use std::iter::once; use std::{convert::TryInto, str, u32}; use std::{sync::Arc, time::SystemTime}; use arrow::{ array::{ArrayRef, Float64Array, StringArray, TimestampNanosecondArray}, record_batch::RecordBatch, }; use data_types::chunk_metadata::{ChunkStorage, ChunkSummary}; use futures::prelude::*; use prost::Message; use rand::{ distributions::{Alphanumeric, Standard}, thread_rng, Rng, }; use test_helpers::assert_contains; use data_types::{names::org_and_bucket_to_database, DatabaseName}; use database_rules::RoutingRules; use generated_types::google::protobuf::Empty; use generated_types::{ influxdata::iox::management::v1::{self as management, *}, ReadSource, TimestampRange, }; use influxdb_iox_client::flight::PerformQuery; use crate::common::server_fixture::{ServerFixture, DEFAULT_SERVER_ID}; type Error = Box; type Result = std::result::Result; /// A test fixture used for working with the influxdb v2 data model /// (storage gRPC api and v2 write api). /// /// Each scenario is assigned a a random org and bucket id to ensure /// tests do not interfere with one another #[derive(Debug)] pub struct Scenario { org_id: String, bucket_id: String, ns_since_epoch: i64, } impl Scenario { /// Create a new `Scenario` with a random org_id and bucket_id pub fn new() -> Self { let ns_since_epoch = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .expect("System time should have been after the epoch") .as_nanos() .try_into() .expect("Unable to represent system time"); Self { ns_since_epoch, org_id: rand_id(), bucket_id: rand_id(), } } pub fn org_id_str(&self) -> &str { &self.org_id } pub fn bucket_id_str(&self) -> &str { &self.bucket_id } pub fn org_id(&self) -> u64 { u64::from_str_radix(&self.org_id, 16).unwrap() } pub fn bucket_id(&self) -> u64 { u64::from_str_radix(&self.bucket_id, 16).unwrap() } pub fn database_name(&self) -> DatabaseName<'_> { org_and_bucket_to_database(&self.org_id, &self.bucket_id).unwrap() } pub fn ns_since_epoch(&self) -> i64 { self.ns_since_epoch } pub fn read_source(&self) -> Option { let partition_id = u64::from(u32::MAX); let read_source = ReadSource { org_id: self.org_id(), bucket_id: self.bucket_id(), partition_id, }; let mut d = bytes::BytesMut::new(); read_source.encode(&mut d).unwrap(); let read_source = generated_types::google::protobuf::Any { type_url: "/TODO".to_string(), value: d.freeze(), }; Some(read_source) } pub fn timestamp_range(&self) -> Option { Some(TimestampRange { start: self.ns_since_epoch(), end: self.ns_since_epoch() + 10, }) } /// Creates the database on the server for this scenario pub async fn create_database(&self, client: &mut influxdb_iox_client::management::Client) { client .create_database(DatabaseRules { name: self.database_name().to_string(), lifecycle_rules: Some(Default::default()), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); } pub async fn load_data(&self, influxdb2: &influxdb2_client::Client) -> Vec { // TODO: make a more extensible way to manage data for tests, such as in // external fixture files or with factories. let points = vec![ influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("cpu_load_short") .tag("host", "server01") .tag("region", "us-west") .field("value", 0.64) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch()) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("cpu_load_short") .tag("host", "server01") .field("value", 27.99) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 1) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("cpu_load_short") .tag("host", "server02") .tag("region", "us-west") .field("value", 3.89) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 2) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("cpu_load_short") .tag("host", "server01") .tag("region", "us-east") .field("value", 1234567.891011) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 3) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("cpu_load_short") .tag("host", "server01") .tag("region", "us-west") .field("value", 0.000003) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 4) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("system") .tag("host", "server03") .field("uptime", 1303385) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 5) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("swap") .tag("host", "server01") .tag("name", "disk0") .field("in", 3) .field("out", 4) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 6) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("status") .field("active", true) .