const fs = require('fs') var {Before, After, AfterAll, Status} = require('cucumber'); var {logging} = require('selenium-webdriver'); var perfUtils = require(__srcdir + '/utils/performanceUtils.js'); /* Before(function (scenario, callback) { callback(); }); BeforeAll(async function (scenario, callback) { // await __wdriver.get('chrome://settings/clearBrowserData').then(async () => { // console.log("DEBUG clearing browser cache"); // await __wdriver.sleep(3000); // await __wdriver.switchTo().activeElement(); //// await __wdriver.findElement(By.css("* /deep/ #clearBrowsingDataConfirm")).click(); // await __wdriver.findElement(By.css("clearBrowsingDataConfirm")).click(); // await __wdriver.sleep(3000); // }).catch(async err => { // console.log("DEBUG caught err " + err); // throw err; // }); callback(); })*/ async function writeScreenShot(filename) { filename = filename.replace(/\s+/g, '_'); return await __wdriver.takeScreenshot().then(async (image, err) => { await fs.writeFile(filename, image, 'base64', (err) => { if (err) { console.log(err) } }) return image }) } async function writeConsoleLog(filename){ filename = filename.replace(/\s+/g, '_'); await __wdriver.manage().logs().get(logging.Type.BROWSER).then(async logs => { for(let log in logs){ fs.appendFileSync(filename, `[${(new Date(parseInt(logs[log].timestamp))).toISOString()}]${logs[log].level}:${logs[log].message}\n`); } }) } async function writeDriverLog(filename){ filename = filename.replace(/\s+/g, '_'); await __wdriver.manage().logs().get(logging.Type.DRIVER).then(async logs => { for(let log in logs){ fs.appendFileSync(filename, `[${(new Date(parseInt(logs[log].timestamp))).toISOString()}]:${logs[log].message}\n`); } }) } let scenarioCt = 0; let currentFeature = ''; Before(async function (scenario){ __currentFeature = scenario.sourceLocation.uri.substring(scenario.sourceLocation.uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace('.','-') __currentScenario =; //safety kill any live data generator if(!await scenarioContainsTag(scenario, '@use-live-data') && __liveDataGenRunning){ console.log("killing live generator"); __killLiveDataGen = true; } }); async function scenarioContainsTag(scenario, tag){ let match = scenario.pickle.tags.find( elem => === tag) //console.log("DEBUG match " + match); return match !== undefined; } After(async function (scenario /*, callback */) { //__wdriver.sleep(1500) //DEBUG - getting shots out of order // Handled in cucumber.js // if(!fs.existsSync(`./${__config.screenshot_dir}`)){ // fs.mkdir(`./${__config.screenshot_dir}`, () => {}) // } __reportedResetOnce = true; let uri = scenario.sourceLocation.uri let feature = uri.substring(uri.lastIndexOf("/") + 1).replace('.','-') let name =' ', '_'); name = name.replace('/', '-'); name = name.replace('\\', '-'); if(feature !== currentFeature){ scenarioCt = 0; } if(scenarioCt === 0){ currentFeature = feature; } // let now = new Date() // let nowStr = now.getFullYear().toString() + // (now.getMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0') + // now.getDate().toString().padStart(2, '0') + "-" + // now.getHours().toString().padStart(2, '0') + // now.getMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0') + // now.getSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0') //let filebase = __config.screenshot_dir + '/' + feature + "-" + nowStr + "-" + name let filebase = __screenShotDir + "/" + feature + "-" + (scenarioCt++).toString().padStart(2, '0') + "-" + name; let world = this; if(scenario.result.status === Status.FAILED){ await writeScreenShot(filebase + "-ERR" + ".png").then(async img => { await world.attach(img, 'image/png') }); await writeConsoleLog(filebase + '-ERR-console.log').catch(async e => { throw('failed to write ' + filebase + '-ERR-console.log\n' + e); }); await writeDriverLog(filebase + '-ERR-driver.log').catch(async e => { throw('failed to write ' + filebase + '-ERR-console.log\n' + e); }) }else { await writeScreenShot(filebase + "--OK" + ".png").then(async img => { await world.attach(img, 'image/png') }) } //callback() }); AfterAll(async function ( ) { __reportedResetOnce = false; if(__liveDataGenRunning) { console.log("killing live generator"); __killLiveDataGen = true; } if(perfUtils.performanceLog.length > 0){ await perfUtils.writePerformanceLog(); await perfUtils.writePerfomanceReport(); } });