-- Demonstrate soft deleted rows will not be return to queries -- IOX_SETUP: OneDeleteSimpleExprOneChunk -- select * SELECT * from cpu; SELECT time, bar from cpu; SELECT min(bar), max(bar) from cpu; SELECT time from cpu; SELECT max(time) from cpu; SELECT min(time) from cpu group by bar; SELECT bar, min(time) from cpu group by bar; SELECT count(time), max(time) from cpu; SELECT count(time) from cpu; SELECT count(time), count(*), count(bar), min(bar), max(bar), min(time), max(time) from cpu; ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- Now add selection predicate SELECT * from cpu where bar = 2.0; SELECT * from cpu where bar != 2.0; SELECT count(time), count(*), count(bar), min(bar), max(bar), min(time), max(time) from cpu where bar= 2.0; SELECT count(time), count(*), count(bar), min(bar), max(bar), min(time), max(time) from cpu where bar != 2.0; SELECT time from cpu where bar=2; SELECT bar from cpu where bar!= 2;