package main import ( "bytes" "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "reflect" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time" "" "" ihttp "" ierror "" "" "" "" input "" ) type pkgSVCsFn func() (pkger.SVC, influxdb.OrganizationService, error) func cmdPkg(f *globalFlags, opts genericCLIOpts) *cobra.Command { return newCmdPkgBuilder(newPkgerSVC, opts).cmd() } type cmdPkgBuilder struct { genericCLIOpts svcFn pkgSVCsFn encoding string file string files []string filters []string disableColor bool disableTableBorders bool org organization quiet bool recurse bool urls []string applyOpts struct { envRefs []string force string secrets []string } exportOpts struct { resourceType string buckets string checks string dashboards string endpoints string labels string rules string tasks string telegrafs string variables string } } func newCmdPkgBuilder(svcFn pkgSVCsFn, opts genericCLIOpts) *cmdPkgBuilder { return &cmdPkgBuilder{ genericCLIOpts: opts, svcFn: svcFn, } } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) cmd() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.cmdPkgApply() cmd.AddCommand( b.cmdPkgExport(), b.cmdPkgSummary(), b.cmdPkgValidate(), ) return cmd } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) cmdPkgApply() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("pkg", b.pkgApplyRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Apply a pkg to create resources", false) b.registerPkgFileFlags(cmd) cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&b.quiet, "quiet", "q", false, "Disable output printing") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.applyOpts.force, "force", "", `TTY input, if package will have destructive changes, proceed if set "true"`) cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&b.disableColor, "disable-color", "c", false, "Disable color in output") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&b.disableTableBorders, "disable-table-borders", false, "Disable table borders") b.applyOpts.secrets = []string{} cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&b.applyOpts.secrets, "secret", nil, "Secrets to provide alongside the package; format should --secret=SECRET_KEY=SECRET_VALUE --secret=SECRET_KEY_2=SECRET_VALUE_2") cmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&b.applyOpts.envRefs, "env-ref", nil, "Environment references to provide alongside the package; format should --env-ref=REF_KEY=REF_VALUE --env-ref=REF_KEY_2=REF_VALUE_2") return cmd } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) pkgApplyRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { if err :=; err != nil { return err } color.NoColor = b.disableColor svc, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } if err :=; err != nil { return err } influxOrgID, err := if err != nil { return err } pkg, isTTY, err := b.readPkg() if err != nil { return err } providedEnvRefs := mapKeys(pkg.Summary().MissingEnvs, b.applyOpts.envRefs) if !isTTY { for _, envRef := range missingValKeys(providedEnvRefs) { prompt := "Please provide environment reference value for key " + envRef providedEnvRefs[envRef] = b.getInput(prompt, "") } } drySum, diff, err := svc.DryRun(context.Background(), influxOrgID, 0, pkg, pkger.ApplyWithEnvRefs(providedEnvRefs)) if err != nil { return err } providedSecrets := mapKeys(drySum.MissingSecrets, b.applyOpts.secrets) if !isTTY { const skipDefault = "$$skip-this-key$$" for _, secretKey := range missingValKeys(providedSecrets) { prompt := "Please provide secret value for key " + secretKey + " (optional, press enter to skip)" secretVal := b.getInput(prompt, skipDefault) if secretVal != "" && secretVal != skipDefault { providedSecrets[secretKey] = secretVal } } } if !b.quiet { b.printPkgDiff(diff) } isForced, _ := strconv.ParseBool(b.applyOpts.force) if !isTTY && !isForced && b.applyOpts.force != "conflict" { confirm := b.getInput("Confirm application of the above resources (y/n)", "n") if strings.ToLower(confirm) != "y" { fmt.Fprintln(b.w, "aborted application of package") return nil } } if b.applyOpts.force != "conflict" && isTTY && diff.HasConflicts() { return errors.New("package has conflicts with existing resources and cannot safely apply") } summary, err := svc.Apply(context.Background(), influxOrgID, 0, pkg, pkger.ApplyWithEnvRefs(providedEnvRefs), pkger.ApplyWithSecrets(providedSecrets)) if err != nil { return err } if !b.quiet { b.printPkgSummary(summary) } return nil } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) cmdPkgExport() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("export", b.pkgExportRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Export existing resources as a package" cmd.AddCommand(b.cmdPkgExportAll()) cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.file, "file", "f", "", "output file for created pkg; defaults to std out if no file provided; the extension of provided file (.yml/.json) will dictate encoding") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.resourceType, "resource-type", "", "The resource type provided will be associated with all IDs via stdin.") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.buckets, "buckets", "", "List of bucket ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.checks, "checks", "", "List of check ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.dashboards, "dashboards", "", "List of dashboard ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.endpoints, "endpoints", "", "List of notification endpoint ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.labels, "labels", "", "List of label ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.rules, "rules", "", "List of notification rule ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.tasks, "tasks", "", "List of task ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.telegrafs, "telegraf-configs", "", "List of telegraf config ids comma separated") cmd.Flags().StringVar(&b.exportOpts.variables, "variables", "", "List of variable ids comma separated") return cmd } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) pkgExportRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { pkgSVC, _, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } opts := []pkger.CreatePkgSetFn{} resTypes := []struct { kind pkger.Kind idStrs []string }{ {kind: pkger.KindBucket, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.buckets, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindCheck, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.checks, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindDashboard, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.dashboards, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindLabel, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.labels, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindNotificationEndpoint, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.endpoints, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindNotificationRule, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.rules, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindTask, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.tasks, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindTelegraf, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.telegrafs, ",")}, {kind: pkger.KindVariable, idStrs: strings.Split(b.exportOpts.variables, ",")}, } for _, rt := range resTypes { newOpt, err := newResourcesToClone(rt.kind, rt.idStrs) if err != nil { return ierror.Wrap(err, rt.kind.String()) } opts = append(opts, newOpt) } if b.exportOpts.resourceType == "" { return b.writePkg(cmd.OutOrStdout(), pkgSVC, b.file, opts...) } kind := pkger.Kind(b.exportOpts.resourceType) if err := kind.OK(); err != nil { return errors.New("resource type must be one of bucket|dashboard|label|variable; got: " + b.exportOpts.resourceType) } if stdin, err := b.inStdIn(); err == nil { stdinInpt, _ := b.readLines(stdin) if len(stdinInpt) > 0 { args = stdinInpt } } resTypeOpt, err := newResourcesToClone(kind, args) if err != nil { return err } return b.writePkg(cmd.OutOrStdout(), pkgSVC, b.file, append(opts, resTypeOpt)...) } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) cmdPkgExportAll() *cobra.Command { cmd := b.newCmd("all", b.pkgExportAllRunEFn) cmd.Short = "Export all existing resources for an organization as a package" cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.file, "file", "f", "", "output