import {Organization} from '@influxdata/influx' describe('Collectors', () => { beforeEach(() => { cy.flush() cy.signin().then(({body}) => { const { org: {id}, } = body cy.wrap('org') cy.fixture('routes').then(({orgs}) => { cy.visit(`${orgs}/${id}/telegrafs`) }) }) }) describe('from the org view', () => { it('can create a telegraf config', () => { const newConfig = 'New Config' const configDescription = 'This is a new config testing' cy.getByTestID('table-row').should('have.length', 0) cy.contains('Create Configuration').click() cy.getByTestID('overlay--container').within(() => { cy.getByInputName('System').click({force: true}) cy.get('.button') .contains('Continue') .click() cy.getByInputName('name') .clear() .type(newConfig) cy.getByInputName('description') .clear() .type(configDescription) cy.get('.button') .contains('Create and Verify') .click() cy.getByTestID('streaming').within(() => { cy.get('.button') .contains('Listen for Data') .click() }) cy.get('.button') .contains('Finish') .click() }) cy.getByTestID('table-row') .should('have.length', 1) .and('contain', newConfig) }) it('can update configuration name', () => { const newConfigName = 'This is new name' const telegrafConfigName = 'New Config' const description = 'Config Description' cy.get('@org').then(({id}) => { cy.createTelegraf(telegrafConfigName, description, id) }) cy.getByTestID('table-cell').within(() => { cy.getByTestID('editable-name').click() cy.getByTestID('input-field').type(`${newConfigName}{enter}`) }) }) it('can delete a telegraf config', () => { const telegrafConfigName = 'New Config' const description = 'Config Description' cy.get('@org').then(({id}) => { cy.createTelegraf(telegrafConfigName, description, id) cy.createTelegraf(telegrafConfigName, description, id) }) cy.getByTestID('table-row').should('have.length', 2) cy.getByTestID('confirmation-button') .last() .click({force: true}) cy.getByTestID('table-row').should('have.length', 1) }) }) })