PRAGMA foreign_keys=off; ALTER TABLE replications RENAME TO _replications_old; CREATE TABLE replications ( id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, org_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, name TEXT NOT NULL, description TEXT, remote_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, local_bucket_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, remote_bucket_id VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL, max_queue_size_bytes INTEGER NOT NULL, max_age_seconds INTEGER NOT NULL, latest_response_code INTEGER, latest_error_message TEXT, drop_non_retryable_data BOOLEAN NOT NULL, created_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, updated_at TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT replications_uniq_orgid_name UNIQUE (org_id, name), FOREIGN KEY (remote_id) REFERENCES remotes (id) ON DELETE CASCADE ); INSERT INTO replications SELECT * FROM _replications_old; DROP TABLE _replications_old; -- Create indexes on lookup patterns we expect to be common CREATE INDEX idx_local_bucket_id_per_org ON replications (org_id, local_bucket_id); CREATE INDEX idx_remote_id_per_org ON replications (org_id, remote_id); PRAGMA foreign_keys=on;