file for created pkg; defaults to std out if no file provided; the extension of provided file (.yml/.json) will dictate encoding") cmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&b.filters, "filter", nil, "Filter exported resources by labelName or resourceKind (format: --filter=labelName=example)"), false) return cmd } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) pkgExportAllRunEFn(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { pkgSVC, orgSVC, err := b.svcFn() if err != nil { return err } orgID, err := if err != nil { return err } var ( labelNames []string resourceKinds []pkger.Kind ) for _, filter := range b.filters { pair := strings.SplitN(filter, "=", 2) if len(pair) < 2 { continue } switch key, val := pair[0], pair[1]; key { case "labelName": labelNames = append(labelNames, val) case "resourceKind": k := pkger.Kind(val) if err := k.OK(); err != nil { return err } resourceKinds = append(resourceKinds, k) default: return fmt.Errorf("invalid filter provided %q; filter must be 1 in [labelName, resourceKind]", filter) } } orgOpt := pkger.CreateWithAllOrgResources(pkger.CreateByOrgIDOpt{ OrgID: orgID, LabelNames: labelNames, ResourceKinds: resourceKinds, }) return b.writePkg(cmd.OutOrStdout(), pkgSVC, b.file, orgOpt) } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) cmdPkgSummary() *cobra.Command { runE := func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { pkg, _, err := b.readPkg() if err != nil { return err } b.printPkgSummary(pkg.Summary()) return nil } cmd := b.newCmd("summary", runE) cmd.Short = "Summarize the provided package" b.registerPkgFileFlags(cmd) cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&b.disableColor, "disable-color", "c", false, "Disable color in output") cmd.Flags().BoolVar(&b.disableTableBorders, "disable-table-borders", false, "Disable table borders") return cmd } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) cmdPkgValidate() *cobra.Command { runE := func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { pkg, _, err := b.readPkg() if err != nil { return err } return pkg.Validate() } cmd := b.newCmd("validate", runE) cmd.Short = "Validate the provided package" b.registerPkgFileFlags(cmd) return cmd } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) registerPkgFileFlags(cmd *cobra.Command) { cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&b.files, "file", "f", nil, "Path to package file") cmd.MarkFlagFilename("file", "yaml", "yml", "json", "jsonnet") cmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&b.recurse, "recurse", "R", false, "Process the directory used in -f, --file recursively. Useful when you want to manage related manifests organized within the same directory.") cmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&b.urls, "url", "u", nil, "URL to a package file") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&b.encoding, "encoding", "e", "", "Encoding for the input stream. If a file is provided will gather encoding type from file extension. If extension provided will override.") cmd.MarkFlagFilename("encoding", "yaml", "yml", "json", "jsonnet") } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) writePkg(w io.Writer, pkgSVC pkger.SVC, outPath string, opts ...pkger.CreatePkgSetFn) error { pkg, err := pkgSVC.CreatePkg(context.Background(), opts...) if err != nil { return err } buf, err := createPkgBuf(pkg, outPath) if err != nil { return err } if outPath == "" { _, err := io.Copy(w, buf) return err } return ioutil.WriteFile(outPath, buf.Bytes(), os.ModePerm) } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) readRawPkgsFromFiles(filePaths []string, recurse bool) ([]*pkger.Pkg, error) { mFiles := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, f := range filePaths { files, err := readFilesFromPath(f, recurse) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, ff := range files { mFiles[ff] = struct{}{} } } var rawPkgs []*pkger.Pkg for f := range mFiles { pkg, err := pkger.Parse(b.convertFileEncoding(f), pkger.FromFile(f), pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawPkgs = append(rawPkgs, pkg) } return rawPkgs, nil } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) readRawPkgsFromURLs(urls []string) ([]*pkger.Pkg, error) { mURLs := make(map[string]struct{}) for _, f := range urls { mURLs[f] = struct{}{} } var rawPkgs []*pkger.Pkg for u := range mURLs { pkg, err := pkger.Parse(b.convertURLEncoding(u), pkger.FromHTTPRequest(u), pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) if err != nil { return nil, err } rawPkgs = append(rawPkgs, pkg) } return rawPkgs, nil } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) readPkg() (*pkger.Pkg, bool, error) { pkgs, err := b.readRawPkgsFromFiles(b.files, b.recurse) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } urlPkgs, err := b.readRawPkgsFromURLs(b.urls) if err != nil { return nil, false, err } pkgs = append(pkgs, urlPkgs...) if _, err := b.inStdIn(); err != nil { pkg, err := pkger.Combine(pkgs...) return pkg, false, err } stdinPkg, err := pkger.Parse(b.convertEncoding(), pkger.FromReader(, pkger.ValidSkipParseError()) if err != nil { return nil, true, err } pkg, err := pkger.Combine(append(pkgs, stdinPkg)...) return pkg, true, err } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) inStdIn() (*os.File, error) { stdin, _ :=*os.File) if stdin != os.Stdin { return nil, errors.New("input not stdIn") } info, err := stdin.Stat() if err != nil { return nil, err } if (info.Mode() & os.ModeCharDevice) == os.ModeCharDevice { return nil, errors.New("input not stdIn") } return stdin, nil } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) readLines(r io.Reader) ([]string, error) { bb, err := ioutil.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return nil, err } var stdinInput []string for _, bs := range bytes.Split(bb, []byte("\n")) { trimmed := bytes.TrimSpace(bs) if len(trimmed) == 0 { continue } stdinInput = append(stdinInput, string(trimmed)) } return stdinInput, nil } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) getInput(msg, defaultVal string) string { ui := &input.UI{ Writer: b.w, Reader:, } return getInput(ui, msg, defaultVal) } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) convertURLEncoding(url string) pkger.Encoding { urlBase := path.Ext(url) switch { case strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".jsonnet"): return pkger.EncodingJsonnet case strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".json"): return pkger.EncodingJSON case strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".yml") || strings.HasPrefix(urlBase, ".yaml"): return pkger.EncodingYAML } return b.convertEncoding() } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) convertFileEncoding(file string) pkger.Encoding { ext := filepath.Ext(file) switch { case strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".jsonnet"): return pkger.EncodingJsonnet case strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".json"): return pkger.EncodingJSON case strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".yml") || strings.HasPrefix(ext, ".yaml"): return pkger.EncodingYAML } return b.convertEncoding() } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) convertEncoding() pkger.Encoding { switch { case b.encoding == "json": return pkger.EncodingJSON case b.encoding == "yml" || b.encoding == "yaml": return pkger.EncodingYAML case b.encoding == "jsonnet": return pkger.EncodingJsonnet default: return pkger.EncodingSource } } func newResourcesToClone(kind pkger.Kind, idStrs []string) (pkger.CreatePkgSetFn, error) { ids, err := toInfluxIDs(idStrs) if err != nil { return nil, err } var resources []pkger.ResourceToClone for _, id := range ids { resources = append(resources, pkger.ResourceToClone{ Kind: kind, ID: id, }) } return pkger.CreateWithExistingResources(resources...), nil } func toInfluxIDs(args []string) ([]influxdb.ID, error) { var ( ids []influxdb.ID errs []string ) for _, arg := range args { normedArg := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(arg)) if normedArg == "" { continue } id, err := influxdb.IDFromString(normedArg) if err != nil { errs = append(errs, "arg must provide a valid 16 length ID; got: "+arg) continue } ids = append(ids, *id) } if len(errs) > 0 { return nil, errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n\t")) } return ids, nil } func createPkgBuf(pkg *pkger.Pkg, outPath string) (*bytes.Buffer, error) { var