package stress import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "net/http/httptest" "regexp" "strings" "testing" "time" "" "" ) func TestTimer_StartTimer(t *testing.T) { var epoch time.Time tmr := &Timer{} tmr.StartTimer() s := tmr.Start() if s == epoch { t.Errorf("expected tmr.start to not be %v", s) } } func TestNewTimer(t *testing.T) { var epoch time.Time tmr := NewTimer() s := tmr.Start() if s == epoch { t.Errorf("expected tmr.start to not be %v", s) } e := tmr.End() if e != epoch { t.Errorf("expected tmr.stop to be %v, got %v", epoch, e) } } func TestTimer_StopTimer(t *testing.T) { var epoch time.Time tmr := NewTimer() tmr.StopTimer() e := tmr.End() if e == epoch { t.Errorf("expected tmr.stop to not be %v", e) } } func TestTimer_Elapsed(t *testing.T) { tmr := NewTimer() time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) tmr.StopTimer() e := tmr.Elapsed() if time.Duration(1990*time.Millisecond) > e || e > time.Duration(3*time.Second) { t.Errorf("expected around %s got %s", time.Duration(2*time.Second), e) } } /// basic.go // Types are off func Test_typeArr(t *testing.T) { var re *regexp.Regexp var b bool arr := []string{ "float64", "int", "bool", } ts := typeArr(arr) re = regexp.MustCompile(`[1-9]\d*`) b = re.MatchString(ts[0].(string)) if !b { t.Errorf("Expected line protocol float64 got %v", ts[0]) } re = regexp.MustCompile(`[1-9]\d*i`) b = re.MatchString(ts[1].(string)) if !b { t.Errorf("Expected line protocol int got %v", ts[1]) } re = regexp.MustCompile(`true|false`) b = re.MatchString(ts[2].(string)) if !b { t.Errorf("Expected line protocol bool got %v", ts[2]) } } func Test_typeArrBadTypes(t *testing.T) { arr := []string{ "default", "rand", "", } ts := typeArr(arr) for _, x := range ts { re := regexp.MustCompile(`[1-9]\d*`) b := re.MatchString(x.(string)) if !b { t.Errorf("Expected line protocol float64 got %v", x) } } } func TestPnt_Line(t *testing.T) { p := &Pnt{} b := []byte("a,b=1,c=1 v=1") p.Set(b) if string(p.Line()) != string(b) { t.Errorf("Expected `%v` to `%v`", string(b), string(p.Line())) } } func TestAbstractTags_Template(t *testing.T) { tags := AbstractTags{ AbstractTag{ Key: "host", Value: "server", }, AbstractTag{ Key: "location", Value: "us-west", }, } s := tags.Template() tm := "host=server-%v,location=us-west" if s != tm { t.Errorf("Expected %v got %v", tm, s) } } func TestAbstractFields_TemplateOneField(t *testing.T) { fields := AbstractFields{ AbstractField{ Key: "fValue", Type: "float64", }, } tm, _ := fields.Template() s := "fValue=%v" if s != tm { t.Errorf("Expected `%v` got `%v`", s, tm) } } func TestAbstractFields_TemplateManyFields(t *testing.T) { fields := AbstractFields{ AbstractField{ Key: "fValue", Type: "float64", }, AbstractField{ Key: "iValue", Type: "int", }, AbstractField{ Key: "bValue", Type: "bool", }, AbstractField{ Key: "rValue", Type: "rnd", }, } tm, ty := fields.Template() s := "fValue=%v,iValue=%v,bValue=%v,rValue=%v" if s != tm { t.Errorf("Expected `%v` got `%v`", s, tm) } for i, f := range fields { if f.Type != ty[i] { t.Errorf("Expected %v got %v", f.Type, ty[i]) } } } var basicPG = &BasicPointGenerator{ PointCount: 100, Tick: "10s", Measurement: "cpu", SeriesCount: 100, Tags: AbstractTags{ AbstractTag{ Key: "host", Value: "server", }, AbstractTag{ Key: "location", Value: "us-west", }, }, Fields: AbstractFields{ AbstractField{ Key: "value", Type: "float64", }, }, StartDate: "2006-Jan-01", } func TestBasicPointGenerator_Template(t *testing.T) { fn := basicPG.Template() now := time.Now() m := "cpu,host=server-1,location=us-west" ts := fmt.Sprintf("%v", now.UnixNano()) tm := strings.Split(string(fn(1, now).Line()), " ") if m != tm[0] { t.Errorf("Expected %s got %s", m, tm[0]) } if !strings.HasPrefix(tm[1], "value=") { t.Errorf("Expected %v to start with `value=`", tm[1]) } if ts != string(tm[2]) { t.Errorf("Expected %s got %s", ts, tm[2]) } } func TestBasicPointGenerator_Generate(t *testing.T) { ps, err := basicPG.Generate() if err != nil { t.Error(err) } var buf bytes.Buffer for p := range ps { b := p.Line() buf.Write(b) buf.Write([]byte("\n")) } bs := buf.Bytes() bs = bs[0 : len(bs)-1] _, err = models.ParsePoints(bs) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func Test_post(t *testing.T) { ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { content, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) lines := strings.Split(string(content), "\n") if len(lines) != 3 { t.Errorf("Expected 3 lines got %v", len(lines)) } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) })) defer ts.Close() b := []byte( `cpu,host=server-1,location=us-west value=100 12932 cpu,host=server-2,location=us-west value=10 12932 cpu,host=server-3,location=us-west value=120 12932`, ) _, err := post(ts.URL, "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", bytes.NewBuffer(b)) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } var basicIC = &BasicClient{ Addresses: []string{"localhost:8086"}, Database: "stress", Precision: "n", BatchSize: 1000, BatchInterval: "0s", Concurrency: 10, Format: "line_http", } func TestBasicClient_send(t *testing.T) { ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { content, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) lines := strings.Split(string(content), "\n") if len(lines) != 3 { t.Errorf("Expected 3 lines got %v", len(lines)) } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) })) defer ts.Close() basicIC.Addresses[0] = ts.URL b := []byte( `cpu,host=server-1,location=us-west value=100 12932 cpu,host=server-2,location=us-west value=10 12932 cpu,host=server-3,location=us-west value=120 12932`, ) _, err := basicIC.send(b) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } func TestBasicClient_Batch(t *testing.T) { c := make(chan Point, 0) r := make(chan response, 0) ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { content, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(r.Body) lines := strings.Split(string(content), "\n") if len(lines) != 1000 { t.Errorf("Expected 1000 lines got %v", len(lines)) } w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) })) defer ts.Close() basicIC.Addresses[0] = ts.URL[7:] go func(c chan Point) { defer close(c) for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { p := &Pnt{} p.Next(i, time.Now()) c <- *p } }(c) go func(r chan response) { for _ = range r { } }(r) err := basicIC.Batch(c, r) close(r) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } } var basicQ = &BasicQuery{ Template: Query("SELECT count(value) from cpu WHERE host='server-%v'"), QueryCount: 100, } func TestBasicQuery_QueryGenerate(t *testing.T) { qs, _ := basicQ.QueryGenerate(time.Now) i := 0 for q := range qs { tm := fmt.Sprintf(string(basicQ.Template), i) if Query(tm) != q { t.Errorf("Expected %v to be %v", q, tm) } i++ } } var basicQC = &BasicQueryClient{ Addresses: []string{"localhost:8086"}, Database: "stress", QueryInterval: "10s", Concurrency: 1, } func TestBasicQueryClient_Query(t *testing.T) { ts := httptest.NewServer(http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { time.Sleep(50 * time.Millisecond) w.Header().Set("X-Influxdb-Version", "x.x") w.Header().Set("X-Influxdb-Build", "OSS") var data client.Response w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) _ = json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(data) return })) defer ts.Close() basicQC.Addresses[0] = ts.URL[7:] basicQC.Init() q := "SELECT count(value) FROM cpu" r, err := basicQC.Query(Query(q)) if err != nil { t.Error(err) } var epoch time.Time if r.Time == epoch { t.Errorf("Expected %v to not be epoch", r.Time) } elapsed := r.Timer.Elapsed() if elapsed.Nanoseconds() == 0 { t.Errorf("Expected %v to not be 0", elapsed.Nanoseconds()) } } /// config.go func Test_NewConfigWithFile(t *testing.T) { c, err := NewConfig("stress.toml") if err != nil { t.Error(err) } p := c.Provision w := c.Write r := c.Read if p.Basic.Address != "localhost:8086" { t.Errorf("Expected `localhost:8086` got %s", p.Basic.Address) } if p.Basic.Database != "stress" { t.Errorf("Expected `stress` got %s", p.Basic.Database) } if p.Basic.ResetDatabase != true { t.Errorf("Expected true