@feature-dashboards @dashboards-noteCell Feature: Dashboards - Dashboard - Note Cell As a user I want to Add a Note Cell So that I can provide specific static information # Show note when query return no data makes little sense # Uses Code Mirror still Scenario: Create basic dashboard for notes Given I reset the environment Given run setup over REST "DEFAULT" When open the signin page When UI sign in user "DEFAULT" When click nav menu item "Dashboards" # When hover over the "Dashboards" menu item # When click nav sub menu "Dashboards" Then the Dashboards page is loaded When click the empty Create dashboard dropdown button When click the create dashboard item "New Dashboard" Then the new dashboard page is loaded Then the empty dashboard contains a documentation link Then the empty dashboard contains Add a Cell button When name dashboard "Rumcajs" #N.B. expecting the toggle "show when query returns no data" to not be present # TODO #17412 - add check that toggle not present to detect any regression Scenario: Exercise Add Note popup controls When click dashboard add note button # N.B. add guide link check Then main "Add" note popup is loaded #Then the query no data toggle is not present Then dismiss the popup Then popup is not loaded When click dashboard add note button Then click note popup cancel Then popup is not loaded Scenario: Add Note with markdown When click dashboard add note button When enter the cell note popup CodeMirror text: """ # Večerníček ## Rumcajs **Loupežník Rumcajs** je _pohádková postava_ z [Večerníčku](https://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ve%C4%8Dern%C3%AD%C4%8Dek), jejíž příběhy následně vyšly i knižně. > Jak Rumcajs vysadil duhu na nebe * Rumcajs * Manka * Cipísek 1. Alpha 1. Beta 1. Gamma """ Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "h1" tag with "Večerníček" Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "h2" tag with "Rumcajs" Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "strong" tag with "Loupežník Rumcajs" Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "em" tag with "pohádková postava" Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "blockquote" tag with "Jak Rumcajs vysadil duhu na nebe" Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "ul li" tag with "Rumcajs" Then the main note popup markdown preview panel contains a "ol li" tag with "Alpha" When click the cell note popup save button Then popup is not loaded Then the note cell contains a "h1" tag with "Večerníček" Then the note cell contains a "h2" tag with "Rumcajs" Then the note cell contains a "strong" tag with "Loupežník Rumcajs" Then the note cell contains a "em" tag with "pohádková postava" Then the note cell contains a "blockquote" tag with "Jak Rumcajs vysadil duhu na nebe" Then the note cell contains a "ul li" tag with "Rumcajs" Then the note cell contains a "ol li" tag with "Alpha" @tested Scenario: Edit note When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Note" When click cell content popover edit note Then main "Edit" note popup is loaded # TODO edit text and verify - need to push on to higher priority tests When click note popup cancel Scenario: Delete note When toggle context menu of dashboard cell named "Note" When click cell content popover delete When click cell content popover delet confirm Then the cell named "Note" is no longer present