encoding pkger.Encoding switch ext := filepath.Ext(outPath); ext { case ".json": encoding = pkger.EncodingJSON default: encoding = pkger.EncodingYAML } b, err := pkg.Encode(encoding) if err != nil { return nil, err } return bytes.NewBuffer(b), nil } func newPkgerSVC() (pkger.SVC, influxdb.OrganizationService, error) { httpClient, err := newHTTPClient() if err != nil { return nil, nil, err } orgSvc := &ihttp.OrganizationService{ Client: httpClient, } return &pkger.HTTPRemoteService{Client: httpClient}, orgSvc, nil } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) printPkgDiff(diff pkger.Diff) { red := color.New(color.FgRed).SprintFunc() green := color.New(color.FgHiGreen, color.Bold).SprintFunc() diffLn := func(isNew bool, old, new interface{}) string { if isNew { return green(new) } if reflect.DeepEqual(old, new) { return fmt.Sprint(new) } return fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", red(old), green(new)) } boolDiff := func(b bool) string { bb := strconv.FormatBool(b) if b { return green(bb) } return bb } tablePrintFn := b.tablePrinterGen() if labels := diff.Labels; len(labels) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "ID", "Name", "Color", "Description"} tablePrintFn("LABELS", headers, len(labels), func(i int) []string { l := labels[i] var old pkger.DiffLabelValues if l.Old != nil { old = *l.Old } return []string{ boolDiff(l.IsNew()), l.ID.String(), l.Name, diffLn(l.IsNew(), old.Color, l.New.Color), diffLn(l.IsNew(), old.Description, l.New.Description), } }) } if bkts := diff.Buckets; len(bkts) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "ID", "Name", "Retention Period", "Description"} tablePrintFn("BUCKETS", headers, len(bkts), func(i int) []string { b := bkts[i] var old pkger.DiffBucketValues if b.Old != nil { old = *b.Old } return []string{ boolDiff(b.IsNew()), b.ID.String(), b.Name, diffLn(b.IsNew(), old.RetentionRules.RP().String(), b.New.RetentionRules.RP().String()), diffLn(b.IsNew(), old.Description, b.New.Description), } }) } if checks := diff.Checks; len(checks) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "ID", "Name", "Description"} tablePrintFn("CHECKS", headers, len(checks), func(i int) []string { c := checks[i] var oldDesc string if c.Old != nil { oldDesc = c.Old.GetDescription() } return []string{ boolDiff(c.IsNew()), c.ID.String(), c.Name, diffLn(c.IsNew(), oldDesc, c.New.GetDescription()), } }) } if dashes := diff.Dashboards; len(dashes) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "Name", "Description", "Num Charts"} tablePrintFn("DASHBOARDS", headers, len(dashes), func(i int) []string { d := dashes[i] return []string{ boolDiff(true), d.Name, green(d.Desc), green(strconv.Itoa(len(d.Charts))), } }) } if endpoints := diff.NotificationEndpoints; len(endpoints) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "ID", "Name"} tablePrintFn("NOTIFICATION ENDPOINTS", headers, len(endpoints), func(i int) []string { v := endpoints[i] return []string{ boolDiff(v.IsNew()), v.ID.String(), v.Name, } }) } if rules := diff.NotificationRules; len(rules) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "Name", "Description", "Every", "Offset", "Endpoint Name", "Endpoint ID", "Endpoint Type"} tablePrintFn("NOTIFICATION RULES", headers, len(rules), func(i int) []string { v := rules[i] return []string{ green(true), v.Name, v.Description, v.Every, v.Offset, v.EndpointName, v.EndpointID.String(), v.EndpointType, } }) } if teles := diff.Telegrafs; len(teles) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "Name", "Description"} tablePrintFn("TELEGRAF CONFIGS", headers, len(teles), func(i int) []string { t := teles[i] return []string{ boolDiff(true), t.Name, green(t.Description), } }) } if tasks := diff.Tasks; len(tasks) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "Name", "Description", "Cycle"} tablePrintFn("TASKS", headers, len(tasks), func(i int) []string { t := tasks[i] timing := fmt.Sprintf("every: %s offset: %s", t.Every, t.Offset) if t.Cron != "" { timing = t.Cron } return []string{ boolDiff(true), t.Name, green(t.Description), green(timing), } }) } if vars := diff.Variables; len(vars) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "ID", "Name", "Description", "Arg