use std::time::Duration; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use generated_types::influxdata::iox::namespace::v1::{ namespace_service_server::NamespaceService, *, }; use hyper::StatusCode; use iox_catalog::interface::SoftDeletedRows; use iox_time::{SystemProvider, TimeProvider}; use router::{ dml_handlers::{DmlError, RetentionError}, namespace_resolver::{self, NamespaceCreationError}, server::http::Error, }; use tonic::{Code, Request}; use crate::common::TestContext; pub mod common; /// Ensure invoking the gRPC NamespaceService to create a namespace populates /// the catalog. #[tokio::test] async fn test_namespace_create() { // Initialise a TestContext requiring explicit namespace creation. let ctx = TestContext::new(false, None).await; // Try writing to the non-existant namespace, which should return an error. let now = SystemProvider::default() .now() .timestamp_nanos() .to_string(); let lp = "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i ".to_string() + &now; let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", &lp) .await .expect_err("write failed"); assert_matches!( response, Error::NamespaceResolver(namespace_resolver::Error::Create( NamespaceCreationError::Reject(_) )) ); assert_eq!( response.to_string(), "rejecting write due to non-existing namespace: bananas_test" ); // The failed write MUST NOT populate the catalog. { let current = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::AllRows) .await .expect("failed to query for existing namespaces"); assert!(current.is_empty()); } // The RPC endpoint must know nothing about the namespace either. { let current = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert!(current.namespaces.is_empty()); } const RETENTION: i64 = Duration::from_secs(42 * 60 * 60).as_nanos() as _; // Explicitly create the namespace. let req = CreateNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(RETENTION), }; let got = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .create_namespace(Request::new(req)) .await .expect("failed to create namespace") .into_inner() .namespace .expect("no namespace in response"); assert_eq!(, "bananas_test"); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(got.retention_period_ns, Some(RETENTION)); // The list namespace RPC should show the new namespace { let list = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert_matches!(list.namespaces.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(*ns, got); }); } // The catalog should contain the namespace. { let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::ExcludeDeleted) .await .expect("query failure"); assert_matches!(db_list.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(ns.retention_period_ns, got.retention_period_ns); assert!(ns.deleted_at.is_none()); }); } // And writing should succeed let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", lp) .await .expect("write failed"); assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::NO_CONTENT); } /// Ensure invoking the gRPC NamespaceService to delete a namespace propagates /// the catalog and denies writes after the cache has converged / router /// restarted. #[tokio::test] async fn test_namespace_delete() { // Initialise a TestContext requiring explicit namespace creation. let ctx = TestContext::new(true, None).await; const RETENTION: i64 = Duration::from_secs(42 * 60 * 60).as_nanos() as _; // Explicitly create the namespace. let req = CreateNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(RETENTION), }; let got = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .create_namespace(Request::new(req)) .await .expect("failed to create namespace") .into_inner() .namespace .expect("no namespace in response"); assert_eq!(, "bananas_test"); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(got.retention_period_ns, Some(RETENTION)); // The namespace is usable. let now = SystemProvider::default() .now() .timestamp_nanos() .to_string(); let lp = "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i ".to_string() + &now; let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", &lp) .await .expect("write failed"); assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::NO_CONTENT); // The RPC endpoint must return a namespace. { let current = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert!(!current.namespaces.is_empty()); } // Delete the namespace { let _resp = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .delete_namespace(Request::new(DeleteNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), })) .await .expect("must delete"); } // The RPC endpoint must not return the namespace. { let current = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert!(current.namespaces.is_empty()); } // The catalog should contain the namespace, but "soft-deleted". { let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::ExcludeDeleted) .await .expect("query failure"); assert!(db_list.is_empty()); let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::OnlyDeleted) .await .expect("query failure"); assert_matches!(db_list.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(ns.retention_period_ns, got.retention_period_ns); assert!(ns.deleted_at.is_some()); }); } // The cached entry is not affected, and writes continue to be validated // against cached entry. // // let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", &lp) .await .expect("write failed"); assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::NO_CONTENT); // The router restarts, and writes are no longer accepted for the // soft-deleted bucket. let ctx = ctx.restart(); let err = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", lp) .await .expect_err("write should fail"); assert_matches!( err, router::server::http::Error::NamespaceResolver(router::namespace_resolver::Error::Lookup( iox_catalog::interface::Error::NamespaceNotFoundByName { .. } )) ); } /// Ensure creating a namespace with a retention period of 0 maps to "infinite" /// and not "none". #[tokio::test] async fn test_create_namespace_0_retention_period() { // Initialise a TestContext requiring explicit namespace creation. let ctx = TestContext::new(false, None).await; // Explicitly create the namespace. let req = CreateNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(0), // A zero! }; let got = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .create_namespace(Request::new(req)) .await .expect("failed to create namespace") .into_inner() .namespace .expect("no namespace in response"); assert_eq!