retentionPolicy" : "raw", "points": ['$POINTS']}' done # Move forward the current time. let TIME=TIME+INTERVAL done