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 7) .build() .unwrap(), influxdb2_client::models::DataPoint::builder("attributes") .field("color", "blue") .timestamp(self.ns_since_epoch() + 8) .build() .unwrap(), ]; self.write_data(influxdb2, points).await.unwrap(); let host_array = StringArray::from(vec![ Some("server01"), Some("server01"), Some("server02"), Some("server01"), Some("server01"), ]); let region_array = StringArray::from(vec![ Some("us-west"), None, Some("us-west"), Some("us-east"), Some("us-west"), ]); let time_array = TimestampNanosecondArray::from_vec( vec![ self.ns_since_epoch, self.ns_since_epoch + 1, self.ns_since_epoch + 2, self.ns_since_epoch + 3, self.ns_since_epoch + 4, ], None, ); let value_array = Float64Array::from(vec![0.64, 27.99, 3.89, 1234567.891011, 0.000003]); let batch = RecordBatch::try_from_iter_with_nullable(vec![ ("host", Arc::new(host_array) as ArrayRef, true), ("region", Arc::new(region_array), true), ("time", Arc::new(time_array), true), ("value", Arc::new(value_array), true), ]) .unwrap(); arrow_util::display::pretty_format_batches(&[batch]) .unwrap() .trim() .split('\n') .map(|s| s.to_string()) .collect() } async fn write_data( &self, client: &influxdb2_client::Client, points: Vec, ) -> Result<()> { client .write( self.org_id_str(), self.bucket_id_str(), stream::iter(points), ) .await?; Ok(()) } } /// substitutes "ns" --> ns_since_epoch, ns1-->ns_since_epoch+1, etc pub fn substitute_nanos(ns_since_epoch: i64, lines: &[&str]) -> Vec { let substitutions = vec![ ("ns0", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch)), ("ns1", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch + 1)), ("ns2", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch + 2)), ("ns3", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch + 3)), ("ns4", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch + 4)), ("ns5", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch + 5)), ("ns6", format!("{}", ns_since_epoch + 6)), ]; lines .iter() .map(|line| { let mut line = line.to_string(); for (from, to) in &substitutions { line = line.replace(from, to); } line }) .collect() } /// Return a random string suitable for use as a database name pub fn rand_name() -> String { thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Alphanumeric) .take(10) .map(char::from) .collect() } // return a random 16 digit string comprised of numbers suitable for // use as a influxdb2 org_id or bucket_id pub fn rand_id() -> String { thread_rng() .sample_iter(&Standard) .filter_map(|c: u8| { if c.is_ascii_digit() { Some(char::from(c)) } else { // discard if out of range None } }) .take(16) .collect() } pub struct DatabaseBuilder { name: String, partition_template: PartitionTemplate, lifecycle_rules: LifecycleRules, write_buffer: Option, table_whitelist: Option>, } impl DatabaseBuilder { pub fn new(name: String) -> Self { Self { name, partition_template: PartitionTemplate { parts: vec![partition_template::Part { part: Some(partition_template::part::Part::Table(Empty {})), }], }, lifecycle_rules: LifecycleRules { buffer_size_soft: 512 * 1024, // 512K buffer_size_hard: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10MB worker_backoff_millis: 100, ..Default::default() }, write_buffer: None, table_whitelist: None, } } pub fn persist(mut self, persist: bool) -> Self { self.lifecycle_rules.persist = persist; self } pub fn mub_row_threshold(mut self, threshold: u64) -> Self { self.lifecycle_rules.mub_row_threshold = threshold; self } pub fn persist_age_threshold_seconds(mut self, threshold: u32) -> Self { self.lifecycle_rules.persist_age_threshold_seconds = threshold; self } pub fn persist_row_threshold(mut self, threshold: u64) -> Self { self.lifecycle_rules.persist_row_threshold = threshold; self } pub fn late_arrive_window_seconds(mut self, late_arrive_window_seconds: u32) -> Self { self.lifecycle_rules.late_arrive_window_seconds = late_arrive_window_seconds; self } pub fn write_buffer(mut self, write_buffer: database_rules::WriteBufferConnection) -> Self { self.write_buffer = Some(write_buffer); self } pub fn write_buffer_table_whitelist(mut self, whitelist: Vec) -> Self { self.table_whitelist = Some(whitelist); self } pub fn worker_backoff_millis(mut self, millis: u64) -> Self { self.lifecycle_rules.worker_backoff_millis = millis; self } // Build a database pub async fn build(self, channel: tonic::transport::Channel) { let mut management_client = influxdb_iox_client::management::Client::new(channel); let routing_rules = if self.write_buffer.is_some() { const KAFKA_PRODUCER_SINK_ID: u32 = 0; let kafka_producer_sink = management::Sink { sink: Some(management::sink::Sink::Kafka(KafkaProducer {})), }; const DEV_NULL_SINK_ID: u32 = 1; let dev_null_sink = management::Sink { sink: Some(management::sink::Sink::DevNull(DevNull {})), }; let to_shard = |shard: u32| { Box::new(move |i: String| MatcherToShard { matcher: Some(Matcher { table_name_regex: format!("^{}$", i), ..Default::default() }), shard, }) }; if let Some(table_whitelist) = self.table_whitelist { Some(RoutingRules::ShardConfig(ShardConfig { specific_targets: table_whitelist .into_iter() .map(to_shard(KAFKA_PRODUCER_SINK_ID)) .chain(once(to_shard(DEV_NULL_SINK_ID)(".