(, "bananas_test"); assert_eq!(, 1); assert_eq!(got.retention_period_ns, None); // The list namespace RPC should show the new namespace { let list = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert_matches!(list.namespaces.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(*ns, got); }); } // The catalog should contain the namespace. { let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::ExcludeDeleted) .await .expect("query failure"); assert_matches!(db_list.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(ns.retention_period_ns, got.retention_period_ns); assert!(ns.deleted_at.is_none()); }); } // And writing should succeed let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 42424242") .await .expect("write failed"); assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::NO_CONTENT); } /// Ensure creating a namespace with a negative retention period is rejected. #[tokio::test] async fn test_create_namespace_negative_retention_period() { // Initialise a TestContext requiring explicit namespace creation. let ctx = TestContext::new(false, None).await; // Explicitly create the namespace. let req = CreateNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(-42), }; let err = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .create_namespace(Request::new(req)) .await .expect_err("negative retention period should fail to create namespace"); assert_eq!(err.code(), Code::InvalidArgument); assert_eq!(err.message(), "invalid negative retention period"); // The list namespace RPC should not show a new namespace { let list = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert!(list.namespaces.is_empty()); } // The catalog should not contain the namespace. { let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::AllRows) .await .expect("query failure"); assert!(db_list.is_empty()); } // And writing should not succeed let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 42424242") .await .expect_err("write should fail"); assert_matches!( response, Error::NamespaceResolver(namespace_resolver::Error::Create( NamespaceCreationError::Reject(_) )) ); } /// Ensure updating a namespace with a retention period of 0 maps to "infinite" /// and not "none". #[tokio::test] async fn test_update_namespace_0_retention_period() { // Initialise a TestContext requiring explicit namespace creation. let ctx = TestContext::new(false, None).await; // Explicitly create the namespace. let create = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .create_namespace(Request::new(CreateNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(42), })) .await .expect("failed to create namespace") .into_inner() .namespace .expect("no namespace in response"); // And writing in the past should fail ctx.write_lp("bananas", "test", "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 42424242") .await .expect_err("write outside retention period should fail"); let got = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .update_namespace_retention(Request::new(UpdateNamespaceRetentionRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(0), // A zero! })) .await .expect("failed to create namespace") .into_inner() .namespace .expect("no namespace in response"); assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(create.retention_period_ns, Some(42)); assert_eq!(got.retention_period_ns, None); // The list namespace RPC should show the updated namespace { let list = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert_matches!(list.namespaces.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(*ns, got); }); } // The catalog should contain the namespace. { let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::ExcludeDeleted) .await .expect("query failure"); assert_matches!(db_list.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(ns.retention_period_ns, got.retention_period_ns); assert!(ns.deleted_at.is_none()); }); } // The cached entry is not affected, and writes continue to be validated // against the old value. // // let err = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 42424242") .await .expect_err("cached entry rejects write"); assert_matches!( err, router::server::http::Error::DmlHandler(DmlError::Retention( RetentionError::OutsideRetention(name) )) => { assert_eq!(name, "platanos"); } ); // The router restarts, and writes are then accepted. let ctx = ctx.restart(); let response = ctx .write_lp("bananas", "test", "platanos,tag1=A,tag2=B val=42i 42424242") .await .expect("cached entry should be removed"); assert_eq!(response.status(), StatusCode::NO_CONTENT); } /// Ensure updating a namespace with a negative retention period fails. #[tokio::test] async fn test_update_namespace_negative_retention_period() { // Initialise a TestContext requiring explicit namespace creation. let ctx = TestContext::new(false, None).await; // Explicitly create the namespace. let create = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .create_namespace(Request::new(CreateNamespaceRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(42), })) .await .expect("failed to create namespace") .into_inner() .namespace .expect("no namespace in response"); let err = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .update_namespace_retention(Request::new(UpdateNamespaceRetentionRequest { name: "bananas_test".to_string(), retention_period_ns: Some(-42), })) .await .expect_err("negative retention period should fail to create namespace"); assert_eq!(err.code(), Code::InvalidArgument); assert_eq!(err.message(), "invalid negative retention period"); // The list namespace RPC should show the original namespace { let list = ctx .grpc_delegate() .namespace_service() .get_namespaces(Request::new(Default::default())) .await .expect("must return namespaces") .into_inner(); assert_matches!(list.namespaces.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(*ns, create); }); } // The catalog should contain the original namespace. { let db_list = ctx .catalog() .repositories() .await .namespaces() .list(SoftDeletedRows::ExcludeDeleted) .await .expect("query failure"); assert_matches!(db_list.as_slice(), [ns] => { assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(,; assert_eq!(ns.retention_period_ns, create.retention_period_ns); }); } }