# Every feature demonstrated in this schema is fully supported in the current implementation. # Other schemas may demonstrate future features. # Every point generated by this schema will contain a tag `data_spec=[this_value]`. name = "demo_schema" # This seed can be any string and will be used to seed all random number generators. To change # the randomness in the points generated by this schema, change this value to something else. # To generate the same data in the same order as previous runs with this schema (except for any # elements in this schema you have changed), keep this value the same. base_seed = "this is a demo" [[agents]] name = "basic" sampling_interval = "10s" [[agents.measurements]] name = "cpu" [[agents.measurements.fields]] name = "temp" f64_range = [0.0, 100.0] [[agents.measurements.fields]] name = "location" pattern = "{{city}}, {{country}}" replacements = [ {replace = "city", with = ["San Jose", "San Antonio", "Santa Maria"]}, {replace = "country", with = ["United States", "Costa Rica", ["Argentina", 10]]}, ] [[agents.measurements.fields]] name = "wave_height" i64_range = [0, 10] increment = true reset_after = 20 [[agents.measurements.fields]] name = "uptime" uptime = "i64"