*".to_string()))) .collect(), shards: vec![ (KAFKA_PRODUCER_SINK_ID, kafka_producer_sink), (DEV_NULL_SINK_ID, dev_null_sink), ] .into_iter() .collect(), ..Default::default() })) } else { Some(RoutingRules::RoutingConfig(RoutingConfig { sink: Some(management::Sink { sink: Some(management::sink::Sink::Kafka(KafkaProducer {})), }), })) } } else { None }; management_client .create_database(DatabaseRules { name:, partition_template: Some(self.partition_template), lifecycle_rules: Some(self.lifecycle_rules), worker_cleanup_avg_sleep: None, routing_rules, write_buffer_connection: self.write_buffer, }) .await .expect("create database failed"); } } /// given a channel to talk with the management api, create a new /// database with the specified name configured with a 10MB mutable /// buffer, partitioned on table pub async fn create_readable_database( db_name: impl Into, channel: tonic::transport::Channel, ) { DatabaseBuilder::new(db_name.into()).build(channel).await } /// given a channel to talk with the management api, create a new /// database with no mutable buffer configured, no partitioning rules pub async fn create_unreadable_database( db_name: impl Into, channel: tonic::transport::Channel, ) { let mut management_client = influxdb_iox_client::management::Client::new(channel); let rules = DatabaseRules { name: db_name.into(), ..Default::default() }; management_client .create_database(rules.clone()) .await .expect("create database failed"); } /// given a channel to talk with the management api, create a new /// database with the specified name configured with a 10MB mutable /// buffer, partitioned on table, with some data written into two partitions pub async fn create_two_partition_database( db_name: impl Into, channel: tonic::transport::Channel, ) { let mut write_client = influxdb_iox_client::write::Client::new(channel.clone()); let db_name = db_name.into(); create_readable_database(&db_name, channel).await; let lp_lines = vec![ "mem,host=foo free=27875999744i,cached=0i,available_percent=62.2 1591894320000000000", "cpu,host=foo running=4i,sleeping=514i,total=519i 1592894310000000000", ]; write_client .write(&db_name, lp_lines.join("\n")) .await .expect("write succeded"); } /// Collect the results of a query into a vector of record batches pub async fn collect_query(mut query_results: PerformQuery) -> Vec { let mut batches = vec![]; while let Some(data) = { batches.push(data); } batches } /// Wait for the chunks to be in exactly `desired_storages` states pub async fn wait_for_exact_chunk_states( fixture: &ServerFixture, db_name: &str, mut desired_storages: Vec, wait_time: std::time::Duration, ) -> Vec { // ensure consistent order desired_storages.sort(); let fail_message = format!("persisted chunks in exactly {:?}", desired_storages); let pred = |chunks: &[ChunkSummary]| { let actual_storages = chunks.iter().map(|chunk|>(); desired_storages == actual_storages }; wait_for_state(fixture, db_name, pred, fail_message, wait_time).await } /// Wait for the predicate to pass async fn wait_for_state

( fixture: &ServerFixture, db_name: &str, mut pred: P, fail_message: String, wait_time: std::time::Duration, ) -> Vec where P: FnMut(&[ChunkSummary]) -> bool, { let t_start = std::time::Instant::now(); loop { let chunks = list_chunks(fixture, db_name).await; if pred(&chunks) { return chunks; } // Log the current status of the chunks for chunk in &chunks { println!( "{:?}: chunk {} partition {} storage: {:?} row_count: {} time_of_last_write: {:?}", (t_start.elapsed()),, chunk.partition_key,, chunk.row_count, chunk.time_of_last_write ); } if t_start.elapsed() >= wait_time { let operations = fixture.operations_client().list_operations().await.unwrap(); let mut operations: Vec<_> = operations .into_iter() .map(|x| (, x.metadata())) .collect(); operations.sort_by_key(|x| x.0); panic!( "Could not find {} within {:?}.\nChunks were: {:#?}\nOperations were: {:#?}", fail_message, wait_time, chunks, operations ) } tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(500)).await; } } /// Gets the list of ChunkSummaries from the server pub async fn list_chunks(fixture: &ServerFixture, db_name: &str) -> Vec { let mut management_client = fixture.management_client(); let chunks = management_client.list_chunks(db_name).await.unwrap(); chunks.into_iter().map(|c| c.try_into().unwrap()).collect() } /// Creates a database with a broken catalog pub async fn fixture_broken_catalog(db_name: &str) -> ServerFixture { let server_id = DEFAULT_SERVER_ID; let env = vec![( "INFLUXDB_IOX_WIPE_CATALOG_ON_ERROR".to_string(), "no".to_string(), )]; let fixture = ServerFixture::create_single_use_with_env(env).await; fixture .management_client() .update_server_id(server_id) .await .unwrap(); fixture.wait_server_initialized().await; // // Create database with corrupted catalog // fixture .management_client() .create_database(DatabaseRules { name: db_name.to_string(), ..Default::default() }) .await .unwrap(); let mut path = fixture.dir().to_path_buf(); path.push(server_id.to_string()); path.push(db_name); path.push("transactions"); path.push("00000000000000000001"); std::fs::create_dir(path.clone()).unwrap(); path.push("48eb9059-ca73-45e1-b6b4-e1f47d6159fb.txn"); std::fs::write(path, "INVALID").unwrap(); // // Try to load broken catalog and error // let fixture = fixture.restart_server().await; let status = fixture.wait_server_initialized().await; assert_eq!(status.database_statuses.len(), 1); let load_error = &status.database_statuses[0].error.as_ref().unwrap().message; assert_contains!( load_error, "error loading catalog: Cannot load preserved catalog" ); fixture }