package influxql import "errors" // RewriteStatement rewrites stmt into a new statement, if applicable. func RewriteStatement(stmt Statement) (Statement, error) { switch stmt := stmt.(type) { case *ShowFieldKeysStatement: return rewriteShowFieldKeysStatement(stmt) case *ShowMeasurementsStatement: return rewriteShowMeasurementsStatement(stmt) case *ShowSeriesStatement: return rewriteShowSeriesStatement(stmt) case *ShowTagKeysStatement: return rewriteShowTagKeysStatement(stmt) case *ShowTagValuesStatement: return rewriteShowTagValuesStatement(stmt) default: return stmt, nil } } func rewriteShowFieldKeysStatement(stmt *ShowFieldKeysStatement) (Statement, error) { return &SelectStatement{ Fields: Fields([]*Field{ {Expr: &VarRef{Val: "fieldKey"}}, }), Sources: Sources([]Source{ &Measurement{Name: "_fieldKeys"}, }), Condition: rewriteSourcesCondition(stmt.Sources, nil), Offset: stmt.Offset, Limit: stmt.Limit, SortFields: stmt.SortFields, OmitTime: true, Dedupe: true, }, nil } func rewriteShowMeasurementsStatement(stmt *ShowMeasurementsStatement) (Statement, error) { // Check for time in WHERE clause (not supported). if HasTimeExpr(stmt.Condition) { return nil, errors.New("SHOW MEASUREMENTS doesn't support time in WHERE clause") } condition := stmt.Condition if stmt.Source != nil { condition = rewriteSourcesCondition(Sources([]Source{stmt.Source}), stmt.Condition) } return &SelectStatement{ Fields: Fields([]*Field{ {Expr: &VarRef{Val: "_name"}, Alias: "name"}, }), Sources: Sources([]Source{ &Measurement{Name: "_measurements"}, }), Condition: condition, Offset: stmt.Offset, Limit: stmt.Limit, SortFields: stmt.SortFields, OmitTime: true, Dedupe: true, }, nil } func rewriteShowSeriesStatement(stmt *ShowSeriesStatement) (Statement, error) { // Check for time in WHERE clause (not supported). if HasTimeExpr(stmt.Condition) { return nil, errors.New("SHOW SERIES doesn't support time in WHERE clause") } return &SelectStatement{ Fields: []*Field{ {Expr: &VarRef{Val: "key"}}, }, Sources: []Source{ &Measurement{Name: "_series"}, }, Condition: rewriteSourcesCondition(stmt.Sources, stmt.Condition), Offset: stmt.Offset, Limit: stmt.Limit, SortFields: stmt.SortFields, OmitTime: true, Dedupe: true, }, nil } func rewriteShowTagValuesStatement(stmt *ShowTagValuesStatement) (Statement, error) { // Check for time in WHERE clause (not supported). if HasTimeExpr(stmt.Condition) { return nil, errors.New("SHOW TAG VALUES doesn't support time in WHERE clause") } condition := stmt.Condition if len(stmt.TagKeys) > 0 { var expr Expr for _, tagKey := range stmt.TagKeys { tagExpr := &BinaryExpr{ Op: EQ, LHS: &VarRef{Val: "_tagKey"}, RHS: &StringLiteral{Val: tagKey}, } if expr != nil { expr = &BinaryExpr{ Op: OR, LHS: expr, RHS: tagExpr, } } else { expr = tagExpr } } // Set condition or "AND" together. if condition == nil { condition = expr } else { condition = &BinaryExpr{ Op: AND, LHS: &ParenExpr{Expr: condition}, RHS: &ParenExpr{Expr: expr}, } } } condition = rewriteSourcesCondition(stmt.Sources, condition) return &SelectStatement{ Fields: []*Field{ {Expr: &VarRef{Val: "_tagKey"}, Alias: "key"}, {Expr: &VarRef{Val: "value"}}, }, Sources: []Source{ &Measurement{Name: "_tags"}, }, Condition: condition, Offset: stmt.Offset, Limit: stmt.Limit, SortFields: stmt.SortFields, OmitTime: true, Dedupe: true, }, nil } func rewriteShowTagKeysStatement(stmt *ShowTagKeysStatement) (Statement, error) { // Check for time in WHERE clause (not supported). if HasTimeExpr(stmt.Condition) { return nil, errors.New("SHOW TAG KEYS doesn't support time in WHERE clause") } return &SelectStatement{ Fields: []*Field{ {Expr: &VarRef{Val: "tagKey"}}, }, Sources: []Source{ &Measurement{Name: "_tagKeys"}, }, Condition: rewriteSourcesCondition(stmt.Sources, stmt.Condition), Offset: stmt.Offset, Limit: stmt.Limit, SortFields: stmt.SortFields, OmitTime: true, Dedupe: true, }, nil } // rewriteSourcesCondition rewrites sources into `name` expressions. // Merges with cond and returns a new condition. func rewriteSourcesCondition(sources Sources, cond Expr) Expr { if len(sources) == 0 { return cond } // Generate an OR'd set of filters on source name. var scond Expr for _, source := range sources { mm := source.(*Measurement) // Generate a filtering expression on the measurement name. var expr Expr if mm.Regex != nil { expr = &BinaryExpr{ Op: EQREGEX, LHS: &VarRef{Val: "_name"}, RHS: &RegexLiteral{Val: mm.Regex.Val}, } } else if mm.Name != "" { expr = &BinaryExpr{ Op: EQ, LHS: &VarRef{Val: "_name"}, RHS: &StringLiteral{Val: mm.Name}, } } if scond == nil { scond = expr } else { scond = &BinaryExpr{ Op: OR, LHS: scond, RHS: expr, } } } if cond != nil { return &BinaryExpr{ Op: AND, LHS: &ParenExpr{Expr: scond}, RHS: &ParenExpr{Expr: cond}, } } return scond }