Type", "Arg Values"} tablePrintFn("VARIABLES", headers, len(vars), func(i int) []string { v := vars[i] var old pkger.DiffVariableValues if v.Old != nil { old = *v.Old } var oldArgType string if old.Args != nil { oldArgType = old.Args.Type } var newArgType string if v.New.Args != nil { newArgType = v.New.Args.Type } return []string{ boolDiff(v.IsNew()), v.ID.String(), v.Name, diffLn(v.IsNew(), old.Description, v.New.Description), diffLn(v.IsNew(), oldArgType, newArgType), diffLn(v.IsNew(), printVarArgs(old.Args), printVarArgs(v.New.Args)), } }) } if len(diff.LabelMappings) > 0 { headers := []string{"New", "Resource Type", "Resource Name", "Resource ID", "Label Name", "Label ID"} tablePrintFn("LABEL MAPPINGS", headers, len(diff.LabelMappings), func(i int) []string { m := diff.LabelMappings[i] return []string{ boolDiff(m.IsNew), string(m.ResType), m.ResName, m.ResID.String(), m.LabelName, m.LabelID.String(), } }) } } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) printPkgSummary(sum pkger.Summary) { tablePrintFn := b.tablePrinterGen() if labels := sum.Labels; len(labels) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description", "Color"} tablePrintFn("LABELS", headers, len(labels), func(i int) []string { l := labels[i] return []string{ l.ID.String(), l.Name, l.Properties.Description, l.Properties.Color, } }) } if buckets := sum.Buckets; len(buckets) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Retention", "Description"} tablePrintFn("BUCKETS", headers, len(buckets), func(i int) []string { bucket := buckets[i] return []string{ bucket.ID.String(), bucket.Name, formatDuration(bucket.RetentionPeriod), bucket.Description, } }) } if checks := sum.Checks; len(checks) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description"} tablePrintFn("CHECKS", headers, len(checks), func(i int) []string { c := checks[i].Check return []string{ c.GetID().String(), c.GetName(), c.GetDescription(), } }) } if dashes := sum.Dashboards; len(dashes) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description"} tablePrintFn("DASHBOARDS", headers, len(dashes), func(i int) []string { d := dashes[i] return []string{d.ID.String(), d.Name, d.Description} }) } if endpoints := sum.NotificationEndpoints; len(endpoints) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description", "Status"} tablePrintFn("NOTIFICATION ENDPOINTS", headers, len(endpoints), func(i int) []string { v := endpoints[i] return []string{ v.NotificationEndpoint.GetID().String(), v.NotificationEndpoint.GetName(), v.NotificationEndpoint.GetDescription(), string(v.NotificationEndpoint.GetStatus()), } }) } if rules := sum.NotificationRules; len(rules) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description", "Every", "Offset", "Endpoint Name", "Endpoint ID", "Endpoint Type"} tablePrintFn("NOTIFICATION RULES", headers, len(rules), func(i int) []string { v := rules[i] return []string{ v.ID.String(), v.Name, v.Description, v.Every, v.Offset, v.EndpointName, v.EndpointID.String(), v.EndpointType, } }) } if tasks := sum.Tasks; len(tasks) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description", "Cycle"} tablePrintFn("TASKS", headers, len(tasks), func(i int) []string { t := tasks[i] timing := fmt.Sprintf("every: %s offset: %s", t.Every, t.Offset) if t.Cron != "" { timing = t.Cron } return []string{ t.ID.String(), t.Name, t.Description, timing, } }) } if teles := sum.TelegrafConfigs; len(teles) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description"} tablePrintFn("TELEGRAF CONFIGS", headers, len(teles), func(i int) []string { t := teles[i] return []string{ t.TelegrafConfig.ID.String(), t.TelegrafConfig.Name, t.TelegrafConfig.Description, } }) } if vars := sum.Variables; len(vars) > 0 { headers := []string{"ID", "Name", "Description", "Arg Type", "Arg Values"} tablePrintFn("VARIABLES", headers, len(vars), func(i int) []string { v := vars[i] args := v.Arguments return []string{ v.ID.String(), v.Name, v.Description, args.Type, printVarArgs(args), } }) } if mappings := sum.LabelMappings; len(mappings) > 0 { headers := []string{"Resource Type", "Resource Name", "Resource ID", "Label Name", "Label ID"} tablePrintFn("LABEL MAPPINGS", headers, len(mappings), func(i