package inmem

import (

	platform ""

var (
	errDBRPMappingNotFound = fmt.Errorf("dbrp mapping not found")

func encodeDBRPMappingKey(cluster, db, rp string) string {
	return path.Join(cluster, db, rp)

func (c *Service) loadDBRPMapping(ctx context.Context, cluster, db, rp string) (*platform.DBRPMapping, error) {
	i, ok := c.dbrpMappingKV.Load(encodeDBRPMappingKey(cluster, db, rp))
	if !ok {
		return nil, errDBRPMappingNotFound

	m, ok := i.(platform.DBRPMapping)
	if !ok {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("type %T is not a dbrp mapping", i)

	return &m, nil

// FindBy returns a single dbrp mapping by cluster, db and rp.
func (s *Service) FindBy(ctx context.Context, cluster, db, rp string) (*platform.DBRPMapping, error) {
	return s.loadDBRPMapping(ctx, cluster, db, rp)

func (c *Service) forEachDBRPMapping(ctx context.Context, fn func(m *platform.DBRPMapping) bool) error {
	var err error
	c.dbrpMappingKV.Range(func(k, v interface{}) bool {
		m, ok := v.(platform.DBRPMapping)
		if !ok {
			err = fmt.Errorf("type %T is not a dbrp mapping", v)
			return false
		return fn(&m)

	return err

func (s *Service) filterDBRPMappings(ctx context.Context, fn func(m *platform.DBRPMapping) bool) ([]*platform.DBRPMapping, error) {
	mappings := []*platform.DBRPMapping{}
	err := s.forEachDBRPMapping(ctx, func(m *platform.DBRPMapping) bool {
		if fn(m) {
			mappings = append(mappings, m)
		return true

	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	return mappings, nil

// Find returns the first dbrp mapping that matches filter.
func (s *Service) Find(ctx context.Context, filter platform.DBRPMappingFilter) (*platform.DBRPMapping, error) {
	if filter.Cluster == nil && filter.Database == nil && filter.RetentionPolicy == nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("no filter parameters provided")

	// filter by dbrpMapping id
	if filter.Cluster != nil && filter.Database != nil && filter.RetentionPolicy != nil {
		return s.FindBy(ctx, *filter.Cluster, *filter.Database, *filter.RetentionPolicy)

	mappings, n, err := s.FindMany(ctx, filter)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if n < 1 {
		return nil, errDBRPMappingNotFound

	return mappings[0], nil

// FindMany returns a list of dbrpMappings that match filter and the total count of matching dbrp mappings.
// Additional options provide pagination & sorting.
func (s *Service) FindMany(ctx context.Context, filter platform.DBRPMappingFilter, opt ...platform.FindOptions) ([]*platform.DBRPMapping, int, error) {
	// filter by dbrpMapping id
	if filter.Cluster != nil && filter.Database != nil && filter.RetentionPolicy != nil {
		m, err := s.FindBy(ctx, *filter.Cluster, *filter.Database, *filter.RetentionPolicy)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, 0, err
		return []*platform.DBRPMapping{m}, 1, nil

	filterFunc := func(mapping *platform.DBRPMapping) bool {
		return (filter.Cluster == nil || (*filter.Cluster) == mapping.Cluster) &&
			(filter.Database == nil || (*filter.Database) == mapping.Database) &&
			(filter.RetentionPolicy == nil || (*filter.RetentionPolicy) == mapping.RetentionPolicy) &&
			(filter.Default == nil || (*filter.Default) == mapping.Default)

	mappings, err := s.filterDBRPMappings(ctx, filterFunc)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, 0, err

	return mappings, len(mappings), nil

// Create creates a new dbrp mapping.
func (s *Service) Create(ctx context.Context, m *platform.DBRPMapping) error {
	if err := m.Validate(); err != nil {
		return nil
	existing, err := s.loadDBRPMapping(ctx, m.Cluster, m.Database, m.RetentionPolicy)
	if err != nil {
		if err == errDBRPMappingNotFound {
			return s.PutDBRPMapping(ctx, m)
		return err

	if !existing.Equal(m) {
		return errors.New("dbrp mapping already exists")

	return s.PutDBRPMapping(ctx, m)

// PutDBRPMapping sets dbrpMapping with the current ID.
func (s *Service) PutDBRPMapping(ctx context.Context, m *platform.DBRPMapping) error {
	k := encodeDBRPMappingKey(m.Cluster, m.Database, m.RetentionPolicy)
	s.dbrpMappingKV.Store(k, *m)
	return nil

// Delete removes a dbrp mapping
func (s *Service) Delete(ctx context.Context, cluster, db, rp string) error {
	s.dbrpMappingKV.Delete(encodeDBRPMappingKey(cluster, db, rp))
	return nil