got %v", p.Basic.ResetDatabase) } pg := w.PointGenerators.Basic if pg.PointCount != 100 { t.Errorf("Expected 100 got %v", pg.PointCount) } if pg.SeriesCount != 100000 { t.Errorf("Expected 100000 got %v", pg.SeriesCount) } if pg.Tick != "10s" { t.Errorf("Expected 10s got %s", pg.Tick) } if pg.Measurement != "cpu" { t.Errorf("Expected cpu got %s", pg.Measurement) } if pg.StartDate != "2006-Jan-02" { t.Errorf("Expected `2006-Jan-02` got `%s`", pg.StartDate) } // TODO: Check tags // TODO: Check fields wc := w.InfluxClients.Basic if wc.Addresses[0] != "localhost:8086" { t.Errorf("Expected `localhost:8086` got %s", wc.Addresses[0]) } if wc.Database != "stress" { t.Errorf("Expected stress got %s", wc.Database) } if wc.Precision != "n" { t.Errorf("Expected n got %s", wc.Precision) } if wc.BatchSize != 10000 { t.Errorf("Expected 10000 got %v", wc.BatchSize) } if wc.BatchInterval != "0s" { t.Errorf("Expected 0s got %v", wc.BatchInterval) } if wc.Concurrency != 10 { t.Errorf("Expected 10 got %v", wc.Concurrency) } if wc.SSL != false { t.Errorf("Expected 10 got %v", wc.SSL) } if wc.Format != "line_http" { t.Errorf("Expected `line_http` got %s", wc.Format) } qg := r.QueryGenerators.Basic if qg.Template != "SELECT count(value) FROM cpu where host='server-%v'" { t.Errorf("Expected `SELECT count(value) FROM cpu where host='server-%%v'` got %s", qg.Template) } if qg.QueryCount != 250 { t.Errorf("Expected 250 got %v", qg.QueryCount) } qc := r.QueryClients.Basic if qc.Addresses[0] != "localhost:8086" { t.Errorf("Expected `localhost:8086` got %s", qc.Addresses[0]) } if qc.Database != "stress" { t.Errorf("Expected stress got %s", qc.Database) } if qc.QueryInterval != "100ms" { t.Errorf("Expected 100ms got %s", qc.QueryInterval) } if qc.Concurrency != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 got %v", qc.Concurrency) } } func Test_NewConfigWithoutFile(t *testing.T) { c, err := NewConfig("") if err != nil { t.Error(err) } p := c.Provision w := c.Write r := c.Read if p.Basic.Address != "localhost:8086" { t.Errorf("Expected `localhost:8086` got %s", p.Basic.Address) } if p.Basic.Database != "stress" { t.Errorf("Expected `stress` got %s", p.Basic.Database) } if p.Basic.ResetDatabase != true { t.Errorf("Expected true got %v", p.Basic.ResetDatabase) } pg := w.PointGenerators.Basic if pg.PointCount != 100 { t.Errorf("Expected 100 got %v", pg.PointCount) } if pg.SeriesCount != 100000 { t.Errorf("Expected 100000 got %v", pg.SeriesCount) } if pg.Tick != "10s" { t.Errorf("Expected 10s got %s", pg.Tick) } if pg.Measurement != "cpu" { t.Errorf("Expected cpu got %s", pg.Measurement) } if pg.StartDate != "2006-Jan-02" { t.Errorf("Expected `2006-Jan-02` got `%s`", pg.StartDate) } // TODO: Check tags // TODO: Check fields wc := w.InfluxClients.Basic if wc.Addresses[0] != "localhost:8086" { t.Errorf("Expected `localhost:8086` got %s", wc.Addresses[0]) } if wc.Database != "stress" { t.Errorf("Expected stress got %s", wc.Database) } if wc.Precision != "n" { t.Errorf("Expected n got %s", wc.Precision) } if wc.BatchSize != 5000 { t.Errorf("Expected 5000 got %v", wc.BatchSize) } if wc.BatchInterval != "0s" { t.Errorf("Expected 0s got %v", wc.BatchInterval) } if wc.Concurrency != 10 { t.Errorf("Expected 10 got %v", wc.Concurrency) } if wc.SSL != false { t.Errorf("Expected 10 got %v", wc.SSL) } if wc.Format != "line_http" { t.Errorf("Expected `line_http` got %s", wc.Format) } qg := r.QueryGenerators.Basic if qg.Template != "SELECT count(value) FROM cpu where host='server-%v'" { t.Errorf("Expected `SELECT count(value) FROM cpu where host='server-%%v'` got %s", qg.Template) } if qg.QueryCount != 250 { t.Errorf("Expected 250 got %v", qg.QueryCount) } qc := r.QueryClients.Basic if qc.Addresses[0] != "localhost:8086" { t.Errorf("Expected `localhost:8086` got %s", qc.Addresses[0]) } if qc.Database != "stress" { t.Errorf("Expected stress got %s", qc.Database) } if qc.QueryInterval != "100ms" { t.Errorf("Expected 100ms got %s", qc.QueryInterval) } if qc.Concurrency != 1 { t.Errorf("Expected 1 got %v", qc.Concurrency) } } /// run.go // TODO