int) []string { m := mappings[i] return []string{ string(m.ResourceType), m.ResourceName, m.ResourceID.String(), m.LabelName, m.LabelID.String(), } }) } if secrets := sum.MissingSecrets; len(secrets) > 0 { headers := []string{"Secret Key"} tablePrintFn("MISSING SECRETS", headers, len(secrets), func(i int) []string { return []string{secrets[i]} }) } } func (b *cmdPkgBuilder) tablePrinterGen() func(table string, headers []string, count int, rowFn func(i int) []string) { return func(table string, headers []string, count int, rowFn func(i int) []string) { tablePrinter(b.w, table, headers, count, !b.disableColor, !b.disableTableBorders, rowFn) } } func tablePrinter(wr io.Writer, table string, headers []string, count int, hasColor, hasTableBorders bool, rowFn func(i int) []string) { color.New(color.FgYellow, color.Bold).Fprintln(wr, strings.ToUpper(table)) w := tablewriter.NewWriter(wr) w.SetBorder(hasTableBorders) w.SetRowLine(hasTableBorders) var alignments []int for range headers { alignments = append(alignments, tablewriter.ALIGN_CENTER) } descrCol := find("description", headers) if descrCol != -1 { w.SetColMinWidth(descrCol, 30) alignments[descrCol] = tablewriter.ALIGN_LEFT } w.SetHeader(headers) w.SetColumnAlignment(alignments) for i := range make([]struct{}, count) { w.Append(rowFn(i)) } footers := make([]string, len(headers)) if len(headers) > 1 { footers[len(footers)-2] = "TOTAL" footers[len(footers)-1] = strconv.Itoa(count) } else { footers[0] = "TOTAL: " + strconv.Itoa(count) } w.SetFooter(footers) if hasColor { var colors []tablewriter.Colors for i := 0; i < len(headers); i++ { colors = append(colors, tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiCyanColor)) } w.SetHeaderColor(colors...) if len(headers) > 1 { colors[len(colors)-2] = tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiBlueColor) colors[len(colors)-1] = tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiBlueColor) } else { colors[0] = tablewriter.Color(tablewriter.FgHiBlueColor) } w.SetFooterColor(colors...) } w.Render() fmt.Fprintln(wr) } func printVarArgs(a *influxdb.VariableArguments) string { if a == nil { return "" } if a.Type == "map" { b, err := json.Marshal(a.Values) if err != nil { return "{}" } return string(b) } if a.Type == "constant" { vals, ok := a.Values.(influxdb.VariableConstantValues) if !ok { return "[]" } var out []string for _, s := range vals { out = append(out, fmt.Sprintf("%q", s)) } return fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", strings.Join(out, " ")) } if a.Type == "query" { qVal, ok := a.Values.(influxdb.VariableQueryValues) if !ok { return "" } return fmt.Sprintf("language=%q query=%q", qVal.Language, qVal.Query) } return "unknown variable argument" } func formatDuration(d time.Duration) string { if d == 0 { return "inf" } return d.String() } func readFilesFromPath(filePath string, recurse bool) ([]string, error) { info, err := os.Stat(filePath) if err != nil { return nil, err } if !info.IsDir() { return []string{filePath}, nil } dirFiles, err := ioutil.ReadDir(filePath) if err != nil { return nil, err } mFiles := make(map[string]struct{}) assign := func(ss ...string) { for _, s := range ss { mFiles[s] = struct{}{} } } for _, f := range dirFiles { fileP := filepath.Join(filePath, f.Name()) if f.IsDir() { if recurse { rFiles, err := readFilesFromPath(fileP, recurse) if err != nil { return nil, err } assign(rFiles...) } continue } assign(fileP) } var files []string for f := range mFiles { files = append(files, f) } return files, nil } func mapKeys(provided, kvPairs []string) map[string]string { out := make(map[string]string) for _, k := range provided { out[k] = "" } for _, pair := range kvPairs { pieces := strings.SplitN(pair, "=", 2) if len(pieces) < 2 { continue } k, v := pieces[0], pieces[1] if _, ok := out[k]; !ok { continue } out[k] = v } return out } func missingValKeys(m map[string]string) []string { out := make([]string, 0, len(m)) for k, v := range m { if v != "" { continue } out = append(out, k) } sort.Slice(out, func(i, j int) bool { return out[i] < out[j] }) return out } func find(needle string, haystack []string) int { for i, h := range haystack { if strings.ToLower(h) == needle { return i } } return -1 }