AC_INIT([Influxdb], [0.3.0], [], [influxdb], []) AC_SUBST(PROTOC) AC_SUBST(GO) AC_SUBST(GOROOT) AC_SUBST(with_bison) AC_SUBST(with_flex) AC_PATH_PROG(PROTOC, protoc, "notfound") if test x"${PROTOC}" == x"notfound"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install protobuf before trying to build Influxdb]) fi AC_ARG_WITH([goroot], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-goroot], [Set goroot to use])], [GO=$withval/bin/go; GOROOT=$withval], []) AC_PATH_PROG(GO, go, "notfound") if test x"${GO}" == x"notfound"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install GO (or make sure it's on your path) before trying to build Influxdb]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(BZR, bzr, "notfound") if test x"${BZR}" == x"notfound"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install bzr before trying to build Influxdb]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(HG, hg, "notfound") if test x"${HG}" == x"notfound"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install mercurial before trying to build Influxdb]) fi AC_ARG_WITH([flex], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-flex], [Use flex given at that path])], [], [with_flex=]) if test x"${with_flex}" == x""; then AC_PATH_PROG(with_flex, flex, "notfound") fi if test x"${with_flex}" == x"notfound"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install flex before trying to build Influxdb]) fi AC_ARG_WITH([bison], [AS_HELP_STRING([--with-bison], [Use bison given at that path])], [], [with_bison=]) if test x"${with_bison}" == x""; then AC_PATH_PROG(with_bison, bison, "notfound") fi if test x"${with_bison}" == x"notfound"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([Please install bison before trying to build Influxdb]) fi AC_OUTPUT([Makefile src/parser/Makefile])