package http

import (

	platform ""
	influxlogger ""

// NewRouter returns a new router with a 404 handler, a 405 handler, and a panic handler.
func NewRouter() *httprouter.Router {
	router := httprouter.New()
	router.NotFound = http.HandlerFunc(notFoundHandler)
	router.MethodNotAllowed = http.HandlerFunc(methodNotAllowedHandler)
	router.PanicHandler = panicHandler
	return router

// notFoundHandler represents a 404 handler that return a JSON response.
func notFoundHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	ctx := r.Context()
	pe := &platform.Error{
		Code: platform.ENotFound,
		Msg:  "path not found",

	EncodeError(ctx, pe, w)

// methodNotAllowedHandler represents a 405 handler that return a JSON response.
func methodNotAllowedHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	ctx := r.Context()
	allow := w.Header().Get("Allow")
	pe := &platform.Error{
		Code: platform.EMethodNotAllowed,
		Msg:  fmt.Sprintf("allow: %s", allow),

	EncodeError(ctx, pe, w)

// panicHandler handles panics recovered from http handlers.
// It returns a json response with http status code 500 and the recovered error message.
func panicHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, rcv interface{}) {
	ctx := r.Context()
	pe := &platform.Error{
		Code: platform.EInternal,
		Msg:  "a panic has occurred",
		Err:  fmt.Errorf("%v", rcv),

	l := getPanicLogger()
		zap.String("err", pe.Err.Error()),
		zap.String("stack", fmt.Sprintf("%s", debug.Stack())),

	EncodeError(ctx, pe, w)

var panicLogger *zap.Logger
var panicLoggerOnce sync.Once

// getPanicLogger returns a logger for panicHandler.
func getPanicLogger() *zap.Logger {
	panicLoggerOnce.Do(func() {
		panicLogger = influxlogger.New(os.Stderr)
		panicLogger = panicLogger.With(zap.String("handler", "panic"))

	return panicLogger