{ "meta": { "name": "Hydro test dashboard-Template", "type": "dashboard", "description": "template created from dashboard: Hydro test dashboard", "version": "1", "createdAt": "2019-10-21T12:46:22.452466985Z", "updatedAt": "2019-10-21T12:46:22.452467111Z" }, "content": { "data": { "attributes": { "description": "", "name": "Hydro test dashboard" }, "relationships": { "cell": { "data": [ { "id": "04a79573194a5000", "type": "cell" }, { "id": "04a795c71d4a5000", "type": "cell" } ] }, "label": { "data": [] }, "variable": { "data": [] } }, "type": "dashboard" }, "included": [ { "attributes": { "h": 4, "w": 4, "x": 0, "y": 0 }, "id": "04a79573194a5000", "relationships": { "view": { "data": { "id": "04a79573194a5000", "type": "view" } } }, "type": "cell" }, { "attributes": { "h": 4, "w": 4, "x": 4, "y": 0 }, "id": "04a795c71d4a5000", "relationships": { "view": { "data": { "id": "04a795c71d4a5000", "type": "view" } } }, "type": "cell" }, { "attributes": { "name": "Name this Cell", "properties": { "axes": { "x": { "base": "10", "bounds": [ "", "" ], "label": "", "prefix": "", "scale": "linear", "suffix": "" }, "y": { "base": "10", "bounds": [ "", "" ], "label": "", "prefix": "", "scale": "linear", "suffix": "" } }, "colors": [ { "hex": "#31C0F6", "id": "f583e27b-5ada-4eb2-9ac6-37af00f3c016", "name": "Nineteen Eighty Four", "type": "scale", "value": 0 }, { "hex": "#A500A5", "id": "26bb82bd-364a-4ff6-b0ce-5905adc15bf2", "name": "Nineteen Eighty Four", "type": "scale", "value": 0 }, { "hex": "#FF7E27", "id": "932f9e8b-1aee-49b7-841a-238bb2a73ea9", "name": "Nineteen Eighty Four", "type": "scale", "value": 0 } ], "geom": "line", "legend": {}, "note": "", "queries": [ { "builderConfig": { "aggregateWindow": { "period": "auto" }, "buckets": [], "functions": [], "tags": [ { "key": "_measurement", "values": [] } ] }, "editMode": "advanced", "name": "", "text": "from(bucket: \"qa\")\n |> range(start: v.timeRangeStart, stop: v.timeRangeStop)\n |> filter(fn: (r) => r._measurement == \"hydro\")\n |> filter(fn: (r) => r._field == \"level\")" } ], "shadeBelow": false, "hoverDimension": "y", "shape": "chronograf-v2", "showNoteWhenEmpty": false, "type": "xy", "xColumn": "_time", "yColumn": "_value" } }, "id": "04a79573194a5000", "type": "view" }, { "attributes": { "name": "Name this Cell", "properties": { "note": "This is dashboard shows randomized hydrological data for a month time window. To see the curve set the time window to at least 2d. ", "shape": "chronograf-v2", "type": "markdown" } }, "id": "04a795c71d4a5000", "type": "view" } ] }, "labels": [] }