package mock

import (


var _ (kv.Store) = (*Store)(nil)

// Store is a mock kv.Store
type Store struct {
	ViewFn   func(func(kv.Tx) error) error
	UpdateFn func(func(kv.Tx) error) error
	BackupFn func(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error

// View opens up a transaction that will not write to any data. Implementing interfaces
// should take care to ensure that all view transactions do not mutate any data.
func (s *Store) View(ctx context.Context, fn func(kv.Tx) error) error {
	return s.ViewFn(fn)

// Update opens up a transaction that will mutate data.
func (s *Store) Update(ctx context.Context, fn func(kv.Tx) error) error {
	return s.UpdateFn(fn)

func (s *Store) Backup(ctx context.Context, w io.Writer) error {
	return s.BackupFn(ctx, w)

var _ (kv.Tx) = (*Tx)(nil)

// Tx is mock of a kv.Tx.
type Tx struct {
	BucketFn      func(b []byte) (kv.Bucket, error)
	ContextFn     func() context.Context
	WithContextFn func(ctx context.Context)

// Bucket possibly creates and returns bucket, b.
func (t *Tx) Bucket(b []byte) (kv.Bucket, error) {
	return t.BucketFn(b)

// Context returns the context associated with this Tx.
func (t *Tx) Context() context.Context {
	return t.ContextFn()

// WithContext associates a context with this Tx.
func (t *Tx) WithContext(ctx context.Context) {

var _ (kv.Bucket) = (*Bucket)(nil)

// Bucket is the abstraction used to perform get/put/delete/get-many operations
// in a key value store
type Bucket struct {
	GetFn           func(key []byte) ([]byte, error)
	GetBatchFn      func(keys ...[]byte) ([][]byte, error)
	CursorFn        func() (kv.Cursor, error)
	PutFn           func(key, value []byte) error
	DeleteFn        func(key []byte) error
	ForwardCursorFn func([]byte, ...kv.CursorOption) kv.ForwardCursor

// Get returns a key within this bucket. Errors if key does not exist.
func (b *Bucket) Get(key []byte) ([]byte, error) {
	return b.GetFn(key)

// GetBatch returns a set of keys values within this bucket.
func (b *Bucket) GetBatch(keys ...[]byte) ([][]byte, error) {
	return b.GetBatchFn(keys...)

// Cursor returns a cursor at the beginning of this bucket.
func (b *Bucket) Cursor(opts ...kv.CursorHint) (kv.Cursor, error) {
	return b.CursorFn()

// Put should error if the transaction it was called in is not writable.
func (b *Bucket) Put(key, value []byte) error {
	return b.PutFn(key, value)

// Delete should error if the transaction it was called in is not writable.
func (b *Bucket) Delete(key []byte) error {
	return b.DeleteFn(key)

// ForwardCursor returns a cursor from the seek points in the configured direction.
func (b *Bucket) ForwardCursor(seek []byte, opts ...kv.CursorOption) (kv.ForwardCursor, error) {
	return b.ForwardCursorFn(seek, opts...), nil

var _ (kv.Cursor) = (*Cursor)(nil)

// Cursor is an abstraction for iterating/ranging through data. A concrete implementation
// of a cursor can be found in cursor.go.
type Cursor struct {
	SeekFn  func(prefix []byte) (k []byte, v []byte)
	FirstFn func() (k []byte, v []byte)
	LastFn  func() (k []byte, v []byte)
	NextFn  func() (k []byte, v []byte)
	PrevFn  func() (k []byte, v []byte)

// Seek moves the cursor forward until reaching prefix in the key name.
func (c *Cursor) Seek(prefix []byte) (k []byte, v []byte) {
	return c.SeekFn(prefix)

// First moves the cursor to the first key in the bucket.
func (c *Cursor) First() (k []byte, v []byte) {
	return c.FirstFn()

// Last moves the cursor to the last key in the bucket.
func (c *Cursor) Last() (k []byte, v []byte) {
	return c.LastFn()

// Next moves the cursor to the next key in the bucket.
func (c *Cursor) Next() (k []byte, v []byte) {
	return c.NextFn()

// Prev moves the cursor to the prev key in the bucket.
func (c *Cursor) Prev() (k []byte, v []byte) {
	return c.PrevFn()